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From: owner-mobility-digest@lists.xmission.com (mobility-digest)
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Subject: mobility-digest V2 #3
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mobility-digest Saturday, June 5 1999 Volume 02 : Number 003
Re: (mobility) stuff!
(mobility) PLAY:THE ESSAYS
(mobility) PLAY:ESSAY 1
(mobility) PLAY:ESSAY 2
(mobility) PLAY:ESSAY 3
(mobility) PLAY:ESSAY 4
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 14:24:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: the happi monchichi <cerebusluvsjaka@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: (mobility) stuff!
Paul Simpson(?)wrote:
Moby plays the Spoonie Gee sample like he's sort of
sayingg "Rock The House"? If you listen to it, it
sort of sounds like that... Maybe thats a shoutout to
his old fans, whove supported him from the beginning!
and all the new fans wont get it!
In my opinion. A lot of Play sounds like the older
stuff. The way the vocals are looped thru wholes
And I did catch the Rock The House too!
Has anyone ever figured out why the split honey/run on
single lists memory gospel as being 9:03 long but only
plays(heehee) 6:42. Is there a 9:03 version out there
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Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 15:48:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: the happi monchichi <cerebusluvsjaka@yahoo.com>
Subject: (mobility) PLAY:THE ESSAYS
OK! So please send all hate mail to me privatley at..
I actually worked really hard on this and hope that
some of you on the list have something to say. These
are just my opinions, the same as the essays are
Mobys' opinions. I know that there are many
intellegent people out there reading these postings, I
hear you speaking everyday! But all I hear you speak
about is the music. The notes. The samples. The beats.
I would really like to know what you have to say about
Moby's words. As I feel that they are equally
important. Even thought I LOOOOOVE the music!! k' Bye.
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Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 15:53:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: the happi monchichi <cerebusluvsjaka@yahoo.com>
Subject: (mobility) PLAY:ESSAY 1
I have'nt seen anyone post about the essays in Play
yet, so in my usual understated style, i'm going to go
for it. I will post each essay one at a time, followed
by a brief comment or opinion. I'd really like to hear
what others have to say/think about these essays. On
the whole, I think that they are actually much more
positive than past essays. There seems to be an
overlying theme of tolerance and acceptance for all,
and a much calmer more open Moby. Or maybe the words
just struck me as being more true than his previous
writings. I apologize for the size of the posts in
advance. Just delete them if your not interested.
Thanks. Well, here goes....
1-"Fundamentalism(of any kind)troubles me. The world
is too big and too intricate to conform to our ideas
of what it should be like. In my experience i've found
that most fundamentalists aren't so much attached to
there professed ideologies as they are to the way in
which these ideologies try to make sense of a
confusing world. But the world is confusing, and just
because we invent myths and theories to explain away
the choas we're still going to live in a world that's
older and more complicated than we'll ever understand.
So many religious and political and scientific and
social systems fail in that they try to impose a rigid
structure onto what is an inherently ambiguous world.
I'm not suggesting that we stop trying to understand
things. Trying to understand the world can be fun and,
at times, helpful. But if we base our belief systems
on the humble assumption that the complexities of the
world are ontologically beyond our understanding, then
maybe our belief systems will make more sense and end
up causing less suffering."
I think this was the perfect essay to start with.
Covers a bigger picture than the others. For the most
part, I agree with what Moby is saying here. Depending
on your own personal beliefs, the world was here
before we arrived, and will be here when where gone.
On top of that, we are far, FAR from understanding
this very intricate planet. Species become extinct
faster than we can count and human life is continously
taken as easily as those of the animals we slaughter
so thoughtlessly. We continue to breed as if we have
infinite space to live...and we don't. So we send
probes to Mars instead of exploring the waters of our
own planet, which we are destroying at an
unrecoverable rate. The worlds goverments are still so
distrustful that they feel the need to spy on each
other. And "holy wars" break out all over the planet
whenever any slightly over zealous leader get's it in
there head that "there god" or "there race" is better
than yours.
So all "belief systems" aside, should'nt we, as a
species try to put these things aside and just live.
Just be. Exist in the harmony that is available to us
if we could just embrace each other as human beings.
Put aside the racial, religious, sexual, geographic
and any other difference you can think of and just
I mean, how much time do we really have left on this
A short funny:At the beginning of this essay, where
it says "The world is too big..", the first two times
I read that I thought it said the WORD is too big.
Relating to fundamentalism...made me laugh!
Ontology-a branch of metaphysics concerned with the
nature and relations of being. Or- a particular theory
about the nature of being or the kinds of existents.
Ontologically-relating to or based upon being or
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Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 15:54:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: the happi monchichi <cerebusluvsjaka@yahoo.com>
Subject: (mobility) PLAY:ESSAY 2
I have'nt seen anyone post about the essays in Play
yet, so in my usual understated style, i'm going to go
for it. I will post each essay one at a time, followed
by a brief comment or opinion. I'd really like to hear
what others have to say/think about these essays. On
the whole, I think that they are actually much more
positive than past essays. There seems to be an
overlying theme of tolerance and acceptance for all,
and a much calmer more open Moby. Or maybe the words
just struck me as being more true than his previous
writings. I apologize for the size of the posts in
advance. Just delete them if your not interested.
Thanks. Well, here goes....
Essay 2-"It horrifies me that we allow prisoners to be
treated so poorly. If someone is found guilty of
committing a crime then we as a society have given
ourselves the right to punish them by locking them up.
But we also acknowledge that even someone convicted of
committing a crime retains some basic civil rights.
Unfortunately our prisons(especially here in the
U.S.)are places where peoples basic rights are
trampled on pretty much as a matter of course.
Prisoners should'nt have to fear rape, abuse & murder
while there incarcerated. A civilized nation shpuld
concern itself with with protecting and maintaining
the rights of all it's citizens, be they prisoners or
not. A prisoner should be able to pay there debt to
society with ample, constitutionally guaranteed,
protection from harm. And while I'm getting worked up
about the rights of prisoners, let me take a minute to
point out the utter absurdity of consensual crimes in
a supposedly free society. How can we justify locking
people up for committing actions that have no
demostrable repercussions to anyone else? If
someone's actions compromise the rights or will of
another idividual, then fine, punish them. But if
someone's actions don't affect anyone other than the
person committing the actions, then what buisness is
it of the state's? I'm specifically referring to drug
use. I don't use drugs, and I think that drugs can be
terrribly destructive and dangerous, but I don't see
how the state can arrest an adult for doing something
to there own body. An enlightened state should warn
it's citizens about dangerous activities, but it
should'nt be allowed to lock people up for doing
things to themselves. I do not want any goverment
making decisions regarding what I can put in to or do
to my body. An individual's own body is not the
jurisdiction of the state. Although we may find
suicide, drug use, abortion, self-mutilation, etc,
abhorrent, we cannot as an enlightened society make
criminals of people that want to do things to
themselves, so long as there actions don't compromise
our rights. Because we find something distasteful is
not justification enough for us to deem it criminal."
Well! This one caught me off gaurd! First, are we an
enlightened society? I don't think so.
Partially...maybe! And many people that believe
themselves to be enlightened are simply deluded...
So I just wrote a long rambling statement about this
and then deleted it. The short version is that prison
reform and a strong rewriting of our mandatory minumum
drug laws should be as high a priority as we can make
it. But unfortunately, I don't believe this will
happen until the entire current generation of
lawmakers and politicians has died or been voted out
of office. When our generation has truly taken over,
maybe then we can bring about some strong social and
political change.
Also, I personally don't care what happens to the
rapist,child molester, murderer while there
incarcerated. That may be a shitty attitude, but
really, should I give a shit about the guy that raped
the ten year old down the street? I guess I just don't
have that much compasion. Maybe we should have
multiple levels of imprisonment. Maybe...but it
certainly would'nt do anything to solve the problem of
our already overcrowded prisons.
Lastly..it's good to hear that Moby has such on open
minded view on drug use considering he is oppossed to
it. I have been a deadhead for about 12 years and have
several friends who have been imprisoned or are still
in prison, while rapists,child molesters & murderers
are released everyday. Most of these people where
jailed not for using drugs, but for selling,
manufacturing or buying them. And there lies the real
problem/question? How can drug usage ever be legal
when all the other aspects surrounding it are illegal?
I would love for marijuana to be legal and it growing
subsidised by the goverment. It has so many positive
uses...clothing, fuel, food. It produces twice the
oxygen of most trees and plants. It's easy to grow. It
would help save the dying american farm industry. The
money the goverment could make by taxing it's growth
and sale would pay for every other drug prevention
program they are currently running. At the very least
it should be legal for cancer patients. Now those are
all really noble ideas, and i believe in them whole
heartedly...but really, it would just be nice to go to
the store and buy a joint!! That is why I believe the
the decriminalization of illicit substances will never
happen...atleast not any time soon.
Sorry for the length of that one!
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Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 15:54:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: the happi monchichi <cerebusluvsjaka@yahoo.com>
Subject: (mobility) PLAY:ESSAY 3
I have'nt seen anyone post about the essays in Play
yet, so in my usual understated style, i'm going to go
for it. I will post each essay one at a time, followed
by a brief comment or opinion. I'd really like to hear
what others have to say/think about these essays. On
the whole, I think that they are actually much more
positive than past essays. There seems to be an
overlying theme of tolerance and acceptance for all,
and a much calmer more open Moby. Or maybe the words
just struck me as being more true than his previous
writings. I apologize for the size of the posts in
advance. Just delete them if your not interested.
Thanks. Well, here goes....
Essay 3-"Oftentimes when I meet somone they ask why
I'm a vegan(a vegan is someone who niether eats,
wears, or uses animal products). Before I list the
reasons why I've chosen to be a vegan let me say that
I don't jusdge people who choose to eat meat. People
make different choices for different reasons, and it
is not my place to judge the choices that other people
make. Just being alive is inevitably going to cause
suffering. But anyway, here's why I'm a vegan. 1)I
love animals, and I believe that a vegan diet causes
less suffering than a diet centered around animal
products. 2) Animals are sentient creatures with there
own wills, and it seems wrong to force our will onto
another creature just becasue we are able. 3)A great
deal of medical evidence points to the fact that a
diet centered around animal products is terrible for
you. Animal product based diets have been repeatedly
proven to cause and exacerbate cancer, heart disease,
obesity, impotence, diabetes,etc. 4)A vegan diet is
materially more efficient than an animal product based
diet. By that I mean that you can feed lot's more
people with grain directly than by feeding that grain
to a cow and then killing the cow. In a world where
people are starving it seems criminal to fatten up
cows with grain that could be keeping people alive.
5)The raising of farm animals is environmentally
disastrous. All of the waste from animal farming gets
washed into our water supply, poisoning our drinking
water and fouling our lakes, streams, and oceans. 6)
Vegan food is nice to look at. Compare a plate with
grains and fruits and vegetables to a plate with pigs'
intestines, chicken legs, and chopped up cows'
muscles. So that's pretty much why I'm a vegan. If for
some reason you ever decide to become a vegetarian or
a vegan, please do so carefully. Most of our
conventional diets are so meat and animal product
based that when we give up meat we don't know what to
replace it with. Although a vegetarian or vegan diet
is a million times healthier than a carnivorous diet,
making the transition away from animals needs to be
done wisely. Most health food stores and bookstores
have good books that can help you make the transition
from an animal product based diet to a vegatarian or
vegan diet.
Nicely said! There are many many more reasons to
become a vegan or vegi, and you'll hear just as many
responses as to why all those reasons are wrong. It's
a very biased topic, with every one believing that
there view is the correct one. I will keep my opinion
to myself and simply say that I was a vegan, and am
now(again)a vegi, mostly for health reasons. I would
like to thank Moby for offering his views yet still
warning people who are interested to become educated
and do it safely.
I would however like to comment on the statement,"Just
being alive is inevitably going to casue suffering."
Uhhh...wow! Can you say, depressing. But it is still
something that I think about almost everyday! When
driving my car. Or getting gas for my car. Or putting
something in the garbage(I do recycle EVERYTHING that
I can). Or buying clothes(where did they com from? Who
made them?). And a hundred other things that we do
everyday and think very little about. Even something
so simple as washing a dish! The water has to drain
somewhere, and soap of any kind is not good for
aquatic life of any kind! So really this comes back to
the point of living TOGETHER. Trying to work TOGETHER
with other people to find a solution to some of the
problems that are quickly(in a history of the universe
sense of time-depending on your beliefs^_^)destroying
our planet. Most importantly though, we MUST learn to
tolerate on anothers differences on an idividual AND
global level.
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Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 15:48:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: the happi monchichi <cerebusluvsjaka@yahoo.com>
Subject: (mobility) PLAY:ESSAY 4
I have'nt seen anyone post about the essays in Play
yet, so in my usual understated style, i'm going to go
for it. I will post each essay one at a time, followed
by a brief comment or opinion. I'd really like to hear
what others have to say/think about these essays. On
the whole, I think that they are actually much more
positive than past essays. There seems to be an
overlying theme of tolerance and acceptance for all,
and a much calmer more open Moby. Or maybe the words
just struck me as being more true than his previous
writings. I apologize for the size of the posts in
advance. Just delete them if your not interested.
Thanks. Well, here goes....
Essay 4-"I just went to the Museum of Jewish Heritage
and the Holocaust in Manhattan and it was driven home
that to me that almost all of the state sponsored
atrocities of the 20th century occured with either the
complicity and/or awareness of the worlds goverments.
Before and during World War II the Allied goverments
toghtened quotas on Jewish immagration, thus leaving
most of the Jews in western and eastern Europe with
nowhere to go. Whenever we're aware of a despotic
regime victimizing a segment of it's population, we
are all to some extent responsible. We've known about
attrocities as they where being carried out and done
little or noithing to intervene. As compasionate
citizens we need to be adamantly intolerant of regimes
that openly and intentionally victimize segments of
there populations. Institutional racism, prejudice,
homophobia, antisemitism and hate of any kind, are, at
the risk of sounding absolutist, always intolerable.
And we need to make sure that our elected
representatives do their utmost to make the world an
unsafe place for desposts, demagogues, and all those
officials who preach and carry out hate and violence."
VOTE DAMN IT!! It's a right that most of us in free
democratic countrie's take for granted(especially the
U.S.). The importance of knowing your legislative
representatives(wether you voted them into office or
not)and there politics cannot be overstated! On the
local, state, and federal level, these people make
decisions FOR YOU! Wether they know how you as an
individual feel or not. So let them know how you
feel..about everything! It sicken me that our
retaliation on Kosovo is being done under the banner
of the United Nations. All that really means is that a
bunch of appointed or elected officials sat around and
decided that the best way to stop one side from
killing the other side.....is to kill somemore!! I
beong to human race, and as a human I think it's
INHUMANE to use violence to stop violence. It will
just breed more violence. As a supposed "enlightened"
society one would think that we would have found
better ways to solve our problems by now.
I'm not Jewish. And "my people" have never been openly
persecuted and slaughtered just for being people. And
even though I think that all the Jewish people went
through was intolerably wrong, I still find myself
wondering when the wounds will begin to heal. I don't
think that what happened should ever be forgoten, but
I know more now about the holocasut then I ever
learned in school. Don't know what I'm getting at
here....just a thought.
despot- a ruler with absolute power and authority b :
a person exercising power tyrannically
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