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The Business Value of Upgrading
from Microsoft Office Version 4.x

End User Productivity Report.
According to a study done by Kelly Services, Microsoft Office 4.x users moving to Office for Windows 95 were:
  • 37% faster at completing common tasks
  • 35% more accurate with those tasks
Impact on Helpdesk Report.
A Workgroup Technologies study reported that the average site will experience:
  • 35% fewer help-desk calls
  • 12% fewer on-site technician calls
Learning Analysis.
MASIE Center found that upgraders and switchers easily learn new features without formal training. Expect new users to require no more than 3 hours of formal training, followed by self-discovery.

Cost of Ownership.
In a comprehensive study, IDC found that the reduced cost to use Office for Windows 95 combined with increased user productivity resulted in:

  • 100-user upgrade payback in 5.3 months
  • 1,000-user upgrade payback in 4.6 months
These studies are available at

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