Interface FieldObserver

All Known Implementing Classes:
Bindable, BooleanEventToInteger, Box, Cone, Cylinder, ElevationGrid, EnvironmentCubeMap, EnvironmentSphereMap, Extrusion, Humanoid, IndexedFaceSet, IndexedLineSet, Interpolator, JSFieldObserver, MultiMesh, NurbsLineSet, NurbsSurface, OrientationInterpolator, PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer, SpecularLevelMap, Switch, TCBBaseInterpolator, TimeSensorPauser, Toggle, Transform, Viewpoint, ImageTexture, Material, TCBOrientationInterpolator, BooleanEventToCurrentTime, PointSet, DoubleEventToInteger, Sphere, DoubleEventToBoolean, EulerXYZInterpolator, BumpLevelMap, TextureMapping, TextureTransformMapping, FractionRemapper, JavaSound

public abstract interface FieldObserver

An interface which implements a callback when a field changes value

Method Summary
 void onFieldChange(Field theField, java.lang.Object userData)
          This method should be called when the field's value changes.

Method Detail


public void onFieldChange(Field theField,
                          java.lang.Object userData)
This method should be called when the field's value changes. The userData is the same data that was passed from this FieldObserver to the observed field in field.addFieldObserver(this,userData)
field - the field being observed
userData - data used by this FieldObserver