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From: owner-mobility-digest@lists.xmission.com (mobility-digest)
To: mobility-digest@lists.xmission.com
Subject: mobility-digest V1 #227
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mobility-digest Sunday, September 20 1998 Volume 01 : Number 227
(mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #226
Re: (mobility) Re: thanks 2
(mobility) Honey/Bring Back My Happiness
Re: THANKS 2 (mobility)
Re: THANKS 2 (mobility)
Re: THANKS 2 (mobility)
Re: THANKS 2 (mobility)
(mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #226
(mobility) Re: 2 versions?
Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #226
(mobility) Re: THANKS 2
(mobility) thanks artwork and music voting info
(mobility) so sorry...
(mobility) Re: thanks 2
Re: THANKS 2 (mobility)
(mobility) possible name for thanks 2
(mobility) 2 versions please
Re: (mobility) thanks artwork and music voting info
Re: (mobility) thanks artwork and music voting info
(mobility) thanks artwork dimensions
Re: (mobility) thanks artwork and music voting info
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 16:50:19 -0500
From: Brian Behm <behmer@pioneerplanet.infi.net>
Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #226
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 19:32:29 -0500
From: "Brad Caviness" <bigwig@arkansas.net>
Subject: RE: (mobility) thanks 2
>Hell no! Among my other ideas, I was also considering an acoustic "Love
>Hole" or getting my friend Amy Lee from the goth/emo band evanescence to
>sing over the instrumental version of "When It's Cold I'd Like to Die."
>Ack. Too many ideas. I've always though a ska version of ETYTM would be
>interesting. ;).
>By the way, I'm posting a lot of ideas I should probably keep to myself.
>Please don't anybody steal them.
Ack! That's what I've been working on with the Benny Hinn Experience...or
at least something that's similar. It'll start with a bluesy version of
Everything is Wrong and transition into a Nut Zippers-esque ETYTM. I think
it'll be cool.
Brian the MInnesotan
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 21:55:09 CDT
From: "Derek Goodwrench" <dgoodwrench@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: thanks 2
I like King Missile, especially "Detachable Penis" and "Martin
Scorcese". Pretty interesting stuff there. Sorry for the non-Moby post.
Other than being able to play some pretty mean versions of "Nash" and
"Displaced", I can't produce anything for the Thanks2 compilation. Pity
for you all, I know, but I have no means of doing anything electronic
becuase of major lack of fundage for equipment or otherwise. So, there's
my Moby-relevant material for this post.
And a happy one, too.....
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Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 21:59:57 PDT
From: "Stephanie Momose" <srmomo@hotmail.com>
Subject: (mobility) Honey/Bring Back My Happiness
Hi there! Just thought I'd make a rare post and say that I picked up a
copy of "Honey" today. It's quite different but I like it. I think it
will be one of those tunes that will grow on me.
I also got the "Bring Back My Happiness" disc. Interesting...
I like the cute picture on the cover. Self-portrait?
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Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 02:21:17 -0400
From: Ryu <ryu97@psu.edu>
Subject: Re: THANKS 2 (mobility)
At 10:58 AM 9/19/98 EDT, you wrote:
>i'm thinking that maybe all the mobility list people could get one version of
>the cd, and another version could be made for the rest of the people who would
>be interested in it. that way we can still have a rare copy of it, but other
>people can also enjoy it. tell me what you think.
what do you girls and guys think? would it be worth the work to
release two different versions?
- -ryu
The World's First Non-Profit Record Label
Specializing in Powerful Music
724-869-0908 * Ryu * ryu97@psu.edu
536 Daly Ave.
Baden, PA 15005
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 01:26:44 -0500
From: Ade <ade@anderson.edu>
Subject: Re: THANKS 2 (mobility)
>what do you girls and guys think? would it be worth the work to
>release two different versions?
I don't know. It sounds kind of seedy. Don't we hate record companies for
pulling shit like that all the time? I'm sure the CD will be rare enough
enough as it is. And that's a lot of work to put two out. Also, how do we
decide which tracks go on the mobility version and which ones go on the
public version? We don't want to keep all the best songs or noone else
will want it and we don't want to just have all the bad songs 'cause what
good will that do?
But if everyone else thinks it's a good idea I won't stand in the way.
- --Ade.
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 02:29:25 EDT
From: Spydercorp@aol.com
Subject: Re: THANKS 2 (mobility)
In a message dated 9/20/98 6:21:17 AM, ryu97@psu.edu writes:
<<what do you girls and guys think? would it be worth the work to
release two different versions? >>
I think that would be cool, but I question how many people will buy this CD
that are not on the list. It would definately be better at least from the
artwork side as more are could be used - assuming all this art that is being
promised ever gets done. And I have a qquestion since I am one of the could be
artists - is the official title of this CD going to be 'Thanks 2' ? Later.
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 01:54:11 -0500 (CDT)
From: DAVIESA@uwplatt.edu
Subject: Re: THANKS 2 (mobility)
beleive me, one release will be more than enough work. i see no need for 2
gingebread man
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 06:04:29 EDT
From: MindTrip@aol.com
Subject: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #226
In a message dated 9/19/98 5:39:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, owner-mobility-
digest@lists.xmission.com writes:
I realize there is alot of people offering to do the art, and i guess i'm just
another person that's interested in doing the same...you can check out my work
at <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/Defmoby/MindTrip.index.html">The MindTrip
Gallery</A> , if its what u r looking for, then i would be more than happy(i
think overwhelmed is the word) to do the artwork.
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 06:27:45 +0000
From: clay <ev2k@pacbell.net>
Subject: (mobility) Re: 2 versions?
i think the idea of 2 versions is nice
if we are to consider ourselves so special just because we are on this
and are the instigators of this project but it would be
expensive and a little like guns and roses
hanson doing a special cd just for theor hometown or something......
neat but kinda indulgent.......let's just make
one really phat kick ass cd that we can all be proud of and the world
can enjoy.........
and we can afford to do
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 11:09:05 -0500
From: Ade <ade@anderson.edu>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Re: mobility-digest V1 #226
>I realize there is alot of people offering to do the art, and i guess i'm
>another person that's interested in doing the same...you can check out my
>at <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/Defmoby/MindTrip.index.html">The MindTrip
>Gallery</A> , if its what u r looking for, then i would be more than happy(i
>think overwhelmed is the word) to do the artwork.
Just give it a try and enter something. We'll all vote on it.
- --Ade.
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 12:14:21 -0400
From: n <shadedblue@home.com>
Subject: (mobility) Re: THANKS 2
hi ryu,
hi, i'm a lurker on mobility and i'm also on your mailing list. I'm
heavily into art and design and i'm interested in doing something for
this Thanks 2 compilation. What kind of design aesthetic are you
looking for? And do you need a hard copy or could i send you a file?
Do you need it at CD size or bigger i.e. will you shrink it down? How
will you reproduce it? All things i'd like to know...when's the
deadline again? American thanksgiving? Sometime in November, right?
I don't usually have much to contribute to the list but i'd like to with
this :) Oh yeah, and do you have the dimensions for the tray card and
the front fold out? I have a CD cover template i made up myself on the
computer (i just pulled out the cards and measured them)'cause i make
mixed cd's myself sometimes and i like to do artwork/design for them,
but i'll conform to whatever parameters you set in this case. Please
get back to me. I'd really like to help.
On another note, I keep meaning to ask you whether you ever needed any
artists/designers to contribute work for stuf you put out on SHO. I'd
be more than willing to do so. If i had money i would probably have
bought up most of your discography by now, seeing as we have such
similar musical slants. I have and liked "before after then" and i
meant to buy "power made flesh" when it came out but, hey, gotta love
that weak canadian dollar. The money order alone would cost more than
what you were charging for the disc <:)
Regardless, i'd like to help with the thanks 2 comp. Get back to me
wit tha 411 on the specs 'kay? :) Thank you for your trouble,
Words fail.
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 14:35:42 -0400
From: Ryu <ryu97@psu.edu>
Subject: (mobility) thanks artwork and music voting info
hello ladies and gents,
as for the voting for track listing of the cd, i'm not
thinking that voting for the track listing is such a good idea.
for one, it will make things very complicated because not everyone
can submit files in mp3 format or ra. and it will just take up
alot of time that i don't really think is necessary. i don't think we
will get enuff submissions from list members to make it a worthwhile
venture. i've only heard from 5 people saying they'd like to do a
track for it, so there will be more than enuff room. perhaps even
enuff for each person to do more than one track.
does this upset anyone? if anyone has a gripe, please let me know
and i'll reconsider.
as for the voting on the artwork... ade will be housing the web
site! he's a swell guy! he has more than enuff space to do it.
his site isn't up just yet, but will be soon. either me or him will
let you all know when you can start sending in your artwork.
it will all go to him, and not me, and he'll let us know what format
and size he'd prefer it to be sent in at.
i think that it could be possible to have bits of artwork from different
people combined for the final product. for example, one person doing
the cover, another doing the inside insert, and another doing the
back tray card.
it would also be easiest to keep the layout simple in terms of size.
if we make the insert itself, a one fold (two panel), front and back, that
will fit on one sheet of 8.5/11 paper. then the tray card on a separate
sheet. or perhaps both can be combined onto one 11x17" sheet...i'm not
sure. at any rate, no more than two pieces of paper so it's more cost
effective to copy. so keep that in mind when designing.
now the title.....that is somethign we should discuss soon so people can
use it in their artwork. i'm content with calling it "thanks 2", but
does anyone have a more creative title we can use?
ok, i think that's all at this time.
again, if the not voting for track listings upsets anyone, let me know.
The World's First Non-Profit Record Label
Specializing in Powerful Music
724-869-0908 * Ryu * ryu97@psu.edu
536 Daly Ave.
Baden, PA 15005
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 14:40:19 -0400
From: n <shadedblue@home.com>
Subject: (mobility) so sorry...
my last post was supposed to go to ryu alone. Sorry to take up space.
- --
Words fail.
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 18:04:32 -0500
From: Ade <ade@anderson.edu>
Subject: (mobility) Re: thanks 2
If we're not going to vote on th1e tracks then that's fine. I can just
host the images. And if we change our mind later that'll be fine too.
If you're submitting images, you can send them to me (ade@anderson.edu) as
an attachment to an email message. Make sure you're using MIME or BinHex,
as I know that some MS Outlook users attach using Uuencode and my client
can't read that. The images need to be in gif or jpg format, and around
300x300 pixels. This is just for the web page--I don't know what we'll
need for the actual prints since that's not my dept. Also include in the
text of the message whether it's for the cover or back, your name, etc.
And of course keep backups of everything for yourself since I don't want to
be held responsible for all that in case my machine crashes or something.
Once I start getting submissions I'll start putting together the pages and
let everyone know where to find everything. Then once Thanksgiving rolls
around we'll start voting.
np: Juno Reactor, _Beyond the Infinite_
- --Ade.
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 16:38:59 PDT
From: "RYAN GOSSETT" <skarules75@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: THANKS 2 (mobility)
>In a message dated 9/20/98 6:21:17 AM, ryu97@psu.edu writes:
><<what do you girls and guys think? would it be worth the work to
>release two different versions? >>
It would be a very bad idea to try and release 2 versions. I think this
is a very noble endeavor that is in the process of being made but I
believe that it should be kept as simple as possible without sacrificing
artistic progress, 2 copies seems to be too much work (and I'm only
anticipating the release) Which reminds me, I think that it WOULD be a
good idea to re-release Thanks 1. I joined the list right towards the
end of it's cut-off point and I know that there are people out there who
would love to buy it. Please Andy, reconsider the decision to not
re-release it.
Finally, I just started my new job at the area waldenbooks and we have a
spencer gifts right next to us. We don't have music piped in but
spencer does. I was putting away some books when I discovered that I
was singing a outloud to the music from next door. I then realized that
I was singing ETYTM from next door. 4 hours later they played it again,
I was pretty excited to hear moby being played in a non-music store,
just wanted to share,
"Do or do not. There is no try." (Yoda, circa 1980)
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Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 16:46:05 PDT
From: "RYAN GOSSETT" <skarules75@hotmail.com>
Subject: (mobility) possible name for thanks 2
This might sound pretty stupid as a name but it is the first thing to
come into my mind,
Everytime You Touch Us
I think it can be safe to say that we, as mobility members, have been
touched by Moby's music in one way or another.
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Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 20:13:00 -0400
From: Adam Matthew Damerow <adamerow@umich.edu>
Subject: (mobility) 2 versions please
i think that if cost can be kept down to a minimum, then two cd versions is
optimal so as to distinguish between the true moby lovers and the possible
occasional moby listeners.
matches m malone
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 19:06:50 -0600
From: Damian <damian@xmission.com>
Subject: Re: (mobility) thanks artwork and music voting info
Ryu wrote:
> as for the voting on the artwork... ade will be housing the web
> site! he's a swell guy! he has more than enuff space to do it.
> his site isn't up just yet, but will be soon. either me or him will
> let you all know when you can start sending in your artwork.
> it will all go to him, and not me, and he'll let us know what format
> and size he'd prefer it to be sent in at.
Cool, I might even try submitting something. :)
> now the title.....that is somethign we should discuss soon so people can
> use it in their artwork. i'm content with calling it "thanks 2", but
> does anyone have a more creative title we can use?
Well, this might sound too simplistic but I think "Thanks 2 Moby" would
be a good idea. You could make "Thanks 2" a single color and then make
"Moby" another color or font or whatever. It keeps the idea/title of
the original CD but also shows the new CD as a continuation while making
a brief statement (though the statement is the same as the first but
expanded). Bla, bla, bla. :)
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 23:53:00 -0400
From: Ryu <ryu97@psu.edu>
Subject: Re: (mobility) thanks artwork and music voting info
>Cool, I might even try submitting something. :)
damian, you are probably the most integral part (besides moby)
of this list...and i'd like to involve you in some way on this
project. lots of times we forget who keeps this list serv running
and in order and who has made good decisions in the past to
sustain peace here (is that melodramatic?).....
so anything you'd like to contribute or say inside will be cool
with me, and i'd suspect the rest of us too.
>Well, this might sound too simplistic but I think "Thanks 2 Moby" would
>be a good idea. You could make "Thanks 2" a single color and then make
>"Moby" another color or font or whatever.
good idea.
i don't know which i like better, "thanks 2 moby" or "every time you touch us".
any others anyone?
- -ryu
The World's First Non-Profit Record Label
Specializing in Powerful Music
724-869-0908 * Ryu * ryu97@psu.edu
536 Daly Ave.
Baden, PA 15005
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 00:27:19 -0400
From: Ryu <ryu97@psu.edu>
Subject: (mobility) thanks artwork dimensions
the actual size to print out the artwork for the
jewel case inserts is as follows:
for a two fold insert, front and back printed:
insert = 1368 X 678 pixels
tray card (back) = 855 X 666 pixels
this is not the size to send ade, but the size it
will be when printed out...so keep that in mind when
working. i believe ade asked them to be 300 when mailed to him.
thanks again ade....
The World's First Non-Profit Record Label
Specializing in Powerful Music
724-869-0908 * Ryu * ryu97@psu.edu
536 Daly Ave.
Baden, PA 15005
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 21:48:25 +0000
From: clay <ev2k@pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: (mobility) thanks artwork and music voting info
i like both titles and damian's with moby in a different color is a
good idea
i vote for
everytime you touch us
End of mobility-digest V1 #227
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