This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-04-12 at 12:00 p.m.
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Version 5.1: A DragThing of Beauty

by Matt Neuburg

Version 5.1: A DragThing of Beauty -- TLA Systems's DragThing, a launcher and Dock replacement that we've been covering since its inception, has been upgraded to version 5.1. The big change here is that DragThing's docks are now documents: you can now open and close them individually, and they can be exported completely as XML. This makes things much easier when you develop a one-off or specialized dock that needn't be present all the time. You can also have "workspaces" (dock sets), read-only docks, and stationery docks. The Desktop Trash feature is also much more flexible, and there are many cosmetic and functional improvements and bug fixes. DragThing 5.1 requires Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar or better and is a 3.2 MB download. It costs $30; this is a free upgrade for DragThing 5 users. [MAN]
