The notion of England as a gentle, fabled land freeze-framed some time in the 1930s when community life revolved around the post office, the country pub and the local vicarage, has been erased by the juggernaut of the late-20th century and vast suburban sprawl. However, a remarkable proportion of the country remains unsullied, and there are few more seductive or invigorating sights than the English countryside on a fresh, spring day.

Map of England (15K)

Slide Show

Facts at a Glance
Facts for the Traveller
Money & Costs
When to Go
Off the Beaten Track
Getting There & Away
Getting Around
Recommended Reading
Lonely Planet Guides
Travellers' Reports on Britain
On-line Info

Facts at a Glance

Area: 129,720 sq km (50,085 sq mi)
Population: 48 million
Capital city: London
People: Anglo-Saxons, Scots, Welsh, Irish, West Indians, Pakistanis, Indians.
Language: English
Religion: Church of England, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic and Muslim
Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister: Tony Blair


England is the largest of the three political divisions within the island of Great Britain. Bound by Scotland to the north and Wales to the west, England is no more than 29km (18mi) from France across the narrowest part of the English Channel. Much of England is flat or low-lying. In the north is a range of limestone hills, known as the Pennines, to the west are the Cumbrian Mountains and the Lake District. South of the Pennines is the heavily-populated Midlands, and in the south-west peninsula, known as the West country, is a plateau with granite outcrops, good dairy farming and a rugged coastline. The rest of the country is known as the English Lowlands, a mixture of farmland, low hills, an industrial belt and the massive city of London.

England was once almost entirely covered with woodland, but tree cover is now the second lowest in Europe (after Ireland). Since early this century the government has been planting conifers to reverse this situation, but the pines have turned the soils around them acid and destroyed large areas of ancient peatland. Other common trees include oak, elm, chestnut, lime (not the citrus variety), ash and beech. Although there isn't much tall flora around, you'll see plenty of lovely wildflowers in spring - snowdrops, daffodils, bluebells, primroses, buttercups and cowslips all lend a touch of colour to the English countryside. On the moors there are several varieties of flowering heathers.

The red deer is the largest mammal in England, and there are plenty of them (as well as fallow and roe deer) around. Foxes prosper, and if you're lucky you may see a badger or hedgehog. Introduced American grey squirrels are forcing out the smaller local red variety. Rabbits are everywhere, while smaller rodents such as the shrew, harvest mouse and water vole are less common (but frightfully cute). England's only poisonous snake, the adder, is rare and protected. Birdwatching is a popular pastime in Britain, but while the numbers and diversity of coastal bird species do not appear to be in danger, the same cannot be said for other British birds - a number of species that were quite common only 25 years ago are rapidly dwindling due to habitat destruction.

England's national parks cover about 7% of the country and include Dartmoor, Exmoor, the Lake District, the Peak District, the Yorkshire Dales, the North York Moors, the New Forest, the Broads and Northumberland. English national parks are not wilderness areas, but they do include areas of outstanding national beauty - they also tend to be privately owned.

England's climate is mild and damp, with temperatures moderated by the light winds that blow in off its relatively warm seas. Temperatures inland don't get much below freezing in winter (December to February), or much above 30°C (86°F) in summer (June to August). The north is the coldest area; London, the south-east and the West Country are the warmest. Rainfall is greatest in hilly areas and in the West Country. You can expect cloudy weather and light drizzle in any part of England at any time.


The first-known inhabitants of England were small bands of hunters, but Stone Age immigrants arrived around 4000 BC and farmed the chalk hills of Salisbury Plain, constructing the mysterious stone circles at Stonehenge and Avebury. They were followed by the Bronze Age Celts from Central Europe who began arriving in 800 BC, bringing the Gaelic and Brythonic languages (the former is still spoken in Scotland, the latter in Wales).

The Romans invaded in 43 AD and took only seven years to quell resistance and control most of England. The Scottish and Welsh tribes were more of a problem, resulting in the building of Hadrian's Wall across northern England to keep out the marauding Scots. The Romans brought stability, nice and straight paved roads and Christianity; in return, the Brits gave the Romans a headache and a dent in the empire's expense account. The Romans were never defeated, they just sort of faded away around 410 AD as their empire declined.

Tribes of heathen Angles, Jutes and Saxons began to move into the vacuum, absorbing the Celts, and local fiefdoms developed. By the 7th century, these fiefdoms had grown into a series of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms which had come to collectively think of themselves as English. By the mid-9th century, Vikings had invaded northern Scotland, Cumbria and Lancashire and the Danes were making inroads into eastern England. By 871, only Wessex - the half-Saxon, half-Celtic country south of the Thames - was under English control. At this low point, the English managed to neutralise the Vikings' military superiority and began a process of assimilation.

The next invader was William of Normandy (soon to become known as William the Conqueror), who arrived on the south coast of England in 1066 with a force of 12,000 men. After victory at the Battle of Hastings, he replaced English aristocrats with French-speaking Normans. The Normans built impressive castles, imposed a feudal system, administered a census and, once again, began to assimilate with the Saxons.

The next centuries saw a series of royal tiffs, political intrigues, plague, unrest and revolt. The Hundred Years War with France blurred into the domestic War of the Roses and enough Machiavellian backstabbing among royalty to make the present foibles of the monarchy seem even more trifling than they already are. In the 16th century, Henry VIII's matrimonial difficulties led to the split with Catholicism. Henry was appointed head of the Church of England by the English Parliament and the Bible was translated into English. In 1536, Henry dissolved the smaller monasteries and confiscated their land as the relationship between Church and State hit rocky times.

The power struggle between monarchy and Parliament degenerated into civil war in the mid-17th century, pitching Charles I's royalists (Catholics, traditionalists, the gentry and members of the Church of England) against Cromwell's Protestant parliamentarians. Cromwell's victory segued into a dictatorship, which included a bloody rampage through Ireland, and by 1660 Parliament was so fed up that it reinstated the monarchy.

A period of progressive expansionism followed, as England collected colonies down the American coast, licensed the East India Company to operate from Bombay and eventually saw Canada and Australia come within its massive sphere of influence. At home, England exerted increasing control over the British Isles. The burgeoning empire's first setback occurred in 1772 when the American colonies won their independence.

Meanwhile, Britain was fast becoming the crucible of the Industrial Revolution as steam power, steam trains, coal mines and water power began to transform the means of transport and production. The world's first industrial cities sprung up in the Midlands, causing severe dislocation of the population. By the time Queen Victoria took the throne in 1837, Britain had become the world's greatest power. Its fleet dominated the seas, knitting together the British empire, while its factories dominated world trade. Under prime ministers such as Gladstone and Disraeli, the worst excesses of the Industrial Revolution were addressed; education became universal, trade unions were legalised and most men were enfranchised - women had to wait until after WWI.

Britain bumbled into the stalemate of WWI in 1914, resulting in the senseless slaughter of a million Britons and a widening gulf between the ruling and working classes. The latter set the stage for 50 years of labour unrest, beginning with the 1926 Great Strike and growing throughout the 1930s depression. Britain dithered through the 1920s and '30s, with mediocre and visionless government, which failed to confront the problems the country faced - including the rise of Hitler and imperial Germany.

Britain's never-say-die character was forged in WWII under the guidance of Winston Churchill. Britain bounced back from Dunkirk, the relentless Luftwaffe air raids and the fall of Singapore and Hong Kong to win the Battle of Britain and play a vital role in the Allied victory. Despite the euphoria, Britain's resources and influence were exhausted and its new role as a secondary power became clearer as first India (1947), then Malaysia (1957) and Kenya (1963) gained independence.

It took until the 1960s for wartime recovery to be fully completed, but by then Britons had supposedly `never had it so good', according to their prime minister, Harold Macmillan. The sixties briefly repositioned swinging London back at the cultural heart of the world, as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Mary Quant, David Bailey, Twiggy, Jean Shrimpton and Co strutted their stuff on the world stage. But the sixties weren't all mini skirts and Sergeant Pepper: factionalism in Northern Ireland became overtly violent, leading to the deployment of British troops in 1969. The Troubles, as they are euphemistically known, have been dogging the British and Irish governments and ruining Northern Ireland ever since. The 1970s' oil crisis, massive inflation, the three-day working week and class antagonism also brought reality crashing into the party, and in 1979 the Brits elected matronly Margaret Thatcher to come and mop up their mess for them.

Thatcher broke the unions, privatised national industries, established a meritocracy, sent a flotilla to the Falklands and polarised British society. She became the longest-serving prime minister this century and left such a deep mark on the Brits that even now, going on for a decade after she was dumped by her political party, Dame Maggie looms large over any discussion of domestic affairs. The ever-so-nice John Major, PM from 1990, failed to rally the nation to the Conservative cause, and was booted out in no uncertain terms in elections in May 1997.

England under PM Tony Blair is a changing place. As yet though, the 'new dawn' hasn't quite given way to a sunlit day - two decades of Tory glory isn't easy to dismantle and post-victory jubilance has given way to a temperate optimism. The hopeful mood appears justified: the North Ireland peace process is getting on track, the young Princes are pashing the Spice Girls and suspicion of European union doesn't seem to be running so thickly through the English bloodstream.

Economic Profile

GDP: US$1054 billion
GDP per head: US$18,138
Annual growth: 3%
Inflation: 3%
Major industries: Banking and finance, steel, transport equipment, oil and gas, tourism
Major trading partners: EU & USA


England's greatest artistic contributions have come in the fields of theatre, literature and architecture. Although there is not an equivalent tradition in painting and sculpture, England is a treasure house of masterpieces from every age and continent thanks to its rapacious past. Most visitors are overwhelmed by the stately homes of the aristocracy, and England's fine collection of castles and cathedrals. Unfortunately, this significant architectural heritage has failed to lead to anything more inspiring in the 20th century than motorways, high-rise housing and tawdry suburban development. Anyone who has studied English literature at school will remember ploughing through Chaucer, Shakespeare, Dickens and Morrissey, and painful though it might have been at the time, no-one can deny England's formidable contribution to the Western literary canon.

Perhaps England's greatest cultural export has been the English language, the current lingua franca of the international community. There are astonishing regional variations in accents, and it is not unusual to find those in southern England claiming to need an interpreter to speak to anyone living north of Oxford.

The majority of English who profess religious beliefs belong to the Church of England, which became independent of Rome in the 16th century. Other significant protestant churches include Methodist, Baptist and the Salvation Army. One in 10 Britons consider themselves Catholic, and there are now over a million Muslims and sizeable Hindu and Sikh populations. Despite this variety of religions, most English are fonder of their churches as architectural icons of grandeur and stability than as houses of religious piety.

Perhaps the least appealing aspect of English culture is the food, which is stodgy, uninspiring and expensive. Although London is experiencing a renaissance in quality, creative cuisine, travellers in the provinces or those on a budget should be prepared for uninventive, overcooked meat-and-two-veg and an assortment of fish `n' chips, eggs and bacon, and mashed potatoes and sausages.


For the sporty, the traditional Oxford/Cambridge University Boat Race is held in London on the River Thames in late March; the famous but gruelling Grand National steeplechase takes place at Aintree, Liverpool, on the first Saturday in April; the FA Cup soccer tournament reaches its climax at London's Wembley stadium in May; the strawberries and cream Lawn Tennis Championships take place at Wimbledon in late June; the champagne-quaffing set head for the Henley Royal Regatta at Henley-on-Thames also in June; and the Cowes Week yachting extravaganza pushes off on the Isle of Wight in late July.

Those uninterested in ball games and fast-moving animals should check out the Chelsea Flower Show at London's Royal Hospital in May; the Trooping of the Colour pageantry on the Queen's birthday in London in mid-June; the bacchanalian Glastonbury Festival music extravaganza which swamps Glastonbury's paddocks in June; and the riotous (in the best possible sense) Caribbean carnival in London's Notting Hill in late August.

Facts for the Traveller

Visas: EU citizens may live and work free of any immigration controls. Citizens of the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are generally allowed to stay six months without a visa.
Health risks: None
Electricity: 240V, 50Hz
Weights & Measures: Metric (except beer, which is measured in pints)(see conversion table)

Money & Costs

  • Budget meal: US$5-10
  • Moderate restaurant meal: US$15-25
  • Top-end restaurant meal: US$30 and upwards
  • Budget room: US$15-30
  • Moderate hotel: US$40-100
  • Top-end hotel: US$100 and upwards
England is extremely expensive and London is horrific. While in London you will need to budget about US$35 for bare survival (dorm accommodation, a one-day travel card and the most basic sustenance). Even moderate sightseeing or nightlife can easily add another US$25 to this. If you stay in a hotel and eat restaurant meals you could easily spend US$90 a day without being extravagant. Once you get out of the big smoke the costs will drop, particularly if you have a transport pass and if you cook your own meals. You'll still need at least US$30 a day, and if you stay in B&Bs, eat one sit-down meal a day and don't stint on entry fees, you'll need about US$65 a day.

Travellers' cheques are widely accepted in English banks and you might as well buy them in pounds sterling to avoid changing currencies twice. Change bureaus in London frequently levy outrageous commissions and fees, so make sure you establish any deductions in advance. The bureaus at the international airports are exceptions to the rule, charging less than most banks and cashing sterling travellers' cheques for free. Cashpoints (ATMs) are very common in Britain: most are linked to major credit cards as well as the Cirrus, Maestro and Plus cash networks, but if a machine swallows your card it can be a nightmare. Most banks insist on chopping it in half and sending it back to your home branch - very helpful.

If you eat in an English restaurant you should leave a tip of at least 10% unless the service was unsatisfactory. Waiting staff are often paid derisory wages on the assumption that the money will be supplemented by tips. Some restaurants include a service charge on the bill, in which case a gratuity is unnecessary. Taxi drivers expect to be tipped about 10%, especially in London.

When to Go

Anyone who spends any extended period of time in England will sympathise with the locals' obsession with the weather, although in relative terms the climate is mild and the rainfall is not spectacular. The least hospitable months for visitors are November through February - it's cold and the days are short. March and October are marginal - there's more daylight but it can still be very cold. April to September are undoubtedly the best months, and this is, unsurprisingly, when most sights are open, and when most people visit. July and August are the busiest months, and best avoided if at all possible. The crowds on the coast, at the national parks, in London and popular towns like Oxford, Bath and York have to be seen to be believed.


Visitors need to remember that England is a small country with a large population and almost 20 million tourists a year. This density can result in major sights disappearing beneath a seething mass of onlookers. The best way to steer clear of the crowds is to avoid visiting well-known attractions during summer, weekends and school holidays (in that order), and to be adventurous about your itinerary. Apart from London, the following mainstream attractions include alternatives that are equally rewarding, less trampled and take you off the tourist treadmill.


Once the capital of the greatest empire the world has ever known, London is embedded in the culture, vocabulary and dreams of every English speaker on the planet. It's still the largest city in Europe, peopled not only with some seven million present-day inhabitants, but also with the ghosts of countless figures from history and literature. `When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life', said Samuel Johnson, but at times it is London that looks tired of man, woman and child, traffic, graffiti and the clammy English weather. At times it will be colder, greyer, dirtier and more expensive than you believed possible; at others, it will be more grand, evocative and beautiful than you could have imagined. Every visitor to Britain should soak in London's overabundance of history, culture, monuments, dynamism and squalor.

Canterbury Cathedral

The most impressive and evocative, if not the most beautiful, cathedral in England is the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Primate of All England. Like most cathedrals, it evolved in stages and reflects a number of architectural styles, but the final result is one of the world's great buildings. The ghosts of saints, soldiers and pilgrims fill the hallowed air, and not even baying packs of French children can completely destroy the atmosphere. After the martyrdom of Archbishop Thomas à Becket in 1170, the cathedral became the centre of one of the most important medieval pilgrimages in Europe, a pilgrimage that was immortalised by Geoffrey Chaucer in the Canterbury Tales. Canterbury itself was severely damaged by bombing in WW II and parts of the town have been insensitively rebuilt, but it still attracts flocks of tourists, just as it has for the past 800 years - though numbers may decrease now pilgrims are charged a US$5 fee to enter the cathedral.

  • Alternative
  • Winchester is a beautiful cathedral city, with a lovely river and water meadows, surrounded by rolling chalk downs. It lies at the centre of English history and embodies the romantic vision of the English heartland. It was once the capital of Alfred the Great's Wessex, and it was here that the Domesday Book was written. An Iron Age hill fort overlooks the city, from where parts of the defence wall of the Roman city of Venta Bulgarum can be seen, and the 900-year-old cathedral has a truly inspiring and intricate interior.

    Winchester Cathedral (19K)


    Five-thousand-year-old Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric site in Europe, but it remains both a tantalising mystery and a hackneyed tourist experience. It consists of a ring of enormous stones topped by lintels, an inner horseshoe, an outer circle and a ditch. Although aligned to the movements of the celestial bodies, little is known about the site's purpose. What leaves most visitors gobsmacked is not the site's religious significance but the tenacity of the people who brought some of the stones all the way from South Wales. It's estimated that it would take 600 people to drag one of these 50-ton monsters more than half an inch. The downside of Stonehenge is that it's fenced off like a dog compound; there are two main roads slicing past the site; entry is via an incongruous underpass; and clashes between new age hippies and police at summer solstice have become a regular feature of the British calendar.

    Stonehenge (15K)

  • Alternative
  • The stones at Avebury are much more accessible and impressive in scale than Stonehenge, and on weekdays you may be lucky to find yourself almost alone in the centre of the enormous circle. Avebury itself is a pretty village, which is surrounded by a swag of Neolithic sites such as Silbury Hill and West Kennet Long Barrow. Avebury's stones date from 2600 BC, and include the Barber Surgeon Stone, which was named after the skeleton of an unfortunate medieval travelling barber found buried beneath it (the stone probably fell on him). The village is around 30 miles east of Bath and just over eight miles north of Stonehenge.

    Avebury (15K)


    Famous for its Roman Baths and its elegant, honey-coloured Georgian architecture, Bath is both a World Heritage Site and a tourist mecca. If it feels like a historical theme park at times, that's the price you pay for getting so many spectacular sites in the same town. Bath was the haunt of English fashionable society in the 18th century, but the frivolous aristocrats who flocked here to gamble, gossip and flirt also brought brilliant architects who designed the Palladian terraced housing, the circles, crescents and squares which dominate the city. Attractions include the gorgeously located Bath Abbey, the Roman Baths, the elegant Pump Rooms and the much-photographed, shop-lined Pultney Bridge. It's a small, compact, civilised city, built for strolling around, exploring alleyways, gawking at the superb housing and ogling the expensive products in the shops. In summer, buskers and crowds fill the streets, but you can escape to the idyllic River Avon and row through the town in peace.

  • Alternative
  • Norwich has been described as the most complete medieval city in the country. The town is clustered around the splendid 800-year-old Norman castle keep and the great Anglo-Norman cathedral. More than 30 parish churches are crowded into the small area within the circle of the River Wensum and the city walls. Despite the abundance of historic sights, Norwich is a surprisingly lively city with a large student population, giving it an air of vitality and vigour similar cities lack. Norwich is the county `town' of Norfolk, a sleepy county not yet overrun by tourists. The area has a superb coastline, a network of inland waterways known as the Norfolk Broads and several nature reserves that attract bird-watchers.

    The Cotswolds

    This limestone escarpment, 18 miles north-east of Bristol, overlooking the Severn Vale, is an upland region of stunningly pretty, gilded stone villages and remarkable views. Unfortunately, the soft, mellow stone and the picturesque Agatha Christie charm have resulted in some villages being overrun by coach tourists and commercialism. Renowned villages include Bibury (claimed to be the most beautiful village in England); the chocolate-box town of Bourton-on-the-Water; and the breathtakingly pretty Chipping Camden. The best way to explore the Cotswolds is to walk; the 100-mile Cotswold Way is a gem of a hike, full of history and interesting terrain that make the abundance of quaintness easier to swallow.

    Cotswolds village (12K)

    Off the record

  • Alternative
  • Smack in the middle of one of the most densely populated and dull parts of England is the wild and moody Peak District National Park - a remarkable 555-sq-mile region of rugged green hills, dry-stone walls, limestone caves and historic sites. The north of the park is harsh moorland; the pastoral south is composed of gentler terrain cut by deep dales. The area is a favourite with hikers (the gruelling Pennine Way has its southern end in the park) and speliologists (the limestone is riddled with caves). The centre for the region is the pretty village of Bakewell.

    Castleton, Peak District (13K)


    Arguably the world's most famous university town, Oxford is graced by superb college architecture and oozes questing youthfulness, scholarship and bizarre high jinks. The views across the meadows to the city's golden spires are guaranteed to appear in three out of 10 English period dramas, but they manage to remain one of the most beautiful and inspiring of sights. Back in the real world, Oxford is not just the turf of toffs and boffs, it was a major car-manufacturing centre until the terminal decline of the British car industry and is now a thriving centre of service industries. The pick of the colleges are Christ Church, Merton and Magdalen, but nearly all the colleges are drenched in atmosphere, history, privilege and tradition. Don't kid yourself you would have studied any harder in such august surroundings.

  • Alternative
  • Historic, picturesque Cambridge is smaller and more intimate than Oxford and one step down on the tourist hierarchy, though its narrow, bicycle-choked streets still trip up plenty of tourists. It has equally stunning colleges, but its trump cards are the Gothic choir and chapel of King's College and the lush river scenery of `the Backs'. Added bonuses are the Fitzwilliam Museum, tagged the `finest small museum in Europe', and the Norman Romanesque cathedral which dominates nearby Ely.

    Punting on the River Cam, Cambridge (21K)


    This proud city attracts millions of visitors, but it's too old, too impressive and too convinced of its own importance to be overwhelmed by mere tourists. For nearly 2000 years it has been the capital of the north, and played a central role in British history under the Romans, Saxons and Vikings. Its spectacular Gothic cathedral, medieval city walls, tangle of historic streets and glut of teashops and pubs make it a great city for ambling around. York Minster is the largest cathedral in Europe, and right up there with the world's great buildings. The city's Museum Gardens are amongst the most beautiful in Britain and include a number of picturesque ruins and buildings.

  • Alternative
  • Many visitors bypass Lincoln because it's not on any recognised tourist routes. They miss a magnificent and dramatically situated 900-year-old cathedral and a compact, medieval city of narrow winding streets. The lack of tourists makes the locals particularly welcoming, and the surrounding Wolds are dotted with attractive market towns.

    The Lake District

    The most green and pleasant corner of a green and pleasant land, the landscapes of the Lake District are almost too perfect for their own good: 10 million visitors can't be wrong, but they can sure cause a few traffic jams. The area is a combination of luxuriant green dales, modest but precipitous mountains and multitudinous lakes. Each of the lakes has its own distinct character: wisdom holds that Ullswater, Grasmere and Windermere are the prettiest, but Wast Water, Crummock Water and Buttermere are equally spectacular and far less crowded. Be prepared to hike into the hills, or visit on weekdays out of season if you have any desire to emulate the bard and wander lonely as cloud.

    Babbling brook, Lake District (22K)

  • Alternative
  • The expansive, heather-clad North York Moors are a breath of fresh air after the touristy confines of the Lake District. The moors are truly lonely, and stretch unbroken and unspoilt from the Cleveland Hills to the dramatic cliffs lining the North Sea. Cut by dales sheltering abbeys, castles and no-nonsense, small, stone villages, the moors are excellent hiking country for anyone wanting to escape the hype of England's other beauty spots. Rest up and watch your blisters harden afterwards in Whitby, arguably one of the most interesting seaside resorts in England.

    Whitby (18K)


    Durham is the most dramatic cathedral city in Britain. It straddles a bluff surrounded on three sides by the River Wear and is dominated by the massive Norman cathedral which sits on a wooded promontory, looking more like a time-worn cliff than a house of worship. The cathedral may not be the most refined in the land, but no other British cathedral has the same impact. The cathedral shares the dramatic top of the bluff with a Norman castle and the University College, while the rest of the picturesque `city' (population 38,000) huddles into the remaining space on the teardrop-shaped promontory.

  • Alternative
  • The prosperous, old wool town of Richmond is one of the most beautiful in England and yet few people seem to know about it. The town's Georgian buildings, stone cottages and cobbled streets are dominated by a ruined castle on a rocky outcrop above the River Swale. Legends cling to the castle like moss: some say King Arthur and his knights are asleep inside and will wake when the country needs them. The views from the castle of the surrounding hills and moors are enough to make you think all's right with England for the while.

    Off the Beaten Track

    Isles of Scilly

    The balmy Scilly Isles, 28 miles south-west of Land's End, comprise 140 rocky islands slap in the middle of the warm Gulf Stream. The mild climate enables plants and trees that grow nowhere else in Britain to flourish, and growing flowers for the mainland is an important industry. The pace of life on the five inhabited islands is slow and gentle, and there's no need for a car because the largest island (St Mary's) only measures around three by two miles. Most of the islands have white, sandy beaches, gin-clear waters and a swag of shipwrecks, making it attractive territory for divers. The major tourist attraction is the subtropical gardens at Tresco abbey on Tresco. The best beaches are on St Martin's, but the most powerful sight is Bryher's Hell Bay in the middle of an Atlantic gale. Visitors can fly to St Mary's from Land's End, Exeter, Newquay, Plymouth and Bristol, or catch a boat from Penzance.

    New Forest

    Wedged between Southampton and Bournemouth on the holiday South Coast, this 145-sq-mile patch of woodland is the largest area of natural vegetation left in England. It has been that way since William the Conqueror gave the area its name in 1079. Befittingly, a number of ancient traditions survive in the forest, including commoners' rights to graze their stock. There are some 5000 wild ponies and cattle grazing in the forest, and plenty of deer, badgers and foxes residing among the fine stands of oak, beech and holly. It's a pretty area to drive through, but even better if you get off the roads and onto the walking and cycling tracks.

    Thatched cottage in the New Forest (22K)


    The `blue remembered hills' of Shropshire form one of the most beautiful, peaceful and underrated areas of Britain. The gentle terrain and the low population density make it perfect cycling or open walking country. The county's capital, Shrewsbury, is probably the finest Tudor town in England, famous for its half-timbered buildings and winding medieval streets. Nearby Wroxeter boasts the ruins of Viroconium, the fourth-largest city in Roman Britain. Ironbridge, south of Telford, was the Silicon Valley of the Industrial Revolution, and the Ironbridge Gorge Museum is Britain's finest museum of industrial archaeology.

    Tudor houses, Shrewsbury (17K)


    This is one of the wildest and least-spoilt counties in England. There are probably more castles and battlefield sites here than anywhere else in the country, testifying to the long and bloody struggle with the Scots. The most interesting and well-known relic is Hadrian's Wall. The Northumberland National Park has a windswept grandeur that is distinctly un-English in character. The grassy Cheviot Hills, part of the park, are a lonely, beautiful and challenging hiking area. The main town in the area is Berwick-upon-Tweed, the northernmost town in England; the prettiest villages are Brampton and Corbridge.

    Hadrian's Wall (11K)


    England may be densely populated but it is also crisscrossed by footpaths and rights of way, which provide access to just about every nook and cranny of the country if you want to take a short stroll. The more energetic should tackle at least one long-distance walk. The best of the hikes include the South-West Coast Path around the dramatic shores of Somerset, Devon, Cornwall and Dorset (up to 14 days); the picturesque Cotswold Way (five days); and the dramatic moorland and coastal scenery of the Cleveland Way (up to a week). Cycling is another great way to get off the beaten track and down some unexplored country lanes; the main roads are best avoided. The best beaches for swimming are in Devon and Cornwall; the best surf is on Cornwall's west coast, notably at Newquay.

    Getting There & Away

    London is one of the most important air-transport hubs in the world and the centre for discounted long-haul airfares, so there are plenty of opportunities to find cheap flights. There are five international airports servicing London (Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton, Stansted and London City), and international connections to Manchester, Newcastle and Bristol. The departure tax on international flights is US$34 (US$17 if you're flying to an EU country).

    For the first time since the ice ages, Britain has a land link with mainland Europe. Two services operate through the Channel Tunnel: Eurostar is a high-speed passenger service between London, Paris and Brussels; Eurotunnel has a shuttle service (Le Shuttle) for cars, motorbikes and buses between the English port of Folkestone and the French port of Calais.

    If you feel uncomfortable with the idea of a tunnel or want to get some fresh air in the English Channel, you can get a bus or train connection to mainland Europe with a short ferry or hovercraft ride thrown in. The boat trip on the shortest routes (from Dover or Folkestone to Calais or Boulogne) takes about 90 minutes; the hovercraft takes about 35 minutes. Ferries go to France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavia from a number of southern and eastern British ports; to Spain from Portsmouth; and to Ireland from a handful of western English ports.

    Getting Around

    Public transport in England is generally of a high standard, but can be expensive. Buses or coaches are the cheapest but slowest way to get around. On longer journeys they are also the least scenic way to travel. England has an impressive rail network which includes a couple of beautiful lines through sparsely populated country. Fast intercity trains make air travel unnecessary unless you're in a real hurry. Car hire is worth considering if you want to explore some of the remoter towns and villages at your own pace. Taxis are plentiful in London, but less conspicuous in regional centres.

    Recommended Reading

    Lonely Planet Guides

    Travellers' Reports

    On-line Info

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    Lonely Planet
    this little piggy takes you all the way...

    so watchit orright?