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The filter Command

By default, the output of list and step contains all subsystems that are available in the distribution inventory; when the view is set to the target, list and step output contains all software that is either installed or recorded in the installation history. The filter command on the View Commands menu alters the output of list and step by toggling off and on a specified subset of the display.

You can use any status designation, such as new (on distribution listings) or installed (on target listings), as the filter. You can also use the keywords all, notinstalled, and rejected as filters (see Inst online help for a complete description of filters).

For example, this filter command causes removed subsystems to be omitted from list and step displays of target software:

View> filter removed off 
The command sequence in Example 5-3 illustrates a target listing before and after the previous filter command is entered (the list legend is omitted from this example):

View> .. list 
   4DLT                    818 4DLT software 3.1
 R ClearCase             40653 CASEVision/ClearCase 2.0.1 BL1 (IRIX 5.3)
 R FDDIXPress             1012 FDDIXPress, 3.6
   InPerson               8273 InPerson Desktop Conferencing, 1.1
 R ViewKit_dev               0 ViewKit Development Environment, Version 1.1
 N cosmo                   246 Cosmo Compress Execution Environment 1.1
 N dba                       0 Database Accelerator, 5.3
   media_dev                 0 IRIS Digital Media Development Environment
View> filter removed off 
View> return list 
   4DLT                    818 4DLT software 3.1
   InPerson               8273 InPerson Desktop Conferencing, 1.1
 N cosmo                   246 Cosmo Compress Execution Environment 1.1
 N dba                       0 Database Accelerator, 5.3
   dmedia_dev                0 IRIS Digital Media Development Environment

Example 5-3 : Effects of Using View Filters

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