Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 15, 1999.

Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and Resource Center
Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer 2.0
Microsoft is committed to providing the tools necessary to help our customers prepare for the Year 2000. There are three components to Year 2000 readiness, Hardware, Software and Data. The Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer scans a computerÆs hard drive, looking for core Microsoft software and generates a report with year 2000-information.


  1. Features
  2. System Requirements
  3. New Database
  4. Installation Guide
  5. Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer Support

The Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer performs the following tasks:

  • Identifies installed software products on specified drives by scanning the drives for executable files
  • Compares the resulting list of products to the products listed in a compliance database
  • Generates a report of the compliance levels of the products it discovered, based on the information in the compliance database
A Microsoft products compliance database is supplied with the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer.

The PC Analyzer download is compact enough to be placed on a Floppy Disk for easy installation on multiple PC's.

For organizations with a centralized infrastructure the utility can run without a UI using command line parameter interface. This interface makes it possible to centralize the location of the Y2K compliance database as well as the Y2K reports generated on each machine.

An administrators version of the Product Analyzer is also available that includes both a network version of the Product Analyzer for scanning Windows NT based networks from Windows NT Server and a set of unsupported tools for adding third-party products to the product database.

System Requirements

You can run the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer on any computer with the following characteristics:

  • At least 2 MB of free hard-disk space to run Setup
  • An Intel 486 or greater processor, 25 MHz or faster
  • DEC Alpha (Note that the minimum version of Windows NT for the DEC Alpha is Windows NT 4.0.)
  • One of the following operating systems:
    • Microsoft Windows 95
    • Microsoft Windows 98
    • Microsoft Windows NT 3.51
    • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
To run the wizard version of the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer, your computer must also have a mouse.

New Database

To download the latest version of the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer Database please follow these steps:

  1. Run the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer
  2. Choose Custom from the Select Wizard Options page
  3. On the Update Database page, ensure that the "Update database only if newer version is available" option is selected
  4. Continue with the wizard and the new database will automatically be downloaded
After the new database is successfully downloaded, it will replace your original database.The Product Analyzer will automatically check your database each time you run it and will offer to update it from the web if it is older than 2 weeks.

Following the steps outlined above is the recommended process for getting the latest PC Analyzer database from Microsoft. However, we also provide to you the ability to download the database independently of the PC Analyzer. Please click here for more information.

Installation Guide

You install the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer when you run the installation program (download by clicking on one of the links below) which prompts you for an installation directory. After you install the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer, your Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0 computer will have a Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer group on the Start menu containing the wizard version of the program and this Readme.txt file. Computers running Windows NT 3.51 will have a group in Program Manager with icons for the wizard and this Readme.txt file.

In addition, the command-line version of the program will be available in the installation directory you specified.

To download the Administrators Version, click the link below:
Download Now! Administrators Version (631k)  /   Important Information

To download the Intel or DEC Alpha Microsoft Year 2000
Product Analyzer click one of the links below:

Download Now! DEC Alpha (530k) English Only

NOTE: On computers running Windows NT, you must have administrative privileges to install or uninstall this program. This includes having administrative privileges the first time you start your computer after installing or uninstalling this program.

Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer Support

Microsoft product support services has prepared Article Q224328: PCA -Year 2000 Product Analyzer. This article summarizes answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer. Please review this article at

No-charge usability support is available via email on Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure Center. To receive Standard no charge phone support for this component, in the U.S. , please call 425-635-7179 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. In Canada, please call (905) 568-2294, 8:00am to 8:00pm Eastern time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Note: Toll charges may apply. Technical support for this tool after hours is provided on a Pay-Per-Incident basis. In the U.S. and Canada for $35 US per incident, call (800) 936-5700 24 hours a day, seven days a week, excluding holidays. Support fees for the (800)# calls will be billed to your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card.

For support information outside the U.S. and Canada, contact your local subsidiary. Phone numbers for Microsoft Subsidiaries are subject to change. For the most recent listing, please see the Support Online Web site at If there is no Microsoft subsidiary office in your country, contact the establishment from which you obtained your Microsoft product.

Microsoft's support services are subject to Microsoft's then-current prices, terms, and conditions, which are subject to change without notice.

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Year 2000 Information
Product Guide
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Wednesday, October 13, 1999
1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.