Andrew's Guide on how to build a computer

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1-[Home Page]→ 2-[The Case] → 3-[Motherboard] → 4-[CPU] → 5-[RAM] → 6-[Mount] → 7-[Hard Drive] → 8-[CD-ROM] → 9-[Cables] → 10-[All Done!]

Step 3: Installing the CPU

Place your motherboard flat on top of the anti-static bag it came in. Ensure that the lever on the cpu-socket is upright (open). Holding the C PU gently on the sides with thumb and fingers, lower it into the socket, ensuring that the arrow on the CPU matches the arrow indented into the socket (see pic below). The processor is keyed to fit into the socket a certain way, and only that way.


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Writer: Andrew Densmore Email: