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  1. audible         able to be heard; loud enough to be heard                                                           The frightened girl spoke in a barely @ whisper.            
  2. calm            not excited by passions; peaceful; still                                                            The @ seas offered no breeze to the sailboat.               
  3. contiguous      touching; in contact; in close proximity to                                                         Tarzan can generally only swing between @ trees.            
  4. didactic        intended for instruction or learning                                                                A morality play is meant to be @.                           
  5. empirical       relating to or based upon experience or           observation                                       Scientific theories should be verified by @ means.          
  6. fatuous         foolish and silly                                                                                   The man's @ behavior frustrated his friends.                
  7. gratuitous      given without payment; lacking justification,     done without reason                               The murder was particularly shocking since it was so @.     
  8. impartial       not biased; treating all equally; not having      favorites                                         An @ judge is indispensable for trying cases.               
  9. inscrutable     not readily understood; cryptic; mysterious                                                         The prophets speak of God's works as being @.               
  10. lachrymose      tearful; provoking tears; sad                                                                       The @ mourners cried out during the funeral procession.     
  11. monetary        pertaining to or concerned with money                                                               The man's bankruptcy showed his bad judgment in @ matters.  
  12. opprobrious     shameful; disgraceful                                                                               What was once deemed @ behavior is now often applauded.     
  13. pious           showing reverence for God or for one's elders                                                       A @ Greek would often make libations to the gods.           
  14. pugnacious      inclined to fight; quarrelsome; combative                                                           The @ man was constantly getting in fights.                 
  15. refulgent       shining brilliantly; radiant                                                                        The @ golden orb was radiant in the sunshine.               
  16. slovenly        untidy; unkempt or dirty; careless and slipshod                                                     The @ man's house was a horrid mess.                        
  17. surreptitious   acting secretly; done by stealth; done out of     view                                              The conspirators hoped to achieve their end through @ means.
  18. trenchant       cutting; incisive; keen; penetrating                                                                The woman's @ comment got right to the heart of the problem.
  19. vehement        passionate or ardent; acting energetically                                                          Goldwater was a @ opponent of government interference.      
  20. vulnerable      capable of being hurt; liable to attack                                                             Achilles was especially @ to an attack on his heel.         