LAN WorkPlace 5 for MS Windows and DOS README.TXT

Copyright © 1995 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


This README file provides information you need to use the LAN WorkPlace for MS Windows and DOS software successfully. It is important that you read this file before you install, configure, and use the software. It contains important information that is not covered in the LAN WorkPlace documentation or help systems. The following sections are included:

  1. Installing LAN WorkPlace
  2. Configuring LAN WorkPlace
  3. Using LAN WorkPlace
  4. Using Technical Information Documents
  5. Customizing a Site Installation

1. Installing LAN WorkPlace
The LAN WorkPlace software comes both on a CD and on 3 1/2 inch diskettes. If you want to copy the software, you can only make copies of the diskettes, not the CD. Copy the diskettes using the DOS XCOPY command.

If you are installing the LAN WorkPlace software on your workstation for the first time, be sure to run the Configuration program after installing the software. The LAN WorkPlace program will not run successfully until you enter configuration information.


The Installation program inserts a CALL C:\NET\BIN\STARTNET.BAT statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. After installation, edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file as follows:


The installation program creates a STARTNET.BAT file in the LAN WorkPlace BIN subdirectory (C:\NET\BIN by default).

After you install LAN WorkPlace, check your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to determine if it contains entries for other STARTNET.BAT files. If you find multiple STARTNET.BAT entries, perform the following procedure:

  1. Check each STARTNET.BAT file to determine if it contains commands for loading products other than LAN WorkPlace or the NetWare client.

  2. If you find commands for loading other products, merge the commands from the old STARTNET.BAT file into the STARTNET.BAT file that the LAN WorkPlace installation program created.

  3. Remove all STARTNET.BAT statements from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file except the one that was created by LAN WorkPlace.

Updating Either System Files or Backup Files

The Installation program backs up your system files to the NET\INSTALL directory. You can choose to have the Installation program modify either these backup files or your system files.

A Windows installation displays the following option buttons:

Modify system files
Modify backup copies of system files
The default is Modify system files.

A DOS installation displays the following:

2. Allow install to update Windows INI files? (Y/N):

The default is yes, which updates your system files.

If you choose to modify the backup files, before you configure LAN WorkPlace, you must modify the following system files with the information in the new backup files:

For a Windows installation, you must also modify the following files:


Upgrading from LAN WorkPlace 4.1

If you are installing LAN WorkPlace 5 over LAN WorkPlace 4.1, perform the following procedure before you run the installation program:

  1. Create an NWCLIENT directory on your hard disk. For example:


  2. Move the following files from your root directory (C:\) to the NWCLIENT directory:

    • NETX.COM
    • LSL.COM
    • ODI driver (such as NE2000.COM)
    • NET.CFG

    Make sure the files were correctly moved to the NWCLIENT directory and deleted from the root directory.

  3. Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to change the path \LANWP.BAT to \NWCLIENT\LANWP.BAT.

  4. Edit the LANWP.BAT file to change the paths of LSL.COM, IPXODI.COM, NETX.COM and your ODI driver to include NWCLIENT. For example:


  5. Delete the LWPUTIL.DLL file in the NET\BIN directory.

  6. Reboot your workstation and begin the installation. If you are installing LAN WorkPlace from the network, load the network software. If you are installing from your local drive, do not install the network software.

Upgrading From a Language Version of LAN WorkPlace

If you have LAN WorkPlace 4.1 or 4.2 on your workstation in a language other than English, you must delete the following language DLLs before you install LAN WorkPlace 5. The DLLs are in your NET\BIN directory.

NetWare Client

If you already have a NetWare Client installed on your workstation, it is recommended that you install it again during LAN WorkPlace installation. This will enable you to use the LAN WorkPlace Configuration program to set the NetWare Client parameter values.

If you do not install the NetWare Client with the installation program (if you already have a NetWare Client on your workstation), you must modify your LWP.INI file to be able to use the Configuration program to change the NetWare Client values. The LWP.INI file is in your WINDOWS directory.

To modify your LWP.INI file, go to the [Configuration] section and add the following:



LAN WorkPlace comes with NETWARE.DRV version 3.0. NetWare/IP 2.1 comes with a later version of the driver. If you have the later version of the driver on your workstation, the installation program overwrites it. If you are using NetWare/IP 2.1, you will have to reinstall the NETWARE.DRV.

If you are using NetWare/IP on a serial line connection, you need to copy the newer NETWARE.DRV to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. On the CD, this driver is in the SUPPORT directory. On the diskettes, this driver is in the SUPPORT directory on DISK 19. If copying from diskette, use NWUNPACK.EXE to unpack this file after copying it to your workstation.

For example:


Windows Installation

The installation program leaves temporary files in the directory specified by the environment variable TEMP or TMP. You can remove these files after installation. The temporary files have a tilde (~) as the first character of the filename.

DOS Installation

Before you run the DOS Installation program, you must have 482,114 bytes of conventional memory available on your workstation. You must also edit your CONFIG.SYS file to make sure that you have sufficient file handlers and buffer space to run the installation program. Your CONFIG.SYS file should read:
If you modify your CONFIG.SYS file, reboot your workstation before you run the DOS Installation program.

If your workstation is low on memory and you are running the DOS Installation program, exit the Installation program before you run the Configuration program. Access the DOS Configuration program by running LWPCFGD.EXE in the NET\BIN directory.

2. Configuring LAN WorkPlace

Upgrading from LAN WorkPlace 4.2.

Configuration Program

The following additions to the Configuration program are not documented.

NFS Client

If you are using NFS Client and are also using the DOS 6 (or above) multiple configurations feature, you must edit your CONFIG.SYS file. You need to move the following statement to the section that executes when you load the LAN WorkPlace drivers:

DEVICE=C:\NET\BIN\ETHDEV.LWP hostname timezone buffersize
where hostname is the name of the local host, timezone is your time zone, and buffersize is the amount of buffer space to reserve (in kbytes).

This statement loads the NFS network driver. Every time you use the Configuration program to select or deselect the NFS Client, you must move this statement to the correct location in the CONFIG.SYS file.

Sample LWP.INI File

You can use the sample LWP.INI file to read explanations and examples. You should cut and paste information from the LWP.INI file in the NET\SAMPLE directory into the LWP.INI file in the WINDOWS directory only when absolutely necessary.

3. Using LAN WorkPlace

DynaText Viewer and Online Documentation

The LAN WorkPlace software includes the DynaText 2.2 viewer for viewing the online documentation. You can install the viewer and the documents on your workstation or on a server. You also have the option of using the viewer and accessing the documents from the CD. Or you can use a combination of devices.

Installing the viewer and software on your workstation is part of the installation process. To access the viewer and the documents from the CD, run DTEXTRW.EXE, which is located in the DOCVIEW\DTAPPWIN subdirectory on your CD. If you want to view the documents before you install the LAN WorkPlace software, you must add the following statement to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and reboot your workstation:

Installing the viewer or the software on a server or a combination of devices requires additional steps.

For complete information about using the DynaText viewer and accessing the online documentation, use Netscape to view Technical Information Document (TID) 1002349. For information on accessing a TID, see Section 4, "Using Technical Information Documents," in this README file.

Serial Connectivity


When you configure a session, the Remote Host Name list does not highlight the correct hostname for the session that you want to configure. Move the cursor to the hostname entry that you want to configure and then continue entering information.

If you select model 5 and Telnet into an MVS host, the screen display will be distorted because of missing CRs and LFs.


The Mailer does not support the NetWare 4.1 NetWare Directory Service (NDS) for the Message Handling Service (MHS).

Host Presenter

If you select the Host Presenter font and you select a font size with a width of eight or larger, the font will appear to be bold.


X-Server cannot use fonts from a UNIX host.

You can use IPX/SPX or TCP/IP as the transport method. The starter method REXEC (IPX) requires IPX/SPX transport. All other starter methods require TCP/IP. If you switch transport types, you should exit and reenter X-Server for the change to take effect.

If you want to use X-Server to connect to X-Console 2.0, you should set the method to Telnet, as follows:

  1. Select the Starter icon from the X-Server window.

    The Starter dialog box appears.

  2. Select telnet from the Method pull-down box.

  3. Type a host name in the Hostname text box.

  4. Type 1 in the Username text box.

  5. Type your password in the Password text box.

  6. Type \n\n\ in the Command text box.

  7. Select the Advanced button.

    The Advanced Features dialog box appears.

  8. Type ervice: in the Username Prompt text box.

  9. Select OK.

    You return to the Starter dialog box.

  10. Select Run.

Be sure to change your username prompt back to ogin: when you complete these steps.

X-Server does not work over a SLIP/PPP (serial) connection.

Network User Authentication

If you are using GroupWise and your GroupWise user ID is different than your NFS Client user ID, you need to do the following to access your GroupWise account.

  1. Select the GroupWise icon in Program Manager.

  2. Select Properties form the File pull-down menu.

  3. Type either your username or user ID in the Command Line text box. For example:

    C:\OFWIN40\OFWIN.EXE /@u-"john doe"
For complete information about using Network User Authentication, use Netscape to view TID 1002339. For information on accessing a TID, see Section 4, "Using Technical Information Documents," in this README file.

Printing with MS Windows or MS Windows for Workgroups

LAN WorkPlace has three network drivers: LWPLPR.DRV, LWPNET.DRV, and NETWARE.DRV. If all of these drivers are loaded at the same time, you can experience problems when you print to a NetWare print queue. To solve this printing problem, you can use the Configuration program to unload the LWPLPR.DRV or LWPNET.DRV drivers.

Windows for Workgroups

In addition to the three network drivers that come with LAN WorkPlace, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups has another driver, WFWNET.DRV. When all of these drivers are loaded at the same time, you can experience problems accessing your NetWare volumes.

If you are using Windows for Workgroups, and you are using the LPD Print Server and the NFS Client program, in addition to using NetWare services, load the NFS Client (LWPNET.DRV) and the NetWare (NETWARE.DRV) drivers manually as follows:

  1. Select the Network icon in the Windows Control panel.

    The Microsoft Windows Network dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Other Net button.

    The LPR Driver Settings dialog box appears.

  3. Check the Support Secondary Network Driver check box.

  4. In the Network Driver text box, type lwpnet.drv (if it is not already written in the text box).

  5. Select Load Now.

  6. Select OK.

If you experience problems printing to a NetWare print queue, see the previous section on Printing with MS Windows and MS Windows for Workgroups.

For complete information about using LAN WorkPlace with Windows for Workgroups, use Netscape to view TID 1002340. For information on accessing a TID, see Section 4, "Using Technical Information Documents," in this README file.

4. Using Technical Information Documents
Novell Technical Support provides detailed information for using the LAN WorkPlace software in the form of TIDs. Each TID is identified with a number, which you can access through

To access a TID with Netscape, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the Netscape icon in the LAN WorkPlace 5 group.

  2. Select Open Location from the File pull-down menu.

  3. Enter the following in the Search Query text box:

  4. Select Open.

    Enter the TID number in the resulting form and press return.

  5. Select the TID by subject from the list that is returned.

To access a TID on CompuServe, go to the NTID forum (GO NTID).

To access a TID on the FaxBack server, you need to request a master catalog document that lists all of the document numbers. For complete information on using the FaxBack server, go to the local home page in Netscape and select Support Guide.

This README file includes specific TID numbers that you may want to reference for complete information about a topic.

5. Customizing a Site Installation
If you are a site administrator, you can customize the installation process so that the users can easily install the software without having to use the installation program user interface. Proceed as follows:

  1. Install the LAN WorkPlace software on a workstation. You will probably want to do a custom installation to install only selected modules and components.

  2. When you complete the installation, modify the USER.RSP file in the NET directory on the destination drive.

    Change the NoInterface=False statement to NoInterface=True.

  3. Copy the modified USER.RSP file to the top level directory on installation diskette number 1.

  4. Use the new set of diskettes for future installations.

If you want to make the diskettes available for a network installation, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a directory on the NetWare server for which the users have both Read and File Scan rights.

  2. Change to the new directory on the server.

  3. Copy each diskette to the same directory by typing the following:

    XCOPY A: . /s /e
    where A: is the directory from which you are copying the diskettes.

The users can map to the NetWare directory and run the Installation program from that directory.

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