KD Online Games

Cocoa Online Games

Here are some online games for the Mac built with Cocoa, and is powered by the Cocoa Plugin for Netscape and Cyberdog available from Apple. More plugins are planned for the future. These programs are also available for download.

Bear Mail

Great Fish by Robin Sylvan, age 4.

Jessi's Winter by JessiAnn Kitchen, Age 10.

Kathy's Winter Wonderland by Katherine Sylvan, Age 7.

Pot of Gold by Katherine Sylvan, Age 7.

Mother's Day by Katherine Sylvan, Age 7.

Other Sites

Here are some other Cocoa creations:

About Cocoa:

Cocoa is software designed to allow CHILDREN to create their own cool programs. It is an excellent introduction to programming, and children can get results quickly, which is always a plus. You can get your own copy of Cocoa from the Apple Cocoa Web Site.

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