Interface DeviceObserver

All Known Implementing Classes:
TouchSensor, JSDeviceObserver

public abstract interface DeviceObserver

An interface which must be implemented to by any class interested in monitoring device input. A DeviceObserver must register interest with a DeviceListener in order ot receive notice of device input.

Method Summary
 boolean onDeviceInput(DeviceInput di, java.lang.Object userData)
          Must be called when a DeviceInput is received by the class implementing this DeviceObserver's DeviceListener.

Method Detail


public boolean onDeviceInput(DeviceInput di,
                             java.lang.Object userData)
Must be called when a DeviceInput is received by the class implementing this DeviceObserver's DeviceListener. The userData is the same data that was passed from this DeviceObserver to the DeviceListener in listener.addDeviceObserver(this,userData)
di - the DeviceInput
userData - data used by this DeviceObserver