Microsoft Office
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The World's Most Popular Office Suite

Microsoft Office Box
Windows 95

Microsoft Office for Windows® 95 does more than remove the barriers between programs. It makes your software more accessible and intuitive, so you can get more work done in less time with less effort.

The Microsoft Windows 95 operating system introduced new ways of thinking and communicating with your personal computer. Now Microsoft Office for Windows 95 takes that usability to the next level. It isn't about new buttons and features. It's about software that helps you achieve your full potential. So you can perform new tasks as if they're already familiar. Accomplish everyday tasks in record time. Spend more time thinking about your work and less time thinking about how your software works.

IntelliSense(TM) technology makes everyday tasks such as entering text easier. Spell-checking and formatting happen automatically, on the fly. And built-in wizards walk you through more complex tasks step by step. So activities such as building a relational database from scratch, setting up a meeting, and building a presentation aren't complex the first time. And if you have questions as you go along, you can ask them of the Answer Wizard in your own words, such as "How do I print this page sideways?"

The programs in Microsoft Office work together and work alike. So you can manage key contacts in Microsoft Schedule+ and drop their addresses into Microsoft Word with the click of a button. Use a wizard to turn reports into PowerPoint® presentations. Convert a customer list in Microsoft Excel into a relational database in Microsoft Access. And more. Put the best tool to work on each job without the hassle of having to learn new software.

You can use the Office Binder to create a single document (a business plan, perhaps) that uses files from several Office programs. Combine a cover letter, financial projections, and professional-looking charts and presentations quickly into one file that you can save, share, and print as one. Open it to get easy access to all the programs it uses. You spend less time going back and forth between programs. Less time trying to figure out the rules. More time focusing on your business.

After all, isn't that why you got a computer in the first place?

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