Class Interpolator

Direct Known Subclasses:
EulerXYZInterpolator, KeyframeInterpolator

public abstract class Interpolator
extends Node
implements FieldObserver

An Interpolator

Field Summary
 FloatField fraction
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a default Interpolator
Method Summary
 void onFieldChange(Field theField, java.lang.Object userData)
          Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
 void update()
          Call this to update the value field's value based on the current value of the fraction field).
Methods inherited from class shout3d.core.Node
cleanUp, getDEFName, getField, getFieldByIndex, getFieldName, getNumFields, getTypeName, getViewer, isOfType, setDEFName, setViewer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final FloatField fraction
Constructor Detail


public Interpolator()
Constructs a default Interpolator
Method Detail


public void onFieldChange(Field theField,
                          java.lang.Object userData)
Subclasses must call this within their own onFieldChange() method.
Specified by:
onFieldChange in interface FieldObserver


public void update()
Call this to update the value field's value based on the current value of the fraction field). This is automatically called by the viewer, but you can call this at any time to force new output. Base class does nothing.