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The sort Command

By default, list and step sort software alphabetically by product, image, or subsystem name. Using sort, you can switch between alphabetical listings of software and listings that are ordered by size.

Example 5-5 shows how the alphabetical listing in Example 5-4 is affected when the sort command is used to arrange by size (the list legend is omitted from this example).

View> sort size
View> return 
Inst> list 
i N InPerson.sw          5294+ InPersonSoftware
i N InPerson.books       2172+ InPersonBooks
i N 4DLT.sw               794+ 4DLT software3.1
i N              146+ 4DDN Documentation
i N           43+ InPersonDocumentation

Example 5-5 : Effects of sort on a list Display

Note: When the sort size command is in effect, the ordering of a list is affected by the sizes, deltas, and filesystems command (see "The filesystems Command" below).

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