Interesting WWW Sites

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LAN WorkPlace Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

These sites contain information related to LAN WorkPlace and/or the Netscape browser.

LAN WorkPlace Support page. Check periodically.

Novell's European WWW server. (Germany)
Novell's European Gopher server. (Germany)
Novell's European FTP archive server. (Germany)

Netscape Communications WWW server. (USA)

Web page construction and style suggestions

When you're ready to being constructing your own web pages, browse these two URLs for suggestions on what makes a great web page.

Yale C/AIM WWW Style Manual. (USA)
World Wide Web Design Resources. (USA)

Suggested Newsgroups

newsgroup: comp.os.netware.announce.
newsgroup: comp.os.netware.connectivity.
newsgroup: comp.os.netware.misc.

NOTE: Your NNTP news host must carry this newsgroup.
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