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Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 13:52:55 -0500
From: Tim Ellorin <>
Subject: RE: (mobility) Fwd: Moby blasts Pearl Jam
Politics!!! Aren't they just great! While we are on the topic why not just
get into a discussion of religion. moby has voiced his opinion and that is
fine. He is allowed to believe what he wants to. But I hope that whoever
is finally decided as the winner he will accept. Because like it or not,
whoever the next President is, we have to live with for the next 4 years.
Get used to it. Because bitching about it is not going to get anything
People complain how things never get done by the President. His "Empty"
promisses. From what I have seen is that most of the Presidents during
their first term do try to keep their promisses so that they get re-elected
for another term. Congress and the Senate are normally the ones who keep
the President from keeping his promisses. Also, all those supporters of
Nader. How much really do you think he could get accomplished as the
President. He would have no support from either side of Congress. He isn't
Republican or Democrat. On paper it sounds great to have someone like Nader
as the President, but come on, he is a polititian just like Bush and Gore.
He is going to say whatever it takes to win and once in office he will do
the same as all the others. It's politics. None of them can guarantee
anything that they speak of during their campaigns. Nader is just an
idealist who can't get support from either party. And this is my opinion.
Like it! Hate it! I don't mind either way.
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Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 14:58:02 EST
Subject: (mobility) Moby's political views
In a message dated 11/10/2000 1:27:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< I am very disappointed at Moby's personal attack on Nadar. Americans live
in a democracy with very little political choice (particularly, parties to
the left). The green party provided an alternative to the "not so liberal
" democrats. Moby's simple minded thinking of conceding to a lesser evil
does not befit a man who has been know to stand for his convictions.
Thanks've become another useless POP STAR.
I have very passionate feelings about this subject, and quite honestly,
although I don't want to direct anger towards anyone, my opinion of Moby has
definitely decreased since his involvement in his election. Actually, as
opposed to be furious at Moby, I actually just feel very depressed. I always
thought he was an intelligent and kind man, but now I don't know. His attacks
on Nader are so misguided. Why not attack the half of America that DIDN'T
EVEN SHOW UP TO VOTE. Why not attack the views of Republican Bush supporters?
Or hey, here's an idea - why don't you turn to who is really to blame. If
Gore did not convince enough people on his own merits, then why would he want
an opposing candidate to order his followers into Gore's ranks? And one
thing that still does not make any sense to me is why Moby didn't support
Nader over Gore! I don't believe that moby would be able to find fault with
many of Nader's policies, were as Gore's are quite flawed. Moby...I doubt you
will read this...but why don't you take a minute from signing all your music
away to commercial companies, and think before you write such petty and
inflammatory statements.
"When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie
heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmmmmm,
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Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 12:43:13 -0800
From: "morgan d" <>
Subject: (mobility) intro
Name: james (lotus fox)
Age: 22
What is in your Moby collection?
Sorry, but it's just a huge collection of MP3's. I'm in the middle of trying to move and get back into college. I haven't bought a cd in months cause i'm all poor and stuff. When I finish moving and get some decent quality speakers (vs. headphones) i'll pick up some of his cd's because then i'll be able to hear the sound quality difference.
Where you first heard Moby, and how much of a fan you are?
I first got interested in Moby when i heard PLAY. then i started listening to his older stuff and i liked it a lot. i like the fact that he changes styles whenever he feels doing so will allow him to express himself better.
I first saw him in concert when he was in st louis about a month ago.
he dances around like a five year old. which i think is great! cause he's so energetic.
Any other interesting information you wish to share?
Nothing to important right now. Only that agree with most of what he has said in the past. Except the religious stuff. I'm an atheist. Although i admire that he can belive in something so wholeheartedly.
As far as the environment is concerned. I feel that although he is correct in his views, i feel that the world will continue to destroy the environment and use up it's resources until it's ALMOST to late, then work real hard to save themselves and walk around asking why no one did anything sooner. most people are basically procrastinators. They won't recycle until they are fined money for not doing so.