KD Online Games

Jessi's Winter World

This was JessiAnn Kitchen's entry for the "Cocoa World of Winter Contest."
She won Grand Prize in the 5-11 year old group!

Jessi's Winter World is written by JessiAnn Kitchen, age 10, and developed with Apple's Cocoa. There is a FREE plugin for the Mac to allow you to play it online, or you can download Jessi's Winter for the Mac.

About Jessi's Winter World
by JessiAnn Kitchen

My winter world shows what I might do on a winter day. The main character is Jessi. Move her with the arrow keys. When Jessi goes through a purple door you will go through another part of my day. In each part you have to do a different thing to get through the door. There are instructions before every part.

The first part is Too Much Snow. Sometimes there is too much snow and you have to wait for the snow plows to come and sometimes you still have to shovel to get out! In this game you wait for the snow plows to get done plowing and then move Jessi through the town until she finds the house with the snow shovel. (Sometimes the snow plows plow different ways.) Shovel through the snowflakes to get to the door (she can only shovel down and to the right). Next comes Sliding. After the snow plows come there are usually little hills to slide down. On this one Jessi only moves to the right. She has to jump from snowflake to snowflake to get across. If she falls eventually she will land on a snowflake (snowflakes don't really go up, but the game is cooler this way). After Jessi reaches the top of the hill make her go down to the door. Then comes Snowman. One of the fun things you can do with snow is build a snowman. In this part stop all of the snowballs by touching them. Then roll them one at a time to the target. This part wraps, so if it looks like you are stuck there is always a way out, you just have to find it. When the snowball touches the target a part of the snowman appears. Last is Hot Chocolate. One of the best things about winter is hot chocolate when it is cold outside. Go through the maze and catch the hot chocolate. Jessi's lips turn brown after she drinks the hot chocolate.

I made some of the pictures in Cocoa and some in Color It. Some of the pictures started with picture fonts.

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