Mail+ Online Help Manual  


View Form

The view form is where you can view emails that are in your inbox or another mail folder.

The button in the upper-right corner of the screen controls whether the header information of the email will be shown or not.

This means that no header will be shown (fig 2)

This means that a header will be shown (fig 1)

Tap this button to toggle between the two views.


Back to folders - take you back to the main form.

Email Header Info - show the header information for the email. This will show you all of the known fields of the email header. This could include {To address, Send to address, From address, Reply to address, Cc address(s), Bcc address(s), Date, Time}

Reply/ Reply All - Reply to the current email message. If there is more than one recipient of the message, than it will prompt you to choose if you would like to reply to just the sender, or to all of the recipients.

Forward - forward the email.

Delete Email - move the email to the deleted folder.

Move Email - Move the current message to another folder. When this button is selected, the "Move To" popup window is opened. Double-click on the name of the folder you would like to move the email to.

Beam email - Beam the current email to another Palm Pilot. Note that the other Palm Pilot must be running Mail+, or IR Mail. If they are not, you can use the "Beam Mail+" command to beam them a demo version of Mail+. _

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Fig 1: View Form


Fig 2: View Form (no header)

Copyright © 1999-2000 by Nathan Buggia. All rights reserved.