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The UR Library is one of the core units whose mission is "to provide excellent services for the promotion of teaching and research activities at UR". UR Library is the tool by which intellectualls can learn and conduct their research.The UR Libray was built in 1964, extended in 1968. Early in 1978 a new large building was opened on a space of 2535 m2.

It is sub-divided into 3 main departments : Internal services department, External services department and ICT department.

The UR Libray started a transformation process in July 2007. The main objective of this transformation is to shift from the traditional way of management into the modern one. So far, things are moving smoothly and one should be proud of the realizations attained.

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Address: University of Rwanda,
Main Libary, P.O. Box 117 Huye, Rwanda
Phone:+250 530 920 | Fax:+250 530 210 | E-mail:
Page responsible : | Page modified : 08/21/2013