Microsoft® Small Business Pack

for Microsoft Office for Windows 95

Planning, Tracking & Analysis Tools for Small Business

Microsoft Small Business Pack for Microsoft Office saves you time by providing the ready-to-use tools you need to plan, manage, and analyze your growing business.

Small businesses, as most other organizations, look to computers and software to help them accomplish more with existing resources, in less time. The ultimate goal is to increase profits. Microsoft Small Business Pack for Microsoft Office is a combination of easy-to-use tools that can help you save time, improve productivity, and enhance your business image. It offers a comprehensive group of ready-to-use business templates, forms, and reports that are tightly integrated with Microsoft Office for the Windows® 95 operating system-so you can take full advantage of the latest Office programs and gain professional results the first time you use them.

Business solutions to help you get the job done.

Each tool in the Small Business Pack is task based. That means you don't necessarily need to know which program a tool requires. You just decide what you want to accomplish, click the appropriate icon, and the appropriate program is launched-Microsoft Excel, Word, the PowerPoint® presentation graphics program, or Microsoft Access for Windows 95-to help you get the job done. You can use these tools to develop a business plan; track invoices, sales, clients, and employee information in pre-built databases; use professionally designed forms to enhance your business
image; analyze your cash flow and marketing and sales results; and create financial reports that you can take to the bank. You'll have the information you need to make sound business decisions, and the tools to present that information in a professional manner.

A solid business reference.

Microsoft Small Business Pack for Microsoft Office also includes a great reference tool-Business Guide-with information on setting up and running
a business, and definitions of business terms. Whether you're just starting your business or are already established, the Small Business Pack for Microsoft Office can help you get the job done faster while making it easy to manage your business more efficiently.

Take advantage of a complete set of business planning, tracking, and analysis tools for Microsoft Office for Windows 95.

Microsoft Small Business Pack for Microsoft Office includes a wide range of tools to make it easy to get the job done and to keep your business on track.

Creating a professional image.

Managing the financial fundamentals.

Developing your strategy.

Staying on top of day-to-day business.


To use Microsoft Small Business Pack, you need:


*Users of Microsoft Office, Standard Edition, will require Microsoft Access database version 7.0, available separately, to use some forms and templates.

Unlimited no-charge support

Count on unlimited no-charge product support by phone from Microsoft's award-winning technical
support services (toll charges apply).

Inside Microsoft Small Business Pack

Support services vary outside the United States and Canada. For information on support in other locations, contact your local Microsoft subsidiary. Microsoft's support services are subject to Microsoft's then-current prices, terms, and conditions, and are subject to change without notice.
© 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This data sheet is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Company names and/or data used in screens are fictitious, unless otherwise noted. Microsoft, the Office Compatible logo, PowerPoint, Windows, and the Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Business Plan feature developed by Palo Alto Software.
Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA
Version 7.0

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