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Main library

The UR Library provides a variety of scientific information by which users can meet their needs:

- It counts a collection of 150 000 books.

- It subscribes to 28 titles of printed journals

- The Library subscribes to 33 000 e-journals

- It facilitates free access to open e-resources such as :
open J-Gate,Pinakes,...

- It makes some Audio-video materials available..

To be able to provide the users with accurate information the library operates through three departments and different sections:

1. Internal services Department :
- Acquisition section

- Cataloguing andclassification section

2. External services Department :
- Periodical section

- Circulation desk/loan section

- Reference section

- Documentation center section

- Rwandese collection section

- Audio-video documentation section

3. ICT(Iformation and Communication Technologies)department.

It is a new helpful department that is supporting appreciably the above mentioned sections. For example :help desk, web site development,databases management,....

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Address: University of Rwanda,
Main Libary, P.O. Box 117 Huye, Rwanda
Phone:+250 530 920 | Fax:+250 530 210 | E-mail:
Page responsible : | Page modified : 08/21/2013