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How to Chat | F.A.Q. | User Agreement | Guidelines | Chat Support

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for Chatters

User Features:

How To's & Features

For those who want to chat on The Mining Co.:

User Features:

  1. What kind of browser do I need to chat?

    You need to use a web browser that is Java enabled in order to use chat on a Mining Co. site.

    If your browser is not Java enabled you will not see the chat room but get a message 'Sorry your browser is not Java enabled.'

    Windows 95 users may chat using any of the following browsers: Netscape 2.0, or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher.

    Win 3.1 users can use Netscape 3.01 Beta with Java for Windows 3.1. (See below for more Win 3.1 questions.)

    MAC users can use MS Internet Explorer 3.01b or 4.0. The chat rooms will not work reliably with Netscape 3.0. (Please see below for more MAC related questions.)

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  2. Is there a Java enabled browser for Windows 3.1 that works with this chat?

    You could use the new Navigator 3.01 Beta with Java for Windows 3.1 available for download at Netscape Software Download.

    It is believed to work with this chat client though it is slow and has some bugs.

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  3. I am using a MAC and cannot connect to any chat rooms. Why?

    There are known problems with Netscape's implementation of Java on the MAC and the ParaChat software developers are working with Netscape on a solution. Netscape 3.0x will not work. Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3.01b is known to work well for some Mac users but with some repaint bugs. Internet Explorer 4.0 also works, but with the JIT compiler disabled and using Microsoft's Java VM.

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  4. I use AOL, how can I chat?

    Just connect to AOL, minimize the AOL window and launch a Java enabled browser. You can download Netscape Navigator v3.01 (or higher) from or Microsoft Internet Explorer v3.0 (or higher) from

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  5. I am using a proxy server or am behind a firewall, can I chat?

    Sorry, but you will be unable to access any of the chat rooms from behind a firewall or via a proxy server.

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  6. Does this chat work with IRC? Can I use an IRC client to connect to a chat room or use the chat client to connect to IRC?

    No. Even though this chat client uses a superset of the IRC protocol, the chat server cannot be currently accessed via an IRC client. Similarly the chat client cannot be used to connect to an IRC channel.

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  7. Does this chat client work with Web TV?

    No, this chat does not work with Web TV.

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  8. I am using Netscape 3.0/MS I.E. 3.0 on Windows 95 and still get the 'Sorry not Java enabled' message, is there some option I need to set?

    Make sure that your browser's Java feature is enabled. For Netscape Navigator, enable Java by going to the browser's pull-down menu and clicking "Options," "Network Preferences," "Language." Make sure the "Enable Java" checkbox is checked.

    For Microsoft Internet Explorer, select "View" from the browser's pull-down menu then choose "Options," "Security." Check the "Enable Java programs" checkbox.

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  9. I cannot connect to chat. I get some or all of the following messages: Connection Failed. Disconnected: Network connection closed. Why? What do I do?

    These errors are due to your Internet connection going down or your inability to access the chat servers. This can be due to a failure on your ISP (Internet Service Provider), your modem or a downed computer on the path between your computer and the chat server. It can also be because you are behind a firewall or using a proxy server (i.e not directly connected to the Net).

    If you suspect the connection problem is due to some other computer on the path from your machine to the chat server, you can do a trace route to see the connection lags. You may want to just check back later when the Net is behaving better. Also, if you suspect something is amiss, try ... which is updated every 15 minutes.

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  10. I get one or more of the following messages: 'Security Violation. Java.lang.verify error, Applet exception:java.lang.ClassFormatError and the chat applet does not load, what do I do?

    This is probably because your browser is caching an earlier version of the applet. Here's how to solve that problem:

    Flush the browser's cache:

    For Netscape : On the browser's menu bar, go to "Options," select "Network Preferences," select "Cache," click on "Clear Memory Cache Now," click on "OK." Click on "Clear Disk Cache Now," click on "OK." Set "Verify Documents to Every Time," click on "OK."

    For Microsoft Internet Explorer: On the browser's menu bar, go to "View," select "Options," select "Advanced," click on "Settings for the Temporary Internet Files." Check the "Every Visit" to the page option under Check for newer versions of stored pages. Click on "Empty Folder" and select "Yes" to the delete temporarily files message. Click on "OK" in the Options Dialog.

    Exit the browser completely and restart it.

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  11. Why does it take longer to connect to chat sometimes?

    It could be due to your machine, slowness of the chat server, or any computer on the Net that's in between them. You can often determine which computer on the Net is causing the problem by doing a trace route to see the connection lags. From time to time, we are all victims of Internet slow downs. You may want to just check back later when the Net is behaving better. Also, if you suspect something is amiss, try ... which is updated every 15minutes ...

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  12. I get ...'could not connect to server BAD_PARAMETERS:BAD_PARAMETERS'. Why?

    Netscape Gold 3.0 users may get this error due to a parameter passing bug present in that particular version of the browser. On certain versions of Netscape, this problem can be fixed by changing the Document Encoding to 'Western'. On your browser, click on Options, then click on Document Encoding and set it to Western. If that does not correct the problem, you may need to use another browser/version like Netscape 3.0 (non Gold), Gold 3.01 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0. If you still experience a "bad parameter" message after taking the above steps, please let us know.

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    How To's & Features

  13. How do I use chat?

    On any Mining Co. site, click Chat in the top frame to go to the site's chat area. To enter the room, click on "Log on to Chat." Enter your username/nickname. Chat names can not contain any spaces or special characters. You may also enter your real name email address, and a password. (We do NOT verify this information). Click "OK, Connect." You will now be in the chat room. You will see the other chat users in the black window on the right. Type your message in the text box at the bottom of the screen (where it says, "Type Here") and hit return. Messages are sent to all users by default.

    [NOTE: You cannot save or reserve your chat nickname. Nicknames are freed up as soon as you log out of a chat room.]

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  14. Can I customize the chat window, fonts, and colors?

    Certainly. Type '*chat' in the text box (where you type to send messages) to get help on how to change fonts and colors for your window. [Note: You must include the asterisk (*).]

    For example:
    *chat bgcolor black (changes background color of the chat window to black)
    *chat fgcolor green (changes foreground (text) color of the chat window to green)
    *chat font courier (changes font of the chat window to Courier)
    *chat fontsize 14 (changes font size of the chat window to 14)
    *chat (gives help on the entire list of commands available)

    [NOTE: The chat room settings will revert back to the default when you log out of a room.]

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  15. I am new to chat and I am not sure what all of these symbols and word abbreviations mean?

    Symbols used in chat rooms are an easy, fast way to show emotion. Find out what things like ;-) or :P mean by visiting
    Smileys List for a complete listing. Or, if you want to know what all acronyms and abbreviations used in chat rooms mean, go to Huge Acronym List to find out!

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  16. How can I send "smileys" or emoticons to others in the chat room?

    You can send smileys the same way as you would in any other chat room, but with one exception: For this chat client, the colon (:) is used for some server admin commands, so it cannot be used in a smiley at the beginning of a line. There must be a word/character placed before the colon [i.e., Hello! :-)].

    This does not apply to the use of semi-colons, commas, etc.

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  17. Can I get an audio cue, (a beep notification) when someone enters or leaves the room?

    Yes, you can. Use the *beep command in the chat room to set an audio cue when anyone enters or leaves the room. If you enter *beep (in the message line) you will get a help message as well as the current beep settings.

    To turn beep on when someone enters the room use:
    *beep enter on

    To turn beep on when someone leaves the room use:
    *beep leave on

    To turn beep off when someone enters the room use:
    *beep enter off

    To turn beep off when someone leaves the room use:
    *beep leave off

    [NOTE: Settings will revert back to the default (sounds off) when you leave the room.]

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  18. My Java console gives me a 'set daemon bug' message on Netscape. What is that?

    This is just an informational message. You can ignore it.

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  19. How do I send a private message?

    Highlight the user you wish to send a private message to, check the "Private Chat" checkbox and then type your message. Your message is sent only to that user with a [PRIVATE your_name] in front of it so he/she knows who sent it and that it is private. Only two users can participate in one Private chat.

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  20. Can I block out annoying messages?

    Yes definitely. To silence annoying chatters in your room, highlight the user, check the 'Ignore User' check box, and then any message sent by the user will not be displayed on your screen. If you prefer using keyboard commands you can type '*ignore add <username>'. It’s as if that annoying user just went away! More than one user can be ignored in a session.

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  21. What's that Surf button for?

    By default, the Surf button takes you to the last URL entered in the chat room, i.e., the last URL someone typed in as part of their message. If you want to surf, highlight the URL in the chat window and hit "Surf." This is how you can visit that cool site some user just typed a message about. Please note, the Surf option takes you to the URL on a new browser so you can keep chatting on the original browser window.

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  22. How can I find out more about the others in the chat room?

    Highlight the user name and click on the 'User Info' button to get info on the user's login. While we urge people to be forthcoming, there is no guarantee that the information you see when clicking on "User Info" is accurate.

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  23. What is the Float Button for? Can I resize the chat window after a Float?

    Click on the Float button to bring up the chat applet in its own window, separate from the browser. This separate chat window can be resized and moved independently of the browser window containing the chat web page. Use Unfloat to fix the room back on the chat web page. Please note, by default the size of the floated window is 3/4 the size of your browser window. You can re-size it as you wish.

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  24. I am being annoyed/harassed by a user on the chat room. What can I do?

    You can ignore the user by highlighting their nickname and clicking on the "Ignore User" button. The Ignored users imput will not be visible to you after that. You can also email The Mining Co. with details of the problem, however The Mining Co. may opt not to follow up on these complaints as much of this is just the nature of the Internet chat experience. Most of the time The Mining Co.'s chat rooms are unmoderated so the Guide will not be available to assist you.

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  25. Can I make the chat window bigger?


    Click on the "Float" button to bring up the chat applet in its own window, separate from the browser. This separate chat window can be resized and moved independent of the browser window containing the chat web page. Use Unfloat to fix the room back on the chat web page.

    Please note by default the size of the floated window is 3/4 the size of your browser window. You can re-size it as you wish.

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  26. I was logged on and the connection to the Internet/chat server dropped. I cannot log back with the same username (nickname) Why?

    If you log back via the same machine (IP address) it detects a more recent login and lets you in. However if you use another IP address (another machine or a dynamic IP address), it will not permit another login if it still has a login under that user name. After a time-out period of 15 minutes the user is automatically logged off and you can then reuse the same user name (nickname).

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  27. I get 'You do not appear to have the correct version of the Client Software' and can no longer use ParaChat. What do I do?

    Please flush the cache, exit and restart your browser to automatically get the latest version of the ParaChat applet. Your browser has cached an earlier version.

    Here is how to flush the browser's cache:

      For Netscape: On the browser's menu bar, go to Options ,select Network Preferences ,select Cache,click on Clear Memory Cache Now,click on OK. Click on Clear Disk Cache Now, click on OK. Set Verify Documents to Every Time, click on OK.

      For Microsoft Internet Explorer: On the browser's menu bar, go to View,select Options ,select Advanced , click on Settings for the Temporary Internet Files. Check the Every visit to the page option under Check for newer versions of stored pages. Click on Empty Folder and select Yes to the Delete temporarily files message. Click on OK Click on OK in the Options Dialog.

    Exit the browser completely and restart it.

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  28. I log into the room, others can see what I type, but I cannot see anyone?

    This problem is most common on Netscape and is due to the use of the JIT compiler (Just in time compiler usually used for optimization but can result in a flawed implementation for the Java applet). This JIT compiler option must be disabled.

    On Netscape

    Find the *jit*dll file in the Netscape install directory and rename it. Restart the browser.

    Details on how to do this

    Find the JIT compiler by using the Windows Find function. Go to the Start button on the bottom
    left (or hit the Start key on the keyboard)

    Click Find, click Files or Folders, In Named box enter *jit*dll
    In Look in enter the drive where netscape is installed
    e.g :
    Make sure Include subfolders, is checked
    Hit Find Now.

    After some time you should find at least 1 and often 2 files
    The one in windows directory called jit.dll is ok.
    The other in the Netscape program directory called jit32301.dll (or something similar jitxxx.dll )
    is not. Rename it to or anything else. You can rename it by just clicking on the name and
    editing it there.

    Exit browser,
    Restart browser (may need Windows restart sometimes)

    IE 4.0

    Go to View, Internet Options, Advanced
    Scroll down to Java JIT compiler enabled and deselect that option
    Click on OK

    Exit browser,
    Restart browser (may need Windows restart sometimes)

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