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Main library

The UR library offers an adequate lending service to its users and has a reading room with the capacity of 200 seating places.

It has also two computer labs with 68 thin clients in total connected to the Internet. The labs are used to scientific information retrieval.

Furthermore, the UR Library has an Electronic Information Navigation (ELIN).This is a system that helps the users to search within some databases that the UR Library have subscription for.

The UR Library is committed to offering a good service taking into consideration the user's wishes and the realities of an ever-changing world!

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Address: University of Rwanda,
Main Libary, P.O. Box 117 Huye, Rwanda
Phone:+250 530 920 | Fax:+250 530 210 | E-mail:
Page responsible : | Page modified : 02/25/2013