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- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Matt/Ellen/Grace
- Date: 01 Mar 1998 21:35:07 -0800
- Who would everyone like to see Matt with? I can't believe he will hook up
- with Ellen. Is that her name,the doctor who is over the interns? Matt and
- Grace are great together. Would like to see Scotty, Kevin and Luke
- together trying to help Matt. Wouldn't they be great together? Maybe even
- Mac could get involved and they could all be in drag. What a riot that
- would be.
- On General Hospital, what is the deal with Mac and why was he kidnapped?
- Stupid story line don't you think. Hope Brenda and Jax's get together
- soon. They're great together.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN: List Down
- Date: 02 Mar 1998 12:08:35 -0800
- As far as I can tell, the lists have been up and down since the end of the
- weekend. Please do not post "test" messages to the list.
- Unfortunately, xmission.com is closed today due to weather conditions, so
- we are going to have to wait for them to stabilize their system.
- Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Taiyin
- "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the
- altar of your amusement. It's the least I
- can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin
- <taiyin@taiyin.net> http://www.taiyin.net/
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Shele <taiyin@xmission.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH - SOD awards details?!
- Date: 03 Mar 1998 18:45:15 -0800
- Hi to all!!!
- I was just wondering if anyone on this list would be so kind as to
- give some details in regards to Vanessa Marcil, Ingo & Tyler on the SOD
- awards (as to what they were wearing, how V & I were when they presented,
- when they won, etc....) I missed the awards because I was travelling out of
- town & forgot to set my VCR!!!! Thanks in advance!!!!!!!
- Victoria :)
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: general hospital/portcharles
- Date: 02 Mar 1998 19:00:45 -0800
- Does anyone know how Rubys health is. When I seen her a couple of days
- ago, she looked like she could hardly work and breathing was hard for her.
- She is such a great actress, hope her health is okay.
- I sincerely hope Jason raises Micheal don't you? I can't imagine AJ being
- a dad and letting the Q's tell him what to do. What will happen to Alan
- when is caught popping pills. Will he admit he is addicted. Could be a
- good story line.
- On Port Charles, are going to learn more about Chris's background. He is
- so shady. Who is he having to pay money to and why? Hope Matt and Grace
- get together instead of ELLEN!!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: Matt/Ellen/Grace
- Date: 03 Mar 1998 08:20:34 PST
- >Who would everyone like to see Matt with? I can't believe he will
- >hook up with Ellen. Is that her name,the doctor who is over the
- >interns? Matt and Grace are great together.
- oh my. i couldn't DISagree with you more, on almost all counts! :)
- starting with this one. matt and grace do NOTHING for me. in fact,
- grace in general does nothing for me. ellen, on the other hand, is
- INTERESTING. plus, i think she has WAY more chemistry with matt than
- grace does. could be just because tptb have developed ellen much more
- than they have grace...but that's also probably a pretty good indication
- that those two are the ones who will wind up together.
- >Would like to see Scotty, Kevin and Luke together trying to help
- >Matt. Wouldn't they be great together? Maybe even Mac could get
- >involved and they could all be in drag. What a riot that would be.
- well...maybe. i'd rather see matt, ellen, and mike though. i think
- scotty and kevin have been through enough cloak and dagger stuff right
- now, and have more important things to worry about than an intern they
- barely know. and luke and mac, who are both similarly wrapped up in
- their own stories right now, don't even KNOW the guy. yeah, i think
- that crew could be good for a caper or two, but i don't think any of
- them need that right now, nor do i think this is the right caper. mike,
- however, has made it more than clear that he'd LOVE to help out, so i
- hope they go that route. he's been collecting surrogate sons ever since
- sonny left--so what's one more?
- on a related story...is that chris PURE EVIL or what??? ok, it was one
- thing (and one pretty nasty thing) to make matt fear for his life and
- run him out of town to eliminate him as competition for the quartermaine
- residency. but to now basically sign his execution order?!? i hope the
- gunman gets the wrong intern. there is NO call for that level of hatred
- from chris...
- >On General Hospital, what is the deal with Mac and why was he
- >kidnapped? Stupid story line don't you think.
- don't know yet. someone is plotting to kill jax and frame mac, is all
- i've been able to deduce thus far. it annoyed me at first, because it
- was taking SUCH a long time to develop, and then when v was briefly
- involved, it got interesting again (maybe just because i missed v!), but
- now that she's gone again...<yawn>
- >Hope Brenda and Jax's get together soon. They're great together.
- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKAY. <deep breath> HERE'S the one where i REALLY
- disagree with you! was anyone ELSE alternating between hysterical
- laughter and screaming at braindead to stop being such an idiot during
- her proposal yesterday? i mean, come ON...what an IDIOT! i nearly
- stood up and CHEERED when jax said it was "too late" for them to be
- anything but friends. (NEARLY, because i KNOW, with guza penning the
- words, that he didn't really mean it...<sigh>)
- first of all, why would she think that now, after completely dropping
- him for sonny, that jax would WANT her back--knowing full well that he
- would always be second best. and secondly, why would she think her
- self-described "best friend" would go along with this scheme to make
- SUCH a major decision, on the spur of the moment, when she has just
- barely gotten over a nervous breakdown induced by her LAST fiance???
- (incidentally, if the breakdown IS over...that was the shortest recovery
- I'VE ever seen. she had, what, ONE therapy session with gail???)
- come on...this child isn't stable enough to pick out a COUCH, for god's
- sake...let ALONE someone to spend the rest of her LIFE with!!!
- obviously, i don't want them to put j&b back together EVER (if only
- because jax, god-like creature that he is, deserves FAR better than what
- brenda has become)...but if they DO pair them up again (okay, let's be
- realistic, WHEN they do), i REALLY hope it isn't anytime soon. and i
- mean at least a year down the road. ideally, after sonny has come back
- for a guest stint, allowing brenda to get some MUCH-needed closure to
- that relationship, which despite her claims of stability, she still
- doesn't have. (witness her hostility to jason, for example)
- okay, change of subject. i can get MUCH too involved in that one! :)
- so, speaking of jason, what is WITH robin lately??? now, i used to like
- her, but yesterday? GO CARLY!!! YOU TELL HER! "queen of angels"
- indeed. what a sanctimonious, judgmental little thing she's getting to
- be. and what's with this robin radar that jason seems to have,
- appearing everytime she gets within ten feet of that bridge?
- <sigh> guza, guza, guza...what have you done to robert and anna's
- daughter? and WHY?
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Amy Schatz <starbuck@csrlink.net>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: Mac Storyline & Brenda/Jax
- Date: 03 Mar 1998 11:56:30 -0500
- >At 08:20 AM 3/3/98 PST, you wrote:
- >>On General Hospital, what is the deal with Mac and why was he
- >>kidnapped? Stupid story line don't you think.
- >
- >don't know yet. someone is plotting to kill jax and frame mac, is all
- >i've been able to deduce thus far. it annoyed me at first, because it
- >was taking SUCH a long time to develop,
- It was taking *forever*!! And it still is. Geez...and it's so boring.
- Until they get to a part where Jax is actually in danger, I have to stop
- myself from falling asleep.
- And if Tess can't even manage to keep Mac tied up, how are we supposed to
- believe she's capable of an intricate assasination attempt? Please...
- >>Hope Brenda and Jax's get together soon. They're great together.
- >
- >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKAY. <deep breath> HERE'S the one where i REALLY
- >disagree with you!
- And I have to disagree with you. :D I love Brenda and Jax. I detested
- Sonny more than I will ever be able to explain. I thought he treated
- Brenda really bad, and was not good for her at all. But that's just MHO. :-)
- > was anyone ELSE alternating between hysterical
- >laughter and screaming at braindead to stop being such an idiot during
- >her proposal yesterday?
- I do agree with this part (except for the 'braindead' comment:). It was
- ridiculous of Brenda to ask JAx to marry her *at this time*. SHe hurt him
- terribly. I don't know why she thought he'd just want to jump right back
- in...
- > i mean, come ON...what an IDIOT! i nearly
- >stood up and CHEERED when jax said it was "too late" for them to be
- >anything but friends. (NEARLY, because i KNOW, with guza penning the
- >words, that he didn't really mean it...<sigh>)
- I don't understand something. Do you actually think that Sonny was better
- for Brenda than Jax? Or do you just hate Brenda? <g>
- >first of all, why would she think that now, after completely dropping
- >him for sonny, that jax would WANT her back--knowing full well that he
- >would always be second best.
- Very true. I'm sure that's exactly what Jax is thinking. He probably
- thinks Brenda's just bored or something, and wants to get back with him for
- fun. And like you say later on (I snipped it to save space:), Jax is right
- not to agree so soon after Brenda's mental problems.
- >(incidentally, if the breakdown IS over...that was the shortest recovery
- >I'VE ever seen. she had, what, ONE therapy session with gail???)
- LOL. That's TV for you. It's like her miraculous two week recovery from a
- months long dependency on pain medication. ;-) I wish we could see Brenda
- going to therapy once in a while, but I guess not....
- >come on...this child isn't stable enough to pick out a COUCH, for god's
- >sake...let ALONE someone to spend the rest of her LIFE with!!!
- >obviously, i don't want them to put j&b back together EVER (if only
- >because jax, god-like creature that he is, deserves FAR better than what
- >brenda has become)
- Ahhh...now I understand (and I agree that Jax is a "god-like creature"),
- and I can see your point of view. However, I think that Brenda is a far
- better person than she was when she was with Sonny. She has become a
- little more independent, she's getting back on her feet job-wise, and she's
- working through her feelings/problems with Sonny. It's better than the
- sniveling, simpering, co-dependent girl she used to be when Sonny had her
- under his spell... Some more work, and she'll be good enough for Jax. Oh,
- and I love it that Brenda has to work to win Jax back! :D
- >...but if they DO pair them up again (okay, let's be
- >realistic, WHEN they do), i REALLY hope it isn't anytime soon. and i
- >mean at least a year down the road.
- And I will be happy when they do...*IF* they do it right this time. :) And
- I think it'll probably be sooner than a year.
- >okay, change of subject. i can get MUCH too involved in that one! :)
- >so, speaking of jason, what is WITH robin lately??? now, i used to like
- >her, but yesterday? GO CARLY!!! YOU TELL HER! "queen of angels"
- >indeed.
- WHAT?? Carly is SO WRONG!!
- > what a sanctimonious, judgmental little thing she's getting to
- >be.
- Doesn't it bother you that Carly has no intentions of *ever* telling AJ
- that he has a child? I mean, no matter what AJ did, he still deserves to
- know. But Carly is too happy with Jason's money to care. And she's even
- believing her own lie that Jason is the father. Calling him "daddy" is
- ridiculous. She makes me crazy. I want someone...ANYONE...to tell AJ!!
- And although it might not be Robin's place to tell AJ, she had every right
- to voice her opinion.
- > and what's with this robin radar that jason seems to have,
- >appearing everytime she gets within ten feet of that bridge?
- LOL!!! You're so right!! Yesterday Robin barely stepped onto the bridge,
- and Jason was there... You know, I actually don't want her with Jason
- anymore...not if he's going to stay the person he's become. How he can say
- he'll never tell AJ, and still sleep at night is beyond me. Carly is
- changing him...and it's not into something good... I'd rather see Robin
- with Nikolas, because he'd treat her better...and it would make Sarah mad,
- which is always a plus. <g>
- Amy
- "Thou knowest tonight, and wilt know tomorrow
- This mark of my shame, this seal of my sorrow."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Christabel"
- Visit my homepage: http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/asimov/114/index.html
- There's links to X-Files stuff, my XF Fanfiction, General Hospital, music,
- Prey, and more!!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: Mac Storyline & Brenda/Jax
- Date: 03 Mar 1998 09:30:42 -0800
- Julie wrote:
- >
- >> was anyone ELSE alternating between hysterical
- >>laughter and screaming at braindead to stop being such an idiot during
- >>her proposal yesterday?
- You actually watched it? My, my, I'm impressed.
- I love my "Fast-forward" button.
- At 11:56 AM 3/3/98 -0500, Amy Schatz wrote:
- >
- >I don't understand something. Do you actually think that Sonny was better
- >for Brenda than Jax? Or do you just hate Brenda? <g>
- I think the appeal of Sonny and Brenda *is* the fact that they were SO
- unhealthy and dysfunctional. I think at one time or another everyone falls
- for someone who is COMPLETELY wrong for them, and it's nice fantasy to see
- some other screwed up, against-all-odds couple actually make it.
- As for the individual characters... I can't stand either Jax or Brenda
- individually. I *loved* Sonny more than I could say. And now, I'm
- disliking Jax more and more each day with this whole docks/Jason thing.
- In the beginning I loved Sonny and Brenda (until she wore the wire). But
- by the time Sonny married Lilly (the only soap character I have EVER truly
- hated), they needed to cut the whole thing loose. But they didn't and we
- got that triangle nightmare, and IMO that storyline did irreperable damage
- to all three characters.
- Julie again:
- >>okay, change of subject. i can get MUCH too involved in that one! :)
- >>so, speaking of jason, what is WITH robin lately??? now, i used to like
- >>her, but yesterday? GO CARLY!!! YOU TELL HER! "queen of angels"
- >>indeed.
- AMEN! Carly hit the nail on the head so many times -- a few low-blows to
- be sure, but Robin had them coming in a big way. Jason told her what he
- told her because he TRUSTED her and because her feelings are important to
- him. No matter what she thinks of the situation it is not her place to
- tell AJ one WORD. She can harrange Jason from here until the middle of
- next century if she wants (though I won't watch it), but SHE has no right
- to do it herself.
- Amy again:
- >
- >Doesn't it bother you that Carly has no intentions of *ever* telling AJ
- >that he has a child?
- Nope. It bothers me more that AJ has returned to the Q fold. If AJ was
- still on his own, calling the shots in his own life, and making his own
- decisions entirely independent of the family, then I would. But AJ is
- proving Jason's point: the Q's being the brain-washing from childbirth.
- And Michael doesn't stand a chance in hell of keeping out from under the
- collective thumb of the family if he gets shunted off to them to raise.
- I think it's the EXACT same thing as Lois running like hell to keep Brooke
- Lynn out of their clutches.
- And whatever motives Carly has, which are easily debateable, I think
- Jason's are very close to Lois's and I agree with both of them.
- >I mean, no matter what AJ did, he still deserves to
- >know. But Carly is too happy with Jason's money to care. And she's even
- >believing her own lie that Jason is the father. Calling him "daddy" is
- >ridiculous.
- I think her argument is that Jason is Michael's "daddy" is every way that
- counts. Jason loves him, feeds him, changes him, puts him down, etc.
- There is NOTHING Jason wouldn't do for him. IMO *that* is more of a father
- than the sperm donor.
- >She makes me crazy. I want someone...ANYONE...to tell AJ!!
- >And although it might not be Robin's place to tell AJ, she had every right
- >to voice her opinion.
- I don't have a problem with her telling them both that they are wrong. Let
- her scream and yell and badger the hell out of them if she wants. It's
- just threatening to tell AJ herself that I have a problem with.
- Well, I take that back, what I REALLY have a problem with is Guza turning a
- character that I absolutely ADORE into such a sanctimoious and judgemental
- brat. Carly was right about one thing: I think Robin is WAY too used to
- being able to tell Jason that he's doing something "wrong" (by her esteemed
- standards) and then having him "follow orders" (to coin Carly's phrase). I
- think that's what's making Robin so crazy now -- no matter how many times
- she says he should, Jason is still refusing to let the Q's in Michael's life.
- And while I agree, on PRINCIPLE, that AJ should have a right to know his
- son, the fact remains that Keesha hit the nail on the head when she said
- that AJ didn't really want to be the father, he just wanted *something.*
- And I think when you combine all the factors, Jason is much better suited
- to being the father at this point.
- Besides, this kind of secret is what makes for good soaps. ;-)
- >with Nikolas, because he'd treat her better...and it would make Sarah mad,
- >which is always a plus. <g>
- LOL! Only if she was mad enough to leave town.
- Taiyin
- "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the
- altar of your amusement. It's the least I
- can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin
- <taiyin@taiyin.net> http://www.taiyin.net/
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: Matt/Ellen/Grace
- Date: 03 Mar 1998 09:37:49 -0800
- At 08:20 AM 3/3/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote:
- >
- >INTERESTING. plus, i think she has WAY more chemistry with matt than
- >grace does.
- I agree with that one (shocker, huh? ;-)). Matt and Ellen's chemistry is
- fabulous and I am SO happy that they are finally actually getting on with
- this.
- >could be just because tptb have developed ellen much more
- >than they have grace...but that's also probably a pretty good indication
- >that those two are the ones who will wind up together.
- No doubt. I do like Grace, but not with Matt. I liked her better as a
- friend to the interns.
- >them need that right now, nor do i think this is the right caper. mike,
- >however, has made it more than clear that he'd LOVE to help out, so i
- >hope they go that route. he's been collecting surrogate sons ever since
- >sonny left--so what's one more?
- No kidding. I *love* the two of them together, I wish we got to see them
- more often. Too bad so much of their relationship is implied or happens
- off-screen.
- >on a related story...is that chris PURE EVIL or what???
- No kidding! I don't think Cagey's hex on him is enough punishment for
- THAT! Yikes. I think they are trying to show how desperate Chris is, but
- it's coming across as not much more than vindictive and cruel.
- >was taking SUCH a long time to develop, and then when v was briefly
- >involved, it got interesting again (maybe just because i missed v!), but
- >now that she's gone again...<yawn>
- I was really hoping she'd be sticking around for a while with this
- storyline. I think she'll be back for a while, but not nearly enough for
- my tastes.
- Taiyin
- "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the
- altar of your amusement. It's the least I
- can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin
- <taiyin@taiyin.net> http://www.taiyin.net/
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: Mac Storyline & Brenda/Jax
- Date: 03 Mar 1998 12:01:49 PST
- amy wrote:
- >And if Tess can't even manage to keep Mac tied up, how are we
- >supposed to believe she's capable of an intricate assasination
- >attempt? Please...
- LOL! very good point. i don't buy tess at all--she irks me. as does
- this storyline, most of the time. but i'm JUST curious enough as to
- who's behind this plot, and why, that i'll give it the benefit of the
- doubt for a LITTLE while longer. (although i AM pissed that mac and
- felicia were so wrapped up in this little scheme that they never DID
- acknowledge that felicia's "bestest friend" lucy was DYING over on
- pc...)
- >And I have to disagree with you. :D I love Brenda and Jax. I
- >detested Sonny more than I will ever be able to explain. I thought
- >he treated Brenda really bad, and was not good for her at all. But
- >that's just MHO. :-)
- >I don't understand something. Do you actually think that Sonny was
- >better for Brenda than Jax? Or do you just hate Brenda? <g>
- now THAT'S a complex question. i was a s&b fan from day one--back when
- they were both decently written and complex characters. brenda was a
- spoiled willful brat, sonny was a brooding mobster with dubious morals,
- and they were great fun to watch. and they were HOT HOT HOT!
- then, during the whole stone/aids saga, tptb really developed sonny into
- an AMAZING charater. i LOVED sonny from the beginning, but this just
- cemented it even more. (now...would i, in real life, get involved with
- an ex-drug-pushing/prostituting current mob boss, no matter how big his
- hidden heart of gold? not likely. but this IS just a soap! :) did i
- think sonny was good for brenda? well, i don't think a mobster in
- general is good for ANYONE in his life--occupational hazards being what
- they are. but i did think s&b had something. they definitely had that
- spark that made them fun to watch. but then...
- they threw lily into the mix. <shudder> and i'm with taiyin on this
- one:
- >But by the time Sonny married Lilly (the only soap character I have
- >EVER truly hated), they needed to cut the whole thing loose. But
- >they didn't and we got that triangle nightmare, and IMO that
- >storyline did irreperable damage to all three characters.
- yes. that was the beginning of the end, and by the time we were into
- full s/b/j mode, it was too late to do anything about it. all THREE
- characters suffered dreadfully from that one. i'm one of those rare s&b
- fans who actually LIKED jax. he was such fun at the beginning, when he
- was after lois (not that i wanted him to succeed THERE either...this man
- REALLY needs to find a woman of his OWN!) i even (perish the thought!)
- liked j&b together for a while--during their whole malibu trip and all
- that. but what killed it for me was the marriage ultimatum, and then
- the miranda thing. he very clearly knew brenda was still in love with
- sonny, and yet he strongarmed her into marrying him anyway, all the
- while never telling her that he had a secret first wife dead and buried
- in the past...that to me is no more of a healthy relationship than what
- s&b had.
- HOWEVER...even though i no longer wanted j&b together, and really was
- still rooting for s&b, the reunion was a HUGE disappointment, handled
- terribly, leading to the ridiculous on-the-run-with-goldilocks
- storyline, the tiger key mess, and the biggest travesty i've ever
- witnessed on any television show ever, the wedding-that-wasn't, the
- write-off of sonny, and the ensuing revision of history to portray sonny
- as the antichrist and the root of all that is evil in port charles.
- (which they are STILL doing, by the way! what was that tirade from
- brenda yesterday about the only time she was ever happy being when she
- was with jax?!? HELLO? did they WATCH the old tapes??? but i
- digress...) i did NOT like the post-reunion s&b relationship, with her
- tagging along behind sonny like a puppy dog, doing whatever he said
- without question. nor did i like the new jax--who was doing basically
- the same thing to brenda that she was doing to sonny. and the new
- sonny--don't get me STARTED on that whole leaving-brenda-at-the-altar
- thing. if i could get my hands on richard culliton for just FIVE
- minutes...but i digress yet again.
- >Ahhh...now I understand (and I agree that Jax is a "god-like
- >creature"), and I can see your point of view. However, I think that
- >Brenda is a far better person than she was when she was with Sonny.
- >She has become a little more independent, she's getting back on her
- >feet job-wise, and she's working through her feelings/problems with
- >Sonny. It's better than the sniveling, simpering, co-dependent girl
- >she used to be when Sonny had her under his spell... Some more work,
- >and she'll be good enough for Jax.
- see, now, my point of view on this is that jax was right--it IS too
- late. just as, by the time the whole lily/wire mess was over, it was
- really too late for s&b, it is now WAY too late for j&b. just as there
- are EXTREMELY few circumstances under which i would now, after the
- damage done to sonny's character, be able to accept brenda ever taking
- him back if he were to return (say, he underwent a forced lobotomy on
- the way to the church, or was kidnapped and replaced with his evil twin
- Rainy), i can also not handle JAX taking BRENDA back. in my eyes, it's
- extremely close to the same scenario. and since i'm SURE everyone would
- agree that brenda would be an idiot to take sonny back--why does
- everyone think jax should do the same with brenda?
- >I think it'll probably be sooner than a year.
- sadly, so do i.
- >WHAT?? Carly is SO WRONG!!
- >Doesn't it bother you that Carly has no intentions of *ever* telling
- >AJ that he has a child?
- and taiyin wrote:
- >No matter what she thinks of the situation it is not her place to
- >tell AJ one WORD. She can harrange Jason from here until the middle
- >of next century if she wants (though I won't watch it), but SHE has
- >no right to do it herself.
- i agree with taiyin. i think carly's motives are less than admirable,
- and i agree, in theory, that a.j. has a right to know that he has a son.
- however, there is NO WAY this is robin's secret to tell.
- Amy again:
- >Doesn't it bother you that Carly has no intentions of *ever* telling
- >AJ that he has a child?
- and taiyin:
- >while I agree, on PRINCIPLE, that AJ should have a right to know his
- >son, the fact remains that Keesha hit the nail on the head when she
- >said that AJ didn't really want to be the father, he just wanted
- >*something.* And I think when you combine all the factors, Jason is
- >much better suited to being the father at this point.
- ditto. it's not like carly and aj had a RELATIONSHIP--they had one
- drunken night, followed by a LOT of bad blood. aj doesn't want this
- child because he wants a child--he wants this child to (a) get himself
- into his family's good graces by producing an heir, and (b) to hurt
- carly. he wants to take michael away and "raise" him (boarding school,
- anyone?) WITHOUT carly, poisoning this child against his mother (who has
- done a lot of things to deserve that--but NONE of them to her son). and
- carly knows that if aj or the q's get their hands on this child, she
- will NEVER have a chance to be his mother, or to even ever see him
- again. i don't deny that a.j. has a legal and moral right to know he
- has a son--but i don't think this situation is so cut-and-dry. which is
- why it makes for GREAT soap story! :)
- amy:
- >Calling him "daddy" is ridiculous.
- taiyin:
- >I think her argument is that Jason is Michael's "daddy" is every way
- >that counts. Jason loves him, feeds him, changes him, puts him down,
- >etc. There is NOTHING Jason wouldn't do for him. IMO *that* is more
- >of a father than the sperm donor.
- i'm with taiyin again. tell me you can look at jason holding and
- talking to that baby and say he's NOT the father in every way that
- counts. yes, a.j. hasn't had the opportunity to be the dad. and maybe,
- if he did, he would be a good one too. but as long as he's after that
- baby for purely vindictive reasons, and wants to tear him away from his
- mother--i can't side with him on this one.
- >And although it might not be Robin's place to tell AJ, she had every
- >right to voice her opinion.
- agreed. but this new incarnation of robin drives me insane. like
- taiyin said:
- >Well, I take that back, what I REALLY have a problem with is Guza
- >turning a character that I absolutely ADORE into such a sanctimoious
- >and judgemental brat. Carly was right about one thing: I think
- >Robin is WAY too used to being able to tell Jason that he's doing
- >something "wrong" (by her esteemed standards) and then having him
- >"follow orders" (to coin Carly's phrase).
- couldn't have said it better myself! :)
- >Besides, this kind of secret is what makes for good soaps. ;-)
- and that, after all, is the bottom line. at least we have something to
- ARGUE about now! :)
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: tvplist@ix.netcom.com
- Subject: GH/PC: Sonny/Brenda and (gag me!!!) Miguel
- Date: 03 Mar 1998 17:10:10 -0800
- julie wrote>> did i think sonny was good for brenda? well, i don't
- think a mobster in general is good for ANYONE in his life--occupational
- hazards being what they are. but i did think s&b had something. they
- definitely had that spark that made them fun to watch. but then...
- they threw lily into the mix. <shudder>>>>
- no no NO!!...BIGGER SHUDDER....remember mr menudo himself, the hair
- flipping Miguel???? Now THAT guy set my teeth on edge. I remember
- thinking GH had hit an all time low during his tenure.
- Now regarding Brenda and her various love interests--I thought she and
- Sonny had incredible chemistry, but I think he'd exude charisma if
- paired with a troll. The guy could "act", plain and simple. I'd like to
- see him come back if only to play opposite Luke. They were truly equals.
- karen
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Amy Schatz <starbuck@csrlink.net>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Sonny/Brenda and (gag me!!!) Miguel
- Date: 03 Mar 1998 17:40:08 -0500
- >At 05:10 PM 3/3/98 -0800, tvplist@ix.netcom.com wrote:
- >julie wrote>> did i think sonny was good for brenda? well, i don't
- >think a mobster in general is good for ANYONE in his life--occupational
- >hazards being what they are. but i did think s&b had something. they
- >definitely had that spark that made them fun to watch. but then...
- >they threw lily into the mix. <shudder>>>>
- >
- >no no NO!!...BIGGER SHUDDER....remember mr menudo himself, the hair
- >flipping Miguel???? Now THAT guy set my teeth on edge. I remember
- >thinking GH had hit an all time low during his tenure.
- LOL!!! Yeah, he was truly annoying. And that whole thing with him and
- Brenda made her look *so* bad. My sister, to this day, does this thing
- where she'll flip her hair over to one side, get a glazed look in her eyes,
- and say, "Lily..." in that Miguel accent. Too funny. :-)
- Amy
- "Thou knowest tonight, and wilt know tomorrow
- This mark of my shame, this seal of my sorrow."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Christabel"
- Visit my homepage: http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/asimov/114/index.html
- There's links to X-Files, my XF Fanfiction, General Hospital, music, Prey,
- and more!!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: tvplist@ix.netcom.com
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Sonny/Brenda and (gag me!!!) Miguel
- Date: 03 Mar 1998 19:57:49 -0800
- amy wrote>> My sister, to this day, does this thing
- where she'll flip her hair over to one side, get a glazed look in her
- eyes, and say, "Lily..." in that Miguel accent. Too funny. :-)>>
- Ah yes...I can hear that little clipped "Leelee, Leelee" now. No loss
- when he left to go on "tour"...
- karen
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: Sonny/Brenda and (gag me!!!) Miguel
- Date: 04 Mar 1998 06:59:01 PST
- karen wrote:
- >no no NO!!...BIGGER SHUDDER....remember mr menudo himself, the hair
- >flipping Miguel???? Now THAT guy set my teeth on edge. I remember
- >thinking GH had hit an all time low during his tenure.
- EEEEEEEEEEWWWWW! you are so right on that one. about the only thing i
- can say about miguel, is that he and lily TRULY deserved each other!
- >Now regarding Brenda and her various love interests--I thought she
- >and Sonny had incredible chemistry, but I think he'd exude charisma
- >if paired with a troll. The guy could "act", plain and simple. I'd
- >like to see him come back if only to play opposite Luke. They were
- >truly equals.
- true, true. and i loved him with robin and stone, and jason. i
- DEFINITELY liked him much better than brenda, even back when brenda used
- to be a character i could stomach for more than five seconds at a time.
- incidentally, taiyin...yes, i actually DID watch the brenda/jax
- proposal, although i COMPLETELY understand the ff urge! but truly, it
- was great comic relief! (and REALLY good target practice, too, when
- brenda started the bit about only ever being happy when she was with
- jax. i'm getting REALLY good at nailing her right between the eyes with
- all SORTS of objects. tv guide is particulary aerodynamic.)
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: The Ghost of Stone
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 19:00:41 -0800
- Wow.
- That was impressive.
- I loved that Robin mentioned Stone today to Mac and Felicia.
- As stupid as parts of this are (not even a MENTION of Kevin and
- Lucy?!??!?!?), that was cool.
- Taiyin
- "What did I do before I had you?"
- --"You were lost and confused."
- -- Lucy and Kevin
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Lydia Salaiz" <lsalaiz@intplsrv.net>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH: Kevin & Lucy
- Date: 04 Mar 1998 21:31:18 -0600
- This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0040_01BD47B4.DE5D8C40
- Content-Type: text/plain;
- charset="iso-8859-1"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- Taiyin wrote that there was no mention of Kevin or Lucy, I just =
- finished watching GH and Kevin and Lucy sent Mac and Felicia an empty =
- box as a present with a note attached. I can't remember everything in =
- the note, but Mac did say that Kevin was his best friend. Even Felicia =
- mentioned Kevin's name.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0040_01BD47B4.DE5D8C40
- Content-Type: text/html;
- charset="iso-8859-1"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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- <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
- <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Taiyin wrote that there was no mention of Kevin or =
- Lucy, =20
- I just finished watching GH and Kevin and Lucy sent Mac and Felicia an =
- empty box=20
- as a present with a note attached. I can't remember everything in =
- the=20
- note, but Mac did say that Kevin was his best friend. Even Felicia =
- mentioned Kevin's name.</FONT></DIV>
- <DIV> </DIV></BODY></HTML>
- ------=_NextPart_000_0040_01BD47B4.DE5D8C40--
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Kevin & Lucy
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 22:01:06 -0800
- At 09:31 PM 3/4/98 -0600, Lydia Salaiz wrote:
- >>>>
- <excerpt>Taiyin wrote that there was no mention of Kevin or Lucy, I just
- finished watching GH and Kevin and Lucy sent Mac and Felicia an empty box
- as a present with a note attached. I can't remember everything in the
- note, but Mac did say that Kevin was his best friend. Even Felicia
- mentioned Kevin's name.
- </excerpt><<<<<<<<
- Oops. You're right. I spoke too soon. I hadn't seen the last five
- minutes yet.
- I'm happy now that I've seen it.
- Taiyin
- "What did I do before I had you?"
- --"You were lost and confused."
- -- Lucy and Kevin
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Engagement Party
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 22:03:39 -0800
- They sure shoveled it on today, didn't they?
- It was kind of hard to keep a straight face through the round after round
- after round of "thank you for restoring my faith in humanity" stuff. Yikes.
- I do wish they'd get on with this. <sigh>
- Taiyin
- "What did I do before I had you?"
- --"You were lost and confused."
- -- Lucy and Kevin
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Kevin & Lucy
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 05:22:15 -0800
- What was the empty box suppose to represent? Did I miss something? I
- really hope Mac and Felicia end up getting married. I think they are great
- together.
- ----------
- > From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- > To: Port Charles/General Hospital <port-charles@xmission.com>
- > Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Kevin & Lucy
- > Date: Thursday, March 05, 1998 10:01 PM
- >
- > At 09:31 PM 3/4/98 -0600, Lydia Salaiz wrote:
- >
- > >>>>
- >
- > <excerpt>Taiyin wrote that there was no mention of Kevin or Lucy, I just
- > finished watching GH and Kevin and Lucy sent Mac and Felicia an empty box
- > as a present with a note attached. I can't remember everything in the
- > note, but Mac did say that Kevin was his best friend. Even Felicia
- > mentioned Kevin's name.
- >
- >
- >
- > </excerpt><<<<<<<<
- >
- >
- > Oops. You're right. I spoke too soon. I hadn't seen the last five
- > minutes yet.
- >
- >
- > I'm happy now that I've seen it.
- >
- >
- > Taiyin
- >
- > "What did I do before I had you?"
- >
- > --"You were lost and confused."
- >
- > -- Lucy and Kevin
- >
- > -
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: Engagement Party
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 06:36:17 PST
- first things first...
- Happy Birthday Taiyin! :)
- now back to our regularly scheduled program:
- taiyin wrote:
- >They sure shoveled it on today, didn't they?
- >
- >It was kind of hard to keep a straight face through the round after
- >round after round of "thank you for restoring my faith in humanity"
- >stuff. Yikes.
- yeah...what was UP with that? i mean, they're getting MARRIED, not
- giving birth to the messiah or anything. i think these people in port
- charles need to get out more! :)
- i agree though...i did think it was so sweet that robin mentioned stone.
- (except, was the poor guy doing ANYTHING but matchmaking on his
- deathbed? "sonny and brenda will get together," "felicia and mac will
- get together"...well, he's 0 for 1 so far, with the jury still out on
- #2!)
- "Fred & Rickie Yopp" wrote:
- >What was the empty box suppose to represent? Did I miss something?
- somebody with a better memory will have to help me out on this one. the
- note said something to the effect of, "nothing we could give you could
- mean as much as you two getting married means to us," or something
- similar to that sentiment.
- >I really hope Mac and Felicia end up getting married. I think they
- >are great together.
- is anybody else getting the feeling, after yesterday's excess
- (ESPECIALLY the robin/stone thing) that they may end up being
- guilt-tripped into getting married??? well, not exactly, because that
- would be pretty pathetic. but guilt-tripped into examining their true
- feelings, and subsequently realizing they really DO want to get married.
- because they certainly were laying it on a little thick yesterday...
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: FW: GH
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 10:34:40 -0500
- > ----------
- > From: Danielle Graham
- > Sent: Thursday, March 05, 1998 10:31 AM
- > To: 'portcharles@xmission.com'
- > Subject: GH
- > Sensitivity: Private
- >
- > yeah, puh-lease already w/Felicia & Mac we're only friends. Did anyone
- > catch the look Felicia threw @Mac when he read the card from Lucy &
- > Kevin, when he said, that's why "he's" my best friend? What was the
- > deal w/that??? I also think they will get married & "act" like neither
- > one of them wanted to do it. Someone in the town will have to mention
- > them getting married to little Maxi....also I can't wait to see the
- > fallout from Lucky finding out about dad raping mom years ago! It's
- > been way too long for this to be addressed by TPTB. Finally, something
- > more for Tony Geary to sink his teeth in......gotta love Luke!
- >
- >
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: Engagement Party
- Date: 06 Mar 1998 07:35:53 -0800
- At 06:36 AM 3/5/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote:
- >
- >Happy Birthday Taiyin! :)
- Thank you, Julie.
- >yeah...what was UP with that? i mean, they're getting MARRIED, not
- >giving birth to the messiah or anything. i think these people in port
- >charles need to get out more! :)
- LOL!! No kidding. A little bit of "Oh, it's so sweet you two found each
- other again" is one thing, but damn, they were really pouring it on
- yesterday. The guests needed hip waders. Freakish.
- >i agree though...i did think it was so sweet that robin mentioned stone.
- >(except, was the poor guy doing ANYTHING but matchmaking on his
- >deathbed? "sonny and brenda will get together," "felicia and mac will
- >get together"...well, he's 0 for 1 so far, with the jury still out on
- >#2!)
- That did seem a little strange, in actuality. I'm just happy anytime there
- is any real acknowledgment of history.
- >somebody with a better memory will have to help me out on this one. the
- >note said something to the effect of, "nothing we could give you could
- >mean as much as you two getting married means to us," or something
- >similar to that sentiment.
- Nope, that's what it said all right. The box wasn't actually empty, we
- just didn't see what was in it. I was happy to see they did at least
- RECOGNIZE K&L's absence and Lucy being in GH.
- >is anybody else getting the feeling, after yesterday's excess
- >(ESPECIALLY the robin/stone thing) that they may end up being
- >guilt-tripped into getting married??? well, not exactly, because that
- >would be pretty pathetic. but guilt-tripped into examining their true
- >feelings, and subsequently realizing they really DO want to get married.
- Could me. Mostly it looked like they were realizing exactly why they
- WOULDN'T ever actually get married.
- I don't know, I just want some progress here...
- Taiyin
- "What did I do before I had you?"
- --"You were lost and confused."
- -- Lucy and Kevin
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Amy Schatz <starbuck@csrlink.net>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Engagement Party
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 11:23:01 -0500
- >At 10:03 PM 3/5/98 -0800, you wrote:
- >They sure shoveled it on today, didn't they?
- >It was kind of hard to keep a straight face through the round after round
- >after round of "thank you for restoring my faith in humanity" stuff. Yikes.
- No kidding!! My God, I think I went into sugar shock from all that
- over-the-top sweetness...
- The only saving grace was the Liz and Lucky stuff. :) And today looks like
- another good L&L day! :D
- >I do wish they'd get on with this. <sigh>
- I wish they'd get on with it, or kill us all quickly. <g> It's becoming
- painful...
- And Tess looking menacingly at Jax is not "moving the story forward" in my
- book.
- Amy
- "Thou knowest tonight, and wilt know tomorrow
- This mark of my shame, this seal of my sorrow."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Christabel"
- Visit my homepage: http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/asimov/114/hello.html
- There's links to X-Files, my XF Fanfiction, General Hospital, music, Prey,
- and more!!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Amy Schatz <starbuck@csrlink.net>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: FW: GH
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 11:25:50 -0500
- >At 10:34 AM 3/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
- >> yeah, puh-lease already w/Felicia & Mac we're only friends.
- It's tired by now...we all know that they want to be more than friends.
- Just let them admit it.
- > Did anyone
- >> catch the look Felicia threw @Mac when he read the card from Lucy &
- >> Kevin, when he said, that's why "he's" my best friend? What was the
- >> deal w/that???
- I wanted to ask about that, too. I did not get that look AT ALL. It's
- like she thought Mac either wasn't Kevin's best friend, or she thought that
- Mac, acting as Jimmy, shouldn't have known that. Or...something else that
- I cannot fathom. Can anyone shed some light?
- Amy
- "Thou knowest tonight, and wilt know tomorrow
- This mark of my shame, this seal of my sorrow."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Christabel"
- Visit my homepage: http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/asimov/114/hello.html
- There's links to X-Files, my XF Fanfiction, General Hospital, music, Prey,
- and more!!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 11:40:29 -0500
- > Did anyone
- >> catch the look Felicia threw @Mac when he read the card from Lucy &
- >> Kevin, when he said, that's why "he's" my best friend? What was the
- >> deal w/that???
- I wanted to ask about that, too. I did not get that look AT ALL. It's
- like she thought Mac either wasn't Kevin's best friend, or she thought
- that
- Mac, acting as Jimmy, shouldn't have known that. Or...something else
- that
- I cannot fathom.
- Maybe, Felicia was just thinking that Mac would say that Kevin was his
- bestfriend, but "James" would think she was, since he's really
- affectionate. Maybe the look was given to alert him that perhaps Tess
- was looking. It's a thought!.....Also, agree the best part was with
- Lucky & Liz. But isn't it amazing how he did a complete 360 degree turn
- on her! He's now like....Sarah, who? I don't blame him on that one. And
- how cute are they together?
- -
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Amy Schatz <starbuck@csrlink.net>
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 11:49:46 -0500
- >At 11:40 AM 3/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
- >I wanted to ask about that, too. I did not get that look AT ALL. It's
- >like she thought Mac either wasn't Kevin's best friend, or she thought
- >that
- >Mac, acting as Jimmy, shouldn't have known that. Or...something else
- >that
- >I cannot fathom.
- >
- >Maybe, Felicia was just thinking that Mac would say that Kevin was his
- >bestfriend, but "James" would think she was, since he's really
- >affectionate. Maybe the look was given to alert him that perhaps Tess
- >was looking. It's a thought!.....
- That's all I could come up with. But they didn't really make it clear
- enough. I mean, if after Mac said that, they had cut to a shot of Tess
- looking as nasty as she can muster, then cut back to Felicia's weird look,
- I could have seen it. This way it's like they cut off an extra line or
- something.
- >Also, agree the best part was with
- >Lucky & Liz. But isn't it amazing how he did a complete 360 degree turn
- >on her!
- I know!! He's finally woken up!! :D
- > He's now like....Sarah, who? I don't blame him on that one.
- Me, either. And he hardly even looks at Sarah anymore when they're
- together. Too cute. :D
- > And how cute are they together?
- Beyond cute. My sister wants them to get married right now. <G>
- Amy
- "Thou knowest tonight, and wilt know tomorrow
- This mark of my shame, this seal of my sorrow."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Christabel"
- Visit my homepage: http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/asimov/114/hello.html
- There's links to X-Files, my XF Fanfiction, General Hospital, music, Prey,
- and more!!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 12:02:37 -0500
- What's the deal w/Tony anyway? So, he slept with Carly who's his
- stepdaughter. There's no blood relation there. And with that "do" he has
- going? Out in the papers now, it's stating Michael gets kidnapped this
- week. Gee, Tony just happens to go bonkers and declare he's leaving PC.
- Little too obvious on that one. I guess we're s'posed to believe he's
- gonna do it. Stranger things have happened before! Did anyone catch the
- little glare Tony & Luke exchanged? They looked like they were going to
- start laughing at any minute. Probably from the hoopla that Mac &
- Felicia was doing the marriage bit for the entire town.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Engagement Party
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 09:04:52 -0800
- At 11:23 AM 3/5/98 -0500, Amy Schatz wrote:
- >
- >No kidding!! My God, I think I went into sugar shock from all that
- >over-the-top sweetness...
- And it was coming from EVERYONE. I think Luke was about the only person
- who wasn't gushing at them.
- >The only saving grace was the Liz and Lucky stuff. :) And today looks like
- >another good L&L day! :D
- No kidding! I still can't get over how incredible a job they are both
- doing with this. It's hard to reconcile this Lizzie witht he annoying,
- smoking, wannabe twit who first arrived in town last summer. I'm glad,
- though. There is just so much meat to this story and I'm really glad that
- she is being able to prove she can handle it so well.
- >I wish they'd get on with it, or kill us all quickly. <g> It's becoming
- >painful...
- Especially the less-than-successful attempts at comedy that get thrown in
- there, too.
- >And Tess looking menacingly at Jax is not "moving the story forward" in my
- >book.
- I missed that. I'm a little heavy-handed on my fast-forward button and
- people/stories that annoy me are rarely spared.
- Taiyin
- "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the
- altar of your amusement. It's the least I
- can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin
- <taiyin@taiyin.net> http://www.taiyin.net/
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: FW: GH
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 09:09:02 -0800
- At 11:25 AM 3/5/98 -0500, Amy Schatz wrote:
- >
- >I wanted to ask about that, too. I did not get that look AT ALL. It's
- >like she thought Mac either wasn't Kevin's best friend, or she thought that
- >Mac, acting as Jimmy, shouldn't have known that. Or...something else that
- >I cannot fathom. Can anyone shed some light?
- Could've been guilt. I mean, lying to everyone is already not cool --
- which they know (and which is EXACTLY the same thing that K&L got finished
- doing). Maybe it's more a matter of "Geez, Lucy was on her death bed and
- Kevin STILL went to all this trouble for some fake engagement because we
- are lying to him. Ouch."
- Probably not, but this storyinline is getting so tiresome that I have to
- find my interest where ever I can get it. ;-)
- Taiyin
- "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the
- altar of your amusement. It's the least I
- can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin
- <taiyin@taiyin.net> http://www.taiyin.net/
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Amy Schatz <starbuck@csrlink.net>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Engagement Party
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 12:31:59 -0500
- >At 09:04 AM 3/5/98 -0800, you wrote:
- >>No kidding!! My God, I think I went into sugar shock from all that
- >>over-the-top sweetness...
- >
- >And it was coming from EVERYONE. I think Luke was about the only person
- >who wasn't gushing at them.
- And thank God for that!! At least there was one person there whom I didn't
- suspect of being a secret Hallmark agent. <g>
- >>The only saving grace was the Liz and Lucky stuff. :) And today looks like
- >>another good L&L day! :D
- >
- >No kidding! I still can't get over how incredible a job they are both
- >doing with this.
- Neither can I!! This is a far cry from Lucky's oh-so-dramatic gambling
- storyline from yore.
- > It's hard to reconcile this Lizzie witht he annoying,
- >smoking, wannabe twit who first arrived in town last summer.
- They've really changed her around - for the better. Cause I hated both Liz
- and Sarah when they first arrived. Now I just hate Sarah. :-)
- > I'm glad,
- >though. There is just so much meat to this story and I'm really glad that
- >she is being able to prove she can handle it so well.
- They better be nominated for Emmy's!!! :D
- >>I wish they'd get on with it, or kill us all quickly. <g> It's becoming
- >>painful...
- >
- >Especially the less-than-successful attempts at comedy that get thrown in
- >there, too.
- LOL. I know...that's the most painful part, I think. :)
- >>And Tess looking menacingly at Jax is not "moving the story forward" in my
- >>book.
- >
- >I missed that. I'm a little heavy-handed on my fast-forward button and
- >people/stories that annoy me are rarely spared.
- Well, I had to suffer through it in real time. <g> And it was at the end,
- when V is asking Jax about that company. And they zoom in on Jax, then he
- gets blurry and they focus on Tess staring daggers at him.
- Happy birthday, BTW!!! :D
- Amy
- "Thou knowest tonight, and wilt know tomorrow
- This mark of my shame, this seal of my sorrow."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Christabel"
- Visit my homepage: http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/asimov/114/hello.html
- There's links to X-Files, my XF Fanfiction, General Hospital, music, Prey,
- and more!!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 12:47:50 -0500
- And thank God for that!! At least there was one person there whom I
- didn't
- suspect of being a secret Hallmark agent. <g>
- Luke and Hallmark being mentioned in the same topic?
- Neither can I!! This is a far cry from Lucky's oh-so-dramatic gambling
- storyline from yore.
- Since I just about forgot about the gambling storyline, I guess that
- tells everyone how good that was.
- , wannabe twit who first arrived in town last summer.
- > It's hard to reconcile this Lizzie witht he annoying,
- >smoking
- They've really changed her around - for the better. Cause I hated both
- Liz
- and Sarah when they first arrived. Now I just hate Sarah. :-)
- > I'm glad,
- >though. There is just so much meat to this story and I'm really glad
- that
- >she is being able to prove she can handle it so well.
- They better be nominated for Emmy's!!! :D
- I think you're being a little premature on the Emmy status just yet!
- Finally, Lucky is getting a girl! Did anyone buy the story of him going
- on a date...did I doze off that day....with a girl & she cut her pizza
- w/a fork & a knife! Lucky & Liz always did have the chemistry from day
- one. I did however like the tough chick act she was trying to pull off.
- >>And Tess looking menacingly at Jax is not "moving the story forward"
- in my
- >>book.
- That cracked me up! 2 private detectives and an ex-cop know that Tess
- is the "bad girl" yet, no one keeps a close eye on her? We all saw that
- one across the room. V can tap a public phone in seconds, get
- fingerprints off a glass & conclude their not Mac's in a dark hallway,
- but put the girl right in front of her face...hmmm
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: L&L rape article (old spoiler included)
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 11:38:57 PST
- apparently gh has hit the mainstream! this was in the ny post--an
- article about the revisiting of the luke and laura rape. a slight
- spoiler, which has already been posted here, is included, so...
- s
- p
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- e
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- o
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- !
- i just thought it was interesting that this is now considered "news"!
- julie
- THE producers of "General Hospital" are about to take a
- sledgehammer to the popular myths surrounding the storybook
- romance of daytime's most famous couple: Luke and Laura.
- Starting tomorrow, the long-running ABC soap will begin a
- multiweek storyline in which young Lucky Spencer (Jonathan
- Jackson) finds out that his father Luke (Anthony Geary) raped his
- mother Laura (Genie Francis) months before the two became
- lovers.
- Lucky's discovery will allow "GH" to revisit the sordid origins of
- Luke and Laura's relationship - details which are
- well-remembered by the soap's hard-core fans, but which have
- been virtually ignored by the soap for nearly 20 years. Geary says
- he was shocked when the "GH" writers told him about the new
- storyline.
- "My first reaction was that it was a big can of worms that could
- eat us alive," Geary remembers. "I was terrified, basically."
- Casual viewers who know of Luke and Laura only from the
- couple's high-rated 1982 wedding might be shocked when they
- find out the real story behind the romance.
- Back in 1979, Luke Spencer and Laura Baldwin were merely
- good pals who worked together at Luke's Campus Disco. Laura
- was married, but the sexual tension between the 17-year-old
- Laura and the older Luke was clear.
- Luke finally acted on his attraction to Laura one late night in
- October 1979, when Laura discovered him crying at the Campus
- Disco's bar. Worried that he's about to be killed by mobster
- Frank Smith, Luke admits his love for Laura.
- "It's like some kind of sickness, eating me up - and I can't
- concentrate on anything. And in my business, that's dangerous,
- baby," Luke told Laura.
- After telling Laura that he's constantly dreaming about "holding
- you in my arms and making love to you," Luke then forces her to
- dance with him as Herb Alpert's "Rise" plays in the background.
- Laura pleads with Luke to let her go home, but instead, he rapes
- her (though viewers never see the act itself.)
- Rather than turn Luke in to the police, Laura fell in love with her
- attacker - and married him three years later. While the rape has
- been mentioned since then, "GH" producers tended to portray the
- incident as a "seduction" instead of what it really was: rape.
- "They probably downplayed it," Pat Fili-Krushel, president of
- ABC Daytime, told The Post yesterday. "But what they were
- trying to avoid was sending a message that women fall in love
- with their rapists."
- Now, ABC and "GH" are trying to send another message: Rape
- is rape - and it's always bad.
- "It was not acceptable then, no matter what the town said or the
- press said," says "GH" executive producer Wendy Riche, who
- was not with the show during the original Luke and Laura
- storyline.
- Still, "We didn't approach it as "let's make amends'," Riche adds.
- "We didn't feel guilty or felt like we had to."
- The new storyline begins tomorrow when Lucky's half-brother
- tells him Luke raped their mother, Laura. Lucky tries to find out
- whether the charge is true - and next Friday, March 13, Lucky
- will confront Luke with the rape accusation. On Monday, March
- 16, Luke will explain what happened, delivering an emotional
- five-minute monologue. Since Francis is not currently on the
- show, Laura will not be involved in the plot.
- me again. i really hope they do an extended flashback of
- the original scene--i've always wanted to see it...this
- could be my chance! hope they do...
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: L&L rape article (old spoiler included)
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 11:40:31 -0800
- At 11:38 AM 3/5/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote:
- >will confront Luke with the rape accusation. On Monday, March
- >16, Luke will explain what happened, delivering an emotional
- >five-minute monologue. Since Francis is not currently on the
- >show, Laura will not be involved in the plot.
- Oh man, it kills me that Genie isn't here for this. It's absolutely
- painful to have all this go down without her. Geez.
- Yesterday when Lucky was talking to Liz about the fact that because of her
- he now has a better understanding of what his mother went through -- he
- should have been able to have that conversation with Laura, too. I think
- it's relaly cool that the show is giving Genie this kind of leeway, but I
- really, really, REALLY wish she'd come back. At least part time for this
- storyline.
- >me again. i really hope they do an extended flashback of
- >the original scene--i've always wanted to see it...this
- >could be my chance! hope they do...
- "Luke and Laura: Lovers on the Run" tape series released by ABC has this on
- it. I have volume 2 (though I haven't watched it yet, so I don't know what
- is exactly on each volume).
- Taiyin
- "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the
- altar of your amusement. It's the least I
- can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin
- <taiyin@taiyin.net> http://www.taiyin.net/
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: GENIE, COME BACK!!!!!
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 12:17:17 PST
- taiyin wrote:
- >Oh man, it kills me that Genie isn't here for this. It's absolutely
- >painful to have all this go down without her. Geez.
- >
- >Yesterday when Lucky was talking to Liz about the fact that because
- >of her he now has a better understanding of what his mother went
- >through -- he should have been able to have that conversation with
- >Laura, too. I think it's relaly cool that the show is giving Genie
- >this kind of leeway, but I really, really, REALLY wish she'd come
- >back. At least part time for this storyline.
- i TOTALLY agree!
- a question--is is at ALL within the realm of possibility that she IS
- coming back (or is already back) and tptb are just managing to keep a
- VERY tight lid on that fact to surprise everyone? i know in this day of
- rampant spoilers, almost NOTHING stays a secret...so would it be even
- possible to do it that way if tptb wanted to? because can you imagine
- how unbelievably cool it would be to just have her SHOW UP one of these
- days?
- i know, not likely. tptb would want to milk that news for all it was
- worth, for publicity and stuff. but still...wouldn't it be cool?
- just call me pollyanna...
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: Engagement Party
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 12:26:48 PST
- amy wrote:
- >I wish they'd get on with it, or kill us all quickly. <g> It's
- >becoming painful...
- >
- >And Tess looking menacingly at Jax is not "moving the story forward"
- >in my book.
- LOL! now, a question...mr. hardy boy himself mac scorpio was the FIRST
- to jump to a completely LUDICROUS conclusion, that tess was planning to
- take out jason, based on NOTHING whatsoever. but after her reaction to
- his friendliness towards jax, which seemed to me to be a little
- excessive, he wasn't the LEAST bit suspicious of THAT???
- sheesh. where's v when you need her...they really DO need to get things
- going. although, with a wedding date of april 18, at least we know
- they'll have to wrap it up by then! :)
- hey, wouldn't it be cute if mac and felicia and kevin and lucy had a
- double wedding? (i know, i know...i can hear taiyin now, screaming that
- after ALL they've been through, kevin and lucy deserve to have the
- wedding of our...um, i mean THEIR...dreams ALL TO THEMSELVES. and i do
- agree...but i STILL think it would be cute! and at least it would set
- a date! :)
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: oh thank GOD...(robin spoilers!)
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 12:44:55 PST
- all i can say is it's about TIME they gave this girl something to do!
- anyway, spoilers below...
- a
- n
- c
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- a
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- e
- i
- g
- h
- !
- ok, someone posted this on pc online:
- >These came from Soap Opera Weekly Magazine, which I got in the mail
- >yesterday (I subscribe to it and Soap Opera Digest)
- >
- >Coming next week:
- >
- >1. Katherine blasts Stefan for his treatment of Robin.
- >
- >2. Helena confronts Robin!!
- >
- >And coming up the week after next:
- >
- >Robin makes a discovery that puts her in jeopardy!!
- THANK GOD!!! she finally gets to do something besides preach! and if
- we can pull out some of that scorpio/cassadine history...she could
- actually be watchable again! (who knows, maybe they even had a REASON
- for mentioning that she can shoot the other day!)
- god i miss robert and anna. they could keep laura gone FOREVER if i
- could have either of THEM back...
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: more gh spoilers!
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 13:03:56 PST
- again from pc online...some pretty good stuff coming up!
- julie
- h
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- e
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- o
- a
- g
- a
- i
- n
- .
- .
- .
- WEEK OF MARCH 9-13, 1998
- courtesy of Soap Opera Weekly, Soap Opera Update, Soap Opera News,
- Soap Opera Magazine and other sources!
- Important Stuff:
- MONDAY: Lucky digs into Nikolas' accusations ò Bobbie blames Carly for
- Michael's kidnapping
- TUESDAY: ò Edward finds himself at the center of the kidnapping
- investigation ò Lucky uncovers disturbing old documents at General
- Hospital
- WEDNESDAY: ò Amy finds Alan passed out with a bottle of pills
- THURSDAY: ò Taggert convinces Jason to go to extremes ò Katherine throws
- a shower for Felicia
- FRIDAY: ò Brenda makes a new attempt to win back Jax ò Luke finds Lucky
- packing
- More Stuff:
- Katherine blasts Stefan for his treatment of Robin.
- Lucky looks into Nikolas' accusations about the Spencer family's
- history, and doesn't like what he finds.
- Brenda continues her campaign to win back Jax, despite his insistence
- that it won't work.
- When Amy catches Alan red-handed, he tries to blame a recent event for
- his long-standing problem.
- Felicia uses what should be a happy occasion to break disappointing
- news.
- Helena confronts Robin.
- Audrey continues to distance herself from Liz, as Liz and Lucky realize
- the severity of what's happening to Liz.
- Jason agrees to cooperate with the police.
- Tess puts "James" to the test as Mac and Felicia realize who Tess'
- target really is.
- The FOLLOWING week:
- Stefan rocks Nikolas with news about Robin (on March 16)
- Edward makes a surprise TV appearance (on March 17)
- Luke gives Nikolas a warning
- Brenda plans a romantic getaway for herself and Jax
- Robin makes a discovery that puts her in jeopardy
- Sonny Returns to GH for Primetime Special
- Maurice Benard has returned to the set to tape scenes for the General
- Hospital 35th Anniversary Primetime Special that will air on April 2nd.
- The special will also feature new segments taped by Genie
- Francis (Laura), who remains on maternity leave. Other former stars
- participating in the anniversary show include Finola Hughes (ex-Anna),
- Rena Sofer (ex-Lois), Jack Wagner (ex-Frisco) and John Stamos.
- More highlights: Anthony Geary (Luke) will serve as host for the
- hour-long retrospective and appears in an opening sketch with actress
- Kathy Kinney (Mimi, The Drew Carey Show). Interviews with current
- cast members will include Geary, Genie, Jacklyn Zeman (Bobbie), Brad
- Maule (Tony), Stuart Damon (Alan), and Leslie Charleson (Monica). Pairs
- of popular actors introducing the show's various decades will include
- Zeman and Kin Shriner (Scotty), Kimberly McCullough (Robin) and John J.
- York (Mac) and Vanessa Marcil (Brenda) and Ingo Rademacher (Jax).
- There will be a humorous song, written and performed by Maule, which
- viewers will be treated to during the special's closing credits. Also
- memorable clips from favorite GH episodes, past and present.
- Lucky Uncovers Disturbing Hospital Records
- Nikolas' accusations about Luke's past with Laura hit Lucky hard. He
- attacks Nikolas' words with the force of a true Spencer. Believing
- there's a possibility that the information was wrong, Nikolas questions
- Stefan about the facts. Stefan assures him that it is all true, but
- warns Nikolas that Luke will retaliate if he learns where Lucky got the
- scoop.
- Knowing of Scott's relationship with his mother before Luke came into
- the picture, Lucky turns to him for answers, but finds him
- uncooperative. Later the GH records department confirms Lucky's fears
- when he discovers some disturbing documents. Meanwhile, Lucky continues
- to be Liz's biggest support as she deals with the repercussions of her
- rape. Dealing with her problems serves to emphasize the pain and
- humiliation of what she went through.
- ABOUT THE KIDNAPPING: Jason and Carly are staggered to learn that baby
- Michael has been kidnapped. Jason wants to handle the situation his own
- way, but both Taggert and Garcia have plans of their own. They suggest
- that Jason and Carly keep quiet about the situation, but Carly insists
- on calling Bobbie, who throws it back in Carly's face that she is the
- cause of her baby being in danger. Meanwhile, the authorities believe a
- Quartermaine is the prime suspect.
- Brenda Will Do Anything to Win Back Jax
- Brenda is trying to woo Jax the way he wooed her but it's not really
- Brenda, explains head writer Robert Guza, Jr. She gives him a set of
- adventure books and gets him his favorite Irish oysters. [oh GAG!!! i'm
- sorry, i COULDN'T let that pass without comment...julie] Jax enjoys
- being on the receiving end, but he doesn't reciprocate Brenda's romantic
- overtures. "The central issue is that Brenda has chosen Sonny," Guza
- continues. "She has to get past Sonny, and deep down they both know that
- Jax is wildly amused and having a great time with all of these
- extravagant gestures and fun stuff, but he still knows that wall between
- them has not been dealt with."
- Although Jax knows Brenda loves him - and he also knows he loves her -
- he doesn't know if they will wind up together. [obviously he hasn't
- been reading any of guza's numerous interviews. -j ] Guza notes that
- Jax is "the huge risk taker - that's the big gamble. He loves the game
- above everything else. He's the corporate raider who buys up all these
- companies and sells them off because there is no challenge in running
- them. The challenge is in the conquest. This is the one challenge he
- can't be sure he will win." [yawn]
- The uncertainty of their future will come into even stronger focus
- shortly when a dramatic turn of events stops being humorous and becomes
- life-and-death. "In the course of this mini-arc," Guza says, "Brenda has
- to deal with a situation in which she has to come to terms with her
- horrible anger against Sonny."
- News and Notes
- Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis) welcomed her first child, a girl, Kate, in Los
- Angeles early the morning of Feb. 24. Mom and baby are doing fine. Among
- the actors who have auditioned for the role of Jerry, Jax's
- brother, are Don McVicar, who is on the recurring status as Clarke on
- B&B, and Michael Corbett, ex-Michael, Ryan's Hope.
- The effects of Liz's rape continue to be far reaching. And even though
- there will be some resolution in the "whodunit" aspect, much more
- important are the psychological ramifications of the unfolding events
- on people such as Lucky, who finds himself in the throes of reconciling
- himself with Luke's deceit. In his anger and devastation, Lucky winds up
- aligning himself with Luke's most dangerous adversary. Luke is also
- furious and goes after Stefan and Nikolas. The whole melee drives a
- further wedge between Bobbie and Luke. Look for everything to come to a
- head at a huge social event at Wyndemere.
- Everyone is a suspect in Michael's kidnapping, but once the guilty party
- is discovered, according to Guza, "The punishment isn't quite what was
- anticipated for the guilty party, so Carly will take the law into her
- own hands."
- Carly makes another bold move when, for the first time in her life, she
- begins to understand what it feels like to be secure. As she gets closer
- to her son and knows she can depend on Jason, in typical Carly
- fashion, she goes a little overboard and jeopardizes that security. At
- the same time, Carly's behavior brings out the fighter in Robin that
- we've so rarely seen.
- Brenda continues her campaign to win Jax back despite his resistance,
- but the situation takes a much more serious turn when she and Jason are
- thrown together in a life-or-death situation, propelling Brenda
- back to what happened at the altar with Sonny. Guza says the
- relationship between Brenda and Jax reaches a climax, and adds that,
- "The thing that's been between them all along comes between them for
- one final time."
- Tess and company finally make their move on their target - Jax - but,
- "The person who gets it is not the person we think is going to get it,"
- says Guza. "And the person behind it is not who we think is behind it."
- A new character will be introduced following the attempt on Jax's life.
- Through all of this, Mac and Felicia are stuck together.
- Tony continues to battle the demons that took him over when B.J. died.
- Alan, too, is waging war with his own demons, and Taggert pursues him
- with a vengence in order to get to Jason. When Alan's drug supply begins
- to dry up, desperation takes over. Ultimately, Alan's problem claims
- other victims, including people he cares about very deeply - people who
- are going to suffer as a result.
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: more gh spoilers!
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 14:01:25 -0800
- At 01:03 PM 3/5/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote:
- >
- >h
- >e
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- >e
- >
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- >e
- >
- >g
- >o
- >
- >a
- >g
- >a
- >i
- >n
- >.
- >.
- >.
- >Knowing of Scott's relationship with his mother before Luke came into
- >the picture, Lucky turns to him for answers
- Now THIS I am *dying* to see. Wow.
- >himself with Luke's deceit. In his anger and devastation, Lucky winds up
- >aligning himself with Luke's most dangerous adversary. Luke is also
- >furious and goes after Stefan and Nikolas. The whole melee drives a
- >further wedge between Bobbie and Luke. Look for everything to come to a
- >head at a huge social event at Wyndemere.
- You know, as much as it annoys me (and BOY does it annoy me) that Guza
- tends to turn GH into "The Cassadine and Spencer Show" I must confess, that
- the reprocussions from Lizzie's story are making for some incredible grist
- for the mill around there.
- >fashion, she goes a little overboard and jeopardizes that security. At
- >the same time, Carly's behavior brings out the fighter in Robin that
- >we've so rarely seen.
- I've been waiting for YEARS for them to stop making Robin the local patron
- saint, but turning her into a preachy, sanctimonious snot was not what I
- had in mind, either. I hope whatever this means is better than the past
- few weeks have been when it comes to Robin.
- Taiyin
- "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the
- altar of your amusement. It's the least I
- can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin
- <taiyin@taiyin.net> http://www.taiyin.net/
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Amy Schatz <starbuck@csrlink.net>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: oh thank GOD...(robin spoilers!)
- Date: 05 Mar 1998 21:42:47 -0500
- >At 12:44 PM 3/5/98 PST, you wrote:
- >god i miss robert and anna. they could keep laura gone FOREVER if i
- >could have either of THEM back...
- I totally agree!
- Robert and Anna were my absolute favorite characters on GH. I loved them.
- That whole storyline where Anna was kidnapped by that Grant Putnam guy was
- one of my favorites!
- And that whole storyline where they kinda realized they still liked each
- other, and then got back together was great.
- I miss them so much. Why don't they come back and make me happy? <g>
- Amy
- "Thou knowest tonight, and wilt know tomorrow
- This mark of my shame, this seal of my sorrow."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Christabel"
- Visit my homepage: http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/asimov/114/hello.html
- There's links to X-Files, my XF Fanfiction, General Hospital, music, Prey,
- and more!!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH
- Date: 06 Mar 1998 10:34:05 -0500
- please, please, please tell me that TPTB are not putting Robin together
- w/Nikolas! It certainly would stir up the ol' Spencer/Cassadine story,
- but c'mon now. No way did I ever buy Tyler being the 17 yr. old Nikolas,
- now he's gonna be the "younger" guy to Robin. I must say though, if this
- story would give Robin some back bone, fire away guys. This Lucky/Liz
- pairing is the best couple in such a long time. Isn't it funny that they
- are the L&L of the 90's, when the L&L of the 80's was in fact Luke &
- Laura...Lucky's parents? Seemed a little funny!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Gina Clayton" <GCLAYTON@LES.LES.SC.EDU>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GENIE, COME BACK!!!!!
- Date: 06 Mar 1998 13:09:39 EST5EDT
- > a question--is is at ALL within the realm of possibility that she IS
- > coming back (or is already back) and tptb are just managing to keep a
- > VERY tight lid on that fact to surprise everyone? i know in this day of
- > rampant spoilers, almost NOTHING stays a secret...so would it be even
- > possible to do it that way if tptb wanted to?
- they did it with Lily's death. We had some idea what was going on,
- but it never hit the newstands that LM was leaving the show until
- after it happened. I hope that Genie is going to surprise us.
- > i know, not likely. tptb would want to milk that news for all it was
- > worth, for publicity and stuff. but still...wouldn't it be cool?
- I don't know about that.....I would have doing a dance if I had known
- in advance that Lily was leaving the show. (before I realized how
- her death was going to come about) the fans felt very strongly about
- her and the whole J/B/S/L storyline, so I wouldn't put it past them
- to do it again with Genie knowing how much everyone wants her back.
- gina
- > just call me pollyanna...
- > julie
- >
- >
- > ______________________________________________________
- > Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- >
- > -
- >
- >
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GENIE??
- Date: 06 Mar 1998 14:03:11 -0500
- > a question--is is at ALL within the realm of possibility that she IS
- > coming back (or is already back) and tptb are just managing to keep a
- > VERY tight lid on that fact to surprise everyone?
- I'm hoping along with everyone else that perhaps, Genie is on her way
- back. Also, has anyone ever noticed, when a character is coming back,
- hints are dropped, like mentioning them more than before...Nikolas'
- letter, Lucky, Luke & Bobby mentioning her name...then the
- kicker....usually showing pictures! Did anyone catch the scanning of the
- pictures on the refrigerator @the Spencer house? Then again...Lily's
- death was a shocker!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: GENIE??
- Date: 06 Mar 1998 13:32:38 PST
- Danielle Graham wrote:
- >Also, has anyone ever noticed, when a character is coming back,
- >hints are dropped, like mentioning them more than before...Nikolas'
- >letter, Lucky, Luke & Bobby mentioning her name...then the
- >kicker....usually showing pictures! Did anyone catch the scanning of
- >the pictures on the refrigerator @the Spencer house?
- we'd have to have been blind to miss it--they certainly did it enough!
- (did anybody else find it odd that they would have such OLD pictures on
- their refrigerator??? one of those luke & laura pics was positively
- ANCIENT!) but yeah...it definitely seems possible that they're hinting.
- i hope...
- on the other hand, it would be pretty impossible to do this storyline
- without at least MENTIONING laura! (and EQUALLY dumb to do it without
- her there, if you ask me...we all know she has to come back EVENTUALLY,
- being under contract and all. so wouldn't you think they would have
- waited? which also gives me some hope that she'll be heading back
- soon.) oh well, we shall see...
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH-Genie?
- Date: 06 Mar 1998 16:48:29 -0500
- Did anyone catch the scanning of
- >the pictures on the refrigerator @the Spencer house?
- we'd have to have been blind to miss it--they certainly did it enough
- The point about seeing the pix is, 1st of all w/Laura, I don't think
- they'd be crazy enough to even imagine recasting Genie, Bob Guza has
- said in interviews he'd do "anything" to get her to come back. And
- regarding the contract issue, people have been released from their
- contracts early for many reasons. (Melissa Reeves-Days of Our Lives is
- an interesting candidate here!) I agree, I can't even believe that GH
- would go full steam ahead w/this storyline w/out Laura front & center.
- There's going to be the most important point of view missing from this
- story, the victim, being Laura (but how many victims end up marrying the
- rapist, really???). This could make things more viotile being Luke &
- Lucky & that may just be where all the storyline lies!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: tvplist@ix.netcom.com
- Subject: GH/PC: Brad Maule Interview (HUGE SCOOP)
- Date: 08 Mar 1998 01:21:47 -0800
- I just read the new Brad Maule TV Guide interview at:
- http://www.tvgen.com/tv/magazine/980309/soaps.htm
- It contains new info about the kidnapping and a plot involving Robin, so
- if you don't want a glimpse down the road, don't read it.
- Enjoy!!
- karen
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Fwd: logan pre-SOD Award chat
- Date: 09 Mar 1998 10:26:01 PST
- logan's another one i really miss!!! found this on pc online. i've
- missed his style so much, i couldn't even bring myself to edit out the
- non-gh stuff (sorry 'bout that! it's fairly minimial, though--i think
- his gh-bias is back!) but it's 100% spoiler-free (a tad out-dated, if
- anything) so read on...
- enjoy!
- julie
- >
- >
- >Transcript from Logan's Pre-SOD Awards Chat
- >
- >Michael Logan: Hi folks! Thanks for joining me on the eve of the Soap
- >Opera Digest awards which (despite that snarky comment from Miss Mimi
- >Torchin in a recent issue of SOW)absolutely is the zenith of awards
- >shows. I'm thrilled to be back online with you mouse pushin' wackos.
- >I've missed y'all, in fact I've been going through dish withdrawal.
- >So let's get crackin'!
- >
- >DynaRider asks: How will GH fare in the awards show?
- >
- >Michael Logan: I expect GH to do rather well. Best show should be a
- >toss up between it and DAYS and trust me if Wendela winds up at the
- >podium there are going to be some boos (and they won't all be coming
- >from Ken Corday). Though the re-vote is obviously going to be fair
- >and square, I do predict there is going to be some resentment if GH
- >wins. I wouldn't even dare predict if the lead actress will go to
- >Vanessa or Eileen, that one's too close to call, but I do think
- >Ingo will win as well as Steve Burton and Sarah Brown. I truly hope
- >John Ingle does not win because he bugs the crap out of me.
- >
- >Jenna_marie_98 asks: Hi Logan! Run into any stars yet??
- >
- >Michael Logan: Well, as I was driving to the grocery store this
- >morning, I saw Leslie Charleson picking up her dry cleaning. Does
- >that count?
- >
- >CHIEFKCJOE asks: Michael, you had a long talk with Kim Zimmer on the
- >cloning subject. Did she seem proud of the story, or was she a bit
- >hesitant?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Well, as you can tell from her first sentence where
- >she says ''the whole damn thing scares me'' she's definitely >hesitant,
- yet at the same time she's doing backflips. Not only did
- >she get Cynthia Watros out of her face but she'll now be costarring
- >with herself. The gal's in hog heaven... Though I haven't had a
- >chance to go online lately I've been told that the response from the
- >fans to the cloning story isn't all that positive and several of you
- >are poking holes in your God Rauch voodoo dolls. However, I must tell
- >you that this idea did not emanate from Rauch or his writers or any
- >of the suits at P&G but rather it came from Miss Wendy Fishman at CBS
- >who is the network exec in charge of ATWT and GL. This does not
- >remotely surprise me as I worked with Miss Fishman at E! when I did
- >Pure Soap and I can tell you that she is a major Days of our Lives
- >fan, like, she never misses an episode. I'll say no more on that
- >subject, but I'm not as bothered by this cloning story as most folks
- >seem to be. Maybe I just got swept away in Zimmer's exuberance over
- >the plot possibilities, but I think this actually might turn out very
- >interesting and I would like to give these folks a chance. I suspect
- >we'll be able to get past the weirdo cloning part of the story just
- >fine and we'll eventually treat this like any other lookalike story.
- >
- >Michael Logan: On the subject of lookalikes, as interested as I am to
- >see Ellen Wheeler return to AW as Marley, I can't help but be
- >disappointed that Jensen Buchanan won't continue in both roles,
- >especially after seeing today's episode, in which Jensen was so very
- >moving co-starring with herself in those Vicky/Marley scenes. I think
- >Jensen is doing the very best work anybody has ever done on a soap
- >(an overstatement I know, but then I'm prone to them...).
- >
- >Michael Logan: Also, call me certifiable, but I must admit that
- >Cullitoon is doing a fabulous job with the Shane/Michael deaths, and
- >the acting has been beyond compare: Eplin, Peluso and (quelle
- >surprise) Anna Stuart who all these years has never made an
- >impression on me one way or the other. They've all been so
- >magnificent, I want to hand them all Emmys. But there are no
- >superlatives good enough to apply to Miss Buchanan.
- >
- >GCorey5103 asks: Logan I miss you on TV Guide, your replacements are
- >complete bores who lack the wit and greatness you have.
- >
- >Michael Logan: Well, thank you, I guess. I must say I have not
- >checked out the work my successors are doing. I don't believe in
- >looking back. The day I left Pure Soap I never watched that show
- >again either.
- >
- >Michael Logan: So I'm just going to have to take your word for how
- >unfabulous they are.
- >
- >DynaRider asks: Did NLG name her baby Michaela?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Good grief no! Where do these rumors get started?
- >
- >Michael Logan: The baby's name is Katharine Grace. She was
- >born last Tuesday morning 4:30 am-ish 6 pounds, 2 ounces.
- >Everybody is doing sweller than swell, though Nancy did have
- >to leave GH two weeks earlier than expected. This apparently didn't
- >post that much of a problem. Guza just sent Alexis off to Jakarta.
- >
- >EllenRena asks: What is your sense about having only SOD subscribers
- >vote? Which soaps will get the edge?
- >
- >Michael Logan: I think it's a great idea and wish they'd thought of >it
- sooner because past SOD award ceremonies would have come out quite
- >a bit different. By not being able to buy up unlimited issues at the
- >news stand, any ballot stuffing shenanigans are eliminated. In a
- >weird way, I think we should all really thank Wendela for being so,
- >for lack of a better word, ingenious.
- >
- >Zara_79 asks: Do you think that Days of Our Lives will receive any
- >awards?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Yes. I think they will get the best couple with John
- >and Marlena.
- >
- >Michael Logan: They probably have a very good chance at Best Show,
- >Jensen Ackles as newcomer, Ivan as scene stealer. Though I'd love to
- >see Cynthia Watros win as villainess, Alison Sweeney is a formidable
- >competitor.
- >
- >Margie85 asks: Do you think ATWT is finally on an UPSWING??
- >
- >Michael Logan: It appears to be. But then it also appeared to be a
- >year ago when Diego was murdered. So I'm going to wait a while
- >before making any pronouncements.
- >
- > Soapy_Waters asks: What's your take on the Kevin switcheroo at OLTL?
- >
- >Michael Logan: I think it's detestable.
- >
- >Michael Logan: Nothing against Tim Gibbs (though I do think he's too
- >damn skinny to be a Buchanan), but I find Kevin Stapleton to be
- >rather good and I think he got a real raw deal. But then, that's our
- >JFP. ... :)
- >
- >Michael Logan: She's always had a habit of gathering her forces (i.e.
- >stars she's worked with in the past) as some sort of cushion against
- >who knows what (probably the suits who will eventually fire her). As
- >always, she's dangling A Martinez (I recall these same rumors when
- >JFP was at GL and AW) but at this point the official word from ABC is
- >that A wants to see if he can get a pilot -- pilot season is now in
- >progress -- before he makes a decision to go back to soaps.
- >
- >Sense1972 asks: GH seems to be leaning toward a possible return of
- >Laura.Do you know if and exactly when Genie Francis will return to
- >GH?
- >
- >Michael Logan: I believe that article in Soap Opera Magazine was a
- >bunch of PR hooey on Genie's part. She is not returning to the show
- >in the near future. Though she is still contracted to the network and
- >must return at some point (or face what?... a lawsuit?) they are
- >proceeding without her. She did however return to tape a little bit
- >for the 35 anniversary special.
- [damn--there goes my surprise theory. i've never known logan to
- out-and-out lie. if he can't or doesn't want to tell, he'll say that he
- can't or won't say, or ignore the question entirely. but lie... <sigh>
- guess we shouldn't expect her back anytime soon...]
- >
- >Rcaden asks: Are you surprised that GH is going back to Luke's rape
- >of Laura? I'm abso-freaking-lutely stunned.
- >
- >Michael Logan: That Guza sure has spine! I don't want to say too much
- >about this right now because my column next week is all about Lucky
- >finding out that Luke raped Laura. The interview is with Tony Geary
- >who is very surprised that they've drug this particular skeleton out
- >of the closet. I think it's going to be disturbing and amazing drama.
- >When you think about it, no other genre can possibly explore a near
- >20 year arc of a story like this. Already the sequences leading up to
- >this with Jonathan Jackson and Geary have been remarkable. It's very
- >bold. And I hope Wendela keeps her hooks off the story and lets Guza
- >do his thing.
- >
- >
- >EllenRena asks: Did I actually hear you say something positive about
- >Culliton? Are you sure you're not an imposter?
- >
- >Michael Logan: LOL! Trust me Ellen, I'm as shocked as you are.
- >
- >Guest asks: Where can we expect the Labines to land next?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Frankly I can't imagine the Labines landing anywhere
- >any time soon. Certainly ABC will not welcome them back. P&G seems to
- >be comfortably staffed on all three shows right now. And they stand a
- >snowball's chance in hell of working on Days or a Bill Bell show.
- >
- >Michael Logan: On that subject, I'm deeply disturbed by the rumors
- >that JFP plans to phase out the Labine's great creation, Mel, because
- >I very much believe those rumors are true. Word is, Kale Browne is
- >being groomed to be a permanent fixture on the show, but I would
- >think any other soap would be foolish not to grab up Stephen Markle.
- >Oh, speaking of Markle, I realize this is SOD awards day, I wanted to
- >share some interesting news with you about the Emmy ballot... which I
- >got a look at this morning.
- >
- >Michael Logan: Mercifully, some of the usual suspects are not on the
- >ballot (Jess Walton, fr'instance) but some who should've pulled a
- >Candice Bergen (Justin Deas, fr'instance) did not. (Are we doomed to
- >see him win Emmy #7?) Some lead actors -- at least in my mind they're
- >leads -- put themselves in supporting which was all the rage last
- >year -- Vanessa Marcil, Kimberlin Brown, Grant Aleksander, and
- >Stephen Markle among them, and not that they stand much chance of
- >being nominated -- Kristian Alfonso, Krista Allen-Morritt and Hunter
- >Tylo. And several supporting folks (again, they're supporting in my
- >opinion) put themselves in the lead category -- Sandra Nelson, Judi
- >Evans Luciano, Tonya Lee Williams, Anthony Herrera, James Kiberd,
- >Michael O'Leary, Kristoff St. John, and Jackie Zeman (well, I always
- >waffle with her... Lead?... supporting?... Oh who cares, she's the
- >best.)
- >
- >Michael Logan: Other oddities: Adrienne Frantz has put herself on the
- >ballot in two different categories, which may be a first. She's up
- >for supporting actress for SB and younger actress for B&B . Also a
- >first: as you may or not know the ballot contains a photo of each
- >actor, Tim Adams of SB chose to use a photo of himself without a
- >shirt -- usually not the image one projects when trying to get an
- >acting award. Nomination day is March 11. The Today Show will air
- >some of the nominations that morning at 8:30 am ET.
- >
- >Rizz2u asks: What's with the rumor about Dee Hall wanting a leave
- >from the show?
- >
- >Michael Logan: It's my understanding that the Queen of the Night
- >wants a Jensen Buchanan schedule. (Too bad she's not a Jensen.)
- >
- >Michael Logan: However, I hear Days is not interested in negotiating
- >such a deal and is playing hard ball with her Apparently, NBC which
- >did not know anything about these contract troubles was quite shocked
- >to find out about this.
- >
- >Shawna76 asks: Does SOD already know the results for tomorrow?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Absolutely not. This is as legit as every other award
- >show.Only the accountants know the winners.
- >
- >Sabryn asks: Will you do another chat with SOD when the Emmy
- >nominations are announced?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Absolutely, but nobody's asked me.
- >
- >SODhost: Well, will ya?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Call my agent.
- >
- >SODhost: Now who's playing hard ball?
- >
- >CHIEFKCJOE asks: Is Lisa Brown headed back to ATWT now permanently,
- >since Rauch let her go as Nola on GL?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Unfortunately, no, not at this time. I usually hate to
- >see these veterans go, but this Nola character has not really worked
- >since Lisa returned to the show. (I blame the writers for this, not
- >Lisa.) So I can't say this dismissal has come as a stunner.
- >
- >Sense1972 asks: What do you think about the acting and transformation
- >of Brad Maule'character Tony Jones on GH? Do you think there is any
- >possibility of him being connected to Lizzies attack in the park?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Baby you ain't seen nothin yet.
- >
- >Michael Logan: No he's not connected to that, but there's some really
- >wacko stuff coming up.
- >
- >Michael Logan: Brad's performance is very Travis Bickle. This is
- >going to be very interesting to watch unfold. He's always been one of
- >my favorites and I think it's so amazing that he's getting all this
- >story attention, considering he's a forty-ish kinda guy. It breaks
- >all the rules and I love Guza for that. I remember talking with Brad
- >right after the Emmy ceremony when he lost his much deserved award
- >for the BJ story and he was very despondent, as well he should
- >have been, and felt that that story was probably the last one he
- >would ever get in this demo-mad world of daytime drama. But he's
- >remained at the fore front ever since.
- >
- >Stefanie_D asks: Hi Logan! When will the big ''veronica'' reveal come
- >on Y&R?
- >
- >Michael Logan: I'm not sure about the reveal date, but the
- >you-know-what really hits the fan in this story the third week of
- >March. BB keeps claiming this will be the most powerful story he's
- >ever done on Y&R which is a very risky remark to make but then, he's
- >always had balls of titanium.
- >
- >Pagan15 asks: What's the best soap on now-a-days?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Right now, this week, today it's GH. Guza has done a
- >spectacular job getting the show back in shape. Call me daffy, but
- >even the Webber twits are wonderful in this rape story. Herbst
- >especially. (Now you really know I'm not Logan, but his evil clone
- >with bad taste.)
- >
- >Michael Logan: The chemistry between Kimberly McCullough and the
- >artist formerly known as Tyler Baker has been very interesting. I
- >think we've got a supercouple in the making. On the downside, I
- >really hate the Mac/Mac story and truly detest what is being done
- >with the Quartermaines.
- >
- >Shawna76 asks: Who of the Soap Digest nominees will also be on the
- >emmy ballot in your opinion?
- >
- >Michael Logan: Jensen Buchanan... Judi Evans Luciano...Steve
- >Burton... Sarah Brown... Cynthia Watros, Jensen Ackles...
- >
- >DianneO asks: Please, for us MPW's, do a weekly SOD chat. Please, oh
- >please.
- >
- >Michael Logan: Send your cards and letters to Lynn Leahey, but send
- >your cash to me. I love you guys! And would truly love to do this
- >more often. They tell me that I'm out of time now, so we'll see ya!
- >Thanks for joining me!
- >
- >
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Carly
- Date: 09 Mar 1998 21:14:31 -0800
- How stupid can you been to leave your baby to answer the phone. Why didn't
- Carly take the baby with her? Then to look under the sofa for the baby.
- Get real!!!! Why in the world did she call Bobbi?
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH/PC - Carly
- Date: 10 Mar 1998 09:09:37 -0500
- How stupid can you been to leave your baby to answer the phone. Why
- didn't
- Carly take the baby with her? Then to look under the sofa for the baby.
- Get real!!!! Why in the world did she call Bobbi?
- That was hysterical. Yeah, and where were any of the bodyguards when
- this happened? The best was Carly looking under the sofa!....Also, how
- did Lucky know who to just find the info regarding the rape in the park?
- I know Nikolas, thru his miraculous recovery, told him to check out Oct.
- 8th, but really.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Cagey <cagey@geocities.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Carly
- Date: 10 Mar 1998 16:02:49 -0800
- One of the Yopps wrote:
- >How stupid can you been to leave your baby to answer the phone. Why didn't
- >Carly take the baby with her? Then to look under the sofa for the baby.
- >Get real!!!! Why in the world did she call Bobbi?
- Both Taiyin and I missed Friday's GH, so I'd be glad if someone filled me
- in on the exact details? Didn't Carly have a bodyguard with her, or do
- they only protect her when she's in the penthouse. I realize that for
- Michael to get snatched there couldn't have been a guard there <g>, but I'm
- fuzzy on the mechanics of being a mobster's moll ;)
- As for "How stupid...." Granted, it probably wasn't the wisest thing in
- the world that Carly's ever done. But if you're in a public place in which
- you are well known, it's not that unlikely that you would rather leave the
- kid in his stroller, content, than carry him with you to answer the phone a
- few feet away. In normal circumstances, you would probably expect the kid
- to be fine.
- Of course, Taiyin and I both missed Monday's GH as well <grrrr>, but I
- caught today's, and was very impressed.
- S
- P
- O
- I
- L
- E
- R
- S
- P
- A
- C
- E
- John Ingle was superb. Hands down, absolutely wonderful, both in his
- reactions to the cops and his interaction with Carly. Go John.
- And Taggert's "pep talk" was fabulous <g>.
- --kg
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Carly
- Date: 10 Mar 1998 16:16:59 -0800
- Carly didn't have a bodyguard with her. When she was told she had a phone
- call went to the desk and left the stroller behind. I know it's only a
- soap, BUT she could have taken the stroller with her. When she started
- looking for the baby, the first place she looked was under the sofa, as if
- he got out and crawled under it. I still don't know why she called Bobbi.
- She said she was the first person she thought of. Thats kind of hard to
- understand. Then Bobbie turned to her and reamed her out for not being more
- carefully with the baby, and was real rude to Carly. I guess it wouldn't
- be a soap otherwise would it? Rickie
- ----------
- > From: Cagey <cagey@geocities.com>
- > To: port-charles@lists.xmission.com
- > Subject: Re: GH/PC: Carly
- > Date: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 4:02 PM
- >
- >
- > One of the Yopps wrote:
- >
- > >How stupid can you been to leave your baby to answer the phone. Why
- didn't
- > >Carly take the baby with her? Then to look under the sofa for the baby.
- > >Get real!!!! Why in the world did she call Bobbi?
- >
- > Both Taiyin and I missed Friday's GH, so I'd be glad if someone filled me
- > in on the exact details? Didn't Carly have a bodyguard with her, or do
- > they only protect her when she's in the penthouse. I realize that for
- > Michael to get snatched there couldn't have been a guard there <g>, but
- I'm
- > fuzzy on the mechanics of being a mobster's moll ;)
- >
- > As for "How stupid...." Granted, it probably wasn't the wisest thing in
- > the world that Carly's ever done. But if you're in a public place in
- which
- > you are well known, it's not that unlikely that you would rather leave
- the
- > kid in his stroller, content, than carry him with you to answer the phone
- a
- > few feet away. In normal circumstances, you would probably expect the
- kid
- > to be fine.
- >
- > Of course, Taiyin and I both missed Monday's GH as well <grrrr>, but I
- > caught today's, and was very impressed.
- > S
- > P
- > O
- > I
- > L
- > E
- > R
- > S
- > P
- > A
- > C
- > E
- >
- > John Ingle was superb. Hands down, absolutely wonderful, both in his
- > reactions to the cops and his interaction with Carly. Go John.
- >
- > And Taggert's "pep talk" was fabulous <g>.
- >
- > --kg
- >
- > -
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH-Scotty
- Date: 11 Mar 1998 08:40:11 -0500
- How cool was it to see Scotty Baldwin actually back on GH? Bob Guza is
- using all the people he can, since Genie isn't there, to give the full
- info on the Laura rape story! How about Lucky just strolling into the
- records room & accessing the computer? Doesn't anyone work there?
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Emmys
- Date: 11 Mar 1998 09:06:55 -0500
- has anyone heard the Emmy nominations this a.m.? Was anyone from GH
- nominated?
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Gina Clayton" <GCLAYTON@LES.LES.SC.EDU>
- Subject: GH/PC: Emmy Nominations
- Date: 11 Mar 1998 11:30:51 EST5EDT
- Here are the nominations as I heard them..
- GH received a total of 16, coming in third of all the soaps. Y&R
- has 18, and AMC has 17. PC received 2. OLTL received 0!!
- enjoy!!
- gina
- Outstanding Drama:
- GH
- Y&R
- Outstanding Leading Actress
- Susan Lucci (Erica) AMC
- Eileen Davidson (Kristin, Susan, and two other roles ) DOOL
- Cynthia Watros (Annie) GL
- Kim Zimmer (Reva) GL
- Outstanding Lead Actor
- David Canary (Stuart/Adam) AMC
- Eric Braeden (Victor) Y&R
- Peter Bergman (Jack) Y&R
- Outstanding Supporting Actress
- Julia Barr (Brooke) AMC
- Amy Carlson (Josie) AW
- Amy Ecklund (Abby) GL
- Victoria Rowell (Drucilla) Y&R
- Outstanding Supporting Actor
- Michael Knight (Tad) AMC
- Ian Buchannan (James) B&B
- Grant Aleksander (Phillip) GL
- Scott Reeves (Ryan) Y&R
- Outstanding Younger Actress
- Rhona Kendrick (Toni)AW
- Christie Clark (Carrie) DOOL
- Carryn Grimes (Cassie) Y&R
- Heather Tom (Y&R)
- Outstanding Younger Actor
- Jensen Ackles (Eric) DOOL
- Kevin Mambo (Marcus) GL
- Bryant Sones (Nate) Y&R)
- Joshua Morrow (Nicholas)Y&R
- Outstanding Writing
- GH
- Y&R
- Outstanding Direction
- GH
- Y&R
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Donald K Gooden" <dkgooden@email.msn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Spoilers and tidbits
- Date: 12 Mar 1998 17:55:48 -0500
- Spoilers and other various tidbits
- Jamila
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- Next Week in TV Guide
- In next weeks issue of TV Guide, Michael Logan interviews Brad Maule! In the
- article he reveals that not only is Tony behind the Baby Michael kidnapping,
- but he will be kidnapping Robin too! You can read about it at TV Guide
- Online. That article is located at:
- http://www.tvgen.com/tv/magazine/980309/soaps.htm
- Crossovers
- Michael Dietz (Joe Scanlon) is the doctor on call on March 31 when Robin is
- brought in for non-AIDS-related pneumonia... Susan Brown (Gail Baldwin)
- shows up as the head of a group for rape victims on April 1...
- Headwriter Bob Guza shares his thoughts on the possibility of recasting the
- part of Laura Spencer, should Genie Francis decide not to return.
- Rex goes bye bye
- Wayne Northrop's stint as PC's Resident Evil, Rex Stanton, has come to an
- end- for now. Rex's parting shots will be on March 10th. But a return for
- Rex is definately in PC's future story plans, but not for a while.
- Taggert's Home
- Real Andrews is back in full force as Taggert, and this time it's for good.
- With Soldiers Of Fortune, Inc. canceled- GH offered Andrews a contract and a
- bigger role on the show (including a triangle with Justus and Dara).
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: kidnapped babies and emerald rings
- Date: 13 Mar 1998 07:28:25 PST
- my goodness we've been quiet lately...
- two things. first of all, regarding gh--i don't get this whole vow of
- secrecy about the kidnapping thing. it makes no sense to me. "go on
- acting as normal and don't say anything to everyone"...and, WHAT...
- the kidnapper will think, "oh gee, maybe they didn't NOTICE their baby
- was gone?!?" if the point here is to not spook the kidnapper, it just
- doesn't make much sense to me. OBVIOUSLY the kidnapper knows the baby
- is missing, and knows THEY know the baby is missing, and knows they're
- not going to just say "oh well, michael's gone. pass the salt please."
- so who exactly are they fooling here?
- secondly, about pc...WHAT ON EARTH IS LUCY THINKING??? i can understand
- this whole staying-married-to-rex-to-bleed-him-dry thing. but wanting
- to keep that emerald ring??? how COULD she? if i were kevin i would
- NOT be happy about that. and if i were lucy, i wouldn't even WANT it.
- i don't care how gorgeous or expensive it is, it would still be a
- reminder of HIM. yuck.
- that's all for now.
- julie
- p.s. i lied--one more thing. even I'M getting curious about those
- apples now...taiyin, i hope you get to the bottom of this on your set
- visit!!!
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH - kidnapping
- Date: 13 Mar 1998 10:52:56 -0500
- my goodness we've been quiet lately..
- I was just thinking that, too!
- I don't get this whole vow of
- secrecy about the kidnapping thing. it makes no sense to me. "go on
- acting as normal and don't say anything to everyone"...and, WHAT...
- the kidnapper will think, "oh gee, maybe they didn't NOTICE their baby
- was gone?!?"
- I thoroughly agree w/that! And sorry, the cat's outta the bag that it's
- going to be Tony who took Michael. Jason's the head of this s'posedly
- huge organization & a doctor can just take a baby and hide him from
- them??? It is giving some depth to the story though. Like what else can
- surprise Bobbi these days, 1st Carly being her daughter, Luke knowing &
- the fact that her ex-husband left her for her daughter.....throw in that
- Tony kidnapped her grandson!!! I have to say though, Jackie Zeman is
- putting in some stellar performances! And I almost...almost I said..feel
- sorry for Carly these days! And wasn't the performance by Real Andrews'
- Taggart an applause winner! I'm glad TPTB are giving him some material
- to work with. Now, if only Sonny was there for him to play off of! I'm a
- dreamer, I admit it!!!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Gina Clayton" <GCLAYTON@LES.LES.SC.EDU>
- Subject: GH/PC: What scenes would you send??
- Date: 13 Mar 1998 12:04:09 EST5EDT
- this is for a little bit of fun.....now that the emmy nominations
- have been announced, what scenes would you send in for each
- catagory that GH was nominated for?? I put some ideas in, but I'm
- drawing a blank and haven't had time to really think about it.
- I believe there is a time limit from which you can pick the scenes
- from, but I'm not sure what it is. Anyone know??(can they use
- Lizzie's rape stuff?)
- Outstanding Drama: the shooting at Luke's, the black-out at the
- Grille, Lucky finding Lizzie in the park and Lizzie at
- the spencer's after the rape. (can they use that??)
- Outstanding Direction:
- Outstanding Writing:
- Outstanding Lead Actress:
- JACKIE ZEMAN (bobbie) the black-out at the Grille, Stefan throwing
- her out of Wyndemere.(lots of good stuff to pick from)
- Outstanding Lead Actor:
- TONY GEARY (luke) the shooting at Luke's, the recent rape scenes.(the
- list goes on...) I also love the scenes between
- Alexis and Luke:)
- Outstanding Best Young Actor:
- TYLER CHRISTOPHER (nikolas) the shooting at Luke's
- JONATHON JACKSON (lucky) finding Lizzie in the park (can they use
- that??)
- Outstanding Young Actress:
- SARAH BROWN(carly) take your pick....umm...Carly tearing into Tony,
- the black-out the the PC Grille. (the list goes on....)
- Outstanding Supporting Actor
- STEVE BURTON (jason) the break-up of Robin and Jason at the
- hospital
- Outstanding Supporting Actress
- VANESSA MARCIL (brenda) Sonny leaving her at the alter, her
- break-down at the photo-shoot.
- Outstanding Art Decoration/Set Decoration/Scenic Design:
- Wyndemere (lol)
- Outstanding Music Direction&Composition:
- J&R song, S&B song..(and the list goes on....)
- Outstanding Make-Up:
- Outstanding Hair Styling:
- Luke and Tony ;) (lol) The Nurse's Ball
- Outstanding Costume Design:
- The Nurse's Ball
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Gina Clayton" <GCLAYTON@LES.LES.SC.EDU>
- Subject: GH/PC: nominations
- Date: 13 Mar 1998 11:00:34 EST5EDT
- hey everybody!! things sure have been quiet around here. I will
- admit GH has been slower lately. What is the overall opinion about
- the February sweeps stories?? I think they were good. I hope things
- pick up again soon. I heard that Mon. is supposed to be some of Tony
- Geary's best acting to date. I can't wait.
- Gotta run...going back to work:(:(
- BTW.....what do ya'll think about the Emmy Nominations??
- see ya!
- gina (who keeps chanting TGIF to get me through the day!!:D)
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH/PC Nominations
- Date: 13 Mar 1998 12:27:57 -0500
- I will
- admit GH has been slower lately. What is the overall opinion about
- the February sweeps stories??
- For the most part I think the show's been moving along. There's always
- days where the storyline has to be laid out to build up. Take the
- Michael kidnapping storyline. There's so many wholes in that story right
- now, but I'm sure it'll pan out with so much more later one, especially
- w/Tony....Isn't Brad Maule doing some great acting these days? Could
- have done w/out the shaving of his head though? (what were they thinking
- w/that one???) And who's not waiting for Tony Geary to get some material
- to react to??? I can't wait for that one either!!!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin and Cagey <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Set Tour
- Date: 13 Mar 1998 12:15:01 -0800
- Well, it's only taken a few days to recover, but Cagey and I are here in
- LA, dying of the heat, and I am still a seriously happy camper over the set
- tour.
- So, details (spoilers at the very end)...
- Well, we went on Tuesday morning, we needed to be there at 9:15 a.m.
- because Jon and Lynn were both supposed to be taping around 9:00. Of
- course I was awake and staring at the ceiling at about 5:00 a.m., so we
- were a bit early.
- We finally found the right gate and made our way to the studio. We got
- pictures of ourselves in front of the Emergency sign that they use on the
- oudoor set, which is actually the main enterance to the building.
- The girl who was taking us around led us out of the GH building and to the
- PC one. We slipped onto the set and made our way to the back, where we sat
- (and where I shamelessly drooled) and we watched Jon and Lynn shoot three
- of their four scenes. The crew was all very sweet; some of the guys gave
- up their chairs so we wouldn't have to stand, and everyone kept offering to
- get us something to drink.
- Sunny (the girl who was giving us the tour) seemed to think we were bored
- with the shooting process. HA! They were having some technical problems,
- and you could tell (especially from Lynn) that things were not running as
- smoothly as they usually did.
- And right about here I have to break and say that Anne and Razz were 100%
- dead on with their report: Lynn Herring is beyond beautiful. WAY beyond.
- She was gorgeous. Best of all, though, she was gracious and very sweet and
- funny and friendly.
- So we watched them work and in the middle of it Lisa Ann Hanley, who plays
- Julie, showed up and was talking and joking around with the crew while they
- were blocking and rehersing for K&L's scenes. Sunny brought her over to
- meet us. She was also very sweet and said that she just got online about
- four months ago, and is enjoying it, but hasn't got it all figured out yet.
- She was very cute and animated, and DAMN, that girl is tiny.
- After the third item Sunny went and got Jon and Lynn, because our clock was
- ticking down, and, after all, we were there to meet them. She brought them
- over and both of them were seriously cool. We told them that we ran a
- Kevin & Lucy list, and Lynn, who doesn't have internet conncetivity at all,
- wanted to know what exactly that meant. Jon asked if it was like a newsgroup.
- Jon, BTW, looked sensational also (big shock there). He was wearing a
- gorgeous, slightly billowy, off-white shirt -- almost a poets shirt, dark
- charcoal grey pants and a VERY nice dark burgendy blazer.
- So we talked for a few minutes, but they had to get back to work and we had
- some more stuff to see, so we said good-bye and Sunny took us upstairs to
- see who else we could find. We went into the make-up room and Julie Pinson
- and Lisa Ann were there.
- About that time it occured to me that I forgot to ask Jon and Lynn WHAT the
- hell is up with Kin and those apples, so I figured Julie would be the next
- best person to ask. She said that Kin just wanted something that he could
- turn into an on-running joke, and he did eat apples all the time. It
- didn't start out of anything other than Kin's desire for a little amusment.
- ;-)
- So Cagey pulled the apples out of her bag that we bought to give Kin (who
- didn't end up coming in until after we left). I pulled out the green one
- and handed it to Julie and said: "Here. Give this to Kin -- just for a
- little variety."
- She laughed and said that they JUST shot an ep where he ate a green apple,
- but that she'd give it to him for us.
- And Lisa Ann asked whose birthday it was. I'm still not sure where that
- question came from, because *I* never said it was my birthday, and for all
- I know she was speaking to someone else entirely, but I said that mine was
- last week, and she was just really sweet and sincere. (Cagey says: I told
- them it was Taiyin's birthday <g>)
- So Sunny took us upstairs to the dressing rooms, but most of them were
- empty. The only person up there was Michael Deitz. That boy looks AWESOME
- in his glasses. Simply awesome. But even cooler was the five and a half
- month old puppy he had bounding out the door as soon as he opened it. She
- was SO cute, I only wish I remembered her name.
- Of course, I chose that moment to have foot-in-mouth disease. The phrase,
- "Oh! Even the actors aren't as cute as the puppy!" popped out of my mouth.
- Thankfully Cagey smacked me in the arm, because that was NOT what I meant
- to say (just shoot me. I've had puppy fever lately and she was ADORABLE).
- Sunny then took us downstairs again, and on our way back downstairs we ran
- into Nolan North (Chris) and Rib Hillis (Jake) downstairs. They were so
- funny. Rib hadn't heard them call his scene, and as Rib went tearing to
- the set, Sunny commented to Nolan something along the lines of "Sorry we
- stole your playmate." Nolan looked at us and said, "We run around here
- like a couple of kids."
- But at various times several people put Sunny on the spot a bit and asked
- us if we were going to get to see the GH set, too. (Cagey says: I will be
- eternally grateful to Lisa Ann--she was the first who asked, and she made
- it sound ludicrous that we *wouldn't* see the GH set, and Sunny felt
- obliged. Thank you Lisa Ann!!)
- Anyway, we headed back to the PC set, because Jon and Lynn were wrapping
- up. We were WAY off to the side, but Lynn saw us and waved frantically.
- As they wrapped and went to leave, they said good-bye again, and I
- shanghaied them for a picture. We got two shots of all four us of. Jon,
- me, Cagey, and Lynn all in a line, and then when Sunny asked if we wanted a
- second one just in case, Lynn said, "Switch!" and she and Jon switched
- places on either end of the line.
- We didn't get to talk much, but I did <ahem> manage to ask Jon how long he
- planned to keep the beard. <g> He said, "Until I get tired of it." And he
- didn't sound as though it would be ANYTIME real soon. He said that he had
- to shave it Wednesday night after work for something, but that he'd be
- growing it back over the weekend (he and Lynn only worked Monday -
- Wednesday this week). (Cagey says: I think Taiyin is just gullible <g>)
- Lynn asked if my question about his beard was a complaint and I almost
- tripped over my tongue saying no, certainly NOT a complaint. (Cagey says:
- She nobly refrained from comment! Bwahaha!)
- So Jon and Lynn had to go -- Jon is doing a crossover to GH, and he was
- being ushered off to John York's dressing room (after a bit of humorous
- commentary on the fact that he still has his OWN dressing room over there
- "with his name on it and everything"). So Sunny took us down the set a bit
- to see the next scene they were shooting.
- Jake, Frank and Lark were in it together, but we didn't get to watch for
- long, because we were on the clock and hitting our time limit. (Cagey
- says: We didn't get to meet Jay Pickett, but he looks just as intense in
- real life as he does onscreen.) So on our way back to the offices (to give
- Sunny our addresses so she could send us autographed copies of the script
- and pictures) we swung through the GH set. Since we weren't cleared ahead
- of time to be there, though, we mostly just walked through -- we saw a few
- sets, Cassadines in particular. One of them, though, was one we haven't
- seen before. We couldn't tell whose it was supposed to be and Sunny didn't
- know, either.
- When we got there, though, they were shooting a scene with Jonathon Jackson
- (couldn't see who, if anyone, else was in the scene), and Sunny ushered us
- out because it was "top secret" and we weren't supposed to see it.
- She took us through the halls of GH dressing rooms and we ran smack into
- Jon coming out of John York's dressing room, heading towards the set. He
- was wearing a very nice dark suit. :-)
- She checked the schedule and though there were lots of people on it, the
- building was pretty deserted. She went to Billy Warlock's dressing room to
- find him and found Real Andrews (Taggart) instead. So he came out and
- talked to us. He was SUCH a ham. Cracked me up. He asked us all kinds of
- questions, including what we thought of Taggart. I said that I liked
- Taggart except when he was sexually harrassing Dara. He got this sort of
- crooked smirk on his face and said, "Sexually harrassing? But she's the
- ADA, if anyone can smack him down it would be her." At which point I
- clarified what I meant: What I don't like is that she lets him get away
- with it.
- He grinned and said, "Yeah, she shoulda smacked me a couple of times, huh?"
- Then he talked about the SOD Awards and how much fun they were. He told us
- about a billboard that he and a few other soap guys had (supposedly on
- Santa Monica Blvd.). We've been up and down that road about 20 times this
- week and have yet to spot it, though. We got a picture with him (Cagey
- says: Real has animal magnetism by the barrell-full. Mrrooowr) and then
- he told Sunny why we couldn't find any of the people who were on the
- schedule: they were all on the schedule because they were updating the
- credits, so they all came in, were there for fifteen minutes, and then left.
- We said good-bye to him, and headed out. Sunny tried one more time to find
- some more people around for us to meet, so Cagey and I waited in the hall,
- at which point Cagey pointed out a poster that I SOMEHOW managed to miss:
- Kevin and Lucy in a bathtub, fully clothed (or as "fully clothed" as they
- EVER dress Lynn, anyway), with Sigmund sitting on the edge. But the
- coolest part was that the shot was taken from directly above the tub,
- looking straight down on them. Their heads were at opposite ends of the
- tub, and their legs were all tangled together, and they were both looking
- up at the camera.
- At the bottom of the full-sized poster (which I would sell almost any
- relative I have to get) there was Lucy's "Chardonnay, Debussy, my man and
- my duck" quote from a few years ago. And there was the slogan from one of
- their old promos "(more tomorrow)" below that. (At which point I believe I
- started ranting, yet AGAIN, about the fact that, the shot of Ned and Lois
- hanging on the opposite wall was from that same campaign and that any
- online GH fan would have to hurt themselves to try to avoid tripping over
- it, but die-hard K&L fans couldn't find THEIR promo shots anywhere to save
- their lives. Grump.)
- Cagey pointed out that while breaking the glass on the frame, and ripping
- the picture from the wall would probably NOT be the coolest idea in the
- world, we COULD take a picture of it. So we'll have to wait and see how it
- turns out.
- Other observations: the sets looked really, really small. It seemed
- strange, because they didn't seem NEARLY as big as they do on-screen.
- The scenes they shot are on the revised version of the old lighthouse set.
- On screen the remodel job annoys me because it looks all beige, and too
- similar to the den set for my enjoyment. But in real life the set is
- actually a lot of greys and light blues.
- Now, spoilers....
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- Well, the K&L scenes we saw them shoot were very cool, and DEFINITELY
- storyline turning point on a couple of different levels.
- For starters, Lucy is reading a murder mystery, written by Anomynon, and
- the character named "Nancy" seems to bear an uncanny resemblence to our Ms.
- Coe. At the beginning of the ep Lucy is furious and throwing the book
- across the room, because Nancy was killed "at the Nurses' Ball." Kevin
- walks in the door just as she pelts the book, and then Lucy launches into a
- tirade about how she knows that Rex was the author of this book and he's
- just doing it to torture her and he's enjoying killing her in effigy.
- As Lucy is about to launch into some sort of legal action against Rex, Doc
- confesses that he knows who the author is: he wrote the book himself,
- while Lucy was living at the hotel and then with Rex. It was his own form
- of therapy to deal with everything that happened. And the only reason that
- his name wasn't on the cover was because the publisher was trying to drum
- up mystery to boost sales.
- Lucy's reaction is less than delighted. She is upset that Kevin didn't
- tell her, but then the little bit about Lucy not being the world's greatest
- secret keeper came up. She tried to defend herself by declaring that she
- COULD keep secrets... at which point (thank you, Lynn Latham!!) we get
- Kevin reminding her about the time that she took all of his paintings to
- the Outback for the whole town to see.
- The other interesting bit in there is that **Victor is living with them at
- the Lighthouse.**
- He returns from a walk to the duck pond as they are discussing the book,
- and heads upstairs to take a bath and finish the "remarkable book he found
- on the hall table." He takes one look at Kevin, snickers "Anomynon" and
- heads upstairs.
- And THEN, the last interesting bit, and the one that is in all likelihood,
- the BIG storyline on their horizon: apparently at the end of Kevin's book
- (which is called "General Homicide," btw) there is a scene that Victor
- recognizes (I couldn't hear exactly what it was, because that was the last
- scene they shot and we weren't very close to the set at the time, and we
- missed most of the rehersals) from Kevin's childhood. Victor says to
- Kevin: "I didn't think you remembered that." Kevin's reaction is shock,
- because he DOESN'T remember anything and has no idea what Victor is talking
- about. (Cagey says: Another possible take, because the dialogue was a bit
- vague out of context, is that Kevin somehow vented his feelings about his
- relationship with his father in the book, and Victor picked up on it. But
- I was further away from the set at that point, so Taiyin probably heard the
- dialogue more clearly than I did.)
- The whole tone of it, though, was the "beginning of a mystery" thing.
- Kevin tried questioning Victor about what he meant, but Victor back-tracked
- and never really said.
- And then the only non-K&L spoiler we have is kinda spooky, actually: Lark
- and Jake start dating, she lies about her name and age, they SLEEP TOGETHER
- <shudder> and then Lark sets them both up for Frank to find half dressed in
- Jake's apartment.
- And, as another aside, I must say that Jay Pickett (Frank) is incredibly
- good looking in RL(tm), too. And, as Cagey noted, he is every bit as
- intense in real life as he is in character.
- Anyway, the scene we watched part of had Frank freaking out and Jake trying
- to fix things, while Lark was being a twerp again.
- And that was about it. Sunny took us back to the office, we gave her our
- addresses, we told her which actors we'd like autographs from, and we split.
- (Cagey says: We were supposed to get lunch in the commissary, but they
- didn't mention it at all! I'm very bummed about that. Also, we left a
- card for Nancy Grahn and the baby. Sunny said that mom and baby are doing
- very, very well, and Nancy's still out for maternity leave. And we looked
- for Tony Geary's gold Porsche in the parking lot, but didn't seat it.)
- And the reason ya'll didn't get this report on Tuesday night was because we
- came home and I nearly imploded and it's taken me this long to recover. ;-)
- Taiyin and Cagey
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: kidnapped babies and emerald rings
- Date: 13 Mar 1998 14:12:03 -0800
- At 07:28 AM 3/13/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote:
- >
- >secondly, about pc...WHAT ON EARTH IS LUCY THINKING???
- Amne to that. Ugh. She's totally cracked. But thank GODS that kevin
- pointed out that, once again, Snotty was sticking his BIG FAT STUPID nose
- in something that is NONE OF HIS BUSINESS.
- >p.s. i lied--one more thing. even I'M getting curious about those
- >apples now...taiyin, i hope you get to the bottom of this on your set
- >visit!!!
- Yup. Sure did.
- Taiyin
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: AnneBPT <AnneBPT@aol.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Set Tour
- Date: 13 Mar 1998 22:09:12 EST
- Wow, it sounds like you had a great time! I knew you would though, everyone
- down there was really nice to us when we went on the GH set, especially Wally,
- Lynn and Jon.
- I've been busy with work and life, so not much time to respond lately, but I
- had to throw in a minor correction here:
- You write:
- << And right about here I have to break and say that Anne and Razz were 100%
- dead on with their report: Lynn Herring is beyond beautiful. WAY beyond.
- She was gorgeous. Best of all, though, she was gracious and very sweet and
- funny and friendly.>>
- Nope, I'm not going to say anything like Lynn is not gorgeous. She is still
- the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, more so because she is so friendly
- and down to earth.
- But I didn't go to the GH set with Razz. I went with my friend Maureen who
- lives in Boston and flew out with me. It does get confusing since my friend
- Mo has been out a few times to LA with me. She's gone to see THL and Mark's
- band a couple of times. But anyway, they are two different people. Maybe Razz
- agrees with all of us about Lynn, I wouldn't doubt it <g>.
- Anne
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Set Tour Pix
- Date: 16 Mar 1998 22:16:16 -0800
- Well, Cagey and I managed to only get three pictures (other than the
- picture of the poster of K&L -- which DIDN'T TURN OUT!!! <grrrrrrrr>), but
- they are up on my K&L Page now.
- http://www.taiyin.net/lighthouse/
- Under Set Tour.
- Taiyin
- "What did I do before I had you?"
- --"You were lost and confused."
- -- Lucy and Kevin
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Matt (SPOILERS)
- Date: 16 Mar 1998 12:31:01 -0800
- Whoa.
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- Did we not know that was coming or did I just skim through the spoilers too
- quickly?
- I think Matt should definitely get the Quartermaine Residency now. Alan
- and Monica originally wanted it to go to Jason, so I think it's rather
- poetic that since Jason gave up medicine for the mob, it should go to Matt,
- since he gave up the mob for medicine. ;-)
- Taiyin
- "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the
- altar of your amusement. It's the least I
- can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin
- <taiyin@taiyin.net> http://www.taiyin.net/
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH/PC
- Date: 16 Mar 1998 12:40:17 -0800
- Haven't seen PortCharles or yet. You must be ahead of me seeing the soap.
- When will Chris get his come up'ems. He deserves whatever he gets. Why is
- he so nasty towards Matt. Why is Chris short of money, and why is he giving
- his dad money. Could it be that he is related to the Mancuso Mob Family?
- Wouldn't that be a twisted story line.
- Would also like to know why Ned is always on AJ's back. He acts like he is
- threatened by AJ everytime he comes up with a plan of some sort. Did
- something happen in the past that I missed that caused Ned to feel this
- way.
- Anyone have any input on this.
- Rickie:-)
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH/PC
- Date: 16 Mar 1998 12:54:56 -0800
- At 12:40 PM 3/16/98 -0800, Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote:
- >When will Chris get his come up'ems.
- Not for a while, I'm sure.
- >He deserves whatever he gets. Why is
- >he so nasty towards Matt.
- I don't think he's nasty towards Matt, specifically. I think he's
- desperate, selfish and totally unethical. But I don't think it's anything
- personal towards Matt. I think if it was one of the other interns standing
- between him and the Q Residency, he'd be doing the same kinds of things.
- >Why is Chris short of money, and why is he giving
- >his dad money. Could it be that he is related to the Mancuso Mob Family?
- >Wouldn't that be a twisted story line.
- <snicker> That would be amusing. Not too likely, though.
- And as for Chris' financial troubles... he's not as rich as he leads people
- to believe he is. His money all came from an insurance settlement from a
- car accident he was in. He's been living off that, and he's near the
- bottom of that particular barrel these days. That's why he is desperate to
- get the residency: it's the only way to maintain himself in the lifestyle
- to which he's become accustomed.
- >Would also like to know why Ned is always on AJ's back. He acts like he is
- >threatened by AJ everytime he comes up with a plan of some sort. Did
- >something happen in the past that I missed that caused Ned to feel this
- >way.
- There is a lot of old history between those two.
- For starters is the fact that AJ and Ned have ALWAYS competed to be the
- apple of Edward's eye. No matter how much lip service either of them might
- give to not caring what the old man thinks, BOTH of them have been known to
- turn themselves into human pretzles to keep him happy.
- Jason was the neutral one, who didn't care about ELQ and was too much of a
- saint to get involved in the unethical stuff the family was doing, which is
- the ONLY reason (IMO) that Ned never competed with him. Jason was going
- into medicine, and so he never got involved with ELQ (except to oppose the
- incinderator project), and he was never a threat to Ned's position as the
- Heir Apparent.
- That is another bone of contention between them: Ned actively blames AJ
- for Jason's accident. AJ does, too, but to a lesser degree (and not as
- much these days as he used to). The rest of the family has, in many ways,
- forgiven AJ (as much as any of the Qs are capable of actual forgiveness)
- for injuring Jason, but Ned hasn't.
- Then there is always Julia Barrett. After Julia left Ned, she got involved
- with AJ. That ticked Ned off BIG TIME.
- It's just a combination of factors, really. Ned and AJ are in direct
- competition with each other on a daily basis, because they choose to work
- and function in the same circles. If one of them would remove himself from
- ELQ and Edward's domain, they'd probably co-exist a little more easily.
- Back in the old days, before Ned married Jennie, Ned's primary competitor
- for ELQ and Edward's praise was Alan. Ned and Alan made a vie for control
- of ELQ and Ned ended up winning, and that was when Alan returned to
- medicine for good. He hasn't looked back since. But shortly after that AJ
- became old enough to throw him into that arena to take his father's place.
- And since then it's been Alan Junior, instead of Alan Senior, who goes
- toe-to-toe with Ned on a regular basis.
- Taiyin
- "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the
- altar of your amusement. It's the least I
- can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin
- <taiyin@taiyin.net> http://www.taiyin.net/
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH/PC
- Date: 16 Mar 1998 12:58:01 -0800
- Thanks for the update Taiyin. Enjoy the message board
- ----------
- > From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- > To: port-charles@lists.xmission.com
- > Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH/PC
- > Date: Monday, March 16, 1998 12:54 PM
- >
- > At 12:40 PM 3/16/98 -0800, Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote:
- > >When will Chris get his come up'ems.
- >
- > Not for a while, I'm sure.
- >
- > >He deserves whatever he gets. Why is
- > >he so nasty towards Matt.
- >
- > I don't think he's nasty towards Matt, specifically. I think he's
- > desperate, selfish and totally unethical. But I don't think it's
- anything
- > personal towards Matt. I think if it was one of the other interns
- standing
- > between him and the Q Residency, he'd be doing the same kinds of things.
- >
- > >Why is Chris short of money, and why is he giving
- > >his dad money. Could it be that he is related to the Mancuso Mob
- Family?
- > >Wouldn't that be a twisted story line.
- >
- > <snicker> That would be amusing. Not too likely, though.
- >
- > And as for Chris' financial troubles... he's not as rich as he leads
- people
- > to believe he is. His money all came from an insurance settlement from a
- > car accident he was in. He's been living off that, and he's near the
- > bottom of that particular barrel these days. That's why he is desperate
- to
- > get the residency: it's the only way to maintain himself in the
- lifestyle
- > to which he's become accustomed.
- >
- > >Would also like to know why Ned is always on AJ's back. He acts like he
- is
- > >threatened by AJ everytime he comes up with a plan of some sort. Did
- > >something happen in the past that I missed that caused Ned to feel this
- > >way.
- >
- > There is a lot of old history between those two.
- >
- > For starters is the fact that AJ and Ned have ALWAYS competed to be the
- > apple of Edward's eye. No matter how much lip service either of them
- might
- > give to not caring what the old man thinks, BOTH of them have been known
- to
- > turn themselves into human pretzles to keep him happy.
- >
- > Jason was the neutral one, who didn't care about ELQ and was too much of
- a
- > saint to get involved in the unethical stuff the family was doing, which
- is
- > the ONLY reason (IMO) that Ned never competed with him. Jason was going
- > into medicine, and so he never got involved with ELQ (except to oppose
- the
- > incinderator project), and he was never a threat to Ned's position as the
- > Heir Apparent.
- >
- > That is another bone of contention between them: Ned actively blames AJ
- > for Jason's accident. AJ does, too, but to a lesser degree (and not as
- > much these days as he used to). The rest of the family has, in many
- ways,
- > forgiven AJ (as much as any of the Qs are capable of actual forgiveness)
- > for injuring Jason, but Ned hasn't.
- >
- > Then there is always Julia Barrett. After Julia left Ned, she got
- involved
- > with AJ. That ticked Ned off BIG TIME.
- >
- > It's just a combination of factors, really. Ned and AJ are in direct
- > competition with each other on a daily basis, because they choose to work
- > and function in the same circles. If one of them would remove himself
- from
- > ELQ and Edward's domain, they'd probably co-exist a little more easily.
- >
- > Back in the old days, before Ned married Jennie, Ned's primary competitor
- > for ELQ and Edward's praise was Alan. Ned and Alan made a vie for
- control
- > of ELQ and Ned ended up winning, and that was when Alan returned to
- > medicine for good. He hasn't looked back since. But shortly after that
- AJ
- > became old enough to throw him into that arena to take his father's
- place.
- > And since then it's been Alan Junior, instead of Alan Senior, who goes
- > toe-to-toe with Ned on a regular basis.
- >
- > Taiyin
- > "By all means, please, sacrifice me on the
- > altar of your amusement. It's the least I
- > can contribute to your evening." -- Kevin
- > <taiyin@taiyin.net> http://www.taiyin.net/
- >
- > -
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Cagey <cagey@geocities.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN: List Rules
- Date: 16 Mar 1998 13:55:57 -0800 (PST)
- Just a reminder of the list rules for all. In addition to
- keeping quotations from other posts to a minimum, and
- including spoiler space wherever appropriate (if you are in
- doubt, leave spoiler space), please remember to include
- subject lines that are appropriate to your posts.
- Welcome! This list is for discussion of "General
- Hospital" and "Port Charles." Because we want
- this list to be a great place to talk about "GH/PC,"
- we are setting up a few ground rules. If you've
- ever been involved in a discussion list, many of
- these rules will look familiar. Hopefully, they'll
- make list life more interesting (and more fun)
- for everyone.
- In order to send mail to the list, address all
- messages to port-charles@xmission.com
- 1. Keep posts on topic. We're a small list now,
- but as we get larger the volume will (hopefully!)
- increase. Topics should be related to GH and/or
- PC, the actors involved in either project, etc..
- Discussion of other soap operas is fine as long as
- they're being discussed in relation to GH/PC.
- 2. Please be careful with the use of strong imagery
- or language in consideration of younger list members.
- Think "rated PG-13."
- 3. No advertising of *any* non-GH/PC related items
- or services. Also, no binary files of any sort (including
- images, wavs, MOVs, etc).
- 4. If you get advance information on a new episode,
- or see an episode earlier than the national viewing
- time, and you want to post about it, please do the following:
- **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the subject header.
- **Leave about twelve lines (blank or with non-spoiler
- info) at the top of the post.
- This ensures that anyone who doesn't like knowing
- about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The
- blank space is for people whose mailers automatically
- open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a
- chance to see "spoiler" in the header.
- 5. Most importantly, there will be ABSOLUTELY NO
- FLAMING ONLIST. We have absolutely zero tolerance
- for this kind of behaviour. Flames can kill a list,
- permanently damage relationships, and make life a
- lot less fun for everyone.
- What's a flame?
- NOT A FLAME: "I don't think so-and-so is a very good actor."
- FLAME: "So-and-so is a twit who can't act and has no brain."
- Broadly defined, a flame is a personally derogatory,
- inflammatory comment about another list member,
- their progenitors, or about any of the actors, writers,
- directors, producers or crew of "GH" or "PC."
- Disagreements-- even heated ones-- are expected.
- But the minute you start slamming someone personally,
- you will face the Wrath of Taiyin and Cagey.
- First offense: offender is unsubscribed for one week.
- Second offense: offender is unsubscribed to the GH/PC
- list for a minimum of three months. If the offender
- returns and flames again, they're offlist permanently.
- And no, it doesn't matter that the actors, writers, etc.
- from "GH" or "PC" aren't onlist; we won't put up with
- anyone flaming them anyway. There are slander laws
- against it. It's also common courtesy.
- Determination of what is (and what is not) a flame is
- made by the listowners, and their decisions are final.
- Determinations of any penalties associated with flames
- are also made by the listowners, and their decisions are
- final.
- 6. Related to #5, the listowners reserve the right to "kill"
- any discussion threads which either of the listowners
- deem offensive, or which appear to be degenerating into
- a flame war. If either one of us declares a topic "dead,"
- it's dead. Anyone who continues the discussion thread,
- against our express *posted* wishes, will be
- immediately noposted for one week.
- 7. No "me too" posts. If you agree with something someone
- said, and yet don't have anything new to add to it, then send
- it in private email. Please don't waste bandwidth with "me
- toos."
- 8. When quoting back someone else's post, please quote no
- more than four lines per comment. Common netiquette dictates
- that quoting back an entire post just to add a line or two
- at the
- end is extremely inconsiderate and annoying. If you have
- something to add, then please do, but we saw the original
- post,
- so there is no need to see it again.
- 9. Signature files. Many people have .sigs. Please keep
- your .sig to a maximum of six lines. (For the same reasons
- as the "me too" and quote length rules.)
- 10. Fanfiction is not only welcomed, it's encouraged.
- However, please be sure to keep any and all fic within the
- ratings parameters of the list. Also please restrict
- posting of
- fic to the Kevin & Lucy list to fic pertaining primarily (not
- only, by any strech of the imagination) to the caharacters of
- Kevin and Lucy. For the GH/PC list, fic is welcome for any
- characters, past or present.
- 11. Messages posted to the lists are intended for the
- members
- of the list community. They are not to be
- shared/send/forwarded
- elsewhere without the authors express written permission.
- 12. And last, but not least, we reserve the right to deny
- subscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list
- for any individual(s).
- Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these
- rules, please contact either one of us offlist. If you
- have subscription problems or questions, the fastest
- way to get help is to e-mail the listowner address
- <taiyin@xmission.com>.
- Enjoy!
- Taiyin and Cagey
- <taiyin@xmission.com>
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: todays show 3/16
- Date: 16 Mar 1998 15:13:03 -0800
- What great acting Johnathon Jackson (Lucky) did today. He makes every
- everything so real. The whole GH cast is having great roles. Anxious to
- see more about Alan and his addiction.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: todays show 3/16
- Date: 17 Mar 1998 08:49:29 -0500
- What great acting Jonathan Jackson (Lucky) did today. He makes every
- everything so real.
- I couldn't have said that one better! You can't not throw Tony Geary
- kudos for his believable portrayal! I was glued to the tube! The
- flashbacks were fab, especially w/the song "Rise" playing in the
- background! All that's needed now is Laura back. Doesn't it feel odd
- that this storyline is being played w/out one of the central characters?
- Tony & Jonathan are doing a fab job regardless!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: plea from nyc area--AGAIN!
- Date: 17 Mar 1998 06:24:27 PST
- good morning, all--happy st. patrick's day!
- however, as a result of this festive occasion, i am quite worried that
- we time-zone-challenged folks may (once AGAIN) get the short end of the
- stick. the newscasters this morning announced a MILLION times that the
- nyc st. patrick's day parade will be held today from 11 am to 2:30 pm.
- (i mean come ON...how many hours of bagpipe music do we NEED???)
- i don't know if abc is planning on covering it--i know nbc is.
- so...JUST IN CASE...since that falls smack dab in the middle of port
- charles (it will hopefully miss gh, unless we get COMMENTARY or
- something afterwards--which i wouldn't put past them!), and since
- yesterday's revelation was quite stunning (i'm with you, taiyin...that
- came out of NOWHERE as far as i was concerned. what do you know? tptb
- kept a secret! :), i'm making yet another plea to the non-ny'ers among
- us. could somebody watch pc VERY closely, in hopes of filling us in
- just in case abc decides nbc's coverage isn't enough?
- thanks a million! or...if someone out there knows for a fact that abc
- WON'T be airing the parade...let me know! it'll make my day MUCH
- easier! :)
- on a side note, gh yesterday blew me away. ALL of it. luke and lucky,
- obviously. and stefan and nik. robin and helena. robin and jason.
- jason and carly. there just wasn't a dull moment ANYWHERE. (until the
- previews, when we saw kat and bat in bed <shudder> )
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: todays show 3/16
- Date: 17 Mar 1998 08:20:02 -0800
- At 08:49 AM 3/17/98 -0500, Danielle Graham wrote:
- >What great acting Jonathan Jackson (Lucky) did today. He makes every
- >everything so real.
- No kidding. That was incredible.
- >I couldn't have said that one better! You can't not throw Tony Geary
- >kudos for his believable portrayal!
- Can we say "Emmy Reel"? I think I stopped breathing once or twice during
- those scenes.
- >Doesn't it feel odd
- >that this storyline is being played w/out one of the central characters?
- Well, I think Guza was hoping that this storyline would be enough to lure
- Genie back. Unfortunately it hasn't worked so far.
- >Tony & Jonathan are doing a fab job regardless!
- Amen to that.
- Taiyin
- "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated
- 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never
- had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: plea from nyc area--AGAIN!
- Date: 17 Mar 1998 08:23:08 -0800
- At 06:24 AM 3/17/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote:
- >thanks a million! or...if someone out there knows for a fact that abc
- >WON'T be airing the parade...let me know! it'll make my day MUCH
- >easier! :)
- Can you check TV Guide Online? They should be able to tell you (I'd check,
- but I have three weeks worth of homework to make up in the next nine hours).
- >on a side note, gh yesterday blew me away. ALL of it. luke and lucky,
- >obviously. and stefan and nik. robin and helena. robin and jason.
- >jason and carly. there just wasn't a dull moment ANYWHERE.
- True, true. Luke and Lucky were, though, by far the most breath-taking.
- Why is it they only have truly fabulous episodes on the days where I have
- SO much homework that I shouldn't be watching TV at all? ;-)
- >(until the previews, when we saw kat and bat in bed <shudder> )
- LOL! Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction, too. Frightening.
- Taiyin
- "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated
- 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never
- had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: sigh of relief re:parade, AND a controversial suggestion...
- Date: 17 Mar 1998 08:47:34 PST
- taiyin wrote:
- >Can you check TV Guide Online? They should be able to tell you (I'd
- >check, but I have three weeks worth of homework to make up in the
- >next nine hours).
- great idea, taiyin! thanks for the suggestion (i COMPLETELY didn't
- think of that!) i just checked, and it looks like it's only nbc that's
- going to air the parade. (it's about time they picked on another group
- of soap fans! :)
- >True, true. Luke and Lucky were, though, by far the most
- >breath-taking.
- tony geary...my GOD what a talent. y'know, i'm probably going to get
- tarred and feathered for this, but if genie francis was sitting home
- yesterday watching that, and STILL chooses not to return, i say it's HER
- loss at this point, and time to seriously consider a re-cast. (i know,
- i can hear it now...<gasp!> <choke!> <sputter!> "you sacreligious
- HEATHEN! how DARE you even SUGGEST such a thing!!!") i'm sorry though,
- but enough is enough. how long has she been gone now--a year? if *i*
- took a year off from my job, you can be damn sure I'D have been replaced
- LONG before now...and, if THIS story hasn't been enough to lure her
- back, i don't think ANYTHING will do the trick. (although i surely
- don't envy the actress who would try to fill that void! that would take
- guts... of course, so does re-visiting the rape, so maybe there's
- hope?)
- thoughts? opinions? lynch mobs?
- julie
- >Why is it they only have truly fabulous episodes on the days where I
- >have SO much homework that I shouldn't be watching TV at all? ;-)
- whoops--except for you, taiyin. no responses--go get your homework
- done! good luck! :)
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC:controversial suggestion
- Date: 17 Mar 1998 12:01:00 -0500
- if genie francis was sitting home
- yesterday watching that, and STILL chooses not to return, i say it's HER
- loss at this point, and time to seriously consider a re-cast.
- Hate to say it, but I was actually just saying that to somebody else
- that at least they should "temporarily" recast. Although, I think it's
- way past getting used to someone 1st! Wouldn't it have been great to
- have Laura been Lizzie's shoulder to lean on. Although don't get me
- wrong, Jackie Zeman was phenom!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Cagey <cagey@geocities.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: a controversial suggestion...
- Date: 17 Mar 1998 12:41:17 -0500
- Julie wrote:
- >but if genie francis was sitting home
- >yesterday watching that, and STILL chooses not to return, i say it's HER
- >loss at this point, and time to seriously consider a re-cast.
- Actually, I don't think it would bother me, as long as it was an unknown.
- Does that make sense? I wouldn't want to see an actress I'd seen in
- another role...it would be too distracting. But soaps are such an
- incestuous little group that to cast an unknown as Laura would be unthinkable.
- At any rate, I believe I've read that Tony Geary has said Genie or no one.
- So recasting is probably out of the question for that reason, as well.
- --kg
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: a controversial suggestion
- Date: 17 Mar 1998 14:05:01 -0500
- Actually, I don't think it would bother me, as long as it was an
- unknown.
- Does that make sense? I wouldn't want to see an actress I'd seen in
- another role...it would be too distracting.
- as strange as that sounded, I think I agree with that. I think that the
- fact that everyone knows Genie is staying @home for the kids, it makes
- it easier to deal with? Now does THAT make any sense?
- At any rate, I believe I've read that Tony Geary has said Genie or no
- one.
- ...I've heard that before, but in regards to Jonathan when he was
- re-negotiating. And honestly I don't think I would've liked to have seen
- him replaced. But isn't that just a little too much "power" that Tony
- has? God knows I just love Tony to death, but really?
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "lela" <lsalaiz@intellisys.net>
- Subject: GH/PC: Contraversial Suggestion
- Date: 17 Mar 1998 22:18:12 -0600
- This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01BD51F2.932D58C0
- Content-Type: text/plain;
- charset="iso-8859-1"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- In my opinion, recasting the role of Laura would be a mistake. That =
- would be like recasting the role of Luke or Bobbie, just wouldn't be =
- feasible. I truly hope Genie Francis comes back the show. Both of her =
- on screen boys need her right now.
- Lydia
- ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01BD51F2.932D58C0
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- charset="iso-8859-1"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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- <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
- <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>In my opinion, recasting the role of =
- Laura would=20
- be a mistake. That would be like recasting the role of Luke or =
- Bobbie,=20
- just wouldn't be feasible. I truly hope Genie Francis comes back =
- the=20
- show. Both of her on screen boys need her right now.</FONT></DIV>
- <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
- <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Lydia</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
- ------=_NextPart_000_0019_01BD51F2.932D58C0--
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: 3/17
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 08:46:57 -0500
- 1st I have a question? Was that flashback w/Stefan & Laura ever shown
- before? I can't remember that it was, which was leading up to maybe
- Genie had filmed some scenes. I'm a dreamer. Anyway! I must say, I just
- LOVE Jonathan! That boy is doing some fabulous stuff! And he just makes
- Becky look great too!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: pc/gh
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 06:28:43 -0800
- I too was wondering about the flashback? HMMMMM!!!! L&L's acting have
- been super. Hope Jonathon keeps a straight head that boy is going places.
- I thought for sure he would have called Laura and questioned her about the
- rape. Is Brad Maule leaving GH? Hope not. What is with all his weight
- gainand haircut? What is done for the show or does he have other irons in
- the fire that he had to have a different look? I like the old Tony, but he
- sure is convincing now.
- On PC did I hear right that Bobby M. is Matt's brother? Interesting.
- Rickie
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: pc/gh
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 09:05:57 -0800
- At 06:28 AM 3/18/98 -0800, Fred & Rickie Yopp wrote:
- >
- >I thought for sure he would have called Laura and questioned her about the
- >rape.
- Nah, this isn't even about Laura at this point for Lucky. He's feeling so
- disillusioned right now, I doubt he'd believe a word she said -- even if he
- cared to hear it at all.
- >Is Brad Maule leaving GH?
- Nope. According to (I think) this week's TV Guide interview with Logan,
- Brad says the producers keep swearing to him that he's not being fired.
- But, supposedly, the "old Tony" is long gone and not coming back. Very
- cool, IMO. Tony was a sweetie, but he was dull as dry toast.
- >On PC did I hear right that Bobby M. is Matt's brother? Interesting.
- Yup.
- Taiyin
- "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated
- 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never
- had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: 3/17
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 09:10:17 -0800
- At 08:46 AM 3/18/98 -0500, Danielle Graham wrote:
- >1st I have a question? Was that flashback w/Stefan & Laura ever shown
- >before? I can't remember that it was, which was leading up to maybe
- >Genie had filmed some scenes. I'm a dreamer. Anyway!
- I don't know if they aired it before, but it was definitely shot during the
- same time as the other flashbakcs they've done of those two. Both of their
- hair was identical to the other ones, and different than now (for Stefan,
- anyway; I don't know what Genie's hair looks like right now).
- >I must say, I just
- >LOVE Jonathan! That boy is doing some fabulous stuff! And he just makes
- >Becky look great too!
- Becky rocks. That was the annoying thing about her from the beginning:
- Rebecca could act, they just gave her a stupid, annoying and disgusting
- storyline (unlike her "sister" -- who has exactly the opposite problem).
- Since a couple of days before Lizzie was attacked, though, she's been
- fabulous. About the only thing I like better than Lizzie these days, is
- Lizzie and Lucky.
- And I NEVER thought I would say that.
- I still love Lucky and Emily, though. <sigh>
- Taiyin
- "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated
- 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never
- had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC:
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 12:10:35 -0500
- thought for sure he would have called Laura and questioned her about
- the
- >rape.
- Nah, this isn't even about Laura at this point for Lucky. He's feeling
- so
- disillusioned right now, I doubt he'd believe a word she said -- even if
- he
- cared to hear it at all.
- I'd agree whole heartedly with the fact Lucky is quite disillusioned!
- Down right shocked I think, to even imagine such a horrible thing, (he's
- just witnessed what happened to Lizzie) happened & his mother married
- him still. He's not even interested in the love that they share. But I
- really believe the direction would have gone a completely different way
- if Genie was in the picture.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH/PC
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 12:27:08 -0500
- Rebecca could act, they just gave her a stupid, annoying and disgusting
- storyline (unlike her "sister" -- who has exactly the opposite problem).
- I can't believe I'll actually admit this one, but at first, I did like
- the Sarah/Nikolas story, but you could see that was going no where fast.
- Especially since the day at the Cassadine "summer" house when N/S were
- making out! That was one of the biggest let downs. I'm glad that Bob
- Guza seems to be moving away from that story, but I don't know about the
- pairing of Robin/Nikolas. There's plenty of history there to ignite
- plenty o'sparks!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Genie
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 09:33:47 -0800
- At 12:10 PM 3/18/98 -0500, Danielle Graham wrote:
- >
- >I'd agree whole heartedly with the fact Lucky is quite disillusioned!
- That's the truth! Poor Lucky. He had his dad on SUCH high pedistal.
- That's a LONG way to see your idol fall.
- >But I
- >really believe the direction would have gone a completely different way
- >if Genie was in the picture.
- You're probably right about that, too.
- I guess I'm just in the extreme minority because, to date, I don't think
- Genie's absence is that much of a problem yet. I think eventually it will
- be -- Luke and Laura *need* to discuss this and Lucky and his mother *need*
- to have it out. But for now I think that, the way it's being played out
- (BECAUSE Genie isn't around to be involved) allows for a logical absence
- from Laura (as much as any storyline ever does, anyway).
- Plus, Bobbie hit the nail on the head Monday: Luke goes to extreme
- measures to protect Laura -- and I honestly can't see him telling her that
- Lucky knows until he can no longer avoid it -- I think it fits in very well
- with the Cassadine and Spencer men ALL deciding that Laura did not need to
- know that Nikolas was shot back in December (a stupid plot device that
- makes them all look like arrogant jerks, but that's necessary because Genie
- is nowhere to be found). I think Luke is probably hoping that Lucky will
- cool off before he worries about including Laura in on this current Spencer
- nightmare.
- Especially now that he knows Nikolas is the one who told -- I can't imagine
- Luke would want to do anything short of stringing his wife's son up by his
- thumbnails before skinning him alive for this. I don't think that's
- something he'd want Laura to see, either.
- Taiyin
- "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated
- 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never
- had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC:
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 12:44:38 -0500
- I guess I'm just in the extreme minority because, to date, I don't think
- Genie's absence is that much of a problem yet,
- Well, I agree w/you on this. The story seems to be doing great in her
- absence though!
- Plus, Bobbie hit the nail on the head Monday: Luke goes to extreme
- measures to protect Laura.
- Lord does he ever! But I think later on, when & if, Laura returns, all
- the lies & Luke's protecting her will result in the same thing when
- Bobbie found out that he was lying "to protect his babysister".
- Fireworks. And rightfully so! What mother wouldn't want to know that her
- son was shot! But then again, what mother would stay away from 2
- children anyway!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: PC
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 09:58:52 PST
- is it just me, or is port charles getting really boring?
- maybe i was just in a strange mood yesterday, but as i was watching my
- tape, i found myself realizing i didn't CARE about the vast majority of
- the characters, storylines, etc. (of course, i didn't stop WATCHING.
- ah, habit...)
- the whole matt being mancusi's brother was a nice nanosecond of drama,
- but beyond that, this whole story bores me to tears, i've decided.
- bobby mancusi is yet another of the one-note villains pc has come to
- love (he reminds me of greg cooper, in fact), and i'm just not really
- that interested in watching yet ANOTHER protracted struggle of good
- against evil. it's getting tired, and they don't seem to be covering
- any new ground with each subsequent incarnation of the same basic story.
- and while i like matt as a character, and ellen as a character, i'm
- finding that's not enough to get me invested in this story. although i
- AM liking mike finally having something to do...
- the whole karen/joe/jake/ferret thing, and the whole frank/julie/lark
- thing, are both playing out like bad sitcom episodes, which is NOT what
- i look for in a soap.
- chris ramsey is another of the notorious pc villains where his actions
- are so despicable that i just don't CARE why he's doing what he does. i
- just want it to end, and for him to go far, far away.
- eve i like--particularly with scotty--but they haven't seemed to have
- much to do since the whole danielle impersonation thing.
- and kevin and lucy, who i am of COURSE more invested in than the
- others...even THEY'RE not doing it for me right now. after the whole
- mess they just went through, i'm finding it VERY hard to muster any
- enthusiasm for lucy's fight to get her company's money back.
- maybe it's just the let-down of coming off that incredible week when
- lucy was dying...or maybe it's that gh is FINALLY looking good by
- comparison...but pc is really not managing to keep my interest lately.
- anybody else starting to feel like the show could use some help? or
- maybe it's just me! :)
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: PC
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 13:07:31 -0500
- is it just me, or is port charles getting really boring?
- I'm sure I'm going to be slammed for this one, but I can't even force
- myself to set the VCR for this show. I watched it in the beginning,
- mostly cuz I've watched GH for so many years, that with Lucy, Kevin &
- Scotty over there, I thought it had to have hope! I had to go back to
- another Soap to fill that time slot. I don't know what needs to be done
- to put something into it, but for all of us who just love GH, it's FAB
- these days, I must admit this one I can't wait for. Sorry, will have to
- scroll down, cuz I don't wanna spoil it.
- .
- .
- .
- .
- .
- .
- Did every one here that Lynn Herring will be coming back to GH for over
- a month to "work" on a storyline there? Ya think it will have anything
- to do w/the Jax/Tess mess that's going on? Now if we could just keep her
- there, GH couldn't lose!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 10:27:18 -0800
- At 01:07 PM 3/18/98 -0500, Danielle Graham wrote:
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >.
- >.
- >.
- >.
- >.
- >.
- >Did every one here that Lynn Herring will be coming back to GH for over
- >a month to "work" on a storyline there? Ya think it will have anything
- >to do w/the Jax/Tess mess that's going on? Now if we could just keep her
- >there, GH couldn't lose!
- Well, there are conflicting reports. Over on K&L it was posted that SOD
- and SOW are reporting that Lynn is just moving BACK to GH because she
- doesn't want as much frontburner time as she's been getting on PC.
- Frankly, the thought of that gives me the shivering fits. As much as I am
- LOVING the Lizzie/Lucky/Luke stuff right now, my primary interest is K&L --
- I don't care WHICH show they are on (though, I prefer them on PC just
- because they actually get some screentime that way). I just DON'T want
- Lynn to be on one show and Jon to be on the other. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
- Taiyin
- "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated
- 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never
- had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: PC
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 10:43:24 -0800
- At 09:58 AM 3/18/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote:
- >
- >the whole karen/joe/jake/ferret thing, and the whole frank/julie/lark
- >thing, are both playing out like bad sitcom episodes, which is NOT what
- >i look for in a soap.
- I do agree with this one. Although, I must say, I am finally happy that
- Julie is no longer being a spineless toady. Of course, "bitchy harpy" is
- not the direction I would have liked to see her go in, but at this point
- anything is an improvement.
- >and kevin and lucy, who i am of COURSE more invested in than the
- >others...even THEY'RE not doing it for me right now. after the whole
- >mess they just went through, i'm finding it VERY hard to muster any
- >enthusiasm for lucy's fight to get her company's money back.
- I do think anything they do now is pretty anti-climactic after Lucy's
- near-death. It was kind of like watching the aftermath of Lucy's
- miscarriage after seeing the miscarriage ep itself. The performances were
- so incredible that no follow-up could possibly compare.
- >maybe it's just the let-down of coming off that incredible week when
- >lucy was dying...or maybe it's that gh is FINALLY looking good by
- >comparison...but pc is really not managing to keep my interest lately.
- I think the improvement of GH is probably part of it, too. I mean, the
- last couple of days alone, there has been absolutely NO comparison. GH has
- been INCREDIBLE. Well, at least PARTS of GH have been incredible.
- I do think, though, that the head writer of each show has very, very
- different strengths and I think those are becoming more and more obvious.
- I think Guza knows zilch about romance. I think he proved it last time he
- was there (Tom and Felicia <shudder>) and he's doing it again (a TOTAL lack
- of romantic ANYTHING on the show -- Jax and Brenda and Kat and Bat being
- the only painful exceptions).
- I think Lynn Latham likes the relationship stuff much more than the plot
- stuff, which is probably why she seems to be having trouble creating
- complex villians -- they are no more than a means to an end for her. I
- *love* the way she writes the character interaction -- K&L (though she has
- Scott in the middle of that FAR too much for my liking), Kevin and Scott,
- Scott and Eve, Frank and Joe, Chris and Eve (thoguh not in too long for my
- taste), Kevin and Eve, Lucy and Scott (well, them less than the others),
- and I think she did a GREAT job with Luke's crossover, etc.
- I also think she is doing the one thing that PC's headwriter SHOULD have
- been doing from day one: mixing up the characters so they actually
- interact. Yesterday they brought Scott into the mix with Matt, Grace,
- Ellen and Mike. THANK YOU! They've had all these characters off doing
- their own thing (a Culliton trademark) and not interacting at ALL.
- >anybody else starting to feel like the show could use some help? or
- >maybe it's just me! :)
- I think both of them could, actually. In very diffeerent ways, though.
- And I think the sheer impact of the past few days with the Spencer
- storyline has not only over-shadowed PC (which is in a down phase in many
- ways at the moment), but it's also masked the weak parts of GH itself
- (Tess/Mac/Felicia, Brenda/Jax, lack of V, Robin's sanctimoniousness, etc.).
- I think after a few days of REALLY annoying people, PC might start looking
- better. ;-)
- Just MHO, of course.
- Taiyin
- "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated
- 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never
- had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: PC
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 14:12:09 -0500
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- Did every one here that Lynn Herring will be coming back to GH for over
- >a month to "work" on a storyline there?
- Well, there are conflicting reports. Over on K&L it was posted that SOD
- and SOW are reporting that Lynn is just moving BACK to GH because she
- doesn't want as much frontburner time as she's been getting on PC.
- I must've missed that part about Lynn moving permanently back to GH. But
- if that's the case, I really, really think that they would also bring
- Kevin back along w/her. This would be the dream answer to the horrible
- story that's been going on w/Jax/Mac/Tess/Felicia. At this point, I
- could really care less who's behind all of this! Can you
- say....fast-forward! Also, as frontburner as Lynn's story is, PC is a
- 1/2 hour show. Like I said, I don't watch PC any longer, so is Lynn on
- practically everyday. And by chance does anyone know which show Lynn is
- primarily contracted to? That could be the big difference!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Gina Clayton" <GCLAYTON@LES.LES.SC.EDU>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: 3/17
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 14:27:14 EST5EDT
- Danielle Graham wrote:
- > >1st I have a question? Was that flashback w/Stefan & Laura ever shown
- > >before? I can't remember that it was, which was leading up to maybe
- > >Genie had filmed some scenes. I'm a dreamer. Anyway!
- >
- > I don't know if they aired it before, but it was definitely shot during the
- > same time as the other flashbakcs they've done of those two. Both of their
- > hair was identical to the other ones, and different than now (for Stefan,
- > anyway; I don't know what Genie's hair looks like right now).
- I remember seeing the flashback before, but I don't remember exactly
- when. I think it might have been the question of Nikolas' paternity
- first came up before Genie left the show!??
- > Becky rocks. That was the annoying thing about her from the beginning:
- > Rebecca could act, they just gave her a stupid, annoying and disgusting
- > storyline (unlike her "sister" -- who has exactly the opposite problem).
- > Since a couple of days before Lizzie was attacked, though, she's been
- > fabulous. About the only thing I like better than Lizzie these days, is
- > Lizzie and Lucky.
- ITA!! Lizzie did a great job yesterday asking Lucky not to leave,
- but what really caught my attention was how uncomfortable Lizzie was
- with Luke, now knowing that he is a rapist. Lucky was great coming
- out from behind Lizzie to confront his father. I also loved the
- comment about "who else knows about my life before I do?"(something
- like that) I myself have always wondered that!!:)
- can't wait today for the confrontation between Nik and Luke!!
- smiles:):):)
- gina
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Cagey <cagey@geocities.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: ADMIN spoilers
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 14:35:45 -0500
- Just a reminder, spoiler space must be made up of characters, not periods.
- For some mailers, a single period or full stop on a line indicates that a
- message is over, and so the mailer dumps it. That means your spoiler space
- must be
- L
- I
- K
- E
- T
- H
- I
- S
- Thanks.
- --kg
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Cagey <cagey@geocities.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Admin spoilers again
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 14:37:38 -0500
- Regarding my earlier note, you also can't leave just blanks for spoiler
- space, for the same reason. Thanks.
- --kg
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: PC
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 11:58:40 PST
- On 03/18/98 10:43:24 taiyin wrote:
- >
- >I do agree with this one. Although, I must say, I am finally happy
- >that Julie is no longer being a spineless toady. Of course, "bitchy
- >harpy" is not the direction I would have liked to see her go in, but
- >at this point anything is an improvement.
- well, i guess. but i think what i hate so much
- about this--as well as several other stories right
- now--is that there is NO gray. no middle ground.
- all we get are extremes. julie is a bitchy harpy,
- frank is a self-righteous do-gooder, blah blah blah.
- it's like they're almost all caricatures rather than
- characters these days. not ONE of them (with the
- exception of lucy and kevin--NOT EVEN SCOTTY, much
- to my dismay) has ANYTHING like the complexity of
- a luke, or a carly, or an alexis, or even a jason.
- it's like an entire show full of sarahs and new-robins.
- blech.
- >I do think anything they do now is pretty anti-climactic after Lucy's
- >near-death.
- true. but in an hour-long show, there can be some
- down-time, and some filler-type stuff. in a half-
- hour show...there's just no room, really, for that
- kind of stuff.
- >I do think, though, that the head writer of each show has very, very
- >different strengths and I think those are becoming more and more
- >obvious. I think Guza knows zilch about romance.
- you'll get no argument from me there! that scene
- yesterday wtih kat and bat?!? not the one in bed,
- because i found that one kind of amusing (of course,
- that's only because i was DESPERATELY hoping stefan
- would half-emerge from his dream, when kat touched
- him, and lovingly murmur, "lasha..."!), but the one
- at the end, against the wall? talk about NO chemistry.
- i think even nik and sarah did better than that...
- (does anyone know--did then have chemistry as patch
- and kayla on dool? 'cause i just can't see it! :)
- and don't even get me started on brenda. delusional
- is the only word that even comes CLOSE. y'know how i
- firmly believe sonny's character was irreparably damaged
- by the way he was written out? well i think this latest
- win-jax-over plot is doing the same thing to brenda. ugh.
- so no...gh is hardly PERFECT these days! but like i said,
- with an hour show, i think they have a little more leeway.
- >I think Lynn Latham likes the relationship stuff much more than the
- >plot stuff, which is probably why she seems to be having trouble
- >creating complex villians -- they are no more than a means to an end
- >for her. I *love* the way she writes the character interaction
- i'm with you there. but gh somehow (under MOST writers--
- obviously not culliton!) seems to manage to strike a better
- balance than pc is currently doing, i think. gh, in its
- historically good periods, has done an AMAZING job of
- creating these fantastic, complex, multi-dimensional
- characters, and then getting them involved in exciting,
- edge-of-your-seat, what's-going-to-happen-next plots.
- with pc...<yawn>. i mean, the character interaction is
- great, like you said. but the plots are laughable. did
- anyone think for a second that lucy would die? or that
- rex would get to raise serena? or does anyone think there's
- a chance in hell that bobby will end up killing matt?
- there's no room for surprise when the plots are so
- simplistic (with the exception of matt's announcement,
- as noted earlier). and without surprise, without any
- i-wonder-what's-going-to-happen, without any sense
- that the unexpected COULD ever happen...it's just not
- as interesting to me.
- on the other hand, there's gh. if it weren't for the
- rampant spoilers...i would have NEVER been able to
- predict tony going off the deep end and kidnapping
- michael (and the upcoming one which i'm sure we've
- all heard about--that's even MORE of a shock!), or
- that they would actually do this luke/lucky/rape thing,
- or, going back a way, that they would make much-beloved
- robin hiv+, or kill off little b.j. i'm beginning to
- understand what guza meant when he said gh had to
- be "larger than life", except the word i would use
- instead would be "wildly unpredictable." and yet
- they (USUALLY) manage to do it WITHOUT sacrificing
- the character development and interaction which is
- so crucial to the soap opera genre.
- >I also think she is doing the one thing that PC's headwriter SHOULD
- >have been doing from day one: mixing up the characters so they
- >actually interact.
- i agree that that's been going MUCH better lately.
- i mean, my god...we finally got to SEE ellen's
- apartment, and matt's! there was a time where we
- never saw these people interacting ANYWHERE other
- than the hospital. and it's great to get the non-
- hospital crowd (mike/scotty/kevin/lucy) involved
- with the intern crowd as well.
- >I think both of them could, actually. In very diffeerent ways,
- >though. And I think the sheer impact of the past few days with the
- >Spencer storyline has not only over-shadowed PC (which is in a down
- >phase in many ways at the moment), but it's also masked the weak
- >parts of GH itself (Tess/Mac/Felicia, Brenda/Jax, lack of V, Robin's
- >sanctimoniousness, etc.). I think after a few days of REALLY
- >annoying people, PC might start looking better. ;-)
- true. if i get more of ANYTHING you mentioned,
- and less of the spencer meltdown or carly (who
- i'm REALLY beginning to feel sorry for--can you
- BELIEVE it?!? guza's a god...), i'll be bitching
- about gh soon enough too! and i do think pc has
- managed to do some amazing stuff for a show that's
- still less than a year old (the miscarraige and
- lucy's near-death, primarily. but the early
- karen/joe stuff, and the matt/ellen (before this
- latest go-round) both had promise too) i guess
- now that a very few plots on gh are reminding me
- of what soaps are SUPPOSED to be (speaking of which,
- did anyone see the latest gh promo? it had a brief
- flash of bj's death. TALK ABOUT DRAMA!!!), i'm
- just getting antsy and losing patience with
- anything less than that. ah, the horror of creating
- high expectations...you have to keep living up to them!
- :)
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Luke and Lucky
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 12:08:27 PST
- On 03/18/98 14:27:14 gina wrote:
- >
- >Lucky was great coming
- >out from behind Lizzie to confront his father. I also loved the
- >comment about "who else knows about my life before I do?"(something
- >like that) I myself have always wondered that!!:)
- i almost forgot that i wanted to mention my
- FAVORITE line from yesterday. to loosely (possibly)
- paraphrase lucky: "it kind of makes you wonder...was
- mom kidnapped by the cassadines...or rescued?"
- GO LUCKY!!! now THAT'S a statement to turn luke's
- whole world upside down, if he ever stops to actually
- THINK about it (which, i admit, he isn't terribly likely
- to do, where the cassadines are concerned. he's too
- convinced he is The One Great Truth where they--and
- most things, for that matter--are concerned.) but what
- a great line! j.j. is just doing an AWESOME job.
- although, on a shallow note, i wish they'd do something
- about that lipstick he wears. it's terribly distracting
- sometimes. (or if that's natural--maybe he SHOULD wear
- lipstick, in a less garish shade! :)
- >can't wait today for the confrontation between Nik and Luke!!
- me neither. and i REALLY hope luke doesn't come
- out on top for once. it's about time someone puts
- him in his place. bobbie tried--but she forgave him
- FAR too quickly. i love the character dearly, but
- he needs to be brought down a peg.
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH/PC
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 15:11:48 -0500
- I think Guza knows zilch about romance.
- you'll get no argument from me there! that scene
- yesterday wtih kat and bat?!?
- that's hysterical, as I was thinking that they always say those scenes
- are choreographed down to every head turn! That was the WORST scene I've
- ever done. You could tell they were trying to remember where they were
- s'posed to hit the mark.
- does anyone know--did then have chemistry as patch
- and kayla on dool? 'cause i just can't see it! :)
- believe me, I've watched DOOL for years, and Patch & Kayla were a great
- couple. I never thought that they were as "super" a couple as they are
- written to be, but there was SO much chemistry there. I can't believe
- that is completely gone w/Kat & Bat. I just love Stephen to death. He's
- doing a great job, but I think their "romance" was way to rushed.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Lucky/Luke/Bobbie
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 15:17:59 -0500
- almost forgot that I wanted to mention my
- FAVORITE line from yesterday. to loosely (possibly)
- paraphrase lucky: "it kind of makes you wonder...was
- mom kidnapped by the cassadines...or rescued
- I agree that was the best line....this week! I'm sure more's to come
- since every day since last week is having a classic line delivered by
- Jonathan. He carries it off so well, you just have to believe he means
- every word!
- can't wait today for the confrontation between Nik and Luke!!it's about
- time someone puts
- him in his place. bobbie tried--but she forgave him
- FAR too quickly.
- yeah, how could Bobbie just forgive him so easily! It took 2 years for
- Bobbie to learn the truth and basically forget how incredible it was
- that her daughter is Carly, that she forgot the players involved WAY too
- quickly. I don't think I've forgiven my sister for something she did 10
- years ago & I'm sure that was something assinine. If she ever hid the
- fact that my kid (I'm paraphrasing here!) was dead...forget it!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: tvplist@ix.netcom.com
- Subject: GH/PC: Testosterone, thy name is Luke
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 16:40:41 -0800
- Really can anything else be said? Geary is just SUPERLATIVE!!!!! He is
- playing this so "male". He knows he's wrong, he knows he disappointed
- Lucky, he worries about what he did, but he still has his own perception
- of reality and what's his first reaction....why the typically male one
- of course, attack the Cassidines. The guy just oozes testosterone,
- n'est ce pas? I love it!!!
- karen
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Donald K Gooden" <dkgooden@email.msn.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: 3/17
- Date: 18 Mar 1998 15:12:03 -0500
- Danielle wrote
- 1st I have a question? Was that flashback w/Stefan & Laura ever shown
- >>before? I can't remember that it was, which was leading up to maybe
- >>Genie had filmed some scenes. I'm a dreamer. Anyway!
- That scene was aired before. My sister mentioned it to me, and when I looked
- I realized that I had already seen it.
- Jamila
- >
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH 3/18
- Date: 19 Mar 1998 10:20:42 -0500
- Ok, I think we're getting spoiled! The writing has been so fab between
- Lucky & Luke & the performances...phew! That scene on the dock w/Stefan
- & Luke fighting was great. Especially when Stefan threw the fact that
- Luke only deals in violence even when he raped a young teenage girl! I
- thought Luke was gonna kill him! Bravo!....Also, what's A.J. got going
- up his sleeve w/the comment, Ned only thinks he's in control? Doesn't
- Billy Warlock bring so much back bone to A.J.?
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Lucky
- Date: 19 Mar 1998 12:52:02 -0800
- Well, not much comentary on yesterday's GH.
- Seeing Lucky actually ASK Stefan if he was alright was downright chilling.
- And Luke's scene with Nikolas was incredible, too.
- <sigh>
- I just wish Guza did as spectacular a job with everyone else as he does
- with them.
- Taiyin
- "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated
- 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never
- had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Lucky
- Date: 19 Mar 1998 15:55:19 -0500
- just wish Guza did as spectacular a job with everyone else as he does
- with them.
- I think the ground work is being laid for other storylines to be good.
- Granted, I don't think anything could top this story w/Luke/Lucky & the
- Cassidines. This story was almost 20 years in the making! I'm just
- shocked that everyday so far has had some downright classic lines. The
- complete turn around of character for Lucky, pertaining to Luke has been
- so unbelievable & so real! You go Jonathan!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Christine & Jeff Sagadin <cmjmpa@execpc.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Taggart
- Date: 19 Mar 1998 15:10:19 -0600
- Whoa! Did Taggart take a "nice" pill today?? Or did Tess find that
- look-a-like after all & tie up the real Taggart?!??
- Christine in Milwaukee
- PS: I'm with Jax - who would want to go the police with anything when
- you know that Detective Taggart will be assigned to your case!
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Donald K Gooden" <dkgooden@email.msn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH: Spoilers
- Date: 22 Mar 1998 20:52:04 -0500
- Spoilers for the week of March 23
- Jamila
- S
- P
- O
- I
- L
- E
- R
- S
- P
- A
- C
- E
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- Week of March 23 - 27, 1998
- Audrey lets the cat out of the bag
- Liz listens to what Luke has to say
- Bobbie informs Luke on Lucky's where abouts
- Lucky and Nikolas come to an agreement
- Robin grows weaker by the minute
- Lucas and Bobbie celebrate Tony's birthday who later tries to bring Robin
- her medicine
- Brenda blames Jason for Robin's disappearance
- Tony's actions put Robin's life at risk
- All roads lead to the Quartermaines as being behind the plot to take down
- Jax
- Katherine makes a discovery
- Stefan lets Katherine in on his feelings for Laura
- Lucky makes a deal with the enemy
- Jason confronts Moreno
- Thanks to Jason's discovery, Carly and Bobbie share an emotional moment
- Monday - 3/23
- Brenda blames Jason for Robin's disappearance
- Liz tries to fix things between Luke and Lucky
- Tuesday - 3/24
- Have Mac and Felicia found who is behind Tess' plot?
- Brenda gives Jason a piece of her mind
- Wednesday - 3/25
- Audrey makes a confession to Sarah
- Thursday - 3/26
- Robin collapses
- Jason gets a clue, which may help to lead him right to his son.
- Friday - 3/27
- Lucky and Helena strike a deal
- Robin and Michael are found
- Helena gets an unexpected visitor... Bobbie comes to a decision regarding
- Lucas' future with Tony... Tess' plan is put into motion...
- Coming Soon
- One of the Conspirators for Jax's Murder Plot is revealed.
- The Assassin makes his move at the Docks Renovation Party - and someone is
- shot!
- Mac, Tess & Felicia wrongly believe that they have time before the assassins
- make their move.
- Nikolas is more concerned with Robin than Sarah..
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Donald K Gooden" <dkgooden@email.msn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Spoilers: PC
- Date: 22 Mar 1998 20:56:47 -0500
- Spoilers for the week of March 23
- Jamila
- S
- P
- O
- I
- L
- E
- R
- S
- P
- A
- C
- E
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- Week of March 16 - 20, 1998
- Lucy goes to plan B
- The Interns fudge
- Bobby gets Ellen
- Jake, who's Chole?!?!
- Rex Ain't got a dime
- The news comes down: the antiques Lucy "procured" from Rex are worthless
- fakes. Continuing to dig- she and Scott find Rex was penniless (well, before
- he wiped her out, anyway). Lucy decides to accept Scott's help (and cash
- flow), and to go ahead and divorce Rex- which clears the way for Lucy and
- Kevin to finally get hitched. Well, maybe notàààà
- Victor is further out
- Kevin gets a strange phone call about his father. When he arrives at the
- hospital, he discovers that Victor more despondent than ever. Faced with the
- frightening realization that his father is slipping further away by the
- minute, Kevin takes matters into his own hands, making Victor's recovery top
- priority, putting any kind of wedding plans on indefinite hold.
- Ellen becomes the target
- Matt and Grace escape the warehouse. Bobby, posing as the Fed he wacked,
- goes to Ellen's apartment. Once she lets him in, he decides to leave Matt a
- "warning". Mike later goes to the apartment, finds Ellen near death- he
- rushes her to GH. Grace and Matt share their first kiss. Matt reveals to
- Chris and Grace that Bobby Mancusi is his brother. Matt arranges to meet
- Bobby at an undisclosed location. Knowing Matt's in over his head, Grace
- goes to Scott for help. Just before Scott and Grace can get to the location,
- shots are fired.
- The Grand Experiment
- Joe, Karen, and Jake tell Bennett that their test subject has died, but the
- interns are still treating the ferret with the new drug they've developed.
- Bennett learns the truth, however, and is not a happy camper about it.
- Lark picks up a new identity
- Lark, calling herself "Chloe", puts the moves on a stunned Jake. And he
- respondsààààWhen she gets home, she finds an angry Frank- who grounds her.
- Monday - 3/9
- Matt and Grace Flee the warehouse
- Lucy gets more bad news
- Tuesday - 3/10
- Bobby pays Ellen an Unhealthy visit
- Bennett questions the interns on the experiment
- A new candy striper make life hell for Julie
- Wednesday - 3/11
- Kevin gets bad news about Victor
- Thursday - 3/12
- Lark comes on to Jake
- Grace lets Scott in on what's going on with Matt
- Friday - 3/13
- Matt and Bobby meet
- Are Grace and Scott too late?
- Next Week on Port Charles
- Who's left standing after the gun fight? What is Lark up to?
- Coming Soon
- Lucy and Katherine vie for Robin's attention- and she's stuck in a hospital
- bed!!! (the poor dear)
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: tvplist@ix.netcom.com
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH: Spoilers
- Date: 22 Mar 1998 22:48:42 -0800
- Great spoilers! keep them coming...it gives me a good reason to set the
- vcr!
- thx!
- karen
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: PC
- Date: 22 Mar 1998 23:13:36 -0800
- Is anyone getting tired of the story line on PC? I find myself ff though
- some of it. Hope they start having some good story lines soon. Getting
- tired of Joe and Karen with only one thing on their mind???
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH casting spoiler/rumor from SOD
- Date: 25 Mar 1998 08:52:22 PST
- oh my oh my oh my...if this is true....i don't even want to get my hopes
- up on this one...but anyway, i read it so i figured i'd pass it along.
- scroll down to hear the glad tidings...
- s
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- e
- read this!!!! don't have ANY idea how accurate it is...but if it
- is...oh happy day!!! :)
- julie
- Major cast returns to General Hospital are in the works:
- MAURICE BENARD will reprise his role as Sonny in what is described as a
- "limited run." He'll return in May. Soap Opera Digest (3-31-98) warns
- the S&Believers not to get their hopes up that Sonny and Brenda will
- reunite.
- Also expected, but not set in ink, is the reappearance of GENIE
- FRANCIS (Laura) in the near future. Francis is still under contract to
- the soap, but has been on a leave of absence since the birth of her
- second child last year. Laura's return would add major dimensions to the
- current storyline regarding her 1979 rape by Luke. GH fans impatiently
- await her arrival.
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: GH casting spoiler/rumor from SOD
- Date: 25 Mar 1998 09:09:23 -0800
- At 08:52 AM 3/25/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote:
- >s
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- >h
- >e
- >r
- >e
- >
- >read this!!!! don't have ANY idea how accurate it is...but if it
- >is...oh happy day!!! :)
- Oh my, oh my, oh my... Where on *earth* did you find these, Julie?
- You know, (and don't hurt yourself when you faint dead away, Julie) I'm not
- sure I want Sonny to come back at this point. NOT that I am enjoying Jax
- and Brenda, but at least with them I can fast-forward without worrying
- about missing anything that I'd like. If they bring Maurice back then I'd
- HAVE to watch them because I can't not watch Maurice.
- OTOH, it would be nice if they did a little damage control to Sonny's
- rep... which I'm not sure I believe is possible. (Though, I guess he could
- come back to save Brenda's life. ie. The bad guys decide that they need
- to kill Brenda to send Sonny a message and he shows up in time to stop
- them, yadda, yadda, yadda.)
- >MAURICE BENARD will reprise his role as Sonny in what is described as a
- >"limited run." He'll return in May. Soap Opera Digest (3-31-98) warns
- >the S&Believers not to get their hopes up that Sonny and Brenda will
- >reunite.
- And this "limited run" stuff isn't much better -- though at least maybe
- they can put an end to the Sonny-bashing.
- >Also expected, but not set in ink, is the reappearance of GENIE
- >FRANCIS (Laura) in the near future.
- Woo hoo!
- <happy dance>
- Yay!!!
- Taiyin
- "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated
- 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never
- had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: playing catch-up...
- Date: 25 Mar 1998 09:43:38 PST
- ok, it's been RIDICULOUSLY quiet around here, but i too have an
- excuse...i just last night caught up on thursday, friday, monday, and
- tuesday's episodes of pc and gh. (and all i can say is, i'm glad i
- watched them all at once, because there were too many annoying
- cliffhangers that i didn't have to suffer through! :)
- so, some thoughts/comments/impressions:
- first of all...was there a major backtracking between the end of
- friday's ep of p.c. and the beginning of monday's? friday we had that
- great ambiguous gunshot (which we all knew wouldn't hit matt)--mon. we
- started with some scenes from BEFORE that which we had never seen
- before? or am i losing my mind. all i could think of was kathy bates
- in "misery," when she's describing the cliffhangers she hated as a kid,
- where they would go back and have the hero jump out of the falling car
- at the last second, when the previous episode had very clearly shown him
- in free-fall. she said it was cheating, and i'd tend to agree.
- second, and i can't believe this one...but i THINK i'm kind of LIKING
- lark and jake?!? i know, i know...she's a kid...it's sick...but i'm
- just so GRATEFUL that we have her doing something other than her pouting
- put-upon child routine, that i just don't even CARE! sad, huh? i do
- feel bad for jake though, because when he finds out the truth...well,
- let's just say he's having a very bad year.
- bobby's dead. thank god. 'nuff said. can we move on now?
- and speaking of death--i feel horrible about this, but i really found
- myself hoping they'd kill off grace. i'm sorry, but she's too good for
- words. she's a martyr if i ever met one. a lot like beth in "little
- women." besides, she's in the way of matt and ellen! :)
- and chris...he deserves some SERIOUS payback over this one. i'm glad
- he's finally feeling a tad guilty--but that's not good enough for me!
- as for gh...
- wow. i read the spoilers, but i didn't really believe it. tony kidnaps
- ROBIN?!? are we SURE they're not writing tony's character off the show?
- i know he said in his tv guide interview that he's been assured he's not
- being fired--but i'm not sure they can EVER redeem all of this. besides
- that though, i'm finding the whole story kind of unrealistic. first of
- all, robin put up NO fight whatsoever. i realize she's a bit of a
- midget, but she could have at LEAST tried to kick him or hit him or knee
- him or SOMETHING. *i* would've... but beyond that--are we to believe
- that every citizen of port charles carries a cell phone (so much so that
- someone--i forget who--actually used it IN HIS/HER OWN HOUSE during one
- of the past 4 eps), but robin doesn't have one when she needs it? i'm
- disappointed all around--i really thought the daughter of robert and
- anna would've been a little more resourceful. she hasn't even TRIED to
- find a way out.
- the lucky/helena and luke/lizzie scenes...LOVED them! this story just
- gets better and better.
- bobbie/carly scenes...loving that too! oh my...when bobbie realizes
- that carly was right all along, and it WAS tony who took michael...
- jax and brenda...sigh. at least this robin kidnapping is shaking up
- their story a tad (and bringing v back, too!) that's about the best i
- can say for those two. this wooing business is really making me ill.
- question--when aj was tearing into ned for going away on business while
- michael's still missing, WHY didn't monica or edward speak up and
- mention that they practically had to FORCE him to go? or did i IMAGINE
- that scene... (not that i'm usually on ned's side, but aj's been as
- nasty to him lately as ned always was to aj, and i don't like it any
- better when aj's doing it than i did when ned was.)
- and i LOVED jason's bodyguards! considering what his men USUALLY look
- like, i find it kind of funny that he would choose the most disreputable
- looking men he could find to guard emily and lila. and i loved em's
- reaction to them!
- hmmm...anything else? can't think of more right now, but i'm sure i
- will as soon as i hit "send." but that's probably MORE than enough for
- now. come on guys...SOMEBODY must have SOMETHING to say! :)
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: GH casting spoiler/rumor from SOD
- Date: 25 Mar 1998 09:58:14 PST
- taiyin wrote:
- >At 08:52 AM 3/25/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote:
- >>s
- >>p
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- >>h
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- >>e
- >>
- >Oh my, oh my, oh my... Where on *earth* did you find these, Julie?
- soap opera digest web page (www.soapdigest.com), in their "comings and
- goings" section. is sod one of the ones that's wrong more than right,
- or right more than wrong?
- >You know, (and don't hurt yourself when you faint dead away, Julie)
- >I'm not sure I want Sonny to come back at this point. NOT that I am
- >enjoying Jax and Brenda, but at least with them I can fast-forward
- >without worrying about missing anything that I'd like. If they bring
- >Maurice back then I'd HAVE to watch them because I can't not watch
- >Maurice.
- LOL! i see your point...but i'll take him any way i can get him at this
- point. j&b are just SOOOOOO painful these days, that i'd GLADLY return
- to the most dreadful triangle days rather than suffer through this. at
- least his return would shake things up a little. after all, this robin
- thing is doing that now, but it can't last forever!
- >OTOH, it would be nice if they did a little damage control to Sonny's
- >rep... which I'm not sure I believe is possible.
- that's all i want. i'm not sure it's possible either, but i'd at least
- like to see them try. you can't tell me that, for example, robin would
- be missing, presumably (for all jason knows) at the hands of one of
- these mob guys, and sonny WOULDN'T come back. or at least talk to
- jason, if he couldn't come back publicly. not that i think this is why
- he would come back in may (PLEASE tell me this kidnapping won't last
- until MAY?!?), but i'd really, more than anything else, like him to
- clear the air with brenda, because i don't think she can move on at ALL
- until he does. and because i'm STILL pissed at the damage done to his
- character with that departure.
- >And this "limited run" stuff isn't much better -- though at least
- >maybe they can put an end to the Sonny-bashing.
- well yeah, that doesn't thrill me either. HOWEVER (and let me put on my
- pollyanna face here), he was originally HIRED (way back when) for a
- limited run, but got so popular that he stuck around. so.....well, who
- knows. all i can say is that first, i havent' seen him doing much else
- since he left, and second, i don't really care HOW limited it is, i just
- want him BACK!!! :) besides, in addition to the whole brenda thing,
- LUKE could really use him about now. as could jason. and robin. and
- mike. and me!
- >>Also expected, but not set in ink, is the reappearance of GENIE
- >>FRANCIS (Laura) in the near future.
- >
- >Woo hoo!
- >
- ><happy dance>
- well...if either of the above is true, gh will go from great to
- unbelievably stupendous, very VERY soon.
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Gina Clayton" <GCLAYTON@LES.LES.SC.EDU>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: playing catch-up...
- Date: 25 Mar 1998 13:11:26 EST5EDT
- > as for gh...
- >
- > i'm finding the whole story kind of unrealistic. first of
- > all, robin put up NO fight whatsoever. i realize she's a bit of a
- > midget, but she could have at LEAST tried to kick him or hit him or knee
- > him or SOMETHING. *i* would've... but beyond that--are we to believe
- > that every citizen of port charles carries a cell phone (so much so that
- > someone--i forget who--actually used it IN HIS/HER OWN HOUSE during one
- > of the past 4 eps), but robin doesn't have one when she needs it? i'm
- > disappointed all around--i really thought the daughter of robert and
- > anna would've been a little more resourceful. she hasn't even TRIED to
- > find a way out.
- I was wondering about the cell phone myself...I could have sworn that
- she carries one. The only reason I can think of for her not fighting
- is to stay for Micheal's sake. Maybe she was afraid that Tony would
- disappear with the baby if she got away and Jason would never find
- them. BTW....I think it is really creepy the way Tony keeps asking
- about Micheal to Alan and Carly, not to mention the fact that he was
- there when Jax and Brenda came to tell Mac that robin is missing.
- His facial expressions are priceless....as much as I hate what Tony
- is doing, BM is doing a wonderful job
- > the lucky/helena and luke/lizzie scenes...LOVED them! this story just
- > gets better and better.
- ITA...especially the Lizzie/Luke scenes. I loved it when Liz
- thought she should look like Laura because they had both been raped.
- Now I just wish that Laura would come back!!:):)
- > jax and brenda...sigh. at least this robin kidnapping is shaking up
- > their story a tad (and bringing v back, too!) that's about the best i
- > can say for those two. this wooing business is really making me ill.
- ITA....there is so much other useful things that they could do than
- bat their eyelashes at each other.
- > and i LOVED jason's bodyguards! considering what his men USUALLY look
- > like, i find it kind of funny that he would choose the most disreputable
- > looking men he could find to guard emily and lila. and i loved em's
- > reaction to them!
- Edward's reaction was priceless too!! I wish they would give Emily a
- love interest now. hmmm....maybe she can meet a bad boy and fall for
- him much to Jason and the Q's distress , or is that too much like Stone/Robin????
- > come on guys...SOMEBODY must have SOMETHING to say! :)
- >
- > julie
- That is all I can think of right now!!
- gina
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Re: GH casting spoiler/rumor from SOD
- Date: 25 Mar 1998 10:20:38 -0800
- At 09:58 AM 3/25/98 PST, Julie Saker wrote:
- >>>s
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- >
- >soap opera digest web page (www.soapdigest.com), in their "comings and
- >goings" section. is sod one of the ones that's wrong more than right,
- >or right more than wrong?
- In general SOD is the best of all of them. They have flubbed a few in the
- past couple of months, though. But I suspect that had more to do with
- ABC/Wendy Riche changing their minds after they sent the mags the spoiler
- info than the mags themselves actually screwing up.
- >LOL! i see your point...but i'll take him any way i can get him at this
- >point. j&b are just SOOOOOO painful these days, that i'd GLADLY return
- >to the most dreadful triangle days rather than suffer through this.
- Ye giads! Not me! I'd rather be abel to indiscriminantly use my
- fast-forward button! Ugh.
- >he would come back in may (PLEASE tell me this kidnapping won't last
- >until MAY?!?),
- It can't because Robin gets sick. Non-HIV related pneumonia and she goes
- into the hospital (IMO they are taking the chicken way out by having it be
- totally non-HIV related, but I digress...). She and Kat cross over to PC
- and they have an ep with Lucy.
- >but i'd really, more than anything else, like him to
- >clear the air with brenda, because i don't think she can move on at ALL
- >until he does.
- Not unless eh physically moves on... all the way out of town.
- >and because i'm STILL pissed at the damage done to his
- >character with that departure.
- I'm not even going to GO there.
- >well yeah, that doesn't thrill me either. HOWEVER (and let me put on my
- >pollyanna face here), he was originally HIRED (way back when) for a
- >limited run, but got so popular that he stuck around. so.....well, who
- >knows.
- LOL!! Keep tryin, babe! He was originally hired as a limited run because
- of the storyline, and it was only because of Maurice's willingness to stay
- AND the show's willingness to keep him that he stuck around for four years.
- Situation's a bit different this time. Unfortunatley.
- >all i can say is that first, i havent' seen him doing much else
- >since he left, and second, i don't really care HOW limited it is, i just
- >want him BACK!!! :) besides, in addition to the whole brenda thing,
- >LUKE could really use him about now. as could jason. and robin. and
- >mike. and me!
- Well, I can't argue THAT! <g>
- >well...if either of the above is true, gh will go from great to
- >unbelievably stupendous, very VERY soon.
- It could!
- Just gotta keep our fingers crossed.
- Taiyin
- "How about a little evening's entertainment of X-rated
- 'Tag, You're It' and we can play all the games I never
- had the chance to play when I was a kid?" -- Kevin to Lucy
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: web page for gh spoilers
- Date: 26 Mar 1998 10:02:53 PST
- hi all! i found a whole bunch of gh spoilers, but since the person
- whose web page it is had a WHOLE bunch of requests interspersed for
- people NOT to copy the information and distribute it elsewhere, i
- figured i'd just give you all the address so you can check them out
- yourself if you want. it's:
- www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/3371/ghspoilers.html
- however, there WAS one thing in there that i can't resist repeating,
- so...
- s
- p
- o
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- s
- p
- a
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- e
- b
- e
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- o
- w
- according to this page, sonny's return will be for three weeks, and
- he'll ask brenda to leave with him...which i REALLY don't think i want
- to watch. but the three weeks part wasn't so bad! (after the
- RIDICULOUSLY short lois and julia returns we got when he left the first
- time...)
- so check it out if you want...
- julie
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- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "lela" <lsalaiz@intellisys.net>
- Subject: GH/PC: Today's GH
- Date: 26 Mar 1998 22:01:05 -0600
- This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0004_01BD5902.AC7690A0
- Content-Type: text/plain;
- charset="iso-8859-1"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- It's about time somebody lets Lucky have it. Granted he found out =
- something terrible about his dad, but he needs to get off his pity pot. =
- I loved it when Bobbie let him have it, that's the Bobbie i remembered. =
- And the look on Lucky's face when Luke told him there wasn't a place he =
- could hide where he wouldn't be able to find him was awesome. Lucky =
- forgets who he is talking to. I just wonder what Luke is going to do =
- with that gun?
- I loved the scene with Jason and Stephan. Stephan is going to find out =
- who Jason really is.
- Lydia
- ------=_NextPart_000_0004_01BD5902.AC7690A0
- Content-Type: text/html;
- charset="iso-8859-1"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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- <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
- <DIV><FONT size=3D2>It's about time somebody lets Lucky have it. =
- Granted he=20
- found out something terrible about his dad, but he needs to get off his =
- pity=20
- pot. I loved it when Bobbie let him have it, that's the Bobbie i=20
- remembered. And the look on Lucky's face when Luke told him there =
- wasn't a=20
- place he could hide where he wouldn't be able to find him was =
- awesome. =20
- Lucky forgets who he is talking to. I just wonder what Luke is =
- going to do=20
- with that gun?</FONT></DIV>
- <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
- <DIV><FONT size=3D2>I loved the scene with Jason and Stephan. =
- Stephan is=20
- going to find out who Jason really is.</FONT></DIV>
- <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
- <DIV><FONT size=3D2>Lydia</FONT></DIV>
- <DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT> </DIV></BODY></HTML>
- ------=_NextPart_000_0004_01BD5902.AC7690A0--
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Robin
- Date: 29 Mar 1998 22:15:14 -0800
- Like Julie said: The child of Robert and Anna isn't any more competant
- than THAT? They're spinning in their graves. And Frisco and Sean seem to
- have failed miserably as godfathers. And even Duke managed to botch this.
- As though it weren't bad enough when they made Robin want to do something
- with her life as "normal" as be a doctor, but now for her to be SO naive
- and SO... WHAT?
- It's as bad as her being a sanctimoious harpy.
- Sheesh.
- Guza rocks with Spencers and Cassadines, but he needs a crash course in
- writing for everyone else.
- Taiyin
- Cranky and annoyed, and catching up on a week's worth of soaps...
- "What did I do before I had you?"
- --"You were lost and confused."
- -- Lucy and Kevin
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Today's GH
- Date: 30 Mar 1998 00:32:09 -0800
- <excerpt>At 10:01 PM 3/26/98 -0600, lela wrote:
- >It's about time somebody lets Lucky have it. Granted he found out
- something terrible about his dad, but he needs to get off his pity pot.
- I loved it when Bobbie let him have it, that's the Bobbie i remembered.
- </excerpt>
- Actually, I thought Bobbie sounded like a HUGE hypocrite. I this she is
- imposing a monumental double standard. It's perfectly ok for her to be
- pissed at Luke for with-holding info about her daughter, but then she
- actually has the nerve to take Luke's side when he does the same thing
- she was ticked about to someone else. No way, Jose.
- Luke and Stefan both need to be THRASHED, up one side and down the other
- for summarily deciding what Laura should and should not be told. And I
- wish (pipe dream, I know) that she would come back and tear them both to
- SHREDS for dolling out info that she has ever right to have. It's a
- dispicable habit and both of them have it. And it's, IMO, the same thing
- that Luke did to Lucky.
- No, I wouldn't have expected him to tell Lucky when he was a kid, but
- when something is public record like that, and you are living in the same
- town where it happened, Luke had no right to let someone else tell Lucky
- that first. He had an obligation to be the one to tell him.
- Yeah, Lucky would have been hurt and angry and disillusioned, but he's
- right, the way this played out makes Luke look like an amazing hypocrite.
- He basically breeds Lucky from birth to hate the Cassadines. And then
- he either specifically or implicitly says that Nikolas was a child of
- rape, and folds that into the deck of hatred he and Lucky have stored up
- for the Cassadine men.
- So far the only thing I can blame Lucky for is the fact that he went to
- Bobbie's at all in the first place. That was just dumb.
- <excerpt>>I loved the scene with Jason and Stephan. Stephan is going to
- find out who Jason really is.
- </excerpt>I agree with that one. Stefan needs to be knocked on his butt
- every once in a while. And I'd rather see someone other than Luke get a
- crack at it now and then.
- Taiyin
- "What did I do before I had you?"
- --"You were lost and confused."
- -- Lucy and Kevin
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Taiyin <sigmund@xmission.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Friday
- Date: 30 Mar 1998 01:01:32 -0800
- That hooker looks REALLY familiar and I have no idea why.
- But the scenes with her and Luke were great.
- The entire time Jason was at the cabin I kept yelling, "Cell phone!" and
- "9-1-1!" at the TV.
- And where on EARTH was Rinaldo?
- Taiyin
- "What did I do before I had you?"
- --"You were lost and confused."
- -- Lucy and Kevin
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Fred & Rickie Yopp" <yopp@rightathome.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH
- Date: 30 Mar 1998 07:34:30 -0800
- Did I miss something on Fridays show? How did Jason end up at Tony's
- cabin? I wonder what will happen now??
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: Robin
- Date: 30 Mar 1998 07:44:03 PST
- taiyin wrote:
- >Like Julie said: The child of Robert and Anna isn't any more
- >competant than THAT? They're spinning in their graves.
- absolutely. i'm sorry--i used to really like robin--but her efforts to
- do ANYTHING other than whine and look pathetic were COMPLETELY
- ridiculous. i understand she's sick, and weak, and tiny, and all
- that...but she was just so ineffectual! this is supposed to be robin,
- expert sharpshooter? this person who can't even break out of an
- ordinary room that was never intended or designed to be used as a
- prison? puh-LEEZE. that's okay, robin...just sit there and wait for
- jason to show up on his white horse. gag.
- >As though it weren't bad enough when they made Robin want to do
- >something with her life as "normal" as be a doctor, but now for her
- >to be SO naive and SO... WHAT?
- pitiful? weak? helpless? passive? incapable? i could go on and
- on...
- >It's as bad as her being a sanctimoious harpy.
- oh and THAT too...the second jason DOES show up on his white horse, she
- IMMEDIATELY reverts back to "robin knows best" mode?!? come on robin,
- the guy just saved your life, and now you're going to go right back to
- treating him like a CHILD??? don't get me wrong, i don't think killing
- tony would have been the smartest move for jason to make either...but
- her tone just really gets to me these days. it's like "the great oz has
- spoken," or something.
- >Guza rocks with Spencers and Cassadines, but he needs a crash course
- >in writing for everyone else.
- true. i DID love it when carly was so overcome with relief that she
- called bobbie "mama," but i guess she technically counts as a spencer...
- :)
- (combining posts, since the topic was similar...)
- >The entire time Jason was at the cabin I kept yelling, "Cell phone!"
- >and "9-1-1!" at the TV.
- and "why on earth are you just SITTING there?!? LEAVE!!!"
- >And where on EARTH was Rinaldo?
- that's the one that REALLY irked me. we all KNOW jason never goes
- anywhere without guards--and they all of a sudden showed up in that
- scene where they were tying tony up--so explain to me how tony would
- have ever even gotten into the cabin, let alone have a chance to pull a
- GUN on jason. pathetic. at least it's over...and i LOVED in the
- preview that it's the interns who are there when robin gets rushed into
- the hospital. it's about TIME we acknowledge that this is all in ONE
- hospital! YEAH CROSSOVERS!!! :)
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
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- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Cagey <cagey@geocities.com>
- Subject: Re: GH/PC: Fridays show (was "GH")
- Date: 30 Mar 1998 10:55:24 -0500
- Fred and/or Rickie wrote:
- >Did I miss something on Fridays show? How did Jason end up at Tony's
- >cabin?
- Jason discovered that Robin and Nik were together the afternoon that Robin
- disappeared. He went to Spook Central to question Nik (leading to another
- nice confrontation between Jason--I love those suits!--and Stefan), found
- out that Tony had dropped a receipt and Robin picked it up, and that Robin
- then told Nik she had to go, and there was something she might be able to
- do for Michael. I don't actually remember that last comment happening, so
- maybe I misheard Nik's retelling of events. At any rate, Jason, proving
- that he can think, took no time at all to put two and two together, and
- went to the cabin.
- --kg
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: bobbie/lucky/luke
- Date: 30 Mar 1998 07:58:00 PST
- taiyin wrote:
- >Actually, I thought Bobbie sounded like a HUGE hypocrite. I this she
- >is imposing a monumental double standard.
- ditto. was i the only one SCREAMING at the tv as they came in all
- buddy-buddy carrying groceries? what happened to her justifiable rage?
- what happened to never forgetting? never getting over it? pretty weak,
- if you ask me...
- >And I
- >wish (pipe dream, I know) that she would come back and tear them both
- >to SHREDS for dolling out info that she has ever right to have.
- pipe dream indeed...but it WOULD be nice!
- >So far the only thing I can blame Lucky for is the fact that he went
- >to Bobbie's at all in the first place. That was just dumb.
- well, i kind of agree with lizzie and bobbie and luke and whoever else
- has pointed out that this crime didn't happen to HIM, it happened to
- laura, and if she's made peace with it who is HE to throw himself in the
- middle of something that fundamentally had nothing to do with him.
- however, being as he DID idolize his father, and this DID all come right
- on the heels of lizzie's rape, i can understand his reaction. but i DO
- think he's being a little bit of a brat. childish tricks like the
- silent treatment, and running away, and that thing with the song aren't
- exactly the best way to go, imho.
- but that could possibly be because i've NEVER really liked lucky all
- that much, until the current story with lizzie! :)
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Re: GH
- Date: 30 Mar 1998 08:07:16 PST
- "Fred & Rickie Yopp" wrote:
- >Did I miss something on Fridays show? How did Jason end up at Tony's
- >cabin? I wonder what will happen now??
- i'm not exactly sure what question you're asking--how he ended up at the
- cabin, how he knew to go there, or what happened on friday--so here's
- what i know...
- on thurs. he finally talked to brenda, who remembered robin saying
- something that led jason to conclude that robin might have seen nik the
- day she disappeared. he went to spoon island and, despite stefan's best
- attempts, spoke to nik, and learned that they had seen tony that day,
- and that robin had subsequently realized she knew something she could do
- to help jason find michael. jason concluded from this that robin knew
- tony had michael, and went to the cabin to find them. (he knew about
- that because they had been there before with the police). he got there,
- found robin and michael, and before they could leave was confronted by
- tony who pulled a rifle on him. jason managed to distract him long
- enough to get the gun away, and was about to pulverize him when st.
- robin interceded on tony's behalf. he then had his guys tie tony up and
- stay with him until the cops came, while he rushed robin to the
- hospital, after making clear to tony that if she died, he wouldn't live
- much longer.
- hope that helps!
- julie
- ______________________________________________________
- Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Julie Saker" <jesaker@hotmail.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: SID article...VM interview, sonny...spoilers i guess
- Date: 30 Mar 1998 11:11:29 PST
- some kind soul typed this onto pc online, so i figured i'd cut and paste
- it here. it's articles from soaps in depth's march 31 issue, with info.
- about sonny and an interview with vanessa marcil. i guess technically
- it might contain spoilers--or anti-spoilers, if there is such a
- thing--so i'll leave space just in case.
- julie
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- !!!
- ok, here goes. i REALLY can't take much more of this:
- The following is from Soaps In Depth's March 31, 1998 issue, an article
- on Sonny's possible return and Vanessa's interview in which she
- discusses whether she will stay or leave the show.
- Is Sonny Returning??
- Soaps In Depth has learned that, at press time, contrary to the
- popular rumor making the rounds, no deal has been struck for Maurice
- Benard to return to the show for a short time. Despite the fact that an
- ABC spokesperson had no comment, viewers shouldnÆt be surprised if
- Benard does wind up reprising his role as the brooding crime boss
- sometime during May sweeps. ôI would come back in a second.ö ôEven if I
- was doing other stuff, I would still want to do GH.ö The actorÆs GH
- co-stars are game, ôNothing is finer than working with Maurice Benard,ö
- says leading lady Vanessa Marcil. ôI definitely would go upstairs and
- talk to the producers and make sure that we would be working together in
- some way if he came back.ö Even BenardÆs on screen rival Ingo Rademacher
- hopes that Sonny returns. ôThat would be good
- for the storyline.ö the actor notes.
- VanessaÆs Interview: At A Crossroads, movie offers are pouring in but
- that doesnÆt mean that Vanessa Marcil soon will be walking out.
- Vanessa Marcil didnÆt always live like a superstar. In fact, it
- wasnÆt too long ago that the actress was a free-wheeling bachelorette,
- sleeping on a matters in a room with three other girls, all of them just
- trying to get by. It wasnÆt a pretty existence, but, she recalls, it
- certainly was simple. ôMy friends and I would go buy a bag of potatoes
- and just figure out ways to make them.ö she says. We were just kids,
- hanging out, living dirty and cheap. I used to laugh,ö she continues,
- ôbecause yeah, I was on TV, and the girl at the grocery store wanted my
- autograph, but I couldnÆt pay my phone bill. Bet she didnÆt know that!
- Cut to 1998: Six years after joining GH and striking gold as Port
- Charles ingenue Brenda Barrett, Marcil finally has a bed with a frame,
- and she can hire someone to mash her potatoes, never mind keep Ma Bell
- off her back. But the actressÆ awesome popularity hasnÆt swelled her
- head to the point where she has lost sight of her meager beginnings.
- ôWhat people donÆt know is that for the first few years on a show like
- this, you donÆt make that much money,ö she says. People think that
- youÆre rich but youÆre not.
- ôBut, ô she adds quickly, ôIÆm glad that I started like that
- because it kept me really humble and grateful for everything. ôI got a
- new car for the first time last year. ItÆs a BMW convertible, and itÆs a
- dream come true. I walk backwards and look at it because I canÆt believe
- that itÆs really my car, and I bought it and itÆs new.ö
- A Legend In Her Own Time
- ItÆs not like Marcil hasnÆt earned the trappings of fame. In her GH
- tenure she has worked hard to make a name for herself as one of
- soapdomÆs most gifted actresses, and to transform Brenda from a spoiled
- little rich brat into one of the genreÆs most multidimensional young
- heroines. And in the on-screen romance department her success is
- unparalleled. She clicked - and clicked big - with three leading men:
- Antonio Sabato Jr., Maurice Benard and Ingo Rademacher. Head writer Bob
- Guza explains her appeal as a leading lady thusly: ôShe has an extremely
- unique capacity to project simultaneously strength and
- vulnerability,ö he says. ôSo even when you see her collapsing, you see a
- strong woman collapsing. When sheÆs giving herself, you see a strong
- independent woman giving herself. ThatÆs very hard to find, and she does
- it. I think thatÆs the key to making those romances work. ItÆs Marcils
- winning combination of spirit and fragility that led Guza to hand her
- the most demanding storyline to date: BrendaÆs recent mental
- breakdown following her wedding-day abandonment by Sonny. Prior to
- filming the first scene Marcil told SID in November she was concerned
- she wouldnÆt be able to accomplish the daunting task at hand. ôIÆm
- always afraid I canÆt do stuff before I do it.ö Now in her first
- full-length interview since Brenda took hold of a tripod and threw Port
- Charles into a tailspin the actress, who recently won her second Daytime
- Emmy Award nomination admits that her insecurity has given way to
- newfound confidence in her abilities. ôIt was definitely the most
- challenging storyline that I have ever done.ö ôAnd it was the most
- satisfying, too. I really got to every place that I wanted to
- (emotionally) - places that I was afraid that I might not be able to get
- to. ôIÆm glad it didnÆt go on too long though, because it kind of took
- itÆs toll on me, ô she continues. ôPeople might have a good cry one day
- out of every six months and you feel so exhausted afterwards. ItÆs like
- somebody has beaten you up. So doing that every day is really draining.
- ôIt was a very irritable time for me,ö she admits. ôI havenÆt quite
- mastered how to give 100 percent one second and then five minutes later
- go back to normal life mode.ö
- ThereÆs nothing to fear....
- Although MarcilÆs GH work sometimes puts her through the wringer,
- she wouldnÆt have it any other way. In fact sheÆs so devoted to the soap
- that when she is called upon to turn on the water works, the worst case
- scenario she conjures up invariably involves the show. ôIf I have an
- emotional scene, IÆll sit there and imagine that itÆs my last day on GH,
- and IÆll be a wreck,ö she reveals. ôThatÆs how I make myself cry.
- ThatÆs how much this show has meant to me. To MarcilÆs horror, such an
- exit scenario almost played itself out last August when she nearly
- followed Benard and Sonny out of Port Charles for good. But at the last
- minute, the actress opted to resign (reportedly for a year) despite the
- fact that Hollywood was beckoning. After she played Nicolas CageÆs
- girlfriend in 1996Æs box-office smash The Rock her career was like a
- train gaining momentum, and her agents were anxious for her to jump
- aboard. ôFor the last year and a half, IÆve been sabotaging my career
- outside of GH,ö she concedes. ôAfter The Rock, there were a lot of
- things I got offered I turned down.ö Even Benard was sure his on-screen
- amour was going to shove off. ôIt surprised me that she stay, ô he said
- in August. ôWith everything that sheÆs got going for her, she should
- go.ö So what convinced HollywoodÆs Next Big Thing to keep her day job?
- ôI just wanted to be challenged in my acting, and as long as theyÆre
- doing that here, I donÆt really care about becoming a big star. That
- might be hard to believe for some people.ö Like for instance her agents.
- They nearly dropped her as a client after she re-upped with GH, she
- says. ôThey think that I could be this big movie star if I wanted to. I
- would literally cancel huge auditions for huge movies because I had 20
- important scenes the next day on GH. My agentÆs like, ôThis is a movie!ö
- And I would just go, ôYeah but you know what ? IÆm on four scenes in
- that movie, and I could do them in my sleep. TheyÆre not even a
- challenge. The stuff on GH that IÆm doing tomorrow is so great! And my
- agentÆs like, ôYouÆre so weird.ö But I donÆt care if they think IÆm
- crazy for loving this show.ö
- Love On The Set
- MarcilÆs fondness for one particular co-star may be partly to blame
- for her anxiety about possibly separating from GH. Her one-year plus
- relationship with now fiancΘÆ Tyler Christopher certainly makes
- her commute to work more enjoyable and soon, the two will begin spending
- more time on screen together as well. ôWe will be working together
- more.ö Marcil reveals. To date, Brenda and Nikolas have
- only had one scene together - last December, when she visited the
- wounded lad in the hospital. They might have more scenes together and
- even a storyline, had she not clicked with Rademacher, Marcil
- suggests. ôI believe that if Brenda and Jax hadnÆt been such a smash hit
- that the writers definitely would have liked to have had Brenda and
- Nikolas become romantically involved. As it is, the actors real life
- relationship is chronicled much as a soap plot. Each week, a new rumor
- is born, and courtesy of the Internet, spreads faster than a California
- brush fire. For instance when the couple postponed their winter wedding
- until spring, speculation intensified that their romance was on the
- rocks. The latest idle chatter had it that Marcil and Christopher were
- feuding with Rademacher and one time girlfriend Rebecca Herbst. ôI heard
- that I broke up with Tyler, and he and Ingo got into a fist fight in the
- parking lot, and Wendy Riche set up BeckyÆs and my schedules so that
- weÆre not working at the same time,ö sayÆs Marcil. ôItÆs hysterical. Our
- lives are so boring that I guess itÆs disappointing to people.ö ôFor the
- record,ö she adds, ôIngo and I have never for one second been
- romantically involved with each other. I mean, not for one second, in
- real life, outside of GH. WeÆre great friends, but itÆs not like we even
- hung out before I got together with Tyler.ö Also for the record, Marcil
- and Christopher still are happily
- engaged, and recently purchased a house together in Hollywood Hills. As
- for their wedding it will happen when it happens. ôThe reality is that
- we truly want a great honeymoon, says the bride-to-be. ôItÆs hard
- with our acting schedules to both get two weeks off at the same time.ö
- None of Your Beeswax
- The fact that everything about Marcil is noticed and even debated
- in public is not lost on her - although she wishes it was. ôItÆs
- actually my biggest problem in acting, ô she sighs. ôItÆs a very odd
- thing to have that many people look at you and judge you, and I donÆt
- like it. I donÆt know how anyone can handle that. It makes me want to
- hide.ö The scrutiny likely will get worse. if Marcil becomes the big
- deal everyone predicts she will, she and Tyler could wind up being the
- next Demi and Bruce. That reality may prompt Marcil to keep her star
- from rising any higher. ôI donÆt know if I want to not be able to take
- my kids to Disneyland,ö she offers, ôI donÆt know if I want my kids to
- have to see me on the cover of all those trash magazines saying these
- horrible things. If I want to gain 20 pounds, I donÆt want to be called
- a fat cow in Star magazine. ôMy dreams are that I want to have a family;
- I want to have what I never had as a little girl. Being a movie star...I
- donÆt know if I want that.
- Decision Time
- When her GH contract expires this summer Marcil will once again
- have to answer that very question : Does she want to make movies, or
- does she want to stick with what she considers to be the best job in
- the world? ôIÆm kind of in the same position that I was in last year.ö
- she says. ôI have a development deal with ABC like I had last year,
- which means they pay me a certain amount to go out on their pilots. So
- if I do a pilot this year that gets picked up I have to do it. Even if I
- wanted to stay here I couldnÆt. ôIf it happens, it will probably be the
- most devastating thing IÆve ever gone through. But I also know you canÆt
- stagnate yourself.ö If Marcil does indeed depart this summer she will
- have a tough time finding a part thatÆs as rewarding as Brenda, and she
- is acutely aware of it. ôMy worst fear is that IÆll leave to do a
- primetime show because thatÆs the thing to do - thatÆs the so-called
- more respectable place to go - and IÆll make more money and all that,ö
- she says ôand I wonÆt be as happy as I am here. In that case I would
- come back. For me itÆs all about being happy with the work I did that
- day when I get into bed that night. ôItÆs really not going to matter
- whether or not I get a lot of money,ö she concludes. ôIn the end, all I
- really need is a place to live, people I love, and a bag of potatoes.ö
- Other Side Articles that accompany the Interview
- The Men In BrendaÆs Life
- Having had the good fortune to work with two of daytimeÆs hottest
- leading men, Vanessa Marcil is the envy of her peers - and donÆt think
- she doesnÆt know it. ôItÆs hard not to look at either of them in a scene
- and truly feel like youÆre not in love with them, ô she says, ôTheyÆre
- both extraordinary.ö But the guys note, it takes two to tango.
- Maurice Benard says - ôVanessa has become such a wonderful actress.
- SheÆs always been a star in her own right, but sheÆs a wonderful actress
- and works hard at it. SheÆs feisty, and weÆre similar in a lot of ways,
- especially as far as thatÆs concerned. So there was always tension
- between us, and that tension made for good acting.ö
- Ingo Rademacher says - ôNo matter what the material is like, no
- matter how you look, of your not a good actor, you canÆt pull it off.
- People arenÆt going to be interested because your not believable. So you
- have to bring that to the plate when your an actor, and Vanessa does
- that. She knows her stuff. Whatever they put in front of her, people are
- drawn to her. Some actors your drawn to, others youÆre not. YouÆve got
- to be able to capture an audience and Vanessa does that.ö
- Who Will Brenda Choose?
- Rumors persist that if Vanessa Marcil leaves GH this summer,
- Maurice Benard will return to give Brenda and Sonny a happy ending.
- Headwriter Bob Guza wouldnÆt confirm such a scenario but did reveal that
- regardless of MarcilÆs plans, Brenda will have to make a choice soon.
- ôHer journey has to be to put Sonny behind her - genuinely,ö Guza says.
- ôShe has to get past him to give herself fully to Jax. ThatÆs still to
- be dramatized.ö In other words, nothingÆs over till itÆs over, folks.
- Other Random Quotes - included with the pictures in the article.
- ôItÆd be cool for Brenda to leave as a character who has never been
- married.ö Vanessa Marcil
- ôBrendaÆs one true love is Sonny.ö Bob Guza
- ôDonÆt get any bright ideaÆs Jax, If I leave I donÆt want it to be with
- a big wedding.ö Vanessa Marcil
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Cagey <cagey@geocities.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: Tony, and Brenda and You Know Who
- Date: 31 Mar 1998 08:31:48 -0500
- So how are they going to write Tony out of this hole? I just can't see
- Jason or Carly dropping the charges....
- As for Brenda and
- S
- P
- O
- I
- L
- E
- R
- S
- P
- E
- C
- U
- L
- Sonny's possible return/ non return... I would find Sonny's interaction
- with the "new and improved" Jason (particularly given the injection of
- Carly and Michael into the mix) far more interesting than that with Brenda.
- I think the writers have really laid the foundation for Brenda to move on
- from Sonny, and while I'm not thrilled with Jax and Brenda, I just can't
- see a "happy ending" for S&B the way things stand.
- Musings on a Tuesday morning...
- --kg, who has been dreaming about Ellen and Matt <g>
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Danielle Graham <DGraham@bn.com>
- Subject: GH/PC: GH/PC - Tony
- Date: 31 Mar 1998 15:54:30 -0500
- So how are they going to write Tony out of this hole?
- Just like Robin said yesterday, he just snapped! Hello, insanity! Was
- anyone else overly concerned about the way Carly (Sarah Brown) ran full
- steam ahead to Tony? I mean, the girl is pregnant. I was waiting for her
- to fall. Anyway, you know that Robin will be the saving grace for Tony.
- How 'bout that slap Bobbi handed Tony? You could see that one winding
- up! Classic!....And by the way, I can't wait for the 35th anniversary
- show! The previews look fab. Especially the one when Luke sees Laura for
- the 1st time when she came back from the "dead"! VCR will be set for
- that one!
- -