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  1. august          majestic; imposing; inspiring reverence or        admiration                                        The king's @ presence inspired reverence in his people.     
  2. capricious      whimsical; done without good reason; fickle                                                         The decision seemed without reason and completely @.        
  3. contingent      possible; conditional upon something else                                                           The parade was @ upon good weather.                         
  4. diffident       lacking confidence in one's ability; shy                                                            The @ man lacked confidence in his abilities.               
  5. enigmatic       puzzling; obscure; hard to understand or solve                                                      Russia is often seen as @ by outsiders.                     
  6. feasible        capable of being accomplished; practicable                                                          What at first seemed @ proved impossible.                   
  7. gregarious      sociable; enjoying the company of others                                                            The @ man loved to welcome newcomers to town.               
  8. impecunious     having no money; penniless                                                                          The @ woman constantly had to borrow money.                 
  9. insidious       treacherous; wily; deceitful; cunning                                                               Lavrenti Beria was the @ mastermind behind the Great Purge. 
  10. laconic         using few words; brief and concise in expression                                                    Western heroes are known for being quiet and @.             
  11. moot            open to discussion; debatable; deprived of        practical significance                            The court refused to hear the case once it became @.        
  12. organic         inherent in the structure of a thing; pertaining  to the nature of animals and plants               @ gardeners do not use any artificial means to grow food.   
  13. piquant         pleasantly tart; lively and interesting                                                             The new mustard had a pleasing, @ flavor.                   
  14. puissant        powerful; mighty                                                                                    The @ American landing force captured Normandy beach.       
  15. reluctant       holding back; unwilling                                                                             The teacher was @ to give out hints about the test.         
  16. sonorous        capable of making sounds; loud and resounding;    resonant                                          The echo in the cave made everyone's voices @.              
  17. sycophantic     characterized by servile flattery                                                                   The @ man praised anyone who could advance his career.      
  18. trite           commonplace; hackneyed; made commonplace by       overuse                                           The saying was at first new, but became @ through overuse.  
  19. venal           able to be readily bribed; willing to give up     principle for money                               The @ official was always ready to take bribes.             
  20. waggish         mischievously playful                                                                               The @ host loved to play tricks on his guests.              