class FXGLCube

OpenGL Cube Object


Public Methods

[more] FXGLCube(FXfloat x, FXfloat y, FXfloat z, FXfloat w=1.0f, FXfloat h=1.0f, FXfloat d=1.0f)
Construct with specified origin, width, height and depth
[more] FXGLCube(FXfloat x, FXfloat y, FXfloat z, FXfloat w, FXfloat h, FXfloat d, const FXMaterial& mtl)
Construct with specified origin, width, height, depth and material
[more] FXGLCube(const FXGLCube& orig)
Copy constructor
[more]virtual FXGLObject* copy()
Copy this object
[more]void setWidth(FXfloat w)
Change width
[more]void setHeight(FXfloat h)
Change height
[more]void setDepth(FXfloat d)
Change depth
[more]virtual void save(FXStream& store) const
Save to a stream
[more]virtual void load(FXStream& store)
Load from a stream
[more]virtual ~FXGLCube()

Inherited from FXGLShape:

Public Methods

ovirtual void bounds(FXRange& box)
ovirtual void draw(FXGLViewer* viewer)
ovirtual void hit(FXGLViewer* viewer)
ovirtual FXbool canDrag() const
ovirtual FXbool canDelete() const
ovirtual FXbool drag(FXGLViewer* viewer, FXint fx, FXint fy, FXint tx, FXint ty)
ovoid setTipText(const FXString& text)
oFXString getTipText() const
ovoid setMaterial(FXint side, const FXMaterial &mtl)
ovoid getMaterial(FXint side, FXMaterial &mtl) const

Inherited from FXGLObject:

Public Methods

ovirtual FXGLObject* identify(FXuint* path)

Inherited from FXObject:

Public Methods

oconst FXchar* getClassName() const
oFXbool isMemberOf(const FXMetaClass* metaclass) const


OpenGL Cube Object
o FXGLCube(FXfloat x, FXfloat y, FXfloat z, FXfloat w=1.0f, FXfloat h=1.0f, FXfloat d=1.0f)
Construct with specified origin, width, height and depth

o FXGLCube(FXfloat x, FXfloat y, FXfloat z, FXfloat w, FXfloat h, FXfloat d, const FXMaterial& mtl)
Construct with specified origin, width, height, depth and material

o FXGLCube(const FXGLCube& orig)
Copy constructor

ovirtual FXGLObject* copy()
Copy this object

ovoid setWidth(FXfloat w)
Change width

ovoid setHeight(FXfloat h)
Change height

ovoid setDepth(FXfloat d)
Change depth

ovirtual void save(FXStream& store) const
Save to a stream

ovirtual void load(FXStream& store)
Load from a stream

ovirtual ~FXGLCube()

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