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Internet Message Format
From: Ashok Divakaran <adivakaran@worldbank.org>
Subject: CDs For Sale
Date: 01 Jul 1997 21:10:22 +0000 (GMT)
Hello all,
Another bunch of CDs FS, this time in the
postindustrial/musique concrete/experimental electronic
whatchamacallit vein. The list is too long to post so email me
for a copy (I lost my email distribution list.) Includes old
Muslimgauze, Hic Sunt Leones stuff, out of print albums,
drones from hell, etc. I am not posting this on Usenet just
From: Mason Jones <mason@charnel.com>
Subject: Bay Area Shows
Date: 05 Jul 1997 18:40:22
Upcoming events of interest in the Bay Area:
Saturday, July 12:
Zipper Spy
Playing at 7hz, 1814 Illinois St. in San Francisco (directions: south on
Third St,
one block past Cesar Chavez, left on Marin, right on Illinois).
9:00pm sharp, $5 donation requested.
Friday, July 25:
SubArachnoid Space CD release show
Kirihito (from Tokyo)
Volume Dealers (from Tokyo)
Gay Barbarians
Before Face
Playing at Komotion, 2779 16th St in San Francisco (near Folsom).
9:00pm sharp, $5 donation requested.
Saturday, July 26:
Crash Worship
Playing at 225 2nd St Warehouse in Oakland.
Sunday, July 27:
Crash Worship
Playing at the Trocadero in San Francisco.
Mason Jones Charnel Music, Automatism Press
mason@charnel.com P.O. Box 170277, San Francisco, CA 94117
charnel@charnel.com Phone/Fax 415.664.1829 http://www.charnel.com
From: MSBR <msbr@ppp.bekkoame.or.jp>
Subject: MSBR Noise Site Update information
Date: 06 Jul 1997 20:01:34 +0100
Here're update information of MSBR Noise Site.
1. A flyer of SPECULUM FIGHT Japan tour from end of July. Damion Romero
will do 4 live shows in Japan.
2. An interview to Cary Loren in Destroy All Monsters with pictures of live
shows in Tokyo last year.
3. A handmade cover page. Recent works of MSBR, and some interesting works
of other artists. Many pictures were put on this page.
4. A new items' page in Mail Oder was added.
msbr Records
From: PG/STM <mrpgrant@IDT.NET>
Subject: GamelanSonOfLion/SpaldingGray
Date: 06 Jul 1997 19:36:35 -0700
Two performances by
21st season in concert
Gamelan Son of Lion
Friday July 11 @ 7:30 pm
9th Street Band Shell in
Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY
to be followed by:
Spalding Gray
(Swimming to Cambodia,
Monster in a Box,
Gray's Anatomy)
@ 8:30 pm
Free Admission
Gamelan Son of Lion
Wednesday July 9 @ 12 noon to 2:00 pm
Borough Hall Plaza, Brooklyn at
Court and Remsen Streets
Free Admission
Program for both concerts:
Lou Harrison ....... Buburan Robert
Daniel Goode ....... Gong Dance =E0 7
David Simons ....... Cremation Music
Laura Liben ........ Piece for Peace
David Demnitz ...... Circle Line
Patrick Grant ...... Fields Amaze
Barbara Benary
Iris Brooks
David Demnitz
Daniel Goode
Patrick Grant
Darryl Gregory
David Simons
Carl Warner
Gamelan Son of Lion's instruments were made by
composer-ethnomusicologist Barbara Benary and resemble
gamelans (metal-orchestras) found in Indonesian villages.
The set of instruments consist of about twenty gongs and
metallophones (played like xylophones, with mallets) and
are supplemented by an assortment of flutes, drums,
hubcaps and specially tuned clarinets. The ensemble was
founded in 1976 by Benary and composers Philip Corner
and Daniel Goode together with students of theirs.
Eventually professional musicians took the place of the
students and the repertoire of the ensemble has grown from
4 contemporary pieces in 1976 to more than 250 as of 1997.
for more information on Gamelan Son of Lion you can visit
their webpage and/or email them at:
Also: there is an interview with GSOL member David Demnitz by composer
Daniel Goode and a review of the gamelan's CD in the current issue of
Toronto-based new music journal "Musicworks" #68. It should be at
newstands which carry foreign periodals but you can contact them
directly at:
or their website at
From: Felix Buebl <buebl@cs.tu-berlin.de>
Subject: attn mego fans: live RealAudio this week (fwd)
Date: 09 Jul 1997 11:03:57 +0200 (MET DST)
Any mego/farmer's manual fans out there might be interested in this:
> >From: Peter Rehberg, pita@mego.co.at
> >...
> >as well as this fm are broadcasting this week every night 20-22h CET. this
> >thursday rehberg and bauer live from mego studio. fm on saturday night.
> >
> >http://www.farmersmanual.co.at/live/
> I thought cet (Austrian time) would be 7 hours ahead of edt, which would
> mean the broadcast would be starting at 1pm edt. But it's on right now
> (12:30pm edt) so either I'm off by an hour somewhere or they are...For
> those who don't know the mego label, expect minimalist electronica,
> sometimes with a beat, sometimes very abstract, depending on the
> performers and their moods.
> rs/rshapiro@bbn.com
share and enjoy
- felix
--- felix buebl --- email: buebl@cs.tu-berlin.de --- phone +49 (0)30 4499852
From: Soddy <yu117440@yorku.ca>
Subject: Request: Japanoise FAX #'s
Date: 10 Jul 1997 18:05:30 -0400 (EDT)
Would those in the know be so kind as to oblige -
Current FAX numbers for the following artists:
Merzbow, Aube, Astro, K2.
Please reply privately. Later than Saturday is too late.
A world of thanks.
"I will be under control of The Mikawa,
Anybody helps me, now!"
-- T. Mikawa (T.Sakaguchi)
From: RedDye6@aol.com
Subject: David Toop's "Screen Memories"?
Date: 13 Jul 1997 15:42:59 -0400 (EDT)
Any opinions on this release -- how it compares to his other material (like
"Pink Noir"); does it sound more like soundtrack work like the title and
artwork imply?
From: Seth Soffer <ssoffer@comcastpc.com>
Subject: Promo: All that
Date: 14 Jul 1997 15:06:34 -0400
This Friday, July 18th
1021 Ridge Ave (Between 10th & 11th and Callowhill & Spring Garden
Streets; Just North of Chinatown)
Its $5 and ALLLL AGES, and Bring Your Own Whatever.
Monotrona (Portland, Oregon)
used to play in a band called Math with Mr.Quintron, now a one woman
wrecking machine.
Wrestles with a drum contraption which will conjure another character,
Bobby Conn (Chicago, Ill) a Jew who rocks against the oppressive
Christian beast.
Zeke Sheck Care Co. (Chicago, Ill) Another band led by a woman which
tells a story, but its hard to figure out both music and story.
Stovepipe Willy (Philly, PA)- A one man slide guitar band with
additional sonic manipulators.
From: Seth Soffer <ssoffer@comcastpc.com>
Subject: RE: Previous Promo Message Pertains to Philadelphia, Sorry!
Date: 14 Jul 1997 15:14:50 -0400
From: Miles Egan <cullen@sirius.com>
Subject: A Proposal
Date: 15 Jul 1997 20:38:25 -0700
Now that traffic on this list has dwindled down to an absolute trickle,
maybe we should consider redefining the focus a bit. It saddens me to
see the list that has turned me on to so many great records wither while
so much is happening in music. Why not enlarge the list of acceptable
topics to something more in keeping with the name of the list? If this
is really the new music list, why not discuss all kinds of new music,
without worrying about genre boundaries?
I'm imagining a list where I could discuss PSF, Stereolab, Broadcast, or
Tortoise, the handful of IDM artists that are really pushing the
envelope, recent Post-Classical music, new third world musics - ANYTHING
genuinely creative. I'm much less interested in focusing on any one
genre than I am on tracking down the 5% of great stuff in as many genres
as I can. I realize that there is a large divergence of opinion of what
constitutes "new", but I have faith in the members of this list. If
everyone makes an effort to write real reviews or at least carefully
written opinions, we should be able to keep traffic down to a reasonable
level and leverage all the expertise on the list to everyone's mutual
From: pm.carey@utoronto.ca (Patrick Carey)
Subject: Re: A Proposal
Date: 16 Jul 1997 07:00:47 -0400
Miles Egan <cullen@sirius.com> wrote:
>Now that traffic on this list has dwindled down to an absolute trickle,
>maybe we should consider redefining the focus a bit ...
>I'm imagining a list where I could discuss PSF, Stereolab, Broadcast, or
>Tortoise, the handful of IDM artists that are really pushing the
>envelope, recent Post-Classical music, new third world musics - ANYTHING
>genuinely creative. I'm much less interested in focusing on any one
>genre than I am on tracking down the 5% of great stuff in as many genres
>as I can. I realize that there is a large divergence of opinion of what
>constitutes "new", but I have faith in the members of this list. If
>everyone makes an effort to write real reviews or at least carefully
>written opinions, we should be able to keep traffic down to a reasonable
>level and leverage all the expertise on the list to everyone's mutual
I have absolutely no objection to this. I can easily imagine a similar
list. I second the motion!!
From: Felix Buebl <buebl@cs.tu-berlin.de>
Subject: Re: A Proposal
Date: 16 Jul 1997 13:35:06 +0200 (MET DST)
Miles wrote
> If this is really the new music list, why not discuss all kinds of new music,
> without worrying about genre boundaries?
I think the nm-list has rather a structural problem than a topic problem.
"nm-list" means "no members", not "new music".
IMHO the topics discussed here have no boundaries. e.g. the name
of the list is interpreted differently often like "noise music list"
or "nude madonna list" or however.
this list has become active because there are not enough new subscribers.
more topics will pop up with the number of subscribers increasing.
In order to attract more subscribers the existance of this list simply
must be announced. up to my knowledge it is even not mentioned on
the xmission homepage.
I am fine with the current state, but a structural improvement seems
only to be possible if we find a new home for this list.
the people at xmission seem not to care much for the list, an why should they?
but I think advertising the existance of this list is more important
than finding a new server where it resides. but just for a chance:
is anybody able to provide a new reliant server??
The more traffic we have on this list, the more trash will
be contained in this traffic. is there anybody interested in
performing some propaganda? is there anybody against it?
I offer start some propaganda if the current members of the list like it.
e.g. creating some extra hompeage could help.
- felix
--- felix buebl --- email: buebl@cs.tu-berlin.de --- phone +49 (0)30 4499852
From: Scott Russell <srussell@cims.co.uk>
Subject: Re: A Proposal
Date: 17 Jul 1997 01:17:40 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Miles Egan wrote:
Why not enlarge the list of acceptable
> topics to something more in keeping with the name of the list? If this
> is really the new music list, why not discuss all kinds of new music,
> without worrying about genre boundaries?
As someone who joined the list a few months back I have been
dissapointed by the level of information coming through. I don't
actually know what exactly the scope of the list is but, if density of
traffic is any measure of enthusiasm, there obviously ain't much to talk
about. I agree with doing away with genre boundaries., Surely part of
the attraction of any type of new music is it's willingness to cross
> I'm imagining a list where I could discuss PSF, Stereolab, Broadcast, or
> Tortoise, the handful of IDM artists that are really pushing the
> envelope, recent Post-Classical music, new third world musics - ANYTHING
> genuinely creative.
You could add to that improv artists such as Derek Bailey, the rest of
the Japanese underground (outside of PSF I mean), 'post rock' outfits
like Gastr del Sol, experimentalists such as David Jackman, crossover
'composer/improvisers' like John Zorn and Fred Frith, sound collagists
like Barbed and People Like Us, sampler composers like David Shea and
John wall... the potential is endless.
By the way, what's 'new' about Stereolab that Neu didn't do years ago?
I'm much less interested in focusing on any one
> genre than I am on tracking down the 5% of great stuff in as many genres
> as I can. I realize that there is a large divergence of opinion of what
> constitutes "new", but I have faith in the members of this list. If
> everyone makes an effort to write real reviews or at least carefully
> written opinions, we should be able to keep traffic down to a reasonable
> level and leverage all the expertise on the list to everyone's mutual
> benefit.
Weight of traffic need not be a problem if people are conveying
something useful. Is there a ban on expressing your self on this list or
So, who's going to begin then?
Scott Rusell.
From: Steven Tupper <subterra@hooked.net>
Subject: Re: A Proposal
Date: 16 Jul 1997 18:55:59 -0700
>> I'm imagining a list where I could discuss PSF, Stereolab, Broadcast, or
>> Tortoise, the handful of IDM artists that are really pushing the
>> envelope, recent Post-Classical music, new third world musics - ANYTHING
>> genuinely creative.
>You could add to that improv artists such as Derek Bailey, the rest of
>the Japanese underground (outside of PSF I mean), 'post rock' outfits
>like Gastr del Sol, experimentalists such as David Jackman, crossover
>'composer/improvisers' like John Zorn and Fred Frith, sound collagists
>like Barbed and People Like Us, sampler composers like David Shea and
>John wall... the potential is endless.
Um, most of the above has already been discussed at one time or another,
believe it or not (does anybody remember The Slint Thread That Refused To
Die?). The real problem likely isn't some sort of limitations on topics,
but more probably either a lack of people ("nm = no members") or a lack of
fresh ideas and sense of excitement. On the distribution front, I've
certainly noticed that the interest level in most of those folks mentioned
above has dropped off markedly in the last couple of years. The stores
aren't nearly as excited about carrying the stuff, and that's probably a
reflection of the interest, or lack thereof, shown by their customers.
These things tend to run in cycles after all, and we may just be on the
downward side of the curve until the next wave of interest hits.
my 2 somewhat tarnished cents,
Steve / Subterranean Records
From: The Evolution Control Committee <ecc@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
Subject: Re: A Proposal
Date: 17 Jul 1997 03:55:18 -0400
At 08:38 PM 7/15/97 -0700, Miles Egan wrote:
>Now that traffic on this list has dwindled down to an absolute trickle,
>maybe we should consider redefining the focus a bit. It saddens me to
>see the list that has turned me on to so many great records wither while
>so much is happening in music. ...
Agreed; I've probably been on nm-list for something like 6-7 years and
it's a pity to see it so dead. But honestly, I get so much damn mail it's
hard to fathom asking for more. Still, it would be great to see the nm-list
thriving again.
I haven't look at the charter/description for a while, but I agree that
it could be misleading if it hasn't been updated for a while. Seems like
noise was getting a lot of mention until difficult-l siphoned those topics
away and nothing's popped up to take its place. All your topic suggestions
are great, and let my lead folks into a topic new:
INTERNET RADIO: Anyone listening? What are you listening to? All you
need is a 28.8 modem and you've got shitloads of great stuff out there to
hear. I'm listening to Brave New Waves on the CBC right now
(www.radio.cbc.ca); it's on midnight to 4am EST every weeknight and has a
great selection of music somewhere between alternative and experimental.
Other great stations you can hear (look 'em up in Yahoo to get the
address if I don't include it): WFMU (YES! Finally! www.wfmu.org), GoGaGa
(www.gogaga.com), KZSU, KUSF, WCSB, WRCT, KDVS. Anything I missed? WCSB and
WRCT have interesting gone with AudioActive instead of RealAudio and it
sounds TONS better.
Later dictator,
- Mark G., O.P. [Original Prankster]
ecc@gnu.ai.mit.edu The Evolution Control Committee
>>> WWWeb site updated! http://www.infinet.com/~markg/ecc.html <<<
| |
| On vacation 7/12 through 7/21 while I teach the Pope how |
| to wield the holy bratwurst as a lethal weapon. |
From: Charmenko <ho@charm.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Re: A Proposal
Date: 17 Jul 1997 11:33:25 +0000
>By the way, what's 'new' about Stereolab that Neu didn't do years ago?
new doesn't have to mean fantasically uniquely stunningly orginal, it can
mean new including the senses of renew and refashion in a forward-looking
manner - and anyway part of the fun is arguing over whether something is
new or not or what and even if it is unarguable "new" it can still be crap
most (all) new work stems from some tradition or combination thereof
Stereolab have connections to Neu and about a thousand other bands, this
hardly negates their work - I'm not saying that everything that Sterolab
does is brilliant - it ain't - but seems pretty clear to me that they've
earned their spurs as far as "new" goes
Nick Hobbs : Charmenko : ho@charm.demon.co.uk
From: Miles Egan <cullen@sirius.com>
Subject: Re: A Proposal
Date: 17 Jul 1997 07:53:03 -0700
> The real problem likely isn't some sort of limitations on topics,
> but more probably either a lack of people ("nm = no members") or a lack of
> fresh ideas and sense of excitement.
I've been on this list for more than five years, and there certainly
never used to be a lack of members or excitement. I think those who
have suggested that part of the problem is that much of the music that
has been the focus of this list for the past few years is now covered by
more specific lists. In my mind, this makes the idea of expanding the
list of topics for the nm-list even more appealing. I also agree that a
bit of promotion wouldn't hurt, although the list has always been fairly
low-profile. How many people are on the list now anwyay?
Michael's point that the focus of the list has never been explicitly
defined is well taken. I can remember several debates of this very
subject and I recall that most people seemed to prefer to define it very
loosely. I think it would be fair for those of us interested in
discussing a broader list of music to just start doing it. Maybe as a
group we can evolve some kind of consensus?
I'm going to try to post a list of reviews of records that I think fit
the bill some time this week (if I can get away from work for five
As for Stereolab, most of the elements of their style are fairly
familiar, but I've never heard them combined before. Combining old
styles in new ways ought to qualify as new also, IMO. This kind of
discussion could also be useful, i.e. "if you think x is new you should
first listen to y,z.", as long as it's friendly.
From: Jon Leidecker <wobbly@compcurr.com>
Subject: Re: A Review
Date: 17 Jul 1997 17:58:00 -0700
Well then here's what I've been listening to at work today.
For those of you who already own the Roger Woodward version of Xenakis'
"Kraanerg" and are staring at the new DJ Spooky re-recording misfiled in
the ambient section at Tower with a slightly baffled or pained expression,
I will go on record saying that the project actually ended up providing a
decent alternative to the 1988 version.
The engineering on the new record is clearly superior. Much higher dynamic
range, i.e. the horns much brighter, the searing string sections really cut
into you, etc. Xenakis' 1969 electro-acoustic pre-recorded tape reveals
details that were just not there on the 1988 recording, where it just comes
across as a rumbling bass attack. In fact, flipping back and forth between
them, it sounds like the 1988 concert was recorded with two microphones
hanging over the stage, catching all the instruments with the tape playing
over the speakers, all the high frequencies swallowed by room ambience,
whereas on the new one Xenakis' tape sounds directly mixed with the orchestra.
DJ Spooky (Paul D. Miller) is credited with manning the quadrophonic ADAT,
so if he's indeed responsible for the engineering, then he's done some
pretty good work. Perhaps the playing is a little more exact, tighter on
the original than on this new one, which is three minutes longer. But
again this could be a case of me being over-familiar with the version I
heard first.
No liner notes on how they approached this recording, just DJ Spooky
writing about Xenakis' music and briefly mentioning his influence on DJ
culture. When he's not opening for U2 or collaborating with Metallica he
can actually write some very respectful copy.
At 06:55 PM 7/16/97 -0700, Steve / Subterranean Records wrote:
>the interest level in most of those folks mentioned
>above has dropped off markedly in the last couple of years. The stores
>aren't nearly as excited about carrying the stuff, and that's probably a
>reflection of the interest, or lack thereof, shown by their customers.
>These things tend to run in cycles after all, and we may just be on the
>downward side of the curve until the next wave of interest hits.
Well, on a perverse turn, perhaps you could let everyone up here in the
ivory tower know what is actually moving units in the age of pop Beck,
irrr. Me, I thought Stereolab were monolithic pop superstars, and now I
learn that they actually aren't. I must grow up.
From: "Alan M Gordon (MSc/NC)" <amg@cs.stir.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: A Proposal
Date: 18 Jul 1997 12:21:11 +0100 (BST)
>I also agree that a
>bit of promotion wouldn't hurt, although the list has always been fairly
If anyone "in charge" is reading this, i would suggest entering the list to the
list of underground music mailing lists:
It's a pretty definitive list of all potentially interesting music groups.
From: "Alan M Gordon (MSc/NC)" <amg@cs.stir.ac.uk>
Subject: Turntablist info wanted
Date: 18 Jul 1997 12:50:18 +0100 (BST)
I've been listening to some interesting items recently.
Firstly a cd by Le Sculpteurs de Vinyl -- "Memory & Money". It is in fact
Otomo Yoshihide (Ground Zero) with 3 French hip-hop djs, and a few others --
Matsubaro (?) from GZ, and Tom Cora & Catherine Jainiaux feature too.
The cd is a crazed take on hip-hop, splicing in lots of other sounds and
generally lurching about from one idea to another in great style.
Secondly, David Shea/DJ Grazzhoppa -- "Down river, up stream". David shea
brings his sampling talents to meet the hip-hop scratching of grazzhoppa. This
is much closer to being a hip-hop album than sample manipulation, but really
the boundary between the two is blurred.
Anyway, i was wondering, can anyone give me any pointers as to other artists
who are doing anything interesting, in this sort of area?
I think it's interesting how it has been left to these "experimental" artists
to exploit the possibilities of hip-hop. Most so-called experimental hip-hop
or "trip-hop" (aaargh!) is deeply disappointing. The closest i've heard to the
likes of the above is Andre Gurov on the Jazz Fudge label.
Actually, i think that anyone who uses the word "trip-hop" should be beaten
with a large club, but let he who's never sinned cast the first stone......
From: "Alan M Gordon (MSc/NC)" <amg@cs.stir.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: A Review
Date: 18 Jul 1997 12:54:47 +0100 (BST)
>No liner notes on how they approached this recording, just DJ Spooky
>writing about Xenakis' music and briefly mentioning his influence on DJ
>culture. When he's not opening for U2 or collaborating with Metallica he
|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What, really?
What has he been doing with them??
From: "Alan Blattberg" <alanb@panix.com>
Subject: DJ Spooky v. Metallica . . .
Date: 18 Jul 1997 12:03:47 +0000
"Alan M Gordon (MSc/NC)" <amg@cs.stir.ac.uk> queried thusly:
> >No liner notes on how they approached this recording, just DJ
> >Spooky writing about Xenakis' music and briefly mentioning his
> >influence on DJ culture. When he's not opening for U2 or
> >collaborating with Metallica he
> What, really?
> What has he been doing with them??
Remember the "Judgment Night" soundtrack -- metal and rap bands
collaborating? Well, the soundtrack to "Spawn" will be something
similar, only pairing metal(-oid) bands up with more "electronic"
kinda bands.
Some examples:
Metallica & DJ Spooky
Henry Rollins & Goldie (yeah!!)
Slayer & Atari Teenage Riot
Kirk Hammett & Orbital
Alan Blattberg
From: improv@peak.org (Dave Trenkel)
Subject: Re: DJ Spooky v. Metallica . . .
Date: 18 Jul 1997 17:09:28 -0800
At 4:03 AM 7/18/97, Alan Blattberg wrote:
>> What, really?
>> What has he been doing with them??
>Remember the "Judgment Night" soundtrack -- metal and rap bands
>collaborating? Well, the soundtrack to "Spawn" will be something
>similar, only pairing metal(-oid) bands up with more "electronic"
>kinda bands.
>Some examples:
>Metallica & DJ Spooky
DJ Spooky's remix of Earth's Crooked Axis for String Quartet is about the
only listenable thing on Sub Pop's new foray into 'electronica', the Sweet
Mother: Free Activation Series No. 1 compilation. And while not exactly
metal, his remixes of Arto Lindsay on Hyper Civilisado are very nice.
Basically, I think he could remix just about anybody and make them
interesting. The Pat Boone remix project anyone?
>Henry Rollins & Goldie (yeah!!)
This sort of makes sense, given that they both tend to be motormouths...
Dave Trenkel : improv@peak.org : www.peak.org/~improv/
"...there will come a day when you won't have to use
gasoline. You'd simply take a cassette and put it in
your car, let it run. You'd have to have the proper
type of music. Like you take two sticks, put 'em
together, make fire. You take some notes and rub 'em
together - dum, dum, dum, dum - fire, cosmic fire."
-Sun Ra
From: wobbly@compcurr.com
Subject: RE: A Review
Date: 18 Jul 1997 18:30:22 -0700
At 10:33 AM 7/18/97 -0700, kwan wrote:
>Recording engineer xopher davidson transferred the original Xenakis tapes
to ADAT, and in the process applied some sonic optimization. DJ Spooky
performed the quadrophonic mix in performance which I'm pretty sure was
recorded directly to tape. davidson then mastered the final CD, as he has
done for many of the releases on the Asphodel label.
Yes it does say 'mix engineer' after xopher's name doesn't it... forgive me
for posting so off-handedly... fell prey to the same media overkill
fixation on Paul D. Miller's DJ guise that tends to obscure everyone's good
work (even Miller's). Sorry and thanks for the facts.
From: Miles Egan <cullen@sirius.com>
Subject: Nouveau Sub Rosa
Date: 18 Jul 1997 19:44:14 -0700
Has anyone heard the last few Sub Rosa releases? I've read good things
about the new Silk Saw album and there's been another demi-techno sort
of record as well. The two Bisk albums impress me more with every spin
- dense, intricate, evolving music with roots in IDM but with
sophistication and technique that I haven't heard anywhere else in the
From: "David Kwan" <dkwan@digidesign.com>
Subject: RE: A Review
Date: 18 Jul 1997 10:33:05 -0700
>For those of you who already own the Roger Woodward version of Xenakis'
>"Kraanerg" and are staring at the new DJ Spooky re-recording...[snip]
>The engineering on the new record is clearly superior. Much higher =
>range, i.e. the horns much brighter, the searing string sections really =
>into you, etc. Xenakis' 1969 electro-acoustic pre-recorded tape reveals
>details that were just not there on the 1988 recording, where it just =
>across as a rumbling bass attack....[snip]
>DJ Spooky (Paul D. Miller) is credited with manning the quadrophonic =
>so if he's indeed responsible for the engineering, then he's done some
>pretty good work....[snip]
>No liner notes on how they approached this recording, just DJ Spooky
>writing about Xenakis' music and briefly mentioning his influence on DJ
Recording engineer xopher davidson transferred the original Xenakis tapes =
to ADAT, and in the process applied some sonic optimization. DJ Spooky =
performed the quadrophonic mix in performance which I'm pretty sure was =
recorded directly to tape. davidson then mastered the final CD, as he has =
done for many of the releases on the Asphodel label.
From: Miles Egan <cullen@sirius.com>
Subject: Roger Doyle
Date: 20 Jul 1997 09:49:01 -0700
roger doyle-babel project vol 2. cd
second disc in roger doyle's babel project sereis is a trip through his
subconscious, which apparently resembles 'willy wonka and the chocolate
factory' recast with nurse with wound's steven stapleton in the lead
on world serpent 21.99
Anyone heard this?
From: Howard Stelzer <hds@grove.ufl.edu>
Subject: Re: Roger Doyle
Date: 20 Jul 1997 17:30:56 -0400 (EDT)
On Sun, 20 Jul 1997, Miles Egan wrote:
> roger doyle-babel project vol 2. cd
> Anyone heard this?
I haven't heard this one in particular, but the stuff of Doyle's I've
heard I think is great. I've got one CD, and it's so weird, I haven't been
able to make it all the way through. Real similar to older Nurse With
Wound, same dark humor.
Howard Stelzer
From: Manny <manny@dhp.com>
Subject: American Noise Tour dates
Date: 21 Jul 1997 01:39:34 -0400 (EDT)
Here are the dates for the American Noise Tour in August. All fans of
harsh noise and experimental sound are urged to attend. If you need more
info please contact me directly. - manny
(p.s. yes originally such groups as Smell & Quim, Prick Decay, and
Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock were going to be part of this tour, various
problems made it impossible)
American Noise Tour
EMIL BEAULIEAU (Ron of Lowell's legendary RRRecords)
SKIN CRIME (Patrick of Self Abuse Records)
CRANK STURGEON (Minneapolis)
Aug 2- RRRecords Lowell MA
Aug 4 - Fort Thunder Providence RI
Aug 5 - Knitting Factory NYC
Aug 6 - Astrocade Philadelphia PA
Aug 7 - Hole in the Wall Richmond VA
Aug 8 - Interzone Frederick MD
Aug 9 - Lizard & Snake Chapel Hill NC
Aug 11 - Lascaux Gallery Pittsburgh PA
Aug 12 - Speak in Tongues Cleveland OH
Aug 13 - Gold Dollar Detroit MI
Aug 14 - Empty Bottle Chicago IL
From: Felix Buebl <buebl@cs.tu-berlin.de>
Subject: more RealAudio from Farmers Manual
Date: 21 Jul 1997 13:52:37 +0200 (MET DST)
share and enjoy -
> From rshapiro@bbn.com Wed Jul 16 21:58:14 1997
> The ever resourceful FM have put pieces of their sound archives online in
> RealAudio format, including their own records (released and unreleased),
> some of the live broadcasts they sponsored last week, listener
> contributions, and recordings by Dextro, Nachtstrom, Plazma, and DJ
> Lodig. See:
> http://archiv.farmersmanual.co.at/fm/archiv/real_audio/
From: ajms@gemini.ci.uc.pt
Subject: Zingaro live in AGUARELA
Date: 21 Jul 1997 16:02:21 EDT
Does anybody know portuguese violinist Carlos Zingaro ??
He is one of the best european improvisor, and will play live in
AGUARELA, a radio show in the University Radio Of Coimbra - Portugal.
The concert will be transmited in a Video format for the University Garden.
Try to catch RUC, on 107.9FM.
Wednesday, 23 july, 22:30.
For any information concerned with AGUARELA, please contact me.
From: ajms@gemini.ci.uc.pt
Subject: zingaro live na AGUARELA
Date: 21 Jul 1997 16:12:45 EDT
Does anybody know portuguese violinist Carlos Zingaro ??
He is one of the best european improvisor, and will play live in
AGUARELA, a radio show in the University Radio Of Coimbra - Portugal.
The concert will be transmited in a Video format for the University Garden.
Try to catch RUC, on 107.9FM.
Wednesday, 23 july, 22:30.
For any information concerned with AGUARELA, please contact me.
From: "Alan M Gordon (MSc/NC)" <amg@cs.stir.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: Turntablist info wanted
Date: 22 Jul 1997 12:13:09 +0100 (BST)
>I've been listening the We album on Asphodel and the Witchman album.
>Both stretch hip-hop through drum and bass into some pretty avant
>structures. For some straight-up turnable cutup virtuosity, you could
>do much worse than the two Return of the DJ compilations on San
>Francisco's BOMB records, with contributions from DJ's around the world.
thanks, i'll check those out.
however, your description of the We album makes me suspicious. Avant
structures are all very well, but good beats are more important. With the
*possible* exception of dj spooky, i've yet to hear good jungle beats from
any so-called experimental artist.
If anyone disagrees, please speak up!
From: Ian Thompson <biffbang@bit.net.au>
Subject: Re: Turntablist info wanted
Date: 23 Jul 1997 08:05:00 -0700
>however, your description of the We album makes me suspicious. Avant
>structures are all very well, but good beats are more important. With the
>*possible* exception of dj spooky, i've yet to hear good jungle beats from
>any so-called experimental artist.
>If anyone disagrees, please speak up!
In my opinion We are probably the best of the NY illbient mob - mainly
because they understand how to produce a crackingly good beat.
Just listen to the first track on "as is" ("magnesium flares") for some
of the biggest jungle beats you'll hear for a while (no LTJ Bukem
light-weight shit here!).
From: peter conheim <mono@mendel.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: Wet Gate performance at CalArts in Valencia
Date: 22 Jul 1997 20:00:45 -0700 (PDT)
A brief promo plug.
Wet Gate, the All-Projector Orchestra (which performs improvised sound/visual
collage using only 16mm movie projectors as the source) will be having its
first out-of-SF-Area performance this Saturday on the CalArts campus in
Valencia, CA just outside of L.A. Although we don't know the _exact_
location of the space on campus, we understand it to be happening in the
"main" auditorium there. A call to CalArts information (818 area code)
on the day of show should yield more complete info.
The performance is this Saturday, the 26th, at 7:00 PM. L.A. nm-listers are
cordially invited. Please come and say hello. Thanks!
From: "Alan M Gordon (MSc/NC)" <amg@cs.stir.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: Turntablist info wanted/Christian Marclay
Date: 23 Jul 1997 14:26:03 +0100 (BST)
>In my opinion We are probably the best of the NY illbient mob - mainly
>because they understand how to produce a crackingly good beat.
>Just listen to the first track on "as is" ("magnesium flares") for some
>of the biggest jungle beats you'll hear for a while (no LTJ Bukem
>light-weight shit here!).
I will do, thanks!
I never realised the nm-list could actually be a source of good info......
Talking as i was about turntable manipulators, what about christian marclay's
stuff -- does anyone have any opinions/recommendations?
i've heard a few compilation tracks, but his records seem to be hard to get.
From: Felix Buebl <buebl@cs.tu-berlin.de>
Subject: christian marclay
Date: 24 Jul 1997 15:17:57 +0200 (MET DST)
Alan M Gordon spoke:
> Talking as i was about turntable manipulators, what about christian marclay
christian marclay has done stuff like nowadays "illbient" artists
more than a decade ago. he is one of the few who started as
underground avantgarde artists and have became darling of the art scene.
he mainly does exhibitions nowadays, .e.g. on the last biennale.
I have seen live both christian marclay and dj spooky, and IMHO
christian is much more interesting. he used modified 3 turntables
and some modified flea-market records. some of these records
were "preperad": he broke records into pieces and glued these
pieces to a new record. his performance blew me away.
to be honest, his "visible" works did not impress me. don't
expect to hear sound on one of his exhibitions.
> i've heard a few compilation tracks, but his records seem to be hard to get.
my favourite recording is his duo with guenter mueller on guenters
own swiss label "for 4 ears" called "christian marclay + guenter mueller"
the only "DJ" I've seen so far as fascinating as christian marclay
is otomo yoshihide, but otomo has a much more violent approach.
If you are looking for "DJ's" who produced sound years ago
nowadays labeled as illbient you might check out frank schulte
and his band "sugarconnection". frank also was on the biennale
or the documenta .... and he also organises concerts in cologne.
e.g. he organised the first faust reunion concert.
- felix
--- felix buebl --- email: buebl@cs.tu-berlin.de --- phone +49 (0)30 4499852
From: Felix Buebl <buebl@cs.tu-berlin.de>
Subject: rec mail rumors
Date: 24 Jul 1997 15:22:59 +0200 (MET DST)
rec mail is up to my knowledge the best selling avantgarde mail order
of germany.
last weekend I got a letter from them telling me that they went
bankrupt. Luckily I did not spread this news to you quickly,
because in the meantime they phoned me and told me that
they "survived".
rec mail was called "rec rec north" befor. rec rec zurich
had launched this outpost in hamburg. I don't know much about
it but the split unhappy. nowadays rec mail belongs to
the "crime arts gmbh" which also runs a label
"manifatturi criminali", a dub mail order "echo beach" and
two shops in hamburg.
- felix
--- felix buebl --- email: buebl@cs.tu-berlin.de --- phone +49 (0)30 4499852
From: pm.carey@utoronto.ca (Patrick Carey)
Subject: Re: Turntablist info wanted
Date: 25 Jul 1997 01:25:59 -0400
"Alan M Gordon" <amg@cs.stir.ac.uk> wrote:
>I've been listening to some interesting items recently. Firstly a cd by
>Le >Sculpteurs de Vinyl -- "Memory & Money". It is in fact Otomo
>(Ground Zero) with 3 French hip-hop djs, and a few others -- Matsubaro (?)
>from GZ, and Tom Cora & Catherine Jainiaux feature too.
Could someone provide a bit more info on the above CD ... i.e. label, when
it was released, and also, some possible sources for where I might obtain it.
Any info would be much appreciated.
From: Fleur de Vie Weinstock <weinstoc@husc.harvard.edu>
Subject: desperately seeking
Date: 25 Jul 1997 01:58:38 -0400 (EDT)
looking for electronic music concerts in san fran july 26 - aug 1
From: "Alan M Gordon (MSc/NC)" <amg@cs.stir.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: Turntablist info wanted
Date: 25 Jul 1997 10:58:02 +0100 (BST)
>>Le >Sculpteurs de Vinyl -- "Memory & Money". It is in fact Otomo
>>(Ground Zero) with 3 French hip-hop djs, and a few others -- Matsubaro (?)
>>from GZ, and Tom Cora & Catherine Jainiaux feature too.
>Could someone provide a bit more info on the above CD ... i.e. label, when
>it was released, and also, some possible sources for where I might obtain it.
The label is Stupeur et Trompette. (France, i presume)
It was released sometime this year.
It's available through ReR in the UK.
I highly recommend it, it's one of the best records i've heard all year.
From: "Patrice L. Roussel" <proussel@ichips.intel.com>
Subject: Re: Turntablist info wanted
Date: 25 Jul 1997 08:26:42 -0700
On Fri, 25 Jul 1997 01:25:59 -0400 Patrick Carey wrote:
> "Alan M Gordon" <amg@cs.stir.ac.uk> wrote:
> >I've been listening to some interesting items recently. Firstly a cd by
> >Le >Sculpteurs de Vinyl -- "Memory & Money". It is in fact Otomo
> >Yoshihide
> >(Ground Zero) with 3 French hip-hop djs, and a few others -- Matsubaro (?)
> >from GZ, and Tom Cora & Catherine Jainiaux feature too.
> Could someone provide a bit more info on the above CD ... i.e. label, when
> it was released, and also, some possible sources for where I might obtain it.
088 - MEMORY & MONEY: Les Sculpteurs de Vinyl
1/ Disorder of Memory 2:22
2/ False Note 3:49
3/ House Music 3:59
4/ Zapping Opinion 2:41
5/ Credit Dance 2:27
6/ Broken Clock 3:26
7/ Broken Times 2:41
8/ Lablx (Erik M.) 2:56
9/ Foreign Exchange Market 4:21
10/ The United Nation 7:14
11/ Washington Post March (John R. Sousa) 2:44
12/ Defacement of Memory 14:01
Recorded at La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille and at the MIMI festival,
Arles from July 13 to July 25, 1996
Produced by Ferdinand Richard
Matsubara Sachiko (1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12): sampler, klaxon, Casiotone;
Hassen/DJ Rebel (1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12): turntables; Luc/DJ Sky (1,2,3,4,5,
7,8,9,10,12): turntables; Erik M. (1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,12): turntables, guitar;
Tsunoda Tsuguto (1,10,12): turntables; Otomo Yoshihide (1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
11,12): turntables, drum machine, guitar; Tom Cora (2,9,12): cello;
Catherine Jauniaux (3,6,9,11,12): voice; Ella Mose Cora (3): voice.
1997 - Stupeur et Trompette! (France), ST 1012 (CD)
From: JonAbbey@aol.com
Subject: Re: Re: Turntablist info wanted
Date: 25 Jul 1997 17:37:43 -0400 (EDT)
There are supposed to be rereleases on CD of some prime Christian Marclay
material for the first time soon. More Encores is coming out on ReR in
September, I believe, and Atavistic is doing a compilation record, which I
thought would be out by now. I'm greatly looking forward to both of those.
Question: How does one subscribe to this list? I'm trying to unsubscribe this
account and subscribe another one and I'm meeting with no success. Any help
would be appreciated.
From: Matthew Moses <mbm16@columbia.edu>
Subject: NY Radio Noise Festival
Date: 26 Jul 1997 04:26:54 -0400 (EDT)
Attention to anyone who may be vaguely interested:
WKCR 89.9 fm New York will be hosting a 72-hour noise festival, which will
run from midnight July 29 (Monday night/Tuesday morning) to midnight July
31 (Thursday night/Friday morning). The festival will feature a number of
live studio performances, international telephone performances, exclusive
recordings and rare/unusual recordings. Email mbm16@columbia.edu for more
information. And bless you.
Tuesday, July 29:
12.15am: Paul Lemos interview (NY, via telephone)
1am: RRRon Lessard interview (MA, via telephone)
4pm: mlehst (UK, via telephone)
5pm: TADM (Can, via telephone)
7pm: Hermit (Can, via telephone)
7.30pm: DL Savings TX (Michigan, in-studio)
8pm: Negro (Minnesota, via telephone)
8.30pm: New Port (Minnesota, via telephone)
9pm: Tom Sutter/Regicide Bureau (Missouri, via telephone)
9.30: An Oxygen Auction (NJ, in-studio)
11pm: Spastic Colon (CA, via telephone)
Wednesday, July 30:
12am - 3am: Guest DJ Al of Jill-Off Tapes
11am: Lasse Marhaug (Norway, via telephone)
3pm: Kasper Toeplitz (France, via telephone)
3.30pm: Westland (France, via telephone)
6pm: Can't (MA, in-studio)
7pm: Borbetomagus interview (NY, in-studio)
11pm: Simon & Keiko (MA, in-studio)
Thursday, July 31:
3am: MSBR (Japan, via telephone)
1pm: Tea Culture (UK, via telephone)
3pm: Expose Your Eyes (UK, via telephone)
3.30pm: Prick Decay (UK, via telephone)
4pm: Evil Moisture (UK, via telephone)
5pm: 36 (VA, in-studio)
6pm: Dog (MA, in-studio)
7pm: Reptilicus (Iceland, via telephone)
8pm: Exercise in Disgust (NJ, in-studio)
9pm: Woe is Me (NY, in-studio)
at times as yet uncertain: exclusive recordings from Concrete (Michigan),
Government Alpha/RDP (Japan), Grunt (Finland), Stimbox (CA), Vindva Mei
(Iceland), Jay T. Yamamoto (Hawaii), Involution (CA), Brutum Fulmen (NJ),
the broadcast premier of the forthcoming Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock CD
(Switzerland) and an installation work from Achim Wollscheid (Germany)
[please forward to appropriate parties]
From: Manny <manny@dhp.com>
Subject: Re: NY Radio Noise Festival
Date: 31 Jul 1997 05:57:24 -0400 (EDT)
Yeah, maybe when WKCR interviews Prick Decay they can ask why the hell
Prick Decay blew off the tour I booked for them.
From: Seth Tisue <s-tisue@nwu.edu>
Subject: Status of the nm-list
Date: 31 Jul 1997 13:47:58 -0500
I'm trying to do a little investigation into the status of the
On the one hand, the list is up and running:
- You can send messages out to the list.
- Digests continue to be sent out.
- The list archives continue to accumulate at
But on the other hand, the list doesn't really exist anymore:
- It doesn't appear in the output of the "lists" command
from majordomo@xmission.com.
- You can't subscribe to it or unsubscribe from it as far
as I can tell.
- All that ever gets posted here is for-sale lists and
concert promos :-).
So what I'm wondering is:
- Does anyone know if there is a current list admin?
- Does anyone remember the name of the last list admin?
Wasn't it Pete something? Or was it Michael Murphy?
- Has anyone been able to successfully either subscribe
to or unsubscribe from the list in the past year or
If anyone can help with any of these questions, please let me know.
I'll report back to the list.
If no admin can be located, then we should consider contacting the
administrators of xmission.com and have them either restore the list
to full functionality or shut it down entirely, with the hopes that
someone would see fit to start it up again somewhere else. Any
volunteers, if it comes to that?
Pining for the old days (ca. 1990-1993) of the nm-list, before
everyone dispersed onto the various private mailing lists that you
didn't just hear me mention,
== Seth Tisue <s-tisue@nwu.edu> http://www.cs.nwu.edu/~tisue/
From: tweibrecht@juno.com
Subject: Re: Status of the nm-list
Date: 31 Jul 1997 16:50:02 EDT
im so shocked to see a post to this list i cant speak...its like
something outta the twilight zone....i thought i was the last person here
and havent been able to find the light switch....
np: new music? whats that again...
On Thu, 31 Jul 1997 13:47:58 -0500 Seth Tisue <s-tisue@nwu.edu> writes:
>I'm trying to do a little investigation into the status of the
>On the one hand, the list is up and running:
> - You can send messages out to the list.
> - Digests continue to be sent out.
> - The list archives continue to accumulate at
> <ftp://ftp.xmission.com/pub/lists/nm-list/>.
>But on the other hand, the list doesn't really exist anymore:
> - It doesn't appear in the output of the "lists" command
> from majordomo@xmission.com.
> - You can't subscribe to it or unsubscribe from it as far
> as I can tell.
> - All that ever gets posted here is for-sale lists and
> concert promos :-).
>So what I'm wondering is:
> - Does anyone know if there is a current list admin?
> - Does anyone remember the name of the last list admin?
> Wasn't it Pete something? Or was it Michael Murphy?
> - Has anyone been able to successfully either subscribe
> to or unsubscribe from the list in the past year or
> so?
>If anyone can help with any of these questions, please let me know.
>I'll report back to the list.
>If no admin can be located, then we should consider contacting the
>administrators of xmission.com and have them either restore the list
>to full functionality or shut it down entirely, with the hopes that
>someone would see fit to start it up again somewhere else. Any
>volunteers, if it comes to that?
>Pining for the old days (ca. 1990-1993) of the nm-list, before
>everyone dispersed onto the various private mailing lists that you
>didn't just hear me mention,
>== Seth Tisue <s-tisue@nwu.edu> http://www.cs.nwu.edu/~tisue/
From: a rancid amoeba <rancid@best.com>
Subject: shameless self-promotion/Record Labels on the Web
Date: 31 Jul 1997 14:19:05 -0700 (PDT)
The Record Labels on the Web page has moved. It's now located at
If you've never visted the Record Label page before, well, it's an
attempt at a comprehensive list of links to all the record label
sites on the web (I was dumb enough to think it would be an easy
task when I started it 2.5 years ago). It's currently at about
2400 links and I've got several hundred more URLs waiting to be
added (dead links are removed biweekly). Feel free to email me any
additions, updates, or corrections.
http://www.arancidamoeba.com/ rancid@best.com
r e c o r d l a b e l s o n t h e w e b
future home of a rancid amoeba records
From: Miles Egan <cullen@sirius.com>
Subject: Re: Status of the nm-list
Date: 31 Jul 1997 20:21:04 -0700
> If no admin can be located, then we should consider contacting the
> administrators of xmission.com and have them either restore the list
> to full functionality or shut it down entirely, with the hopes that
> someone would see fit to start it up again somewhere else. Any
> volunteers, if it comes to that?
I know the president of xmission, Pete Ashdown, pretty well. I'll ask
him what's up with the list. I suspect he's forgotten it even exists.
> Pining for the old days (ca. 1990-1993) of the nm-list, before
> everyone dispersed onto the various private mailing lists that you
> didn't just hear me mention,
I know what you mean.