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Loading From a Local CD

The procedure below explains how to load the miniroot from a distribution CD that is mounted locally on the target. (If you plan to install from a remote distribution, see "Loading From a Remote Distribution Source".) This procedure also explains the informational messages that you should check when Inst is invoked from the miniroot load.

Use this procedure to load the miniroot from a local CD:

  1. Exit the command monitor.

    >> exit

    The System Maintenance menu is displayed after your entry.

  2. Choose Install System Software from the System Maintenance menu.

    On most screens, the System Maintenance menu is similar to the one shown in Figure 3-1 (page 31). Click the Install System Software icon on this menu to display a selection of distribution sources.

    If you are using an ASCII console, the menu appears in text (see Figure 3-2, page 31). Type the number of the Install System Software selection to display a list of distribution choices (in Figure 3-2, the number is 2).

  3. Specify the location of the installable software.

    Select the local CD-ROM icon to specify the location of the software distribution. Or, if you are using an ASCII console, enter the number of the Local CD-ROM selection.

  4. Insert the first CD.

    Be sure to insert the CD containing the installation tools into the caddy with the label side up. Then insert the caddy into the CD-ROM drive.

  5. Load the miniroot and run Inst.

    Click the Continue button or press <Ent> to start the miniroot load and run Inst. These messages appear after your entry:

    Obtaining installation tools

    Copying installation tools to disk

  6. Wait for the miniroot to be copied.

    Copying the miniroot to the swap partition of the target takes several minutes. During that time, a message bar appears to indicate the status of the copy (rows of dots appear on ASCII console screens). When the copy is completed, some informational messages are posted and the Inst Main menu is displayed. The informational messages are similar to these:

    IRIX Release version cpu Version longversion System V

    Copyright 1987-1994 Silicon Graphics, Inc.

    All Rights Reserved.

    ipg0: missing

    enp0: missing

    fxp0: missing

    These messages are normal and do not indicate a problem; one line is posted for each type of device that is supported by the kernel and not detected on the target. After the device messages, startup messages are displayed:

    Creating miniroot devices, please wait...

    Current system date is date

    Mounting file systems:

    /dev/miniroot on /

    /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0 on /root

    /root/dev/usr on /root/usr

    Invoking software installation.

  7. Reset the system date, if needed.

    Notice that the startup messages include a posting of the system date. If the date is off by more than a few minutes, reset it with this command (see "Changing the Network Timeout Value" if you need more information):

    Inst> admin date mmddhhmmyy

    To recheck the date, display it again with this command:

    Inst> admin date

  8. Check the distribution source that is specified for the installation.

    The local CD distribution directory, /CDROM/dist, should be posted as the distribution specification in a message above the Inst Main menu (look ahead to Figure 5-1 for an illustration of the Main menu):

    Default distribution to install from: source

    For help on inst commands, type "help overview".

The miniroot is successfully loaded on the target system and Inst is invoked. Go on to the procedures in Chapter 5, "Using Supplementary Menus" to install software.

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