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Campus of Beijing Languages and Culture University.test program and standardized tests are available for HSK. HSK is now conducted at 36 test venues in 25 cities in China and at 38 test venues in 19 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania.A cumulative total of 190,000 students from 115 countries and regions in the world have taken HSK.
       Foreign students applying to study sciences, engineering, agricultural sciences and medicine in China must also take tests in math, physics Izak Palman (first left), the world renowned violinist, is an honorary professor with the Central Conservatory of Music. and chemistry sponsored by China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the combined results of the three tests must not be lower than 180 marks. Those applying to study economics, trade and management must take a math test and its result must not be lower than 60 marks. CSC entrusts Chinese embassies in relevant countries and relevant institutions of higher learning in China to conduct math, physics and chemistry tests, and test sponsors will issue test results to applying students.

