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The Miyazaki Mailing List
[ Welcome! New Subscriber Information ]

This page is for new subscribers to the Miyazaki Mailing List. It is recommended that you read this page once you are subscribed, but before you post any messages to the list.



Welcome to the Miyazaki Mailing List!

If you've made it this far, congratulations! As a result of a careful screening process, it is very likely that you have the following desirable traits:

On behalf of the mailing list owners, I hope that you will enjoy the time you spend with us, and find the list to be a wonderful resource for information about Miyazaki, Takahata, and their Studio Ghibli.

-- Michael S. Johnson   Miyazaki Web and Mailing List Owner

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Now I'm a subscriber! What can I do next?

Be a responsible subscriber

Your subscription to the mailing list gives you the ability to reach over 350 people with each message you send to it. 350 people talking all at once without rhyme or reason can be very chaotic. Even 35 people talking can be too much to follow. So this mailing list has rules that we ask everyone to abide by to make your participation on this list enjoyable for everyone.

Learn the rules

This mailing list has a number of rules and guidelines for acceptable behavior that we would like you to familiarize yourself with before posting messages. Remember: you can find general information about the mailing list on the web at

More specific information, such as the rules of acceptable behavior online, can be found under the topic of "netiquette".

What you can and can't do right away

When you first join the list, you will be able to receive messages that other people send, but you will not be able to send your own messages to the list. This is to encourage you to become familiar with how to control your mailing list subscription and how to find the answers to your questions on the web site before you ask questions we've already answered.

How to control your mailing list subscription

We know that controlling your subscription can be rather complicated. To make it a little easier, we have some information for you at

What can I do about not being able to post messages to the list?

Information about how to get the ability to post messages to the list can be found later in this page. Hint: look for the word "NOPOST."

Where to look for answers before you ask the mailing list

Many people join the Miyazaki mailing list so that they can ask questions that are really important to them, like "Where can I buy a Totoro doll?" or "When will Disney release the film Mononoke Hime (The Princess Mononoke)?" So many people have asked questions like that -- the same questions over and over and over again, that we've put together a web site to help you find the answers to those questions. If you visit the Miyazaki Web site, there is a very good chance you will find the answers to your questions without having to ask the mailing list.

Where is the Miyazaki Web site?

You're reading it! It's at

Where are you most likely to find the answers to your questions?

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are available in the many FAQ pages you can find on this web site. Here's the main one, for starters:

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What is lurking?

Lurking means reading messages from a mailing list without posting any messages to it. For the first week or two while you are new to the list, it is recommended that you do not post any messages to the list. This is important because it allows you to get used to the atmosphere on the list -- how people on the list behave and how they prefer to hold their conversations. Lurking also helps you to avoid asking embarrassing questions: questions that others have already asked recently.

How do you avoid asking a question someone else has already asked? Browse or search the mail archive first. Browse or search the Miyazaki web site first.

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What is Netiquette?

Netiquette is short for "network etiquette." It is the set of guidelines and protocols that describe acceptable behavior on the Internet in general, and this mailing list in particular. Please learn about Netiquette. It is required for subscribers of this mailing list.

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What is considered on-topic conversation?

See What is talked about on the mailing list?.

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What is considered OFF-topic conversation?

See What is NOT talked about on the mailing list?.

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Sending messages to the mailing list

To send messages to everyone subscribed to the list, send them to the address


Please use the English language. It is the language understood by all subscribers. Do not post messages in Japanese or other languages without an English translation.


Do not post messages in RTF ("Rich Text"), HTML, BIG-5, or JIS; many subscribers cannot read messages with those codes in it.

Line width / Word wrap

Do not send messages with lines longer than about 76 columns. Many subscribers are still using fixed-width, 80-column terminal programs to read their e-mail with.
This is a highly-exaggerated
of what a message written 
long lines looks like on a 
which is narrower than the
Looks awful, doesn't it?

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Potential problems with your subscription

If you do not see a copy of your message sent back to you, or
If you are not receiving mail from the mailing list,
you can use the "REPRO" setting to tell the list server to send you copies.
If you receive an error message saying that you cannot post messages to the list,
use the "POST" setting to tell the list server to allow you to send messages to the list.
If you receive an error message saying that you are not a subscriber to the list,
you might not currently be a subscriber of the mailing list. Find out how to subscribe.
you might have been unsubscribed by the list owner because of trouble trying to deliver mail to you from the mailing list. People who are not subscribed to the list are not allowed to send messages to it. This is a preventative measure to protect the list against spammers. Contact the list owners for assistance. The list owners can help you diagnose the problem.
If you do not see a response to your message, or
If you suspect that there are problems with your subscription,
DO NOT SEND TEST MESSAGES TO THE MAILING LIST! Contact the list owners for assistance, instead. The list owners can help you diagnose the problem better than other subscribers can.

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How "NOMAIL" affects receiving messages from the list

If you want to receive messages from the mailing list, send a piece of e-mail to the list server at the address with only the words "SET NAUSICAA MAIL" in the message.

If you temporarily DON'T want to receive mail from the mailing list, send a piece of e-mail to the list server at the address with only the words "SET NAUSICAA NOMAIL" in the message.

Q. Why would you NOT want to receive messages from the mailing list?

A. If you are going on vacation (or summer break), and won't be able to empty your mailbox on a regular basis, then you should consider using the "NOMAIL" setting to stop messages from the list from reaching you while you are away. You can use the "MAIL" setting when you return from vacation to receive mail normally again.

If you PERMANENTLY don't want to receive mail from the mailing list, simply unsubscribe.

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How "NOPOST" affects sending messages to the list

If you want to send messages to the mailing list, send a piece of e-mail to the list server at the address with only the words "SET NAUSICAA POST" in the message.

If you temporarily DON'T want to send messages to the mailing list, send a piece of e-mail to the list server at the address with only the words "SET NAUSICAA NOPOST" in the message.

Q. Why would you NOT want to send messages to the mailing list?

A. If you are testing procmail or some other incoming-mail filtering program (such as Microsoft Outlook's Inbox Assistant) which can auto-respond to incoming e-mail, it would be a good idea to set "NOPOST" so that your automated program doesn't accidentally send e-mail back to the mailing list. You can use the "POST" setting when you are sure that your program is working properly.

If you PERMANENTLY don't want to send mail to the mailing list, simply unsubscribe. This will of course also prevent you from receiving any messages from the mailing list.

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"REPRO" -- receiving copies of your mail to the list

If you want to receive copies of the messages you send to the mailing list, send a piece of e-mail to the list server at the address with only the words "SET NAUSICAA REPRO" in the message.

If you DON'T want to receive copies of the messages you send to the mailing list, send a piece of e-mail to the list server at the address with only the words "SET NAUSICAA NOREPRO" in the message.

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How to use LISTSERV, the list server

LISTSERV is the name of the program that handles the Miyazaki Mailing List. It is the program that keeps records of everyone's subscriptions, and delivers mail to them whenever someone sends a message to

You can control how LISTSERV handles your subscription -- especially in ways other than subscribing, unsubscribing, or using "NOMAIL", "NOPOST", and "NOREPRO" -- but that can be difficult to learn, so we've written something to help you use LISTSERV effectively. It's called (for historical reasons) the FILESERVER MEMO.

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How the list owners can help you

The list owners can help you with questions or problems related to the mailing list, including details related to your subscription, or complaints about other subscribers.

The list owners can, for example, help you conceal your subscription so that no others can find out that you're subscribed to this list. This may be helpful for professionals subscribing from work-related e-mail addresses: people who do not want their e-mail address easily discoverable.

Please feel free to contact the list owners with any help you need, especially if you have already consulted the helpful information in these web pages and didn't find what you were looking for.

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 [Free Speech Online!]
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