Andrew's Guide on how to build a computer

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1-[Home Page]→ 2-[The Case] → 3-[Motherboard] → 4-[CPU] → 5-[RAM] → 6-[Mount] → 7-[Hard Drive] → 8-[CD-ROM] → 9-[Cables] → 10-[All Done!]

Step 5: Installing the Motherboard

-Ensure that the motherboard mounting area in the case is free of obstructions and that all necessary risers have been installed in the right spots.

-Consult your motherboard manual for the correct locations of the 'front panel' power and reset button wires, the power and hard-drive LED wires and the speaker. You will not cause any damage if you get it wrong, though, the LEDs will just not light up.


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Writer: Andrew Densmore Email: