I have an ericsson gf768 cell phone, that will allow the user to add their own tune for the ring.
I can get it to play silly things like happy birthday, and now I am curious to see if any one on the list has a similar phone and has added some police tunes for the ring.
Sorry to post this message to the list, but I've lost the name/email address of the guy I'm looking for.
Whoever you are, you study at UW Madison....
Were you in the Come Back Inn on Thursday night (8/5)?? It's just that >somebody< played just about every Police song they have on the Jukebox in there - and it wasn't me!! Please mail me privately.
"What duck?"
The Globe
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The Globe
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Am I incorrect in saying that Sting has always been one to do what he suspects will make him successful?
He gave up his Jazz roots in Newcastle to move to London, changed his name to something rather more memorable than 'Gordon', joined a Punk(ish) band, even bleached his hair out and starred in a TV commercial in '76 ('77?). The commercial at least is nothing new to him.
These are all things calculated to obtain notice, success, stardom.
In the few years since MF he's not been resting on his laurels, either; putting in guest performances on albums by the like of Andy Summers and David Sanborn. OK, it's not his own music, but he's recording, releasing material.
Even when he wasn't putting out music (after NTLS - wasn't that writer's block?), he was ensuring that he was in the public eye - Amnesty tours, The Rainforest Foundation... OK, he may have made himself somewhat infamous - but that's the whole point.
So when you say "sell out", is that not exactly what he has been doing for his entire career? Isn't that how he launched his career?
"It doesn't matter how New Age you get, old age is going to kick your arse."
The Globe
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Ahhhhhhh! Finally, I've heard the masterpiece! It took a few days, all I have to say is WOW! I like it, its smoking! Got to listen again, and Stevie Wonder sounds great. I am very impressed (like I wouldn't be anyway)!
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> For those of you who happen to be in eastern Massachusetts or thereabouts,
> tune your radio to 101.1 FM at 11:00 tommorow(Saturday). Stewart will be featured on an episode of "Off the Record",relating the history of the Police in-
> and I'm only quoting what the D.J. said here-"a storyteller's style".
This is the "Off the Record" radio show which will be broadcast throughout
the US this weekend. Check with your local radio stations to find out
when it will be broadcast in your local area. This is the second part of
an interview by Joe Benson (the original aired on February 21, 1999 and
didn't contain too much new information). (http://www.unclejoe.com)
Anyone living in the Milwaukee area can catch the show on 96.5 WKLH at
11PM on Sunday night. I'm not positive, but I think 101.5 WIBA FM in
Madison, WI probably broadcasts the show, for the mailing list members
- Marisa
Sting etc: http://www.stingetc.com
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