class FXGLShape

OpenGL Shape Object


Public Methods

[more] FXGLShape(FXfloat x, FXfloat y, FXfloat z, FXuint opts)
Construct with specified origin and options
[more] FXGLShape(FXfloat x, FXfloat y, FXfloat z, FXuint opts, const FXMaterial& front, const FXMaterial& back)
Construct with specified origin, options and front and back materials
[more] FXGLShape(const FXGLShape& orig)
Copy constructor
[more]virtual void bounds(FXRange& box)
Called by the viewer to get bounds for this object
[more]virtual void draw(FXGLViewer* viewer)
Draw this object in a viewer
[more]virtual void hit(FXGLViewer* viewer)
Draw this object for hit-testing purposes
[more]virtual FXGLObject* copy()
Copy this object
[more]virtual FXbool canDrag() const
Return true if this object can be dragged around
[more]virtual FXbool canDelete() const
Return true if this object can be deleted from the scene
[more]virtual FXbool drag(FXGLViewer* viewer, FXint fx, FXint fy, FXint tx, FXint ty)
Drag this object from one position to another
[more]void setTipText(const FXString& text)
Set the tool tip message for this object
[more]FXString getTipText() const
Get the tool tip message for this object
[more]void setMaterial(FXint side, const FXMaterial &mtl)
Set the material for specified side (where side = 0 or 1)
[more]void getMaterial(FXint side, FXMaterial &mtl) const
Get the material for specified side (where side = 0 or 1)
[more]virtual void save(FXStream& store) const
Save shape to a stream
[more]virtual void load(FXStream& store)
Load shape from a stream

Inherited from FXGLObject:

Public Methods

ovirtual FXGLObject* identify(FXuint* path)

Inherited from FXObject:

Public Methods

oconst FXchar* getClassName() const
oFXbool isMemberOf(const FXMetaClass* metaclass) const


OpenGL Shape Object
o FXGLShape(FXfloat x, FXfloat y, FXfloat z, FXuint opts)
Construct with specified origin and options

o FXGLShape(FXfloat x, FXfloat y, FXfloat z, FXuint opts, const FXMaterial& front, const FXMaterial& back)
Construct with specified origin, options and front and back materials

o FXGLShape(const FXGLShape& orig)
Copy constructor

ovirtual void bounds(FXRange& box)
Called by the viewer to get bounds for this object

ovirtual void draw(FXGLViewer* viewer)
Draw this object in a viewer

ovirtual void hit(FXGLViewer* viewer)
Draw this object for hit-testing purposes

ovirtual FXGLObject* copy()
Copy this object

ovirtual FXbool canDrag() const
Return true if this object can be dragged around

ovirtual FXbool canDelete() const
Return true if this object can be deleted from the scene

ovirtual FXbool drag(FXGLViewer* viewer, FXint fx, FXint fy, FXint tx, FXint ty)
Drag this object from one position to another

ovoid setTipText(const FXString& text)
Set the tool tip message for this object

oFXString getTipText() const
Get the tool tip message for this object

ovoid setMaterial(FXint side, const FXMaterial &mtl)
Set the material for specified side (where side = 0 or 1)

ovoid getMaterial(FXint side, FXMaterial &mtl) const
Get the material for specified side (where side = 0 or 1)

ovirtual void save(FXStream& store) const
Save shape to a stream

ovirtual void load(FXStream& store)
Load shape from a stream

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