Important Information for Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer for Administrators Version 2.0 This document provides information about the use of the Microsoft (r) Year 2000 Product Analyzer for Administrators. To view this file online in Microsoft Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print this file, open it in Notepad or another text editor, and then use the Print command on the File menu. Contents ======== Overview Definitions Restrictions Using the "Scan Computers On the Network" Page Controls Hotkeys Initialization Considerations Disclaimer Overview ======== The Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer for Administrators tool (Y2kadmin.exe) performs the following tasks simultaneously on multiple machines across multiple networks: - Identifies installed software products on specified machines by scanning the drives found on those machines for executable files - Compares the resulting list of products to the products listed in a compliance database - Generates a report of the compliance levels of the products it discovers, based on the information in the compliance database A Microsoft products compliance database is supplied with the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer for Administrators. Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer for Administrators is similar to the Microsoft Year 200 Product Analyzer tool (Y2kscan.exe), which scans only the user's local machine. Y2KAdmin presents the user with a graphical interface consisting of essentially the same wizard, the notable difference being the "Scan Computers on the Network" page, in place of the "Select Drives to Scan" page. There is also a "Simultaneous Scan" slider on the "Progress" page, which allows the user to control the number of concurrent scans. The default is 5 scans, and the maximum is 20. Definitions =========== In the following text, the phrase "local machine" is used to refer to the machine upon which the Y2KAdmin tool is being run. The phrase "local domain" is used to refer to the domain on which the Local machine is located. Restrictions ============ 1) The user of this tool must have Administrator privileges on the machine to be scanned. 2) The tool is only able to list computers from domains that are trusted by the local domain. 3) The tool is only able to scan computers running the Microsoft NT operating system. The following workarounds are suggested for scanning Windows 95/98 computers: a) Email the Y2KScan tool to the user with instructions on its use. Instruct the user to email the results back to you. b) Construct a web site containing a link to the Y2KScan tool. Embed the usage instructions on the web page. c) Provide users with a shortcut to the y2kscn32.exe tool which is configured on the command line. See the documentation for this tool for details. Using the "Scan Computers On the Network" Page ============================================== Controls -------- "Domains" List Lists the domains that are trusted by the domain that the local machine is on. "Computers" List Lists the computers which are on the domain selected in the "Domains" List. "Selected computers" List Lists the computers which have been selected for scanning. "Add" Button When clicked, any computer selected in the "Computers" list is removed and added to the "Selected computers" list. "Add All" Button When clicked, all computers in the "Computers" list are removed and added to the "Selected Computers" list. "Remove" Button When clicked, any computer selected in the "Selected computers" list is removed and added to the "Computers" list. "Remove All" Button When clicked, all computers in the "Selected computers" list are removed, and added to the "Computers" list. "Back" Button When clicked, returns to the "Select Wizard Options" page. "Next" Button When clicked, continues to the "Confirm Settings" page of the wizard if "Default" was chosen (On the "Select Wizard Options" page). When clicked, continues to the "Specify Database to Use" page of the wizard, if "Custom" was chosen (On the "Select Wizard Options" page). Hotkeys ------- "Delete" key The delete key serves the same function as the "Remove" button. "Enter" key The enter key typically serves the same action as the "Next" button. However, if an item is selected in the "Computers" list, pressing the enter key will perform the same function as the "Add" button. Pressing the enter key again will cause the "Next" button to be engaged. Initialization -------------- When the page is first displayed, several seconds will pass while the following occur: The tool scans for domains: - A remote domain scan is performed. - After the scan is complete, the "Domains" list will be filled with the names of trusted domains discovered during the scan. - The name of the local domain will be added to the "Domains" list. - The name of the local domain will be selected in the "Domains" list. This remote domain scan only occurs the first time the page is displayed. The tool scans for machines: - The local domain is scanned for machines running the Microsoft NT operating system. - The "Computers" list will be filled with the names of computers found on the local domain that are running Microsoft Windows NT. Again, this local domain scan only occurs the first time the page is displayed. Considerations -------------- Once the page has completed its initialization, it is ready to use. There are several things to note at this point: - Only domains that are trusted by the local domain are displayed in the "Domains" list. - The user may not be an administrator on some of the domains listed in the "Domains" list. - There may be computers listed in the "Computers" list that the user may not be able to scan Due to network deficiencies or improper access rights. Disclaimer ================================ This information is generally available to all Microsoft customers for the sole purpose of assisting their planning for the transition to the year 2000. Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer will provide a report that contains known information about the date-handling behavior of the Microsoft products that have been tested for Year 2000 compliance, and it is subject to change at any time without notice. The Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer should NOT be used as the exclusive means of inventorying computers when conducting your Year 2000 compliance assessment. The information in any report created by the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer is dependent upon the availability, accuracy, and current nature of the year 2000 compliance information used in generating the report. The compliance ratings identified in the report are subject to change from time to time without notice. Therefore, Microsoft recommends that you check the Microsoft Year 2000 Web site, located at, to ensure that you have the most current information. The compliance ratings contained herein might require you to install updates as a prerequisite. Updates are available from Microsoft's Year 2000 Web site.