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The level Command

By default, the list and step commands display the subsystem components of software on the distribution or target. Using the level command from the View Commands menu, you can change the output to a different component in the product hierarchy. The level command takes product (or 1), image (or 2), and subsystem (or 3) as arguments.

Example 5-4 illustrates the effects of a level command on the first two products shown in Example 5-3 (the list legend is omitted from this example).

View> level image 
View> return list
i N              146+ 4DDN Documentation
i N 4DLT.sw               794+ 4DLT software3.1
i N InPerson.books          0 InPersonBooks
i N         2215+ InPersonDocumentation
i N InPerson.sw          5294+ InPersonSoftware

Example 5-4 : Effects of level on a list Display

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