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   If you wanna catch a cat, you gotta have a mouse...

   Ah, you want to boost your programm by adding a mouse ?
   Well, with the help of SOUND & VISION and this .NG it's no problem!
   You can even use the provided functions inside a GET !

   What do you need ?  Hardware Requirements:

   An EGA-Card ( better VGA ) and at least an 80286 CPU, otherwise
   the mouse interrupt-driver can't be installed.
   The functions are tested with Microsoft 8.2, Genius and Ati
   mouse-drivers, so it should work with yours, I bet.

   Software Requirements ?

   Programming with mouse support means, that you have to handle
   some things maybe more carefully than before.
   Whenever you change the screen in any manner, you have to turn
   the mouse off, otherwise you'll happen to see some 'strange
   characters' on the screen.

   The best way is to turn the mouse always OFF and only ON, when
   you come to some point of a wait-state like Inkey().
   Like in GetSys.prg:

                     MSE_Show ( .t.)
                     inkey (0)
                     MSE_Show ( .f. )

   Library function-calls that change the screen turn the mouse off
   themselves, but to be real sure turn it off yourself.

   You can get the position of the cursor using MSE_Row() / MSE_Col()
   maybe in a function like:

          SetKey( K_MAUS, {||MyFunction()})

   with which you handle the mouse position.

   That's about it...you'll find more information in the descriptions
   of the MouseFunctions and of course in Demo.prg.

   If you want to use the mouse inside GET's, you MUST use the
   provided (patched) Getsys.prg. Link the clipper'd Getsys.prg
   together with your programm.

See Also: MSE_Show
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson