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Journals And Databases from A to Z

American Institute of Physics
AIP publishes 12 journals, two magazines, and a conference proceedings series. Their Scitation platform hosts over 1.5 million articles from more than 25 scholarly publishers.

American Physical Society APS
Access to the Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) and 11 journals produced by the American Physical Society.

ASA - Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA)
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA)

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
ASABE Technical Library includes a range of content including journals, textbook materials, monographs, standards and proceedings as well as the important reference work-in-progress, Design Topics.

American Society of Civil Engineers
Access to 32 journals encompassing more than 48,000 full-text papers published since 1983 - that's over 408,000 pages! Approximately 4000 new papers will be added each year.

Annual Reviews
Annual Reviews publications operate as a high quality filter, prioritizing and synthesizing the primary research literature in 37 different disciplines for the Biomedical, Life, Physical and Social Sciences.

arXiv.org e-Print archive
Preprint archive covering physics, mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, quantitative biology and statistics.

Help using arXiv

British Institute of Radiology Journals
Access to �British Journal of Radiology (BJR)�and Dentomaxillofacial Radiology�(DMFR)

British Library Direct
British Library Direct offers pay-as-you-go access to articles from the top 20,000 international research journals, in fields ranging from aeronautics ...

CABI: Global Health Database
Global Health is available through PERii through the internet-based CAB Direct Service. All current content from 1973 to present is included within PERii.

Cambridge University Press
Over 230 leading titles in Linguistics, Politics, Medicine, Science, Technology, Social Science and Humanities.

Canadian Science Publishing (NRC Research Press)
Online Journals in a broad range of research areas.

Cochrane Library
The Cochrane Library is a collection of online searchable databases containing high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane Reviews ...

De Gruyter LIS Books
Subject based package of 45 e-books, predominantly IFLA publications . 

De Gruyter LIS Journals
Subject based package of 4 journals.

Duke University Press
Duke University Press publishes more than thirty periodicals that span a range of disciplines within the humanities and social sciences.

Communication and Mass Media CompleteTM provides the most robust, quality research solution in areas related to communication and mass media. ...

EBSCO Host Research Databases
Access to 8 major databases: Academic Search Premier; Business Source Premier; ERIC; Masterfile Premier; Newspaper Source; Health Source : Nursing & Academic; Health Source : Consumer Edition; Medline.

Edinburgh University Press Journals Online
Edinburgh University Press publishes over 35�journals across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.

eJDS - eJournals Delivery Service
A tool that allows scientists at institutions in least developed or low-income countries to access current scientific literature, mainly in the fields of physics and mathematics.
eJDS is a programme of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy

Help using eJDS

Emerald Management 120 eJournal Collection
Emerald Management, features 120 Business and Management journals, all of which are peer-reviewed and fully searchable full text journals plus ...

Gale Virtual Reference Library
Selected titles from the E-book reference collection.

Geological Society
The Lyell Collection is an electronic collection of new and archival journal, Special Publication and book content, published by the Geological Society of London. It contains key peer-reviewed Earth science literature of the highest quality.

HST - Libraries in a Digital Age
Specially prepared, online, animated, audio-visual lectures by world leading authorities on library developments in a digital environment for researchers and ...

HST - The Biomedical and Life Sciences Collection
Specially prepared, online, animated, audio-visual lectures by world leading authorities on biomedical and life sciences for researchers and university faculty ...

Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
12 scholarly journals in the field, plus acess to the archive of Interactive Transactions of OR/MS.

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Digital Library
Over 20 Research and Letters Journals from the IET Digital Library.

International Forestry Review
A peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes papers, research notes and book reviews on all aspects of forestry and forest research.

IOP Publishing
Over 60 of the world's most prestigious journals in physics and related disciplines.

Access to full-text journal articles available as searchable, scanned page images from over 800 important scholarly journals in 48 disciplines.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
64 authoritative publications in the most promising areas of biotechnology, biomedical research/life sciences, clinical medicine and surgery, alternative and complementary medicine, law, philanthropy, environmental science and sustainability.

Database containing ~3 million references in mathematics and statistics, provided by the American Mathematical Society

Tutorials for MathScinet

NPG - Nature
Publishes 79 journals and online databases across the life, physical and applied sciences and, most recently, clinical medicine.

NPG - Palgrave Macmillan Journals
Palgrave Macmillan offer a combined portfolio of over 60 peer-reviewed e-journals in the field of Business, Social Sciences and the Humanities.

OECD iLibrary
OECD is the world's largest think-tank, renowned for its authoritative, internationally comparable statistics, analysis, and outlooks in Economics, Public Policy, ...

OSA - Optical Society of America
15 Optics and photonics journals published by OSA and selected OSA meeting content.

Oxford Journals (OUP)
Over 200 leading titles in science, technology, medicine, humanities and social sciences.

Policy Press Journals
The Policy Press publishes three highly prestigious journals in the fields of public and social policy. Policy Press is a leading specialist social science publisher committed to journals that will have an impact on research, learning, policy and practice at an international level.

Project MUSE
Project MUSE provides online access to over 430 full-text journals from 70 publishers in humanities and social science. MUSE pricing meets library needs around the world.

Royal College of Physicians
Full text access to �Clinical Medicine�, the journal of the Royal College of Physicians, London.

Royal Society
Seven leading international journals from the Royal Society, the UK's national academy of science. Titles cover the whole of the biological and physical sciences, and include Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the longest-running continuously published journal in the world.

Royal Society of Chemistry: RSC Journals Archive
Backfile containing all articles published by the RSC (and its forerunner societies) from 1841 to 2004

Sage Publications
Over 550 journals in the business, humanities, social sciences and STM.

SPIE Digital Library
The SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers) Digital Library is the most extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing unprecedented access to more than 270,000 technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings from 1990 to the present. More than 17,000 new technical papers are added annually.

Springer eJournals
Springer is one of the leading international scientific publishing companies. Springers eJournals cover a wide range of subjects including biomedicine and the life sciences, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, human sciences, social sciences and economics.

Springer eBooks
Springer's eBook collection, through SpringerLink, offers online delivery of over 3,500 works in the scientific, medical and technical (STM) fields.

Springer Lecture Notes Series
The series publishes new developments in computer science and information technology, research and teaching.

Taylor & Francis eBestseller Packages
The Taylor & Francis eBestseller Packages contains 1200 of their bestselling eBook titles from twelve key subject areas.

Taylor & Francis Journals
More than 1,300 titles in humanities, social sciences and applied sciences.

University of California Press
Access to 33 Journals of the University of California Press.

University of Chicago Press
The Journals Division publishes journals and serials in a wide range of disciplines, including several journals that were the first scholarly publications in their respective fields.

Wiley Online Library HSS
Wiley Online Library Humanities and Social Sciences collection (HSS) provides access to over 500 journals.

Wiley Online Library STM)
Wiley Online Library Science, Technology and Medicine collection of over 800 titles.

World Bank e-library
a package of electronic databases that includes: World Bank e-Library, World Development Indicators (WDI) Online and Global Development Finance (GDF) Online.

Database containing ~3 million references in mathematics and statistics, provided by FIZ Karlsruhe

General help for zbMATH.

Document Delivery Services

African Journals Online
Tables of Contents and abstracts of over 200 African journals with document delivery.

British Library Document Supply Centre
The world's largest collection devoted to the provision of remote document delivery covering every aspect of science, technology, medicine and humanities, in many languages. 

Complementary programmes

Free or low-cost access to major scientific journals in agriculture and related biological, environmental and social sciences for public academic institutions in developing countries.

The Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) program. Request a username and a password to your nearest library.

HINARI Phase 1
Free access to 2300 biomedical and related social sciences journals and other resources for health sector and academic institutions in 120 developing countries.

(OARE) Online Access to Research in the Environment
Research is provided in a wide range of disciplines, including biotechnology, botany,climate change, ecology, energy, and many others.

TEEAL - The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library is a comprehensive full-text collection of core journals in the field of over 140 agricultural and related sciences.


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