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The filesystems Command

By default, list and step commands display all writable filesystems that are local to the target; disk space estimates reflect an aggregate of the software that is selected to be installed on all locally mounted filesystems. Using the filesystems command, you can change list and step output to report space requirements on individual filesystems, on read-only filesystems, and on NFS filesystems that are writable.

Most arguments to the filesystems command are paired:

on, off

toggles space estimates to individual or aggregate filesystems

local, nfs

specifies whether space estimates reflect locally mounted filesystems (the default) or writable NFS filesystems

readonly, all

specifies whether space estimates reflect just read-only filesystems or writable and read-only filesystems


Any filesystem specification
Any filesystems command entry overrides the previous filesystems entry.

Example 5-6 illustrates how to display individual filesystems in a list display. Notice that the sort command from Example 5-5 is still in effect, so images are sorted by size on the root filesystem (/) first, then on /disk_2, and finally on /disk_3.

View> filesystems on
View> return list
                                 /    /disk_2      /disk_3
  N  InPerson.sw               5294        0            0
  N  InPerson.books             217        0            0
i N  4DLT.sw                    794        0            0
i N                   146        0            0
i N                43        0            0
i N  WorkShop.sw                  0    46927            0
  S  c++_dev.sw                   0     4173            0
Current free space            94358   487872       169735
- Selections net change        8449+   51100            0
- Temporary inst overhead       184+     328            0
= Minimum free during install 85725   436444       169735
Final projected free space    85909   436772       169735

Example 5-6 : Displaying Individual Filesystems Example 5-7 shows how you can change the columns that are shown in list and step displays. Notice that /disk_2 software appears before / software, as specified by the order of filesystems command arguments, and the /disk_3 filesystem does not appear in the listing, since it is not specified as an argument. The filesystems command is abbreviated in this example.

View> fs /disk2 /
View> return list
                                 /disk2         / 
i N  WorkShop.sw                  46927         0 
  S  c++_dev.sw                    4173         0 
  N  InPerson.sw                      0      5294 
  N  InPerson.books                   0      2172 
i N  4DLT.sw                          0       794 
i N                         0       146 
i N                     0        43 
Current free space               487872     48787 
- Selections net change           51100      8449+
- Temporary inst overhead           328       184+
= Minimum free during install    436444     85725 
Final projected free space       436772     85909 

Example 5-7 : Changing Column Order in list Displays

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