KD Online Games

Great Fish

Help the clownfish get to the castle.
Watch out for the bad falling cans.
Robin designed the game.
Hit [RELOAD] to start over

Robin is almost 5 years old. He and his 7 year old sister made the graphics, except for the clownfish, which their mother Grace drew for them. The three of us programmed it together, with Robin programming many of the movements himself.

Your child can develop their own Cocoa programs, and you can help them, even if you haven't programmed anything yourself. There are tutorials available on the Apple Cocoa site (http://cocoa.apple.com), along with the FREE software.
Great Fish is a freeware program written by Robin, Katherine and Grace Sylvan. Developed with Apple's Cocoa. There is a FREE plugin for the Mac to allow you to play it online, or you can download Great Fish for the Mac.

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