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Preliminary PROM Monitor Procedure

The user interface to the PROM monitor varies slightly on different target models and hardware configurations. For example, on graphics systems, some PROM monitor menus contain icons that you click to make selections. If you are using an ASCII console on a graphics system, all prompts and menus appear as text. Regardless of differences in the user interface, the tasks that you perform from the PROM monitor are the same for all computer models.

This procedure explains how to invoke the PROM monitor and reset the network address (netaddr) if you determine that it is necessary:

  1. Shut down the target system.

    You can shut down the target system by selecting System Shutdown from the System tool. Or you can shut it down from an IRIX shell:

    % su -


    # shutdown

    After the shutdown, you see this prompt:

    Okay to power off the system now.

    Press any key to restart.

  2. Begin the restart sequence.

    Press any key (such as <Enter>) to begin the system restart, but do not allow the restart to complete; go immediately to step 3.

    Note: If the system restarts before you are able to complete step 3, repeat steps 1 and 2 of this procedure.

  3. Go to the System Maintenance menu.

    Type <Esc> to go to the System Maintenance menu when you see this message:

    Starting up the system...

    To perform system maintenance instead, press <Esc>.

  4. Stop the system.

    When you see the Stop for Maintenance button, click the Stop button or press <Esc> to go to the System Maintenance menu. The System Maintenance menu is shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 : The System Maintenance Menu

If you are using an ASCII console, the menu appears in text, as shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 : System Maintenance Menu on an ASCII Screen

  1. Start the command monitor from the System Maintenance menu.

    Click the Enter Command Monitor icon to start the command monitor. Or, if you are using an ASCII console, type the number of the Enter Command Monitor selection (in Figure 3-2, the number is 5).

    After your entry, the command monitor prompt is displayed. It looks similar to the one shown here:

    Command Monitor. Type "exit" to return to the menu.


  2. Use the printenv command to display PROM variable settings.

    >> printenv

    The output of printenv shows the PROM setting for the network address as the value of netaddr, as shown in this example:


  3. Reset the netddr variable, if needed.

    If the value of netaddr is different from the target address that you obtained from the ping command (see "Getting the Target's Name and Address"), reset the PROM address to the address that you obtained from ping. Use this command to set the address:

    >> setenv netaddr ping_address

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