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Programs running under "X Window" (graphical mode)


XEmacs is a more agreeable version of Emacs with icons. Despite the fact that Emacs and XEmacs were created by different developers, all or nearly all of the commands are common to both. Do not confuse Emacs for X with XEmacs.

Figure: xemacs

We advise that you familiarise yourself with XEmacs (or Emacs) as you will certainly need it one day.

Netscape Communicator

Everyone knows the renowned Navigator from the company Netscape. Henceforth its sources are free and it remains the best performing browser under Linux.

To launch it, just type "netscape &" (or launch it via the K menu). The first time, Netscape will send you a series of error messages indicating the creation of a directory ~/.netscape and sub directory.

We will not detail the use of Navigator as everyone knows how to use it!

Figure: netscape


Xv is an image viewer. It recognises just about all existing formats. When you launch it (type "xv &" in a shell, or use the K menu), a window appears. One right-button click will bring up a command window.

To view an image, choose "load" then the name of your file. It is possible to perform screen captures with xv (click on grab). There are two modes: grab and autograb. The first allows you to create a rectangle using the middle button of your mouse. When you release, a capture of the contents of the rectangle is made. The second mode allows you to capture the image of a window.

Figure: xv

It is also noteworthy that XV allows you to put an image into the background of the screen. Note that one other utility of this kind is also delivered with Mandrake, but it is not installed by default: called "Electric Eyes", it promises much.


Gimp is a complete "bitmap" image processing program (bitmap means non-vectorial). Gimp is very much inspired by Photoshop (tm) and betters it sometimes for certain advanced functions. The menus are not always intuitive, but by searching a little, you can always find the sought effect. You can also program your own effects with the help of scripts in the language Scheme. Gimp is a truly impressive program. To launch it, type "gimp &" or use the K menu.

Figure: gimp


We are not going to detail the games delivered with Linux-Mandrake, but they are all the same numerous: look in the K menu in particular. Also try "xkobo" which will guarantee you many stressful hours!

Figure: xkobo.

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