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Enron Fails

IN THE NEWS - December 8, 2001: Enron Fails

Czas trwania: 3:54

[ pobierz plik - spec0040a1208.mp3 ]

This is Steve Ember with the VOA Special English program, IN THE NEWS.

One of the largest companies in the United States has failed. The Enron Corporation has asked a federal court for protection because it can not pay the thousands of millions of dollars of money it owes. Enron is an energy trading company that buys and sells electricity and natural gas. It also owns or controls several other companies that deal in several different products.

Upad│a jedna z najwiΩkszych kompanii w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Enron Corporation poprosi│a s╣d federalny o ochronΩ, poniewa┐ nie jest w stanie zap│aciµ miliard≤w dolar≤w, kt≤re jest d│u┐na. Enron jest firm╣ handluj╣c╣ energi╣, kt≤ra sprzedaje i kupuje elektryczno£µ i gaz ziemny. Posiada ona tak┐e i kontroluje szereg innych kompanii, kt≤re zajmuj╣ siΩ szeregiem innych produkt≤w.

Enron asked for bankruptcy protection for itself and fourteen of its companies. Under the bankruptcy law, a business can continue to operate while it tries to negotiate new credit with companies and banks to whom it owes money.

Enron poprosi│ o ochronΩ przed bankructwem dla siebie i dla czternastu ze swoich kompanii. Pod rz╣dami ustawy o upad│o£ci firma mo┐e kontynuowaµ dzia│anie, w czasie gdy stara siΩ wynegocjowaµ nowy kredyt u firm i bank≤w, kt≤rym jest winna pieni╣dze.

Enron began failing in October as some of its financial problems became known. The value of its stock quickly fell. The stock closed Thursday at thirty-six cents a share. Less than a year ago, each share of Enron stock sold for more than eighty dollars.

Enron zacz╣│ upadaµ w paƒdzierniku, gdy znane siΩ sta│y niekt≤re z jego finansowych problem≤w. Warto£µ jego akcji gie│dowych szybko spad│a. Gie│da zamknΩ│a siΩ w czwartek wynikiem 36 cent≤w za akcjΩ. Nieca│y rok temu ka┐da z akcji Enron sprzedawa│a siΩ za ponad 80 dolar≤w.

Enron will continue to try to do business with the aid of court protection. However Enron has already dismissed four-thousand of its more than twenty-one-thousand workers. Most of those dismissed were employees that worked at the companyÆs headquarters in the western city of Houston, Texas. Last week, Enron dismissed about one-thousand-one-hundred employees in Europe.

Enron bΩdzie dalej pr≤bowaµ robiµ interesy z pomoc╣ ochrony s╣dowej. Jednak Enron zwolni│ ju┐ 4 tysi╣ce z ponad 21 tysiΩcy pracownik≤w. WiΩkszo£µ zwolnionych stanowili pracownicy, kt≤rzy pracowali w siedzibie g│≤wnej firmy w zachodniej czΩ£ci Houston, w stanie Texas. W ubieg│ym tygodniu Enron zwolni│ oko│o 1100 pracownik≤w w Europie.

These actions caused anger among the workers because the companyÆs retirement plan had already lost more than one-thousand-million dollars. Many employees not only lost their jobs, but also lost the money they had invested in the company as part of their retirement plan.

Dzia│ania te wywo│a│y gniew w£r≤d pracownik≤w, poniewa┐ projekt emerytalny firmy straci│ ju┐ ponad miliard dolar≤w. Wielu pracownik≤w nie tylko utraci│o swoje miejsca pracy, ale i pieni╣dze, kt≤re inwestowali w firmie jako czΩ£µ ich planu emerytalnego.

Reports say the United States Justice Department has begun a criminal investigation into the companyÆs activities. The Labor Department says it is examining the companyÆs dealings with the employeesÆ retirement plan.

Doniesienia m≤wi╣, ┐e Departament Sprawiedliwo£ci USA rozpocz╣│ £ledztwo w sprawie dzia│a± firmy. Departament Pracy m≤wi, ┐e bada poczynania kompanii w kwestii planu emerytalnego pracownik≤w.

The Security and Exchange Commission already is investigating EnronÆs finances. And Congressional committees have announced they will hold hearings to investigate the failure of Enron and the investment actions of the companyÆs senior officials.

Komisja Bezpiecze±stwa i Handlu bada ju┐ finanse Enron. Komisje Kongresu tak┐e poinformowa│y, ┐e przeprowadz╣ przes│uchania, aby zbadaµ upadek Enrona i dzia│ania inwestycyjne wy┐szych mened┐er≤w kompanii.

The Enron Corporation has brought legal charges against the Dynegy Company. Enron says Dynegy had agreed to link with Enron. Enron says this would have saved it. Enron says the Dynegy Company refused to honor a legal business agreement. Enron is asking the court to force Dynegy to pay ten thousand million dollars in damages.

Enron Corporation podjΩ│a kroki prawne przeciw Dynegy Company. Enron twierdzi, ┐e Dynegy zgodzi│a siΩ na po│╣czenie z Enronem. Enron m≤wi, ┐e mog│oby to go ocaliµ. Enron twierdzi, ┐e Dynegy Company odm≤wi│a honorowania legalnej umowy biznesowej. Enron prosi s╣d, aby zmusi│ Dynegy do zap│acenia 10 mld dolar≤w odszkodowania.

The Enron Corporation once was the worldÆs largest energy trader. Its failure is affecting energy markets in many countries including Germany, Britain and India. Reports say companies and banks that have lent money to Enron could lose at least five-thousand-million dollars. Experts say what caused Enron to fail will be the subject of legal questions and court actions for many months to come.

Enron Corporation by│a kiedy£ najwiΩksz╣ na £wiecie firm╣ handluj╣c╣ energi╣. Jej upadek dotyka rynki energii w wielu krajach, w│╣cznie z Niemcami, Wielk╣ Brytani╣ i Indiami. Doniesienia m≤wi╣, ┐e firmy i banki, kt≤re po┐yczy│y Enronowi pieni╣dze, mog╣ straciµ przynajmniej 5 mld dolar≤w. Eksperci twierdz╣, ┐e przyczyna upadku Enrona bΩdzie przedmiotem spor≤w prawnych i dzia│a± s╣dowych w ci╣gu wielu nastΩpnych miesiΩcy.

This VOA Special English program, IN THE NEWS, was written by Paul Thompson. This is Steve Ember.