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  1. audacious       bold or daring; reckless                                                                            The spy took many @ chances, but escaped in safety.         
  2. callow          inexperienced or immature                                                                           The @ youth needed more experience to become a master.      
  3. conscientious   following one's conscience; dutiful; careful                                                        The @ objector refused to serve in the military.            
  4. desultory       disconnected; unreasonable; random                                                                  The unfathomable actions of the Roman gods seemed @.        
  5. emaciated       abnormally lean; haggard in appearance                                                              The @ children were silent witnesses to the famine.         
  6. fastidious      hard to please; delicate or refined                                                                 The @ man rarely was satisfied with his dinner.             
  7. glib            speaking fluently without much thought                                                              The politician's @ promises were not believable.            
  8. impalpable      not capable of being touched; not capable of      being grasped by the intellect                    Some esoteric math problems seem totally @.                 
  9. innocuous       having no harmful effects; harmless                                                                 The supposed toxic waste actually proved @.                 
  10. knotty          full of knots; intricate or difficult                                                               The @ problem frustrated the students for hours.            
  11. mnemonic        aiding to memory                                                                                    Often @ tricks are helpful when memorizing lists.           
  12. onerous         burdensome and oppressive                                                                           The new taxes proved an @ burden to small businesses.       
  13. phlegmatic      not easily excited                                                                                  The @ man found it difficult to get excited about anything. 
  14. puerile         of or pertaining of childhood; childish;          immature                                          @ pursuits are fine in children, but misplaced in adults.   
  15. refractory      unmanageable; obstinate; stubborn                                                                   The @ child refused to clean his room.                      
  16. slothful        characterized by laziness; indolent; inactive                                                       The @ man seemed to prefer starvation to work.              
  17. surly           characterized by rudeness of behavior                                                               The @ bank teller was rude to all her customers.            
  18. tremulous       characterized by trembling; fearful                                                                 The @ man feared to venture even to his mailbox.            
  19. variegated      varied in color; having different varieties                                                         Marble is often beautifully @ in color.                     
  20. voracious       ravenously hungry; eating insatiably                                                                The @ teen ate the whole pizza before anyone else had some. 