This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-05-01 at 12:00 p.m.
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Modifying the Macintosh Startup Sequence

by Adam C. Engst

In last week's quiz, we asked what you hold down at startup to eject removable media from your Mac. The correct answer is the mouse button, which about two-thirds of the 2,150 quiz respondents knew. However, most of the rest of the answers also have functions at startup, and the knowledgeable folks on TidBITS Talk pointed out even more startup modifiers as well. The next time you turn on your Macintosh, try one of the following.


Controlling the Post-Startup Environment -- Most Macintosh users know about holding the Shift key down to prevent extensions from loading, but there are numerous startup modifiers that affect the state of the system after the boot process finishes.

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Eliminating Corruption -- Several startup modifiers are useful for resetting low-level aspects of the Mac to default states to aid in troubleshooting.

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Choosing Startup Disks -- Not surprisingly, many of the startup modifiers affect the disk used to boot the Mac. A number of these are specific to certain models of the Macintosh.

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Seriously Tweaky Startup Modifiers -- Only programmers and the most geeky of users will find these startup modifiers useful.


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Just for Fun -- Although Apple has moved away from relatively frivolous "Easter Eggs" connected with startup modifiers, there are a few available for old Macintosh models.
