LAN WorkPlace Product Support Guide

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This quick reference contains everything you need to know about software registration and technical support for LAN WorkPlace 5 for MS Windows and DOS.

Software Registration

Please take a minute to fill out and return your LAN WorkPlace registration card today. When you send Novell this information, you make it possible for us to tell you about:

Technical Support

To accommodate the wide variety of support needs of our customers, we make many resources available to answer technical questions about Novell's LAN WorkPlace products.

Written Documentation

The answers to most questions are in our on-line documentation. The index and table of contents in each manual can help guide you to specific topics. Additions details are available in the README file included with Novell's LAN WorkPlace.

On-line Help

On-line help for LAN WorkPlace is available where ever a "Help" button is visible.

Telephone Support

Novell Authorized Service Centers (NASC) and Platinum and Gold Resellers are your primary source of local, quality support. They have passed Novell's strict authorization requirements to support your Novell products. For a list of NASCs with expertise on LAN WorkPlace call 1-800-338-NASC in the United States and Canada, +49 211 5632 744 in Europe, or +61 2 925 3133 in Australia and Asia.

For more information about Novell support tools, Priority Service hotline support directly from Novell, or Premium Service options, call 1-800-NETWARE or 1-801-429-5588.

Technical Information by Fax

You can also get answers to commonly asked questions by fax. This automated fax services is available from the Americas Support Group 24 hours a day, seven days a week and includes up-to-date technical information on troubleshooting and fine-tuning all of Novell's LAN WorkPlace products. The FaxBack System contains a master document that describes the documents that can be faxed. To use this service, you must have a touch tone phone.

NOTE: The LAN WorkPlace Support Group shares the FaxBack Server with the UnixWare Support Group.

United States and Canada:  1-800-486-4835, then press 2, 2.
International		:  1-801-429-5060

Technical Support Information on CD-ROM

The Network Support Encyclopedia (NSEPro) is a subscription to Novell's technical support information. Download the latest file updates, search through Technical Information Documents, product documentation, Novell Application Notes and more. For more information call 1-800-377-4136 or 1-303-297-0930.


NetWire, Novell's public electronic information service on CompuServe, gives you remote access to the same information available on Novell's Internet archive servers. NetWire's features include on-line databases, libraries of files and Technical Information Documents (TIDs) on product modifications and enhancements.

For information on Novell products type "GO NETWIRE" at the CompuServe prompt to access the main menu.

For CompuServe account information, call CompuServe directly and ask for representative #200:

Asia-Pacific:		Toll free	088-23-158
			Direct		+61 2 410 4555

United Kingdom:		Toll free	0800-289-458
			Direct		┴+44 272 255111

Germany:		Toll free	0130 86 46 43
			Direct		+49 89 66 55 0 222

US, Canada &		Toll free	(800) 524-3388
other countries:	Direct		(614) 457-8650

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Novell's LAN WorkPlace Product Team
Comments to LAN WorkPlace Product Team:

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Novell, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

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