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From: owner-mobility-digest@lists.xmission.com (mobility-digest)
To: mobility-digest@lists.xmission.com
Subject: mobility-digest V1 #360
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mobility-digest Friday, April 2 1999 Volume 01 : Number 360
Re: (mobility) moby @ cleveland 4-17-99 information
Re: (mobility) Play 2
(mobility) GAS OUT!! GAS OUT!! GAS OUT!!
(mobility) Hard at Play
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 05:45:03 EST
From: Astroman64@aol.com
Subject: Re: (mobility) moby @ cleveland 4-17-99 information
thanx again for the putting the show post up.I haven't found a venue name
yet, but have managed to get some a number to call.And that number is (330)
Tickets are being sold through area record shops for $30($35 at the door)It
is also a two day festival and from what i know RUN DMC and Moby will be on
the same night(don't quote me on that though)
hope to see everyone
at the show
PS call the number for the list of ticket distributers
PPS can someone post the venue name if they find out
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 06:55:11 PST
From: "Steve Giles" <power_hymn@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Play 2
M. Matos wrote:
>I like it when he's just relaxing, too, although I found The End of
>Everything rather bland. This one (on a 2nd listen) seems to have
>similar pitfalls, though they're certainly not fatal.
If those are pitfalls, I'm glad Play has them.
>Your favorite?! Really?! Only after one day?! I'd really have to take
>that with a grain of salt, Dan--not because I don't believe you love
>but because NO record can really earn that position until it's been
>given some time.
I think I can see where you and Dan differ, Matos. (you sign Matos, do
you prefer to be addressed as that or Micheal or Michealangelo?) I can
formulate an opinion on an album after hearing it 2 or 3 times, simply
by examing how the album makes me feel, my reactions to it. (though if I
was Dan I'd have heard it 15 times by now) I listen to the emotional
resonance of an album primarily, whereas you _seem_ to value
intellectual interplay more. You sound very analytical of music, and
being that you're a rock critic, that makes sense. That would also
prelude slower, more careful conclusions about the piece of music in
question. With Moby's music, I've learned to feel it before I ponder it.
Sometimes I just feel like I'm soaring above the clouds, or floating
lazily in a pool, or I feel nothing or annoyance if I dislike a
particular song. That's why I usually ignore the radio, because it makes
me feel bored and dissatisfied. I love the End Of Everything, btw.
Anyways, what I'm saying is that Dan may use a simalar approach that
would justify such a "favorite" statement.
>That's the thing about Moby's lyrics (and
>indeed everything he does musically and otherwise): they're right on
>surface. I don't mean he should start babbling nonsense that makes you
>think he's "really deep" (like Underworld), but he's not the most
>of writers, and while I love him for that when it works when it doesn't
>it can be faintly embarrassing.
I never thought Underworld tried to be deep. To me the words were
instruments, sounds, part of the aural collage. Not poetry that hinted
at actual meaning. In fact, Karl has said that he rides the subway and
pieces interesting bits of conversation together. As for Moby, I'll have
to wait for Play to see how well everything stands together.
>By the way, I'm very happy that I'm on this list, especially now that
>this discussion is underway. Writing about music is fun and very
>interesting, but being part of a community of FANS for whom this
>particular artist is not just good or a good story but an integral part
>of their lives is really refreshing. Glad you all are out there--even
>you do like Underworld ;-).
Yes, Moby is important to me. I'm glad another talky person is around. I
hope more of 'us' start talking. I look forward to further discussion,
even if it does lead to introspection. :)
- -Steve
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Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 10:45:25 EST
From: Gristledog@aol.com
Subject: (mobility) GAS OUT!! GAS OUT!! GAS OUT!!
- --part1_dcab6724.24364015_boundary
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
i know this isnt related to moby ... but it is very important !
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Return-path: Shyelock@aol.com
From: Shyelock@aol.com
Full-name: Shyelock
Message-ID: <dcab6724.24363684@aol.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 10:04:36 EST
Subject: Fwd: GAS OUT!! GAS OUT!! GAS OUT!!
To: Nethrcrwlr@aol.com, TryDeSax@aol.com, Z00N0SIS@aol.com,
Gristledog@aol.com, Suul@aol.com, Pinsmich@aol.com, Hegemony@aol.com,
Cybobby@aol.com, APhi247@aol.com, Avrak@aol.com, Sarahphyna@aol.com,
FFRJR@yahoo.com, Wickenham@aol.com, eskimo007@hotmail.com,
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="part2_dcab6724.24363684_boundary"
X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 4
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In a message dated 4/2/99 8:10:13 AM Eastern Standard Time,
sirbeast@uakron.edu writes:
<< Okay, normally I do not even bother with Forwards and SPAM and the like,
however since this one has a SET expiration date let's pass this good
word on!! GAS OUT!!
It's time we did something about the price of gasoline in America! We
are all sick and tired of high prices when there are literally millions
of gallons in storage. Know what I found out? If there was just ONE day
when no one purchased any
gasoline, prices would drop drastically. The so-called oil cartel has
decided to slow production by some 2 million barrels per day to drive
up the price. I have decided to see how many Americans we can get to NOT
one particular day!
Let's have a GAS OUT! Do not buy any gasoline on APRIL 30, 1999!!!!!
Buy on Thursday before, or Saturday after. Do not buy any gasoline on
FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1999. Wanna help?
Send this message to everyone you know. Ask them to do the same. All
we need is a few million to participate in order to make a difference.
- --part2_dcab6724.24363684_boundary
Content-Type: message/rfc822
Content-Disposition: inline
Return-Path: <sirbeast@uakron.edu>
Received: from rly-za05.mx.aol.com (rly-za05.mail.aol.com [])
by air-za02.mail.aol.com (v59.2) with SMTP; Fri, 02 Apr 1999 08:10:09
Received: from uakron.edu (uakron.edu [])
by rly-za05.mx.aol.com (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0)
with ESMTP id IAA19838;
Fri, 2 Apr 1999 08:10:04 -0500 (EST)
Received: from uakron.edu ([])
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Fri, 2 Apr 1999 08:09:46 -0500 (EST)
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Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 08:09:41 -0500
From: Frank Lipscomb <sirbeast@uakron.edu>
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To: Adam Critchfield <adc@neo.lrun.com>
CC: Adam Dickson <dickson.2@wright.edu>, adnd <adnd@loki.axxsys.net>,
Aimee Caschera <aimee51@hotmail.com>,
Alan Brubaker <imspanky2@aol.com>,
Alexa Margulski <majicmistress@juno.com>,
Amy Hudson <ahudson@uakron.edu>,
Andrew Mc Donald <awmcdonald@home.com>,
Andrew McDonald <amcdonald@ibm.net>, atsbilan <atsbilan@usa.net>,
"Becky (lil sis from War)" <Kandangel@aol.com>,
Bishop <EdessaSCA@aol.com>,
"Brad J. Tatarzycki" <RaraAvis@concentric.net>,
Brian Podloger <bpod@neo.lrun.com>, Brian Diehl <bdiehl@nclogic.com>,
Brian Meyers <brian330@sssnet.com>,
"CarguyCWB@aol.com" <CarguyCWB@aol.com>,
carmen jones <crazyblackgirl@hotmail.com>,
"Carrie A. Heavrin" <heavrin@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu>,
Cat <catdancing@catlover.com>, Charles Delaney
"Christopher B. Stafford" <Da_Gronk@hotmail.com>,
"Christorpher Bart Hourcle'" <samhain@Glue.umd.edu>,
"Christorpher Bart Hourcle'" <kender@otd.com>,
"clann@neo.lrun.com" <clann@neo.lrun.com>,
Claudia <scubagrl@webbranch.com>,
Craig Hauer <wpn-zero@pacbell.net>,
Craig Stahler <garouking@zahadum.com>, culann <zathras@neo.rr.com>,
Dame EreTant <eretant@geocities.com>,
"David C. Heflin" <dch2@uakron.edu>, Deb haissa <Dhaissa@aol.com>,
Dee Wagner <dwagner@skillcenter.com>,
Deeann McQueen <DeeannMcQ@aol.com>,
Donnie McGrath <azerothnc@juno.com>,
Doug Breakiron <Shdowworld@aol.com>, Dug Swank
Dustin McGroyne <whitey@his.com>,
Elizabeth Wyant <vampireew@hotmail.com>, elsmith
Eric Walden <Erwalden@aol.com>, Felipe <the_ox@usa.net>,
Finn <Valentin@nwohio.nwonline.net>,
Frank Lipscomb <sirbeast@uakron.edu>, gandt <gandt@sssnet.com>,
Gary and Linda Copeland <galin@konza.flinthills.com>,
Gary Moon <Ugrick@aol.com>, "Greyhaze@aol.com" <Greyhaze@aol.com>,
Hoffmann <randolph@en.com>, Hollie Connell <connell@lec.edu>,
Hollie Connell <connell@sssnet.com>, Sir Beast
Deb haissa <Dhaissa@aol.com>, sean baker <t_i_bastard@hotmail.com>,
Leanne White <mistress_erin@hotmail.com>,
Charles Delaney <zathras@neo.lrun.com>,
"Christopher B. Stafford" <Da_Gronk@hotmail.com>,
Donnie McGrath <azerothnc@juno.com>,
Yvonne Vincent <blaze70@hotmail.com>,
Julie Christ <faerie99@hotmail.com>, Alan Brubaker
Gary Moon <Ugrick@aol.com>, Mike shyjka <Genma@stratos.net>,
"sapphira@neo.lrun.com" <sapphira@neo.lrun.com>,
Seth <docseth19@aol.com>, Stephen Denoms <psychophage@hotmail.com>,
Vodhin <Vodhin2@aol.com>, Paul Randall <lordwoodroe@yahoo.com>,
Sheilagh Ellison <sheila5@uakron.edu>, Bishop <EdessaSCA@aol.com>,
Robert Adamson <ollie3of9@hotmail.com>, Tiny <grimmr86@hotmail.com>,
Ogre <dahogre@hotmail.com>, stephen lynn <stevio@hotmail.com>,
Ryka Margulski <young_one25@hotmail.com>, atsbilan
elsmith <elsmith@uakron.edu>, skylar <skylar@mailcity.com>,
Craig Stahler <garouking@zahadum.com>,
hyena2000 <hyena2000@hotmail.com>,
"James H. Laser" <JimLaser@fabri-centers.com>,
"James H. Laser" <JimLaser@jo-annstores.com>,
James Laser <jimlaser@yahoo.com>, Jax Rencic
Jay Kennedy <jjj@en.com>, Jeff Shepler <js@brouse.com>,
Jennifer Howard <jhoward@darwin.EPBI.CWRU.Edu>,
Jim Byrd <jebyrd@glasscity.net>, Jim Roberson <gareth@tcp1.com>,
John Ledbetter <DaltWisney@aol.com>,
Julie Christ <faerie99@hotmail.com>, Jurgen <xcelant1@aol.com>,
Kevin Derrick <kevin7@apk.net>,
Leanne White <mistress_erin@hotmail.com>,
Madd Ivan <Ivanthemad@aol.com>, "Mark E. Daniel" <mark@lsi.ald.net>,
Mark LeForte <leforte@uakron.edu>, Mary Rencic <Marence@aol.com>,
Michael Jervis <Panther@Now-Online.com>,
"Michael S. Greene" <Sanction@ix.netcom.com>,
Mike shyjka <Genma@stratos.net>,
Mini and Giggles Moving Violations <Mvgvltns@aol.com>,
Missy De Maison <aphroditemd@hotmail.com>,
Morgan Lahman <gryffyn@concentric.net>,
Morgus the Headslayer <morgus@apk.net>,
"Nancy C. Jervis" <hotrod@apk.net>, Ogre <dahogre@hotmail.com>,
Paradise <DMM3271@tntech.edu>, Pat Dougherty <jpd@raex.com>,
Paul Hickman <mfi@raex.com>, Paul Randall <lordwoodroe@yahoo.com>,
Peter Nederpel <peterne@usa.net>,
pocketfox17 <pocketfox17@hotmail.com>,
Ranma Saotome <ranmasoatome@hotmail.com>,
ravenson <ravenson@ix.netcom.com>, RedmoonWHO <RedmoonWHO@aol.com>,
"RenFest@aol.com" <RenFest@aol.com>,
Rex Hamilton <HAMILTR@cesmtp.ccf.org>, Rob Lane <Muardeb@aol.com>,
Robert Adamson <ollie3of9@hotmail.com>,
Ryka Margulski <young_one25@hotmail.com>,
"sapphira@neo.lrun.com" <sapphira@neo.lrun.com>,
"Michael S. Greene" <Sanction@ix.netcom.com>,
"tanker@softhome.net" <tanker@softhome.net>,
"Christorpher Bart Hourcle'" <kender@otd.com>,
Bishop <EdessaSCA@aol.com>, hyena2000 <hyena2000@hotmail.com>,
ravenson <ravenson@ix.netcom.com>,
pocketfox17 <pocketfox17@hotmail.com>, timberlou <timberlou@aol.com>,
sean baker <t_i_bastard@hotmail.com>, Seth <docseth19@aol.com>,
Shatterhaze Altaireotter <altaireotter@hotmail.com>,
Sheila Ellison <ladyerilyn@hotmail.com>,
Sheilagh Ellison <sheila5@uakron.edu>,
Sir Beast <sirbeast@hotmail.com>, skylar <skylar@mailcity.com>,
"slowgarvin@email.msn.com" <slowgarvin@email.msn.com>,
Sortirios <jaa8@imperium.net>, Stephanie Bradley <ataru@netcom.com>,
Stephen Denoms <psychophage@hotmail.com>,
stephen lynn <stevio@hotmail.com>,
Tananda Densmore <tananda@javanet.com>,
"tanker@softhome.net" <tanker@softhome.net>,
Theresa Buck <theresa@cimema99.com>,
Theresa Quint <79900077%TAONODE@VMCMS.CSUOHIO.EDU>,
theresa quint <teas42@hotmail.com>, Tiffany <Shyelock@aol.com>,
TIFFANY CARTER <cart1454@trumbull.kent.edu>,
timberlou <timberlou@aol.com>, Timothy McCollum
Tiny <grimmr86@hotmail.com>, Trace <Jaylayson2@aol.com>,
Trace <Lapis_knight@hotmail.com>,
"Valentin@nwonline.net" <Valentin@nwonline.net>,
Vodhin <Vodhin2@aol.com>, wayne carper <icequeen@pathway.net>,
William Reagan <wreagan_delta@compuserve.com>,
Yvona Mary McGroyne <Jynmar@aol.com>,
Yvonne Vincent <blaze70@hotmail.com>, Zimra
Zoe Gizara <zoe@cra-arch.com>
Subject: GAS OUT!! GAS OUT!! GAS OUT!!
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
- --------------050FAE2065C3DE4B79001BDF
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Okay, normally I do not even bother with Forwards and SPAM and the like,
however since this one has a SET expiration date let's pass this good
word on!! GAS OUT!!
It's time we did something about the price of gasoline in America! We
are all sick and tired of high prices when there are literally millions
of gallons in storage. Know what I found out? If there was just ONE day
when no one purchased any
gasoline, prices would drop drastically. The so-called oil cartel has
decided to slow production by some 2 million barrels per day to drive
up the price. I have decided to see how many Americans we can get to NOT
one particular day!
Let's have a GAS OUT! Do not buy any gasoline on APRIL 30, 1999!!!!!
Buy on Thursday before, or Saturday after. Do not buy any gasoline on
FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1999. Wanna help?
Send this message to everyone you know. Ask them to do the same. All
we need is a few million to participate in order to make a difference.
- --------------------
Received: from grover.en.com (grover.en.com [])
by uakron.edu (8.9.1/8.9.1) with ESMTP id SAA24823
for <sirbeast@uakron.edu>; Thu, 1 Apr 1999 18:26:48 -0500 (EST)
Received: from en.com (p8-clv2-ts2.en.net [])
by grover.en.com (8.9.1a/8.9.1a) with ESMTP id SAA19928;
Thu, 1 Apr 1999 18:21:32 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <37040043.10618AAB@en.com>
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 18:24:51 -0500
From: Bruce Banfield <tang@en.com>
Reply-To: tang@en.com
Organization: Computer Horizons
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 [en] (Win98; I)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Beast <sirbeast@uakron.edu>
Subject: [Fwd: gas out -Forwarded]
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
- --------------3E6CC8119E1D9DD7531D3A32
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Sounds like a good Idea :)
- --
There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved
through a suitable application of high explosives.
- --------------3E6CC8119E1D9DD7531D3A32
Content-Type: message/rfc822
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline
Received: from imo25.mx.aol.com (imo25.mx.aol.com [])
by grover.en.com (8.9.1a/8.9.1a) with ESMTP id UAA00196
for <tang@en.com>; Wed, 31 Mar 1999 20:19:49 -0500 (EST)
From: HBarthelem@aol.com
Received: from HBarthelem@aol.com
by imo25.mx.aol.com (IMOv19.3) id sGJRa18886;
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 20:14:50 +1900 (EST)
Message-ID: <e11a5671.3702c88a@aol.com>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 20:14:50 EST
To: crm114@caltel.com, DWGRUMP@aol.com, bturner@apc.net,
Bob Trowbridge <btent@worldnet.att.net>, stvnthea@volcano.net,
MeauxJeaux@aol.com, Selway Marta <willow@discover.net>,
asanow@slip.net, JRLinesch@aol.com, carlan@saber.net,
viatatto@hotmail.com, BOBCATS@ix.netcom.com, TIGERCLAWO@aol.com,
ynape@pcmagic.net, alwyn@mcn.org, lkopper@harding.com,
Julie Johnson <jj_johnson69@hotmail.com>, jhorack@hotmail.com,
thegunn@yahoo.com, raygris@asis.com, WALLABYONE@aol.com,
Joel Ficklin <jkfkln@asis.com>, Djfiron1@aol.com, LQPLUMB@aol.com,
heavenly@jps.net, duffiecooley@hotmail.com, dclyde@netscape.com,
DavTek@aol.com, JOACA@worldnet.att.net, tang@en.com,
Marsali45@hotmail.com, LulaBeeGal@aol.com, Rick1Vic2@aol.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: gas out -Forwarded
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 4
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
In a message dated 3/30/99 9:27:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, EKPolitis@aol.com
It's time we did something about the price of gasoline in America! We are=
sick and tired of high prices when there are literally millions of gallons=
Know what I found out? If there was just ONE day when no one purchased an=
gasoline, prices would drop drastically. The so-called oil cartel has dec=
to slow production by some 2 million barrels per day to drive up the price=
. I
have decided to see how many Americans we can get to NOT BUY ANY GASOLINE =
particular day!
Let's have a GAS OUT! Do not buy any gasoline on APRIL 30, 1999!!!!!
Buy on Thursday before, or Saturday after. Do not buy any gasoline on FRI=
APRIL 30, 1999. Wanna help? Send this message to everyone you know. Ask
to do the same. All we need is a few million to participate in order to m=
- --------------3E6CC8119E1D9DD7531D3A32--
- --------------050FAE2065C3DE4B79001BDF--
- --part2_dcab6724.24363684_boundary--
- --part1_dcab6724.24364015_boundary--
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 09:23:26 -0700
From: Daniel Cerman <dcerman@verinet.com>
Subject: (mobility) Hard at Play
[was Re: (mobility) Play 2]
Michael Matos wrote:
> Dan, my copy is from the US. His promo people (Formula) sent me a copy.
Cool. I never even heard of Formula. :/
> I actually got it on Wednesday but didn't get my mail until Thursday
> morning. The catalogue no. is: V2ADV-27049-2. (I assume the regular
> release will lose the ADV part, but who knows.)
It may even lose the V2 part.
> Your favorite?! Really?! Only after one day?! I'd really have to take
> that with a grain of salt, Dan--not because I don't believe you love it,
> but because NO record can really earn that position until it's been
> given some time. It took a half-dozen listens for EIW to sink in, and I
> went around saying it was my favorite record of all time for awhile.
> It's not--I hardly play it anymore, partly because I OD'ed on the thing
> (my own fault) and partly because its flaws became more and more
> apparent to me as time went on. I think something similar might happen
> to you with Play. I don't mean you're wrong or stupid for saying
> that--quite the opposite, I'm really happy you like it as much as you
> do. But it might be to your advantage to wait awhile before you make
> pronouncements like that.
I wholeheartedly agree with your reasoning. Whenever I get new Moby
stuff, I get excited. During the novelty phase I am prone to praise
the new release more than it perhaps deserves. But I've had _Play_
for ten days now, and have listened to some of its songs around four
dozen times. At the risk of ODing, I'm really breaking it in, and
wearing off the initial overexcitement so I can write more objectively
about it. That's half of the reason I didn't post to Mobility the
minute I got it. I wanted to allow time for my thoughts to solidify.
Now it is entirely possible that as time progresses my opinion will
change. But I am fairly certain that _Play_ is now my favorite Moby
album from the Mute era. I haven't really tried to compare it with
the old Instinct albums yet, so I am not saying that it is my all-time
favorite Moby album. Other Mute albums have songs and/or singles that
are IMHO superior to any songs or singles from _Play_, but taken as a
whole, I enjoy listening to _Play_ more than those albums.
> I definitely see your point about the 18 songs feeling like 12--partly
> that's because several tracks serve the "Let's Go Free" function and are
> bridges between things (and are really short). But the thing about them
> is that, for me, some of them seem like throwaways, or just negligible.
Yes, some of them are.
> There's a lot of slow, langorous soundtrack music featuring plangent
> guitars and soft strings, and while Moby can certainly make stunning
> music in this vein ("Alone" is one of my favorite Moby trax ever), too
> much of it sounds boring to me. A second listen to the album widened the
> disparity between the cuts I did and the cuts I didn't like: I love a
> lot of the vocal stuff (even the Moby-sung "Porcelain," which I didn't
> care for at first), and the
> picking-the-acoustic-while-sitting-in-the-wheatfields stuff seemed less
> interesting than the first time, when I didn't think it was interesting
> either.
As I said, I probably would have created an entirely different album
if I could have selected the songs myself. But _Play_ fits a different,
more downtrodden, funky, bluesy mood, and IMHO does it very well. Even
the songs that don't thrill me make for good listening. There's nothing
that I really dislike on this album. Oddly, the songs that probably have
the most US pop music breakthrough potential ("Bodyrock", "South Side")
do little for me as a longtime Moby fan.
I like Moby's vocal tracks a lot too. "Porcelain" is wonderful, and
I can't help but like the "If Things Were Perfect" / "The Sky Is Broken"
duo. "Machete" stands out as the only fast track track on _Play_, with
singing that seems to me reminiscent of _Animal Rights_.
As for "picking-the-acoustic-while-sitting-in-the-wheatfields stuff",
what do you think of "Everloving"? I find it to be beautiful and full
of emotion, and I love it.
BTW, I think the most fun song on the album is "Find My Baby". Pure
funky fun that makes a great followup to "Honey".
> You're certainly right about the lyrics not being any worse than most of
> what's popular (or not). But I don't think they're obscure at all--if
> anything, they're too obvious. That's the thing about Moby's lyrics (and
> indeed everything he does musically and otherwise): they're right on the
> surface. I don't mean he should start babbling nonsense that makes you
> think he's "really deep" (like Underworld), but he's not the most subtle
> of writers, and while I love him for that when it works when it doesn't
> it can be faintly embarrassing. ...
Granted. But at least Moby sounds good while reading/singing/shouting
the lyrics. And you're right -- "obscure" was a poor choice of words,
and was not what I meant.
> Glad you all are out there--even if you do like Underworld ;-).
Heheh. I enjoy Underworld's music quite a bit. They're sort of the
antithesis of Moby, with unfathomable messages, lyrics, and emotions,
but I like their sound.
Matos, I think most or all of your points are valid, and make for an
engaging discussion/debate, even though we reach differing conclusions.
Keep it up! :)
Daniel Cerman
NP: Moby, "Find My Baby"
End of mobility-digest V1 #360
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