about csi

The Utica Center for Science and Industry (UCSI) is perfect for students who want a career in technology and want to see the "why" and relevance of their high school course work. The UCSI students will have access to work-based learning opportunities at all levels, including job shadowing, mentoring and work-site internships.

Coursework begins with a two-year preparation for 9th and 10th graders, who attend UCSI for half of the school day. All 9th graders will take 20 weeks of both Art Foundations and Drafting/CAD 2. They also take 9th grade English, taught in the context of technical reading and writing, as well as geometry, with an emphasis on technical mathematics.

Tenth graders choose one of the three disiplines, Multimedia Production , Mechatronics or Engineering Technology, and will take courses specific to their chosen discipline. All 10th graders will take English 10 and Algebra I.

To attend UCSI, students must apply as 9th graders. The
program will begin with 9th graders and expand a grade
each year. To view each discipline's course sequence
click here.