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  MSE_Show ( lVar ) -> lAltMausStat

  Shows or hides the MouseCursor

  |  I just love short descriptions. First you programm night and day and  |
  |  then you have to write your fingers sore, getting this documentation  |
  |  done ( Max says: Well, Tom, translating is just as strenuous )        |

  where were we ? Ah, yes  MSE_Show():


        lVar    .T. = shows the mouse
                .F. = hides the mouse


         Old Status .T. or .F.


         lMouseStat := MSE_Show ( .f. ) // Hides the mouse.

See Also: MouseFunctions MSE_Set
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson